Remember the hype about how the bridge would be flooded with people thanks to reaching the billions with the new KCET studio?
That scientology was going to have its own, uncorrupted line to the world?
And that this was all going to be happening by the summer solstice on 21 June?
What happened? It’s a month later? Still nothing to show for it. There was even word that there was going to be a “scientology TV channel”?
This white elephant cost tens of millions of dollars and is a duplicate of the tens of millions of dollars invested in the same studios at Golden Era. Now Scientology has two “state of the art” idle audio-visual studios.
Once again, a shiny building that is empty and idle, but in scientology-speak this represents “unlimited expansion” and “making planetary clearing a reality.” Obviously the sheeple ingest the hype without thinking. It is sad to watch people handing over their hard earned money based on clearly provable lies and promises of a wonderful future that never arrives. At the very least it should give pause to the suckers who are being hit up for more money for ideal orgs: “Hey, if Miscavige can spend $50 million on a building that serves no purpose there must be plenty to throw around. He could just buy an empty building here in Santa Barbara/Plymouth/Munich/Perth and it would be just as good an investment and he could still proclaim massive expansion. So why should I go into debt?”
Had a missed call from Clearwater two nights ago. I wonder who it could have been… Hah! Pretty sure I’m deadfiled, if not declared. Desperate much??
They are still investigating/determining who all the disaffected are. Only now the CO$ does it under the guise of innocently contacting you for services. CI or trollish responses that indicate you’ve been severely tainted by having committed the heinously evil act of looking at the “internet” will get you deadfiled, but also cross-referenced in the event one of their sheep is in contact with you for “Disconnection/Handling”.
Trimming the herd to keep the flock pure and saintly.
Important question for all of you ….I have a 77 year old friend who’s daughter is a scientologist , she went into sea org. And left , but still goes to the church , supposedly , but my firiend has confirmed a lot of money ….and recently is very stressed about how much she having to spend on her long her daughter and grandkids ( they are in college )
I have known her for over 30 yrs. and never seen her sooo stressed out about money …
Any suggestions ????
Here’s a suggestion for you to give your friend: lLet her know she has plenty of company.. Her situation is not uncommon.
Many Scientology young and not so young (read “middle aged” ) adults solidly in the cult NEVER grow up and become self supporting. I could reel off the names of 12 of them I know personally -“kids” starting at age 25 thru 53 still taking money from their parents for themselves and for their children.. Half of them are still living at home,of which 2 are in their early 40’s.
Here’s a good rule of thumb: IF THEY LEAVE THE CULT they are very likely to use their families as a temporary nesting place and then get themselves together as independent and successful adults. On the other hand, IF THEY STAY IN THE CULT, they stay dependent upon their parents. And, I might add, not in the least ashamed of it. They’re entitled, don’t you know. Its kind of sad.
In fairness, when I said, “They’re entitled”, this is because the cult TELLS THEM ITS OK. You see, so long as the cult is getting what it wants, whether its time, effort or money from their members – ANYTHING is okay. If Mom and Dad are supporting their “child” who by now has his own children and a wife he can’t support , and the cult is getting what it wants from him, hey, they’ll “make him right” , whereas the normal , non Scientology world would have contempt for him. But so long as the cult is getting its money/effort/time from a member, they’ll lavish that member with approval and praise. Even praise for declaring bankruptcy due to having donated to the cult instead of paying bills! High praise from the cult on this, yes! But that’s another story.
You mean she has promise but not yet paid money? Maybe set her down for an otherwise peacefully hour with a tablet and calculator. Even LRH says not to go into debt. But it seems it takes hard knocks to correct over spending… But when you are 77 that probably hurts more. Hope you can help her. PS I wouldn’t mention you’ve visited Mike’s place ๐
It has come to my attention that COS is trying to get a foothold in IRELAND????
Here’s what I say to that:
English translation: KISS MY ASS
Love this!
I am SOOOO stealing this!!!!
Mike….I don’t know if anyone has an answer to this question, but I am beginning to wonder if DM has divorced his wife Shelley? Could that be a possibility, and that she has been “removed” from public view and sent to “Siberia”….OUT of the way so to speak so the divorce news doesn’t become public knowledge?
COS has teams of lawyers and it seems to me that it would be very very easy for DM to “unload” Shelly, and keep her out of the public eye. Stash her in an up scale condo or whatever, have a large team of “servants” similar to what T.C. has, to answer her heart’s desire or whim.
I am wondering if DM would or could pull something off like a “secret divorce”..
In my view DM should divorce Shelley…give her the freedom she deserves to live the rest of her life in peace. Away from “handlers “..
The threat does exist that if “she” is not in a secure monitored location, “she” might come forward with some “Earth Shattering News”… the TRUTH about all the donated money and where it really & truly goes
Ballet and Shirley, its unlikely he will divorce Shelley because that would become a matter of public record. Tony O would be all over it, for sure. It would be “Out-PR”. Too risky to make a public enemy out of her. And besides, he’s got Black Belt Barbie as a bed partner now with likely a another Sea Ogre Babe lined up for when Lou reaches her shelf life..
Hold on! Just wait a darn minute …
Are y’all seriously trying to tell me that the planet hasn’t been cleared yet?????
What the …!!!!!!!
*I knew I’ve been paying too much attention to basketball lately.
Now, just a dog gone minute! I’m sure they’ll have the planet cleared in 4 or 5 centuries! I mean, clearing a planet isn’t child’s play!
This world will not exist in 50 yrs. Much less a 100..
Now now Shirley, take a breath… the world will still be here, just not owned by those who wish it well. The more I see, the less I comprehend life according to the so called human development. Bankers run this world but nature has its own currency. Life isn’t free whichever you calculate it, but money is not a solution that works for the long haul. Enjoy what is and what you have now – I try.
Yawn, stop with the measured words and common sense. Your problem is you haven’t been watching enough Fox News. Get with it, Yawn. Prepare for the Apocalypse ๐
Baseball here. State tournaments this weekend. Sounds like more fun than slogging through worrying about the “agonized future of this planet.” Yep, not going to be clear until . . . ever.
Now Joe, you surely must realize that it is OUR fault the damn planet isn’t “Cleared” yet. If WE would ONLY shut the Hell up and mind our OWN business maybe “it” could be done…….
Yeah, when Hell freezes over….
Joe, I wanted to know if you saw my reply to you on Terra Cognita’s post a few days ago. I apologize for misreading your post. I skimmed through it and that was my fault. I read this blog every day and don’t want to have bad blood with anyone.
Gates????…gates????…Gates to the bridge, really? Are these the SAME gates that the powers that be at COS keep moving farther and farther apart when a member gets close to reaching the “end of the bridge” to go THROUGH that gate to “reach the NEXT level of OT”???
Of course, plain as the nose on your face….HOW will the money keep rolling in IF the powers that be don’t keep moving those gates farther and father apparat when someone reaches the possibility of “moving up” to the next O.T. level. C’mon now…..we are talking CASH FLOW here….this is one way to keeping that money rolling in to keep the CASH COW (D.M.) living the celebrity lifestyle he’s become accustomed to.
Tiny Davie, Here’s an idea for SuMP production:
Audio: Every taped lecture by Ron, in sequence. Some 4,000 hours worth
Visual: Slide show of all photos of Ron in sequence. Repeated loop. Hero stuff, you know
Subtitles: Definitions of all words Ron used, I suggest Markabian as a basic lingo.
Continue 24 hours a day until completed and then rinse (edit) and repeat.
Hey! It won’t cost you anything, it’s already in the library, and you can’t go wrong with SOURCE—- (wait a minute, scratch that last). After several years of nonstop running, advertise that you will finally take this site down for one billion in donations. Money comes in, and it doesn’t go out. You can’t lose.
Davie won’t sit still for photos of someone besides himself in a nonstop loop. LRWho? He’s the guy that messed up the tek that Davie had to come in and clean up. Why should we celebrate him?
This is just a pedestrian comment, I have never even set foot in the door for a “personality test” but I do read a lot of the SP material if that counts.
The Church likes to preach that the tech is everything and that if everything is going fine then you’re in compliance with the tech….blah blah blah. Fine. But in listening to the stories that Uncle Ron is telling on You Tube, if that is part of the tech, how the hell you can integrate that into your life…anywho. Seems to me that as soon as The “Little Man” uttered the statement that they “The Church” (i.e. “The Little Man”) found flaws in the Tech, or found a better way and therefore everyone had to redo their forced re-indoctornation, the Tech became null and void. It is no longer the Tech, it is now damaged goods and therefore it is not “Scientology” but is now the “Little Man’s” Church. LRH is no longer really important other than being the founder because his materials are flawed, Little Man says so.
And as far as OT 9 and 10, they will be a joke. Those folks that have not been broken will be, the crazy statements will go from being crazy to sad, because they will be entering the mind of David Miscavage one seriously narcissic and sociopathic man; who by the way, can’t seem to follow his own rules.
David Miscavige is the reverse image of Jim Bakker.
While Jim Bakker built a broadcasting empire and impressive buildings that were oversold, resulting in his conviction and jail time, David Miscavige built a non-broadcasting failure and impressive buildings that are 99% ignored and empty.
David Miscavige, Jim Bakker was better at running an organization than you. Do you ever even think about that? It must be so humiliating for you.
Thank you, whatareyourcrimes
I remember that!Jim was handcuffed and devastated but he took it like a man after he was done crying, the money corrupted him, he’s doing good now.
David should have been put in prison along time ago and not the prison of belief!
I’m not sure if Jim Bakker has learned any lessons.
The last I saw of him he was selling “end-times” sustenance slop in five gallon buckets to all the fringe survivalist groups.
Still, as opposed to David Miscavige and scientology, Jim Bakker is making an “honest” living. At least you get something in return for your hard earned bucks, as worthless as the product is.
I personally wouldn’t give either of those sick con-men a red cent.
The Org I went to purchased the building 10 years ago and the requirements before they are allowed to start renos started at a few million and each year it goes up….last I heard it was $12 million
It is still vacant as the Church bankrupts the Scientologists there.
The building we are in is vacant and has been since I was born. I saw no need for another building – ever.
I now know it is a money making scam like all of Scientology.
I hope my parents wake up.
Our lives have been a disaster really.
It’s so sad, and I feel absolutely disgusted that a nice family like yours has been so betrayed by such a sinister outfit as scientology, with L. Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige, the cackling sons-of-bitches laughing all the way to the bank.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, LRH is dead and his name is mud. And David Miscavige is on the road to an equally bleak outcome, but there is an increasingly strong probability that he will see jail time.
My daughter had a boy,8lbs 8oz,born 7/17/17 at 7:37 crazy right he’s beautiful, thanks for asking!
That’s wonderful! Congratulations to you and your daughter!
Congrats Shelley, you are a proud grandma I can tell.
I’m so happy for you! May your grandson have a happy and fulfilled life, and may all his happy dreams come true. God Bless!
– Love WAYC
And Shelley, all those 7’s. Must mean he is meant for great things!
Are you in Chicago by any chance? That ‘new’ building has sat vacant for almost 10 years.
Actually don’t answer…..if your parents don’t know you are on this blog, we don’t want them to find out
Outstanding post! It’s ALL about the money with this cult. Nothing else.
I suspect it is a complex money-making scheme for a select few at the top, who cynically peddle the crap designed by LRH and added to by DM, and probably others, for profit. Suckers are still falling for it and probably will for the foreseeable future, but in ever-decreasing numbers as word spreads that behind the glitzy edifice there is fuck all.
I was born and baptized into the Catholic Church 62 years ago. My children and grandchildren also. I found out at an early age that I could not trust my church, but I remained a parishioner in good standing to appease my Mother. I never had to worry about disconnection from my family, but you become brainwashed into the “First Church”, “Only Church”, real faith thing. As you get older, you realize how important money is to the entire organization, from your local parish all the way up to your Papal Leader. The Catholic Church and the COS are so similar, it’s scary.
Can someone please tell me, is it under tax deduction to hire and pay for private investigatorsector to follow especially Ron Miscavige for a year and a half at $10,000 dollars a week?
TomCruise gets slave labor that he’s very aware of and airplane hangers remodeled, is that tax free, I refuse to watch Tom cruise anymore he’s so creepy like his idol David come on IRS do your job! BTW Dave you suck big time!!
Love you Mike rinder and Leah Remini you guys rock!
Ya I know I screwed up on investigator lol my daughter was in labor over 12 hrs yesterday I’m spent
Congrats Shelley. Did she have a boy or a girl?
Congratulations! I hope momma and baby are doing well. ๐
During the recent birthday event, when Miss Cabbage announced the broadcasting in July, he had an obvious but subtle smirk he couldn’t contain. There was a real snide thing happening. I’m thinking that he was envisioning the videos of his co-opting that Snot Rag Rathbun.
If you watch that part of the vid, you can see the vicious snark.
They deserve each other.
Gotta go back and check that out. Miscavige is such a shitty human, isn’t he?
Wait…what? Miscavige is actually human? I could have sworn he was one of the walking dead! With a pompadour…
I am not surprised that even 30 days late, SuMP is not producing. Why all those CICS just don’t know how to produce anything. Only someone who studied film production and direction under the Master can do that job right!! Who, you ask can do this supremely important job? Why only David of Miscavage can do it!!
All hail the second greatest producer and director ever produced by this tiny dust ball. The first greatest one is of course Lron, his bad self. That must be true, it is in the Ronipedia!! They couldn’t write it if it wasn’t true. Could they??
The SuMP just screams out ‘micromanage me’, so until DM finishes his current adjustments to the real estate portfolio, SuMP languishes. Because no one wants to join Shelly in the Cabin In The Woods.
Meanwhile, CO$ continues to pay Time Warner (or is it Spectrum now?) for reserving their channel. Remember the 6 p’s. Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Now, who is going to host the SuMP late night talk show? Not that any real stars will ever be there. Nothing says dead career like be associated with $cientology.
Hmm, cruise, travolta, preston, masterson, prepon, moss….or they could summon Tommy back. Or… Alley tweeted she was looking at projects not on mainstream broadcasting. Elfmans need work. Villa could sing to the choir. That crying girl, Stacy? She knows the words to Happy Birthday, right? They should ALL come out of the woodwork to support their Cherch. Step up or step out. Work for free like others have FOR you.
My guess is their agents are advising they’d be better off cutting their throats.
Or Dublin?
Wouldn’t it be marvelous if the COS broadcast were LIVE……then all of a sudden one of their “most trusted loyalist” blurts out…..THIS IS A CROCK OF SHIT….IT IS ALL LIES….NOTHING THEY’VE TOLD YOU IS TRUE….BLOW, ESCAPE, RUN ANY TIME YOU GET A CHANCE…….. imagination got carried away with itself, and so would the person who’d make that statement….they’d be sent to “The Hole” for years…..
Kind of a Soylent Green moment of epiphany: “They’re people…you’re eating PEOPLE!!!”
+1! Right on the money, Balletlady!
Thanks OSD….it’s like my “Gates” post above….got to keep the CASH coming in….got to keep moving those gates farther and farther apart so it becomes IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to make it to the end of the bridge to cross through those gates to their next OT level. It takes thousands of dollars and a long long long walk to get even close to those damned gates.
I have this fantasy too that would happen in a live broadcast.
I’m wondering if the delay of production, releasing content from SuMP is due to D.M’s.(Delusional Malcontent) ability to find a way to charge for the “privilege” of viewing the amazing and stupendous content that will be released. After all, wouldn’t that be against LRH policy, giving away vital information with no equal exchange?
What is Miscavige thinking? He knows better than anyone that he’s emptying the orgs.
Of course he is! He’s just waiting for the last people to leave all the Model, Idle Morgues. Then he starts selling them off and heads for Switzerland.
I’ve often wondered about the wisdom of Scientology broadcasting openly over the airwaves.
In Mark Headley’s episode on Aftermath he stated if you gave someone the information presented at a major Scientology event and asked them to fact check it they would see that it is all nonsense.
So, would they really want to broadcast openly and risk anyone looking at their claims, then doing some simple fact checking, and then reporting to all and sundry on what they found?
Never seemed like the brightest of ideas….
It’s hard to “broadcast over the airwaves” when you don’t have a broadcast license. $cientology just purchased the buildings, KCET’s license didn’t come with them.
So true, and how are they going to force people to come in to an event to watch a video of the latest event if they can sit home and pretend they caught it on TV? Not a lot of regging can go on in your jammies. They have super powers! Although there have been regges who have gone to peoples’ house while they were tucked away tight in their beds to reg them, so maybe I’m wrong there…
I feel heart broken for the people of Scientolgy who give everything to the so called church and then are left broke emotionally and financially. Do they not realize that the David Miscavige is a money hungry mongrel who bullies and mistreats anyone who disagrees with him or who he thinks disagree with him. I just cannot fathom that Tom Cruise or John Travolta are that gullible and yes dumb to see the truth. How can they condone the abuses of the parishioners? How do they condone the Hole? How do they not see that parishioners are being fleeced for every penny they have? How do they condone the break ups of families at the behest of the so called church. People go hungry in this church. People are paid as little as twenty five dollars a week to work for Cruise. This is insanity and I guess if these two actors go along with the abuses it shows just what poor moral character they both have.
Razz, you are entirely correct in your astonishment at the behavior of the celebrities. I used to think they were useful idiots, kept in the dark. But now I am convinced that these scientology celebrities are 100% complicit in the crimes against humanity that have been committed by scientology. The Nuremberg trials showed us that guilt will never be dodged by pleading ignorance to the violations, or pretending that they are victims too, just following orders.
The window of opportunity for these celebrity endorsers is closing, and every day that goes by paints them into an ever tightening corner. And every day that goes by shows that these celebrity useful idiots can no longer pretend that they are oblivious to the facts.
The point is that sooner or later, all those who aid and abet crimes against humanity will have to face the same judgement and pay the consequences. Whether the consequences are jail time, public disgrace, or ruined reputations, time will tell. . My vote is for extreme merciless punishment, as scientology has absolutely no mercy on humanity.
Razz, I assume that those celebrities are stuck between a rock and a hard place. The CofS has their auditing folders and will not hesitate to disclose what is in them to the world at large, if either of them defects publicly.
Unknowingly or in full awareness or in any state of awareness in between, these 2 have been consorting in the Primordial Ooze with the Swamp Creatures for a long time. If and when they emerge, the slime clinging to them will not be that of their own confessed overts and withholds in their PC folders. For these the general public will forigive. There will be slime, though, for which they’ll have to forgive themselves. Appearances to the contrary, that’s the tough part. I speak from experience.
Hm, Aquamarine, interesting.
I would suspect that TC and JT both have been pumped up enough over the years to believe that they are part of the few who really get it and therefore deserve the servitude of the masses. TC has had enough exposure to show his arrogance and ego. Because he is such a “Big Being”, or whatever, he deserves to have the lesser beings wait on him and live the life they do. Maybe next lifetime they will be able to rise above the rest and join the ranks of the Big Beings. I have generally heard good things about JT, but I think most every one is susceptible to the star treatment over time.
They may be shielded from some of the worst, but it would be hard to believe they know nothing about any of the abuse. I think they try really hard to believe every thing is just the way DM says it is.
“Big Being” is as “Big Being” does. If TC and JT are such hot stuff, if their areas of responsibility and zones of control were really so off the charts they’d run for office – mayor, governor, Representative, US Senator. Plenty of entertainers have become politicians who now make the laws for this country. Why don’t they do it, if their beingness is so freakin’ big? Answer: because it isn’t. These guys don’t even have the courage to talk about Scientology in an interview. That’s how small and scared they are.
Or better yet, why doesn’t David Miscavige and friends try and see if they can buy the old Clearwater Marine Aquarium property located just outside their Flag Land Base’s doors. It is perfect for a swimming pool or other amenities most church members prefer a church have. They can even use the money they stole from me to buy it with if they still have it, this way I get to feel like a part of things. ๐
Lawrence, your life’s saving that you gave to scientology was used to detail about 2 to 4% of the work done on Tom Cruise’s vehicles.
That scumbag Cruise shall never see one cent from me, and I am part of a growing movement that boycotts any film or project in which he is involved. Why focus on him? Why not? He is the face of scientology, and I for one thinks he is an ugly, childish human.
The sad truth is that despite our boycott of any films “starring” T.C. OR John T…..they will STILL get PAID by the film company. After a while, the film industry may realize they’re losing money hiring these people & only THEN will film producers take notice.
+1! Absolutely correct! Plus, he’s rejected his daughter…which is probably a good thing. The addiction for Kool-Ade is strong in Cruise.
The girl is so much better off away from him. Maybe she’ll get Jamie Fox as her stepfather. I heard somewhere that he and Katie have been an item for some time now.
OSD. He doesn’t have “permission” from his “leader, confident, best buddy & religious “soul mate” ….to see that “rotten miserable kid”….you know the one that ran off with her S.P. mother who obviously broke all the rules and took the child and headed for freedom to escape that 6 yr old from having to “go through her first auditing session…..
…Can you JUST hear it…..”So tell me kid, you are 6 yrs old now and you need to tell the truth…..but FIRST….GEEEEZ KID…..for cryin’ out loud…., hold those damn cans the way I SHOWED YOU…..
Does your mommy say bad things about our leader or , LRH……does she study the books your wonderful loyal daddy has shown her?….I don’t think you’re being honest with me kid……for the love of Xenu……TELL ME THE TRUTH, the needle says you’re not…….;; and it would go on and on for years.
I have been watching the first season of Aftermath again. After watching Mary Kahn and her husband…the mental and emotional abuse they suffered…and the thousands of dollars they spent to keep their family together…This is the reason why nobody still in will question why KCET isn’t up and running. One question can rip an entire family to shreds.
Once again Mike..Leah…and all who have come forward…You are doing a brave and courageous thing. KEEP GOING!!!! You are making a difference.
Yours… OverTheBridgeTPA
The only thing Scientology is clearing, besides the congregants bank accounts, is their very own orgs!
I just cognited!
The reason KCET has not transmitted anything is: how in the hell are the audiences going to get the necessary study tech for them to really appreciate LRon and dm works?
I’ve received your comm, but recent enturbulation has muddied the reception. What are you saying?
If you’re not a Scientologists, you’re nothing.
I believe the questions that are posed on this blog sometimes parallel the minds of the still – in’s or fence sitters. But unfortunately for those still in they are well accustomed to penalties for bringing up such subjects lest they land in the waiting room for the ethics officer. This was created by design with full intention to squash or hinder questions that demand transparency. Since Miscavige knows this he uses it to his full advantage. He knows he can reg and demand donations for facilities like this and the sheeple will applaud this as “expansion” – and then turn away without questioning the viability of the project they just cashed in their retirement account for. And it all hinges upon the willingness of the cult to hold the “eternity card” up to their head like a loaded pistol. Demand transparency or accountability and you lose your eternity and your family and friends for the crime of being there and communicating. Scientology denies what Scientology actually does to people and blames others for what it is really doing. Without disconnection and the eternity card, Scientology would be toothless.
While i was in (1967-1984) every time some newbie sea orger would pull the ‘eternity’ card they got thoroughly laughed at. Dude, you are talking to an immortal being, I can’t do anything but be. That was before KSW got to be 40 feet tall, sec checks were taken out of the auditing room, and the KR culture was but an embryo in someone’s anus.
The Gestalt foreground-background shift that these poor critical reasoning-disabled $cilons just can’t seem to make is that no organization which deprives you of your ability to think for yourself, say what you want or read and listen to what you please could ever be in position to sell you the path to ultimate spiritual freedom in the first place!
If it doesn’t start out as it means to deliver, then it never meant to deliver in the first place. No group which requires you to give up your basic rights and freedoms is ever going to be able to guide you on a path which leads to its opposite.
How in the fuck do $cilons imagine that they’re ever going to become MORE free when every bit of being a $cilon involves giving up freedoms and rights? Your $cn-style Eternity is really nothing but GroundHog’s Day until you die, at which point $cn hasn’t a clue what might become of whatever immaterial essence that might continue on. If it did, then Elron 2 would be back with us now and Oatees would be regularly performing real miracles.
He’s not and they can’t, so $cn as described by the founder DOES NOT WORK as promised! When it comes to Eternity, you simply can’t get there from anywhere in $cn!
In its various forms and guises and at various periods in written history, disconnection and the eternity card have been keeping religions in business for eons.
The religions which have survived have evolved into a de-emphasizing and non-implementation of their suppressive bullshit.
The ones that have held on, to their threats and punishments have died out, because they’re non survival to the human condition.
The Roman Catholic Church is a VERY different organization than it was 500 years ago, and the last time I was in New England I didn’t hear about any witch trials being held in the area…you get the idea.
Co$ will drop its suppressive policies or it will die. That simple, really.
it doesn’t matter what they believe. Lots of religions believe strange stuff. To survive, they have to let go of the cruel, punitive stuff.
At least in most other religions, when you are critically ill you will receive a hospital r home visit from the Priest, Pastor, Reverend etc…. and in the end…actually if the person had desired it…a RELIGIOUS FUNERAL SERVICE.
WHAT do you get when a member of COS dies……..??? THIS is what those still in have to look forward to I guess…..including a “go fund me” page to help with expenses.
You’re right, Balletlady. L. Ron Hubbard did not have much respect for the dead, nor did he think much of burial ceremonies. The basic concept is that once someone’s dead they’re dead and of no further use. Scientologists are lucky if they even get a box, let alone a proper funeral. . I wouldn’t be surprised if nowadays a dead Scientologist gets dumped in the ground au naturel with one arm sticking up as a headstone..
My wife that she would not have been allowed off the ship to go to my funeral assuming there even was one. I don’t need SO members coming to my funeral to piss on my grave.
Incredible, and yet, of course its true.
Bill Strauss, You’re making them all wrong by living! Keep it up! I had a friend who joined the SO in the 80’s. She worked at the FSC office in LA. She died young of cancer (RIP), and I went to the funeral service at CC for her. There was not one SO member there. Not one of her colleagues was there to remember her and pay their respects. I asked someone why there was no one from her office at FSC there. They said, “because it is Thurs before 2:00 pm.”
Cr@p, that sucks!
“Co$ will drop its suppressive policies or it will die. That simple, really.” Correct and for all intents and purposes it IS dead in the court of public opinion. The problem for the cherch of scientology is that it is thoroughly stuck in being “right” in the face of flagrant wrongness. Death by it’s own sword.
Soooo true. Well, that’s a narcissist for ‘ya. Never wrong, nevernevernevernevernever….
In reality I believe they would fight dropping their “disconnection policy” because if they DID SO….their “flock” would reconnect with their loved ones and those loved ones would be a BAD influence on those current members. Those on this blog….including MYSELF…would do EVERYTHING in our power to GET THEM THE HELL OUT of “the organization”.
Nothing would please me more than to see “the organization fall on it’s own sword….to see their own doctrine be their DEMISE. Can you imagine that….for the love of Xenu…..they would lose so many members because those family members would interfere with what these members are FINANCIALLY donating over and over again for a Bridge they will never be able to cross completely..
Those who have blown/escaped/succeeded in running out the unlocked back or FRONT DOOR as Mary Kahn did….once her eyes and ears were opened to what’s really going on….she or they would…..Well…Holy Crap….would convince their loved ones to join them in the freedom of being OUT of “the organization” & have their FAMILY BACK.
Mary Kahn made the statement of the Century…”They OWNED me”…..but once the disconnection policy would be dropped/ended….IF the still in member WANTS or decides to reconnect with their family….”the organization” would not “own them”.
The statement…….so and so hasn’t seen their son, daughter, father, mother in TWO, THREE or FOUR years would be WIPED off the blog because those loved ones would be back where they belong WITH THEIR FAMILIES.
The financial loss would be over whelming to “the organization”….they would be in financial RUIN and no doubt the shit would hit the fan and all those “idle morgues”…i.e. empty “church” building would be sold for a loss financially, but money that would STILL line the pockets of….Well you know the answer to that one.
SuMP is a big problem. Is there anyone Davey can trust enough to go on air? Those he might reasonably reckon won’t blow, like TC and JT, have distanced themselves publicly to keep from fully tanking their careers. He can’t trust anyone else. And most non-Scnists, journalists and actors, won’t go near the toxic black hole that is Co$, regardless of the paycheck. (Besides, Voldemort likely wouldn’t use them; he is nothing if not paranoid). He won’t do it himself because, lol, Nightline. Blinky, his current spokeshole, won’t do for many reasons, including being available to put out the cherch’s various fires. Who’s left? What’s left? All I can think of is a computer reading Shermanspeak, voice-overs of slick videos. Seems fitting.
Angie or someone: remind me what SUMP is; my brain is like a sieve these days.
What Miscavige might be thinking about his supposedly earth-shaking new Media Center: what’s the worst PR result? Not open it, go on the something else, later on come up with excuse for why it didn’t open, OR: open it, start programming and have it be a hugely embarrassing flop? Safer not to open it; not ideal, but better than the second option. Just a thought.
I believe it stands for Scientology media productions.
SuMP is a reference to SMP, the Scientology Media Productions center.
bixntram, I think you’re right, at the end of whatever problems they’ve encountered in planning and managing this, is probably the ultimate conundrum that it will be hard for them to go live with anything that doesn’t end up being an embarrassment, particularly outside the bubble of blindered and accepting hardcore members. I don’t know what they were thinking, and perhaps it was the typical overconfidence that Scientologists supposedly having the ability to do anything, but I would imagine they have realized that they are not able to produce much of anything that compares favorably to modern media, particularly to outside viewers.
Other failures of theirs have been easier to gloss over and hide from the membership, like the inability of their recruiting efforts to bring in significant numbers of new members – they get away with fudging the numbers, and letting people think things are going well everywhere else. But members have apparently been lead to believe that SuMP is going to produce programming that will create huge new interest in Scientology and also allow them to explain Scientology to friends who may have doubts or have seen critical material. That’s a huge bar to clear, and any failure to deliver will be painfully obvious.
When Christian Science tried to start a TV channel in the late 1980s, they had to invest something like $100 million ($200 million in today’s dollars, double or more what Scientology has spent so far) including hiring over 200 staff who were mostly non-members – and they already had a longstanding news operation. There are no signs that Scientology has made anything close to the investment and effort required to produce a full channel’s worth of programming up to modern standards – and Christian Science had to give up, after having failed to make real headway, and being burdened with ongoing costs they could not sustain.
It seems to be a historical pattern of Scientology, to dissemble and delay when they realize that they can’t deliver what has been promised, and they’ve often been able to ignore failures and move on to new things. My best guess it that SuMP programming will start, after delays and rounds of fundraising, with something very limited and reduced, not totally embarrassing but also not nearly what was promised.
The more I think about it, it could even turn out to be a crucial debacle for them, where they’ve taken on something far outside their competency, the failure of which they can’t hide in the ways they are accustomed to.
Well, I checked my dictionary and one of the clear meanings of sump is: A CESSPOOL. And now you know! LOL
I suspect Dave will hire Jeff Pomeranz to read all of El Cons works live …….. from the beginning. That ought to draw a crowd!
That ought to bring on one hellava headache.
“Blinky, his current spokeshole”…
I know lawyers don’t have the best reputations, but Jesus, how does that woman look at herself in the mirror each day. How long does it take her to wash off the slime of Miscavige.
If she has any feelings of discomfort at all, she simply goes online and checks her bank balance. ๐
I think she likes the slime, it’s only the dirt that comes with getting richer by the flap.
Yo Dave,
What’s the next disaster You need a ding-a-ling to try and repair? Emmys?
She’s been in it so long, she no longer sees the slime. She doesn’t look in the mirror, she looks at her bank account.
As with most everything in SCN,just because things aren’t working out as planned locally doesn’t affect the straight up and vertical expansion they’re told has been happening “just over there” in Bulgravia, where those nasty cabals of super-nasty SPs have finally been thoroughly and completely defeated and rendered powerless. It’ll be another 75,000,000 years before they can do their nasty tricks again, don’cha know….
Here is the video Tom Cruise should make and get posted on the internet:
“Maybe some day people will ask, Have you actually ever seen anyone in a Scientology building?” Followed by his demented laugh.
Brilliant! I hope an Anon with some mad audio-editing skillz does just this!
That demented laugh of Tom Cruise was charming in 1988 but it is unsettling and a little distrurbing in the 2000’s.
The little B-grade actor probably worked on that laugh in his bathroom mirror for months on end back in the 80’s.
Grow up Cruise, you’re entering your senior years now.
I doubt he’ll ever grow up. He’ll be in his 60s and 70s, nipped, tucked and botoxed for his close-ups in Mission Impossible 28. Some actors with brains and class venture into directing when they get to a certain age. You’d think that Tom Cruise would…actually, no, never mind…brains, class, yeah, never mind.
I hope, I truly hope, that many who are still-in and discreetly reading this website will seriously ponder that last part…..
“โHey, if Miscavige can spend $50 million on a building that serves no purpose there must be plenty to throw around. He could just buy an empty building here in Santa Barbara/Plymouth/Munich/Perth and it would be just as good an investment and he could still proclaim massive expansion. So why should I go into debt?โ”
Why indeed…..
Or, with that kind of cash to throw around, he could ensure that all of the $ea Org staff were getting audited and going up the bridge in exchange for their very long hours of work and to make up for their miserable pay. Indeed, why not use those vast cash reserves to see that all staff rocket up the bridge!
If auditing makes the able more able, then why not take your own advice and see that those who are doing the most for $cn (and supposedly for the entire planet) get treated the best. Don’t they deserve lots of auditing, a living wage, health care insurance, etc. given how hard they work and how important the task is?
Excellent point. One the IRS should consider as well….
Harpoona, your reasonable argument as presented would warrant a vicious physical attack by David Miscavige if presented in a meeting of the highest leadership of scientology. Necks would be wrenched, faces would be slapped, and skulls would be wrapped.
Hubbard wrote about REASON as being far more viable compared to FORCE in the long run. Miscavige is playing the short game with Scientology by using force and threats to deal with opposition or perceived opposition. And with no regard to the long terms costs in terms of how it is destroying Scientology as a movement. One simply has to ask oneself why he is doing what he is doing and the answer is in the result. Hubbard wrote “Intention is cause” so therefore any Hubbardian SHOULD surmise that the result of Scientology’s demise is the direct result of a prior cause.
Yep, since lil davey does not partake of the cherch’s most holy of sacraments (i.e., auditing) himself, $ea Org staff are very unlikely to see the cult put a high value on it for them either, despite the lip service the tiny tyrant continues to pay to it.
It’s very strange indeed to see a group that places ultimate value on attaining toadal spritchule freedumb via auditing — which supposedly creates all-powerful, all-knowing beings 100% of the time — make it almost impossible for its most dedicated, self-sacrificing and hard working members to actually go up the bridge!
It’s a logical conundrum which the cult, in its Total Information Control Culture, doesn’t even allow its member to think about, much less to pose as a question to be asked out loud of cherch leaders.
If you’re a group who really believes that you’ve got the real keys to unlocking everyone’s spiritual Eternity, and you have a large group of monastics who’ve taken a vow of poverty and blind obedience to further the religion’s grand goal of clearing the planet and creating an Oatee Civilization, then since auditing makes the able progressively more able, t why not put these very inexpensive $ea Org staff to work in bringing those miraculous super power abilities to those who most deserve them and who will use them most directly to further the cult’s goals!!?
It makes absolutely no sense at all not to! That is, until you consider the fact that $cn advanced level auditing DOES NOT WORK as advertised. No one has ever achieved the promised super powers…not one single person, including Elron himself, has ever attained them. So, if it’s all just one huge and very elaborate scam, the very last thing that you want is for your most dedicated, hard-working and inexpensive workers to discover that for themselves directly.
And if the current tech is so damned good and effective, why hasn’t Miscavige had any auditing since 1993????
Harpoona, David Miscavige is a suppressive, or a sociopath, who doesn’t want anyone to be better. He’s not a healer, he’s a destroyer. Making things go wrong is how he destroys, in the name of help. “Help” is his useful cover for his goals to destroy. He’s insane.
2017 Lientology.
First policy:We never deliver what we promise.I
Second policy:If you say anything we do not like we order expensive sec checks.
There used to be a sucker born every minute.Not anymore so we have the suck the last remaining suckers as much as we can.
Bright idea.Let’s throw a pirate party and fleece the pirates!
LMBO! That First & Second Policy is SO true
Speaking of “unlimited expansion” … today I saw an announcement of a super important briefing at the Pasadena mOrg tonight for Oatee 7s and 8s only … all about the release of Oatee 9 and 10. It must really be happening because Gavin Potter said so.
I’ve seen the same thing in years past where they start having closed door briefings for “only those on OT VII or VIII.” And they tell them the release of OT IX is imminent. And then they tell them they have to come to the Ship to get their Preps for OT IX delivered on the ship. And many fell for this at great cost to them. And then the release of IX never happens and all the money they spend was wasted. So this is just a rinse and repeat of what they’ve been doing all along, every time the Ship needs to generate money.
“Gavin Potter”….. Mmmm, โidn’t he play the Captain on “The Love Boat” a few decades ago?
You must be thinking of Pavin Gotter
If Gavin Potter says it’s so, that’s good enough for me! I’m sure 9 &10 are just around the corner. Any minute now…
Dave is probably working a deal with Marty right now to pen the materials.
Yo Dave,
Have you thought about how much cash you would need to come up with to purchase some quality time from Pat Broeker, David Mayo and Marty to help You put together the Ohhhh Tea Niner and Tenor materials packs? You will need help Dave, lots of it and mostly of the professional variety.
Followed by 11 & 12 when additional monetary needs present themselves.
Oh! I got it now! Scientology is a real estate company!
Ohh! Too bad SD…I was looking forward to buying a bridge from them. Major bummer.
Watch for an old rust bucket ship for sale in the Caribbean.
I’m sorry, Barbara!
Precisely. Strip away all of the religious trappings, you get a multi-layered organization, with the only real means of measuring success is in the square footage owned.
A fool and his money are soon parted !
This is quite an early proverb in the English language and, as such, might be thought to contain the wisdom of the ancients. The notion was known by the late 16th century, when it was expressed in rhyme by Thomas Tusser in Five Hundreth Pointes of Good Husbandrie, 1573:
Oh, boy, was I ever a fool!
Do you know why I bought about 40% of the stuff I bought and donated for, when frequently I couldn’t afford it?
I’ll tell you the truth…give me a minute, this is embarrassing…I felt sorry for the staff.
Yes, and guilty for not joining!
But mostly sorry for them. Not the SO – I mostly couldn’t stand them and didn’t buy anything from them. (So No, I felt sorry for the Class V org staff members. Mostly, I donated not giving much of a damn about the ostensible purpose. Mostly, clearing the planet was not real to me. But the staff were real to me. They lived and breathed for the Birthday Game. I liked them so I wanted to help THEM.
Did you know you can make someone instantly happy by buying something from them? Most of the time I was broke. I made money but I was bad with money.
I liked creating certain kinds of effects! Buey something from a staff member, shoot them uptone (for a while).
It was like magic…”OK, how much is it?…OK, I’ll do it…” POOF! POW! WAY up tone did these people go! It would be fun for a bit.. God, I was dumb! Broke myself, yet behaving like some kind of modern Lady Bountiful…so funny. Oh, well, I can laugh now.
Those days are OVER. All of this Lady Bountiful stuff was predicated on the (wrong ) assumption that the money being asked for was doing some GOOD.
i know better now. I mean, I really this complete jerk! But its funny, and what the hell. What’s done is done. I’m ok, live and learn, and life is good.
Over and out with the cliches ๐
Good loving caring people are often duped by Evil people who are bent on getting everything and anything they can from the good person. Sometimes with weeping tales of self pity or “hey, if YOU don’t help me with this…I am doomed”…..
You got out & I am so happy for you….you learned a hard less yet it made you a much stronger person than you will ever know. So GLAD to count you as a friend!
I suspect all the “innies” simply close their eyes, put fingers in their ears and chant “nah, nah, nah, nah…” over and over to avoid actually hearing anything which might give them pause regarding what they *think* they know. Little children have been doing that for many centuries.
I have been wondering about the KCET building purchase. I assume equipment has been delivered or existing stuff has been updated to allow production to proceed. But the question that others have asked, and I am now wondering about, is the need for two facilities (including the facility at Gold base)? And with the rumor of DM not being at Gold base for four years, is Gold base being stripped of its production ability to focus on the KCET (SuMP) facility? Is Gold base going to be a ‘prison farm’ primarily now with management being resourced back to LA? And perhaps this consolidation is slowing the start of the new output? I also read that SuMP was not mentioned at the latest Fleecewinds (just love the image this word inspires!) or its start date.
Or is the delay simply everyone waiting on DM to sign off on some particular decision, as we know how busy DM has been lately?
Mark, there is likely all sorts of typical Scientology organizational dysfunction going on in this process. My guess, that I’ve stated before, is that they have gotten bogged down in the realities of actually trying to produce enough programming to fill airtime. And I’m suspicious that some grand plan they had, like getting all the other religious groups who who they have some friendly contacts with, to participate in jointly producing programming, fell through – unless they want to be the Nation of Islam channel.
The Christian Science church tried to start a cable channel in the late 1980s, and had longstanding experience in news media (their paper had even won Pulitzer prizes) that they expected to be able to capitalize on. But after just a few months they found the demands and costs of producing a full broadcast schedule, and of producing material that drew enough viewers in a crowded market, were too great, and gave up. Scientology, always seemingly stuck in the past, may have tried to do the same thing as in that example from decades ago – and not even paid attention to the lessons of history.
A while ago we saw listings from several casting calls for a couple of productions about Hubbard and Scientology’s history. But that’s hardly even a start on filling up a broadcast schedule – and I’d guess that their efforts are bogged down in the sort of misguided micromanagement that crippled Battlefield Earth.
And if David Miscavige is at the helm, you just know it will be an unmitigated disaster, like everything else he touches.
@Mark Fulton, a couple of questions you asked made me laugh. Buying modern equipment? They claimed they had it fully stocked with the latest and greatest technology when it opened. But, of course, they still think CDs are a “thing” so who knows.
Management at Gold being stripped? Shelly was “disappeared” all those years ago because she tried to staff the Org Board. Miscavige decimated the entire management strata years ago. He’s been “the boss” and the only management (“I have to do everything myself” for who knows how long. Where’s Heber?
You need to find another way to convince the IRS that you are spending some of your slush fund on your crime infested cult. Time for another propaganda script and video from The Joker.
It is patently obvious that The Joker is 100% guilty of Identity Infringement against Baghdad Bob. The Joker is clearly making a full court press to challenge Bob’s infamous Award for the most lies per paragraph.
BTW, a large homeless encampment has returned to your SuMP neck of the woods; since you had them scattered for your belly flop Grunt Opening, yanking, and confetti fest. At least you can’t see them from your roof top deck off Hollywood Boulevard (wave to the drone).
If they would but “Look, don’t Listen” there would be far fewer followers and donors to this poor excuse of a spiritual cause.
If they would just walk away, quickly, there would be far fewer followers and to this poor excuse of a spiritual cause…
I don’t understand why $cientology is so concerned about media. There is already a TV channel – it’s called A&E. And movies, i.e. Going Clear and my Scientology Movie. And a plethora of books, my somewhat biased favorite is Blown For Good. Looks like the Media coverage is pretty complete.
I would imagine all of those put together are the basis for their claim that “interest in Scientology has never been higher”.
PS. And yes, your son’s book was awesome! You have good reason to be “biased”. ๐
โinterest in Scientology has never been higherโ. Ha ha ha!
They must have been smoking something. Probably some good shit too.
Wow, I just finished reading “Blown for Good.” You’re Mark’s dad? You’ve got a lot to be proud of!
I just read it too! Ditto!
Bam! You are correct, sir.
Do you think any of what you are all doing and saying (revealing the curtain) is beginning the process of taking down scientology so that the people can get free? I feel for the people and that they are so committed to the story they bought into that they can’t see the wizard behind the curtain is selling snake oil.. I so Appreciate ALL of you risking everything so the rest of the world can see behind the curtain and hopefully with us all knowing NO ONE else will join this horrible “thing” !!!!
The risk element is almost negligible these days. People just aren’t frightened by the dwindling and dying “thing” called scientology. In the age of the internet, scientology has lost its teeth. There is a public uprising against the outrages and atrocities of scientology, and the public has just about had enough of scientology’s bullying tactics.
“Fair Game” is scientology’s shame.
“Fair Game” is Scientology’s shame”.
Nice. This would look great on a poster.
If I could ask, why do you think it’s taken so long to get SMP up and running? Surely with hunreds of millions and a lot riding on this they’d be able to get something out there on the promised tv line.
Possibly because their micro-manager of an Ecclesiastical Leader isn’t 100% satisfied with the plans to get it up and running. He has to do all of this stuff himself after all. All the other SP’s around him can’t get shit done right. At least, it’s plausible Miscavige feels that way (it’s always someone else’s fault).
I just read Sweeney’s Church of Fear….very enlightening about the mindset of that guy and his deameaning attitude towards those who are in the proverbial trenches trying to put out fires for him.
Hummmm… acquiring all of this real estate…. Maybe Mis carriage is planning to work with Trump ?
To do that he’d have to make nice with a circle of billionaire Putin Pals. No, Miscavige would never let anyone finance his real estate aquisitions. Why would he, when he has built in financing already, with no responsibility to give a return? The dumb bunny Still Ins provide all the financing for the cash purchase and get NOTHING back for it They also provide all the financing for the renovations. Trump would be in AWE of this kind of scam that the Church of Scientology is perpetrating. He’d be fascinated and I wouldn’t be surprised if he would be jealous! Maybe someone should tell him. Maybe I’ll write him a letter. “Dear Donald, you think YOU’RE clever! Hah! Let me tell you…” Maybe I’ll send it to Incest Barbie so she can read it to her Dad.
Good one ๐
Work with Trump? Nah! Trump gets things done and that would be embarrassing for DM. ๐
The Scientology brand is damaged beyond repair. Trump could help. Just put his name all over everything Scientological. Find some Lost Tech that makes him the real Founder, somehow. This would be tricky but they could find some way to make the Sheeple believe it. Experience has shown they’ll believe anything. Ok, to continue: The religion would be called The Church of Trumpology” of course, no question about that. Ideal Ogre fundraising would continue as usual but the check would be made out differently. The Super Power building could be renamed, “The Cathedral of St. Donald The Divine”. I’ve got more material but its naughty and this is not a political blog so I’ll stop now ๐
Sounds good Aqua, Trump HAS proven to be able to make things go better when he takes over.
How come or maybe they do know….the people who donate all this money towards idle buildings, do you think they are aware of all the empty places?
It they just don’t care?
Are those donations deductible?
They donate to buildings as they truly believe/want to believe it will boom the orgs. The donate to eradicate psychiatry even though 60 years later they haven’t even came close to eradicating it from Clearwater let alone Tampa Bay let alone the US or world. They donate to way to happiness bc a paper back booklet supposedly drops crime 60% in some developing country where members will never know the real truth.
I could go on and on but will spare myself. The moral is that it doesn’t matter what cause they donate for, it’s all a sharade to stockpile more money. These causes are just fronts to give members hope, 99.9% of what they claim to do or aim to do isn’t even remotely possible. The ends don’t justify the means, and everyone knows this, some simply choose to block it out.
Also they donate to get out of lower ethics conditions and have the MAA sign off on their condition.