Here is a blast from the past.
This appeared in The Auditor issue 155. Published in 1978.
Sign up for your Super Power at ASHO!
This is when L. Ron Hubbard announced that Super Power would be available at Saint Hills “within 6 weeks.” Of course, Ron said it, so it must be true. And ASHO got the jump on making a few extra bucks and started selling it.
Can you imagine if you paid ASHO in 1978 for Super Power and then had to wait for it to be delivered in 2013? If you were 40 when you paid for it, you more than likely died before it was delivered.
This is typical of scientology. Endless promises. It’s always something new coming. And when they don’t have anything it’s the old recycled as “new.”
Speed of service? (Paying customer on wait?)
And everything always late and unuseful. The best of the famous running around a pole, which was invented bby LRH and published by DM all around. That was so stupid that I did not pass it though to my org, and did’nt translate it. Same for the insanitides around sex and pain: as soon as I read the HCOB, I was sure it has been written because the old fool had become sexually impotent!
Et Roger, qui est la raison pour laquelle beaucoup de gens se déclarent. Si vous ne faites pas ce que dit DM vous êtes déclaré. Mais savez-vous combien de personnes il y a qui ne font pas ce que dit DM? Qu’est-ce qu’il va faire, les déclarer? 🙂
In English:
And Roger, that is why lots of people get declared. If you do not do what DM says you are declared. But do you know how many people there are that do not do what DM says? What is he going to do, declare them? 🙂
Apart from the fact that it sounds like any other self-help hype, is it possible that standard typotech was in place as early as 1978? Shouldn’t it be “unleashES”? Or am I missing something?
C’mon, Dollar! They don’t need no correct grammer…..I mean, grammar! They have their own way to spell words! And you’re not missing a thing. Literally…
In perusing old auditor mags riddled with errors, I have come to the conclusion that typo tech was probably “researched and discovered” by LRH. I missed that PL and try hard not to follow it unless I’m under duress…hmm, thus typo tech on the inside…
I quoth how to live though an Exc… by none other LRH with help from SP transcriptionist Richard deMille.
The filing system, being the memory of the organization, is an integral part of the communications system, which is the brain of the organization. The two cannot be separated, or psychotic behavior will be manifested by the organization.
I think LRH is right here. Scientology’s communication always seem completely without care to any previous communication. Even about it’s founder’s own History.
“Scientology’s communication always seem completely without care to any previous communication.”
I wonder if there is anyone who has signed up for this who is both :
– Still alive
– Not declared
The odds are not very good.
There’s actual odds???
As for Having It Paid for:
With the GAT II releases they cancelled all the prior courses and replaced them, and thus all the old stuff was no longer valid so the money paid for those things in advance was re-credited as dollar value money on account. Also, none of your training was valid and you had to do the new stuff.
This was a total change from prior precedents. (as you all would know)
The training levels have changed over and over again, we’ve had the new New Pro Trs Course!! several times, The Student Hat has changed so many times it’s the Michael Jackson face of courses. The levels training, NED, HQS, …you name it, it’s been revised and revised and ALL NEW!! So many times.
But if you had your Full Training Package paid for, it STILL was. If it was fully paid for an on account you GOT the new one at the old rate. You “locked it in” “We always deliver what we promise”. Purif, intensives, locked in.
(I think this may not have been the case for the BC, seems like one time there was major overhaul and it shot up in price and wasn’t honored at prior rates – correct me if I’m wrong)
SO many things have been sold with the Buy It Now Before the Price Goes UP….
GAT II was such a slaughter. To be told your St. Hat was no longer valid and you can’t do any training without it… your PTS SP course, Levels, TRs….nothing is valid any longer.
And the fact that they can get away with this shows in 100 feet high letters just how much of a totalitarian regime it’s become.
“Carefully worded whining will be allowed for 30 seconds, anything beyond that is CI and enemy lines: …GO!”
This answers a question I was going to ask . Thanks! No counting this as ot phenomena, though!
“And the fact that they can get away with this shows in 100 feet hight letters just how much of a totalitarian regime it’s become.”
Just so.
Your post gave me an idea: make DM take the PTS/SP Course, and then sit him in front of a mirror. YAAWOOGH!
Oh Thank YOU! I was just wishing and asking for this the other day – I don’t think I can search comments so I don’t know how to find it to see if there was a response –
but Thank you!
This one doesn’t tell us the bit about it being for “staff first”, but I’m thinking it pre-dates that promise(lie). Sometime in early 80’s it was being promised that way, and there had been also some stuff on it being resurrected from the 1978 announcements. A whole big hoopdedoodle.
It might have been one of the results of the World Out of Comm Eval ? Not sure, just remember how it was supposed to rocket the staffs and stabilize them and how they deserved it and then the orgs would boom….. *yaaaaaaaawwwn.
I love evidence.
If you want to check your old comments and see if anyone has answered, go to the post where you made the comment, press CTRL+F and type your alias (secretfornow), then click on next until you find the comment you were looking for.
oh perfect, I should have thought of it. Works a treat. Thanks to both of you.
Search page or find in page works as on any browser . Not hard to search within pages. Some other sites are hard to search…
Cre8tivewmn, you didn’t learn all this by being an OSA internet police previously, did you? (joking)…
Lol no, I learned it by being an Internet instructor back when it was new. Plus I’m a never-in.
Let me see if I can get this straight — Super Power does NOT replace Power. So, what is so super about it?
Well, I believe they say it’s Super Fabulous! Hey, hgc, you just can’t beat Super Fabulous!
Oh does someone have a full copy of The Auditor 155? I am very curious as to how many clears to that date are mentioned and how many orgs which I believe were actually numbered and with addresses.
I have 197 of the Auditor magazines between 4 and 290. 155 is one of them, it has RJ 30, 1978 The Year of Lightning Fast Tech.
The announcement of clears listed from 9263 (Jeff Braswell) to 9539 – 276 Clears for the MONTH included such prestigious names as the first guy I dated when I got into scientology, the second guy I dated after I got into scientology, me, my ex husband, the infamous Alan Weintraub who dissed Tory Magoo, Alan Prager who told Arnie Lerma he was psychotic, and many more.
The org list took up the bottom half of the page with 51 separate orgs.
In the latest Auditor paper (387) didn’t they skip some numbers related to being clear? In this document they list names for numbers 65149 to 65358. 63 orgs cited in this volume–US, Canada and LATAM.
And when they don’t have anything, they have you make an Advanced Payment towards it so that the money is on account and then you may die waiting for the 35 years it took Super Power to come out. I think Super Power came out when it did only because of Luis Garcia’s lawsuit. If he hadn’t been suing them fo that, they would have used it for a cash cow regging prop for another 30 years and never opened it. And for those who have “money on account” to be used toward a future OT Level or whatever, it gets raided and cannibalized by hungry registrars for this and that campaign, Basics, Congresses, Way to Happiness campaigns etc so that you never really have that money on account as it gets taken off just so the ones regging will get a commission on rolling that money into the project of the project du jour. Even FSM’s get access to accounts and do dialing for dollars. It’s a money racket through and through.
…except when the new ugly meter was finally released. We were all ordered to get one and it had to cash up front. Can’t come off account. You were no longer allowed to go in session or on course without it. yay. *vomits.
That’s “Way to Crappyness”. HOWOOUL!
“Way to Crappiness.”
Cindy, you gave me an idea. If the SP was opened because of the Garcia’s lawsuit, maybe someone who has prepaid for OT 9 & 10 could be induced to make a stink about that not having been promised over 20 years ago and to date still not delivered.
@Aqua, so say they actually released IX and X, then what would it really mean? We all know they don’t really exist and most of us commenting here long ago gave up the velief that the OT levels really offered what they claimed to.
I really don’t have a dog in the fight and would just as soon scientology went buh bye and really don’t want to see more people damaged, but it would seem to me that it would be like SuMP. Flash in the pan, gather every penny you can, get it opened, go on to the next fundraiser.
Why bother? The poor bubble dwellers at least have something to look forward to as long as IX and X aren’t released yet, once they are …
I hear you, Valerie, and don’t disagree at all with the points you’ve made.
I was thinking purely along the line of Miscavige having huge pressure on him to release 9 and 10 because of those who paid for them 20 years ago. Sheeple getting fed up with waiting – or SOMETHING that would force his tiny hand to produce 9 & 10, for some reason, as he was forced to open the SP building.
This wasn’t well thought out on my part.
I just have this rather vague concept that ANYTHING that FORCES Him to produce UPWARDS on the tech line will hasten the end of the cult.
Also – and I have no inside track into His mind, its my opinion only – also, I have a strong hunch that He is terrified of being pressed to produce 9 and 10, which is why He keeps holding up one hoop after another for the sheeple to jump thru. Redos and Ideal Morgues are just hoops, hurdles, barriers to delay them. Delay is a necessity for Miscavige now.
Anything that forces him to produce something that has REALLY never been released before will terrify him and make him make big mistakes, IMO.
Also, bubble dwellers who are luxuriating in the expectation of a 9 and 10 which does not exist are sooner or later going to have to face the music that they’ve been scammed and lied to. For me, this can’t happen soon enough. I have compassion for them. But look, you faced it, Valerie. I don’t count myself because I was never staff or Sea Org so for me it was easier. Many who devoted years, decades of devotion and of labor and lots of money faced it, and here we are. It didn’t kill us and it won’t kill them, but the longer it continues and the more complicit they are in their own self delusion, the more painful it will be for them. Its going to happen. They ARE going to wake up and know the truth. The sooner they do, the longer they’ll have to recover and live decent, happy lives. My 2 cents.
If you paid for it at asho good luck getting it honored at flag or even still being eligible for it just because you were eligible when purchased doesn’t mean you can be elgible when you actually take the service
I was 26 in 1978, now I am 64.
I was 37 when I completed new OTVIII and did the routing form for OTIX. At this time the prerequisite for OTIX delivery was 1000 OTVIII. That was real. Few month later it was “all orgs St Hill size”. I protested and paddy the MAA of the ship treat me of fagot “You little fucking dilettante have to work now before getting OTIX”
It is 27 years. Nobody questionned this “added time” I was young and now I’m old.
Of course for an immortal being, it’s nothing would they say. But when the immortal being has gone to reincarnate, there is no stat, no member.
It’s a very sad viewoint.
That drawing was copied from the Patent Office under
Church of Scientology protected science.
I have heard all the stories. Before release public could pay
one million dollars for super power and some public paid and did it.
Then LRh recanted that super power needed more work and no release !!!
Damn Rich Dog PC’s, oopsy, back to the drawing board.
I believe that’s called a con. And what pray tell would be the motive behind selling something that does not exist?
And what would be the reason behind the constantly changing grade chart?
I got in Scientology in 1971 because Ron said,
“we now have the bridge complete. I’ve done the work for you. 100% standard tech is available. All you have to do is put your feet on the bridge.”
Old timers will remember. Back then the sale gimmick was exterior with full perceptions.
With Ron’s consciously false declaration of the attainment of exterior with full perceptions, we lemmings believed him.
They only reason, in my opinion, that Ron would claim “the bridge is complete. Just put you feet on the bridge (give me your money)”, and then as the years went by the grade chart changed in EP definitions; is because nothing was standard to begin with.
That was a lie. That was Ron’s conscious lie. To us.
It is the very definition of cognitive dissonance to hold Ron on high esteem at the same time knowing that he conned you.
In his megalomaniacal way he may have believed in his messiah status. Or maybe he knew, by being a “messiah”, he would have the ultimate Altitude Instruction (per his writing of the same title) to drop into your consciousness any command he wished to instill for maximum cash flow.
Can auditing help people?; sometimes yes.
Did Ron con you?; most definitely yes
Another thought:
What keeps the lie in place is hope. Hope that the next level will make you happy.
Check out the term “confirmation bias.” It explains what people do to reaffirm their rightness:
Brian, I got out in ’82 when all the mission holders were slaughtered. I never experienced what you’re posting, but, I do know you’re right on the money! Truer words were never spoken. And, yes, it’s ALWAYS about the next “thing.” It’s the carrot in front of the donkey (read member). Hope springs eternal with these folks. And at the end of the day, it’s all about……nothing.
That’s when I got out also. 🙂
Good for you, Brian! I refused to attest to Clear because NOTHING HAD CHANGED!!!!
I refused to attest to Grade 0 because I wasn’t sure I could communicate to anybody about anything. I was willing to do more Grade 0.
ooohhh and it’s so much quicker these days. You’d be done in no time!
Ron’s words of how great he is and that he is the “only one” to find the truth is a hypnotic command to elicit loyalty and paying membership.
Here is how Ron did it. He explains it himself. He has hypnotized us.
SO THE FIRST TWO SENTENCES SHOULD READ ““In altitude teaching, “I am the” ‘great authority.’ “I am” probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be.”
That’s how this should be read. He is actually talking about himself and how he controls people. The people being us.
“In altitude teaching, somebody is a ‘great authority.’ He is probably teaching some subject that is far more complex than it should be. He has become defensive down through the years, and this is a sort of protective coating that he puts up, along with the idea that the subject will always be a little better known by him than by anybody else and that there are things to know in this subject which he really wouldn’t let anybody else in on. This is altitude instruction … It keeps people in a state of confusion, and when their minds are slightly confused they are in a hypnotic trance. Anytime anybody gets enough altitude he can be called a hypnotic operator, and what he says will act as hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude. There are ways to create and lower the altitude of the subject, but if the operator can heighten his own altitude with regard to the subject the same way, he doesn’t have to put the subject to sleep. What he says will still react as hypnotic suggestion.” (Hubbard, Research & Discovery, volume 4, p.324)12
If you think about this, you can see what happened to your mind. You can see that by awarding Ron the altitude that he promoted, you left your mind open to being imprinted by what Ron wanted to instill in it.
And if you believe that L Ron Hubbard is the only being in the history of forever to find the truth, a sentiment he promoted himself as, then whatever he says will find its way into your mind as absolute truth.
The outcome?
Ron can say,”what is true for you is what is true”; code of integrity.
But the reality is:
If you think for yourself and disagree with Ron you become an evil SP.
This cognitive dissonance is the result of Ron’s expertise in ALTITUDE INSTRUCTION.
Another cognitive dissonance created by Alitude Instruction:
Ron states: “there are no absolutes”
Yet he states that “all critics are criminals.” He calls it a “technical fact.”
He says he researched it. He says that everyone we researched critics we found them degraded and criminals.
If you just take this one post I am writing and really really really think it over deeply, you will discover Ron’s technique of how he destroyed your sovereign ability to think as an independent entity.
“The only way to control people is to lie to them”
Think about it.
Right on in all your posts. Ron was clever also to call his school, or training, “the Academy” after Plato’s school of higher learning. Only thing is there was no Socratic Method of learning. Nope, only reading Ron, listening to him, no questioning or debate allowed, ie Verbal Tech. It was all Altitude Indoctrination.
Brian, I’m fascinated by your post on ALTITUDE INSTRUCTION, so had to translate Hubbard’s text on the subject into his actual meaning:
** begin translation **
I employ altitude teaching in Scientology, where I am the ‘great authority.’ I am probably teaching Scientology in a far more complex than it should be. I have become defensive down through the years, and this is a sort of protective coating that I put up, along with the idea that the subject of Scientology will always be better known by me than by anybody else and that there are things to know in this subject which I won’t let anybody else in on.
This is altitude instruction … I use it to keep people in a state of confusion, and when their minds are slightly confused they are in a hypnotic trance. By virtue of my altitude, what I say will act as hypnotic suggestion. Hypnotism is a difference in levels of altitude.
Knowing the ways to create and lower the altitude of any subject, I can heighten my own altitude with regard to Scientology the same way. Therefore, I don’t have to put the Scientologist to sleep and what I say reacts as hypnotic suggestion.
** end translation **
Brilliant “what wall”. Thank you. In Ron’s voice the mystery of Ron’s power over people is revealed.
When I first read this last year, Hubbard’s mystique went POOF!! As-is
And I just realized; the “state of confusion” Ron mentions in Alitutude Instruction, is what happens to people who complete some level on the grade chart, don’t really attain it but attest to it anyway.
Because Ron’s altitude is higher than the pc’s own self awareness, owing to granting him infallibility, the pc, at some point “dubs in” “makes up” a reality that does not exist.
There must be a slight feeling of confusion just before “dubbing in” make believe, and making Ron right and one’s own perception wrong.
Because the hypnotic command of “Scientology always works when applied correctly”, there must have been a moment in the cognitive state of the pc that a small perception of “I did not attain this state” happens.
There is a momentary confusion and conflict in the pc. The pc then defaults to Ron’s claims and assumes that their perception must be wrong. Therefore; I must be a super being. I must have attained what Ron said. I am just invalidating myself. Some nefarious force is making me not know that Ron is right.
This is the hypnotic state Ron is talking about. And this process is what makes the Scientologist so wacky and out of touch with reality.
Because reality has been substituted by Ron’s authoritative hypnotic commands of what is real.
Then the delusional OT makes up all sorts of powers, that they don’t have, yet believe they have.
And because invalidating an OT is a punishable offense, every body has to believe that they have these powers when they don’t.
A hynotist can change a common person into a clucking chicken on stage.
Ron makes make believe big powerful super beings; clucking chickens.
This happened to David Miscavige. At some point, this young man with anger and control issues was ripe for being mentally raped by this process.
This young man, whose father said was a loving happy kid, became an “all powerful tyrant” ala Bolivar.
Violence against critics is the result of:
Granting Ron infallibility; Altitude
Word clearing Bolivar; making ones conscience a weakness and barrier to success.
This is what makes a crazy dangerous person.
If David Miscavige gave Mahatma Gandhi altitude, there would be a different David Miscavige.
That is a great observation Brian. When I was involved and went to LA for two weeks of auditing, I mentioned to my auditor several times that I really wanted to make it to release, I had read of the “release” from Dianetics. On my last night there I was brought into a room where three or four people I had never met before congratulated me on making it to release. They gave me tons of kudos and being young and naive I swallowed it hook line and sinker.
And the article specifically states wether you are Dn Clear or not, it does not state, wether you are OT VII or VIII. Another lie from the current leader of Scn?
And that despite the fact that Ron initially said that Super Power was only for contracted staff, Sea Org, and a few Dianetic clears.
I wouldn’t expect anything less…..
Early morning cognitive dissonance for anyone reading this blog so is still in but wondering if they should leave. Here are a couple of questions that probably will never be answered, and if they were asked by someone still in would more likely than not result in a nice trip to sec check hell:
1. How could ASHO be selling it as “coming soon” if they had no facilities to deliver it? What? They planned on delivering it at ASHO? Then WHY did they even have to build the super power building if super power could be delivered at ASHO.
2. Considering that you have not already been bound, gagged, thrown in front of a 16 year old ethics officer and are not now sitting in front of someone “not auditing you” who is staring intently at the meter waiting to see a non-existent three swing f/n, you could ask them the pertinent: If you paid for super power at ASHO, would they still deliver it to you at the new super power building.
I don’t know about the second one, Val, but the first one’s been covered by people who were familiar with the whole Super Power timeline: At the time it was developed, Super Power didn’t require any “facilities” to deliver, just auditors. LRH stated directly in his introductory letter to Super Power that it was to be delivered “within six weeks at Saint Hills”, so ASHO took him at his word and advertised the service, anticipating that they’d be delivering it. Then LRH decided that the trainee auditors “didn’t have their TRs in” and pushed the abort button on the whole project. ASHO (and Saint Hell and the other Saint Hill Orgs) was actually the innocent party in all of this. They were legitimately pre-selling a service that they honestly thought they’d be delivering sometime in 1978.
As for the SP Building, well, we all know that was a blatant cash grab by DM. As it was originally developed, Super Power didn’t require a building and special equipment. Which, of course, means that Super Power is not as LRH originally developed it (and in the process went from twelve rundowns to ten). Which means that it’s squirrel. What a surprise.
Espi, yeah, I know. I forgot to use the snark font, but it’s good t have the refresher for those who took my post seriously.
BTW, RJ30 (which is in Auditor 155 as well) described Super Power as such:
“2. SUPER POWER. A Super fantastic,but confidential series of Rundowns that can be done on anyone whether Dianetic Clear or not that puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing the Super Power of a Thetan. This is the means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create the New World. It puts world Clearing within reach in the future. This is a parallel Rundown to Power in Saint Hills which is taken by the Dianetic Clear. It consists of 12 separate high-power rundowns which are brand new and enter realms of the tech never before approached. Power is still very much in use on the Grade Chart but as for those who didn’t go Clear on Dianetics. Super Power will be delivered at Saint Hills within the next 6 weeks as we are nght now super grooming the Super Power auditors in a special international course. It will be delivered in almost all languages.
The New World Corps is being formed and trained this very minute. candidates for which must be Class IV, OT Ills. Orgs were once promised Power for their staffs. If Org staff are very, very good and get on policy and everythlng, they will one day look up and see a New World Corps team move in on them, and then …..New World Corps means just that!”
Just love the carrot and stick in the last sentence.
Well, there’s a couple of things we can deduce from this:
1) Hubbard was dishonest in 1978 selling a service that was undeliverable (e.g. vapourware)
2) DM was dishonest in 2014 with the release of Super Power, since this was not the Super Power introduced in 1978. Why? Well, apparently it required highly advanced (e.g. NASA) technology to deliver which wasn’t available in 1978. And in doing so DM is implying LRH was a liar (which is probably the only thing we can be certain of).
3) Both are true
Um, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess ummmmm 3) ;-0
The excuse is always that now it is as Ron intended.
This question is directed to all the Indies out there want to ‘save the good’ parts of Scientology: since LRH was around in 1978 and LRH frowned upon those things that were ‘out -exchange’, how do you explain this?
Super powers were supposed to be.delivered in 1978. That was from LRH. Did any of the people who fell for this in 1978 get their money back? Did anyone even dare ask?
Scientology has been an apparatus to separate people from their money since 1952 (or whatever the exact year). You can put as much lipstick on that pig as you want. At the end of the day, this is what you get…..broken promises.
If anything, Miscavige should be given credit for getting the building open and convincing people to find out their saline levels and oiliness factors. He took the non researched ‘research’ of LRH and managed to open an entire building to convince people that running around a pole in special shorts will ensure your eternity.
Makes Mindhead (Bowfinger) that much more realistic.
In 1988 I paid $28,000 stupid me for ot 8 and 9.
Ot 8:think of a past life.Ask meter:true false.All false.Apparently I have not lived before.(note this thought of having lived before never even entered my head before scientology so thanks for the unneeded implant )
But no really Ot 9 will fix all of this.
We have a bridge we want to sell you.
As a Scotsman, I’m truly sorry you parted with that much money, Xenu’s Son. But, I’m also glad that your out and posting here. Scientology is like a morning fog that dissolves into nothingness when the bright light of reason shines upon it.
There is nothing good that comes from being a member of scientology. Nothing.
That would be $56,630 in current dollars. Your faith was great, and you were willing to put up some serious money for its sake. That’s worth something in itself, even if the OT levels were a confidence game, by that point under the control of DM.
Beats me why in all these years DM hasn’t just sat down with some old notes of LRH’s, his fertile imagination, and possibly a science-fiction plot generator app, and created levels IX, X, and beyond. I sure would have done so. I mean, the still-ins accept anything he says, don’t they?
@snake, there are still people in who might question it. They will be dead soon. The real prerequisite for OTIX and X is that all people who remember LRH’s style of prose are dead.
Sounds about right to me. I’m sure the dwarf wants everyone who ever interacted with Hubbard, dead. Real dead….
You really pointed out a massive flaw with CoS as opposed to other religions. Only LRH’s words and comments are accepted. No one else is allowed to add to the belief system. Even DM can’t come out with new stuff under his own name. No new canon allowed, no accepted theologians at all. This is the stuff which is necessary for long-term success of a faith. Even the fundamentalist Christians, the ones who believe the Bible is the only canon for their faith, have zillions of pastors and authors and artists who provide competing visions and interpretations.
claw claw I didn’t know that other people are allowed to add to the Koran. Can you point out the source of that?
Because if DM cobbled some stuff together and called it OT 9 and 10, he’d sell it to all the OT8s, and they’d do it, and then they’d be clamoring for OT11 and 12, and so on. Lazy man that he is, its so much easier to throw roadblocks in the way rather than invent new stuff, especially since it would probably get leaked to the internet, whether sooner or later. And what a laugh we would all have at His expense.
LOL! I bet El Con figured that by actually releasing Stupid Power at that point it would pull from sales of N.U.T.S. that was then aborning.
Scientology’s mottos: “there’s a sucker born every minute!” & “never give a sucker an even break!”
I thought their motto was: “Fuck ’em! Just get their money.”
And that sucker may well be the reincarnation of a previous sucker.
In 2009 on the Freewinds there were several people there getting their set-ups for OT IX and X. But I’m sure they don’t mind having spent all that money because the auditing was so good and enlightening and necessary. Yea, been there.
L. Ron Hubbard’s own earlier similar promotion for “new” services to entice the members.
This Hubbard promotional pattern just keeps going earlier and earlier in his life.
Reminds me that reading Lawrence Wright’s book, “Going Clear…” is so fruitful.
Wright covers Hubbard’s college boat cruise trip which Hubbard promoted and got going, which ended badly, promising all sorts of things never delivered. Hubbard jumping ship before the cruise finished.
The Hubbard flare for selling thin air, or selling Blue Sky, as Jon Atack’s book’s title aptly repeats.
“Let’s Sell These People A Piece of Blue Sky”