Things are degenerating quickly inside the bubble.
How many more “statuses” can they come up with to use to beg for money?
I wonder if these people are going to be presented with red tights and cape? They could then really show off their new found hero status….
Scientology is positioning itself as the comic book religion. Though in the UK at least, there are more people that identify their religion as “Jedi” than there are “Scientologist” so they need to get moving with their straight up and vertical expansion.
We have a special, New Years Event Only, status that starts now, this week, and runs up until the night of your local Org’s New Years Event.Ideal Org HeroFor anyone, no matter what status you are now, contributes $5,000 towards their Ideal Org between now until the night of their local Org’s New Years Event will be awarded this special New Years 2014 Status. You will receive a special commendation and pin or necklace acknowledging your contribution as an “Ideal Org Hero.”So, the game starts now so I want to hear about a lot of HERO’s in the making starting today! Let me know all Hero’s being made (including yourself) as we are keeping track of it here at the Cont Office to ensure everyone gets their award!Also……..every Hero made from now until your event DOES count towards your overall local New Years Event quota!ML,BryanEUS Landlord
Good job Richard Roberts 🙂
In my opinion money acts as a buffer against case. With a lot of it you don’t have to deal with the common things that plow people in on a regular basis. Also plentiful 2Ds, cash friends, and the party doesn’t end due to bankruptcy.
So status replaces case gain–a Jedi mind trick played on the privileged, wealthy, wannabe celebrities and narcissists. End result: empty ideal orgs eventually converted to high-value business space and condos. Scientology Inc. in the process of transforming into a religion for the wealthy.
The Indies and FZ make sense. Highly-trained small orgs and field with affordable prices. With no enemies, just future customers who don’t want to take twenty years to get up the bridge. Let the whales float.
The Founder defined a Wog as, “A person who isn’t even trying.”
We in RTC have to say that this $5,000 Ideal Org Hero status thing is totally wog.
They’re not even trying anymore in EUS and so we in RTC are declaring them Wog.
LAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2FF!
Gat II Student Hat for Tony:
Simple yet perfect CD. 🙂
No matter how many buildings David adds to his real estate portfolio, the ILL WILL David Miscavige has created with this ever growing ARCXen field, has devalued the Church to a fraction of what it was worth when he grabbed control of it.
Investopedia explains ‘Goodwill’
Goodwill is seen as an intangible asset on the balance sheet because it is not a physical asset like buildings or equipment. Goodwill typically reflects the value of intangible assets such as a strong brand name, good customer relations, good employee relations and any patents or proprietary technology.
Bad reputation, ill will, P.R. nightmares, law suits, horror stories, dead bodies, books published revealing the horrific domestic abuse, court donuments containing accounts of torture at the top, these events bring down the value of the activity in a hidden manner.
“Slave labor” “False imprisonment” “Fair game” “restraining orders” “dead bodies” conjure up images of the Charles Manson tribe. Even the faintest association with these actions and events means devoting resources to a defensive public relations campaign and fending off accusations and settling law suits.
While David stands on stage to announce real estate holdings and accepts applause, he, behind the curtains devalues the activity and group more and more on an annual basis.
When a company or Church has its ethics called into question ( adherence to law, criminal complaints and court rulings) , it costs everyone involved a fortune in revenue and interest.
When the P.R. and reputation are so bad people cross the street to avoid walking near a Scientology building, the activity has been devalued into what any accountant or business attorney would consider a liability.
OMG this is like an SNL skit. Gee only $5000 for a pin they could at least include the suit.
David Bowie, Heroes:
“We could be heroes, just for one day”
Genesis, Jesus He Knows Me:
“If you wanna get closer to Him, get on your knees and start paying”
If I have this right, people get quotas to fork over money?
Mike and all,
Speaking of becoming a Hero and Humanitarian, let’s all be just that by giving a special Christmas present to all those trapped inside their own mind who live inside the bubble called the Church of scientology. Let’s all join together and flow them our best postulates that they will see the light by the year 2014. We can’t wish them a Merry Christmas because we know that that will not be possible as they will all be very busy counting stats,avoiding the EO, and making sure they will not lose their eternity if they don’t comply with COB’s intention, which will certainly not be that they all have a happy Christmas, but we sure can flow them lots of love and good wishes. It the least we can do I think.
And for Mike Rinder and his family, and for all those who post here and their families,
I wish you all a very happy, merry Christmas and and best wishes for further success in the year 2014.
Yes, to one and all here, have a Merry-Merry and a Happy-Happy.
I would wish it to staff also, but I know Christmas and New Years Day are on a Wednesday, and Thursday at 2:00 pm is coming soon.
You too Alex! +1
Thank you Alex. Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all who post and write here!
Song by Paper Lace in the 70’s. Gotta love the chorus. I adapted it for PT use.
The sea org band came down along Main Street
The sheeple fell in behind
I looked across and there I saw Billy
Waiting to go and join the line
And with her head upon his shoulder
His young and lovely fiancee
From where I stood, I saw she was cryin’
And through her tears I heard her say
“Billy, don’t be a hero, don’t be a fool with your life”
“Billy, don’t be a hero, come back and make me your wife”
And as he started to go she said “Billy, keep your head lo-o-ow”
“Billy, don’t be a hero, come back to me”
The OT’s were trapped in an implant station called Flag.
The battle raging all around
The MAA cried “We’ve got to hang on, boys”
“We got to hold this idle org”
“I need a volunteer to ride up”
“And bring us back some extra cash”
And Billy’s hand was up in a moment
Forgettin’ all the words she said
She said
“Billy, don’t be a hero, don’t be a fool with your life”
“Billy, don’t be a hero, come back and make me your wife”
And as he started to go she said “Billy, keep your head lo-o-ow”
“Billy, don’t be a hero, come back to me”
I heard his fiancee got a letter
That told how Billy died that day
The letter said that he was a hero
She should be proud he died that way
I heard she threw that letter away
Reminds me of WC Fields. First prize: a week in Philly. Second prize: two weeks in Philly. Third place prize: 3 weeks in Philly.
In fairness to Philly, their org is dead–they do have better things to do there.
It’s really getting desperate. Much more desperation ahead. Lets see, huge, unsustainable buildings with no one coming in. Diminishing field. Huge increases in property tax, and utility bills. No more new money.
Old money running out. Services priced to high for anyone but the “privileged few”. Huge reputation problem. Yep, straight up and vertical, and dropping like a rock.
I love your name: overrunincalif. 🙂 I think I was overrun all the way through the Joberg. It was awful. I really didn’t relate to many of the questions at all… and still I had to keep trying to find an answer and feeling guilty because I was going anaten (dozing off). It was horrible. Now I realize I was just being overrun. Seven months (at least ) of the f#@king Joberg.
Yes, many ways to be overrun. Overrun on the regging, the out tech, the sky high prices, the heavy ethics, I could continue to list, but it’s so long.To save a little time here, lets just encompass it all with overrun with all the bullsh*t.
You forgot declaring “whales” SPs.
The misuse’s of all those apostrophe’s to make plural form’s shows that the KTL isn’t being taught anymore. Too much work, no doubt.
I would like to suggest an alternative game.
How about several people receiving this email from the EUS Landlord instead form a group in their area and donate to, “A New Auditor Fund”. In this game money is gathered to send one or two intelligent folks within their group down to the Courseroom in Georgia for standard training up the highest level available. Once they complete their training they return and set up shop as an Independent Auditor in their area and audit those who donated to the fund at no charge and standard rates for new people.
Supporting in any way possible standard training and auditing seems much more heroic in my eyes than throwing more money away on brick and mortar buildings that will never house standard Scientology.
Oh…and this amount counts for the ‘quotas’ they already have. What a nightmare to be on staff these days, nothing but regging. I will call Superman to rescue them…
You must remember that you need all those commendations in your ethics file to look good so you can do your OT levels. Unless of course you come to your senses and cross the “church,” at which point they will be meaningless and all past good deeds real or imagined will give you no protection whatsoever.
Dave, Does the real Pope even know who YOU are?
This is an excerpt from one of the truths Marc Headley has told.
“Marc Headley told the story of how when David Miscavige was asked if he had met President Clinton, Miscavige responded with the remark “no, he met ME”. ” (Source: ESMB:Leah vs. the media also repeated in a comment at
I’m not sure if someone as low on the totem pole as the pope has been allowed to meet DAVE yet.
Sheesh, get your priorities straight. ;0)
What an arrogant tool!
When you step back and look at how many groups within the Church compete against each other to suck every dollar possible out the parishioners, it’s staggering. You have to feel sorry for the guys down the food chain trying to raise money for CCHR or one of the small groups. To go bang on some person that just got racked over by the IAS, Ideal Org and of course buying all the shit you need for GAT II.
I have NO SYMPATHY for the CCHR guys. They clobbered me again and again. Petty. Paltry. Annoying. At the beginning I would write them a check for $1500. And then I didn’t feel like doing that anymore. They would call BEGGING at 200 miles per hour, non-stop talking. I said, “Wow… the only time you ever call is when you want something. You never call to say ‘Thank you.’ Just gimme some more. I’m insulted. Why don’t you buy me a thoughtful gift for Christmas? Did that ever occur to you? Just something inexpensive. A thought gift as a thank you.” So they sent a bunch of guys dressed up as elves to come interrupt my work day and sing in my living room and then beg for more money. Truly insulting my intelligence and my boundaries. (I didn’t give them any money. I just reiterated how used I felt and how insulted I was by their begging.)
Yeah, it’s big league sales 24/7 in the bubble. They aren’t satisfied until they pick you up and shake the last nickel out of your pocket. What I noticed was no matter how much offered the was always an attempt to “handle” you for more.
Right Zana. I remember that the widespread violation of boundaries, with no reserve, was one of the first things that made me question the church as a group, as opposed to a singular rude person. Auditing is already an intimate, personal activity, and I believe staff, especially s.o., lost the ability to differentiate public and private information. I see a correlation between this and over sec checking people, because they just want to know EVERYTHING, instead of what you have charge on, which is the real purpose of auditing. What better way to teach people that they are basically bad, than to have them look at ALL their overts. The most out ethics people I have ever known, have terrible disorder in their lives, ie, no boundaries. The type that would steal your money or your wife, or disclose pc folder data and think nothing of it. This lack of discretion is a form, or manifestation of insanity. The guy who thinks we should give him 5G’s just cuz, suffers from this badly.
Hey Zana,
They really did get to be pretty annoying didn’t they? I used to dread to be called up by Carrie Atkins I think her name was. Nice enough blind lady. I donated a few times and then it got to be ,DAMN!! will you leave me the f**k alone please??!!
Hero’s is a non-existent word in the english language. Par for the course in the Scientology world.
That is exactly correct for what those people will be in the wog world. Their landlords, bankers, etc. will not recognize the capes, and/or pins, necklaces as status symbols.
Heros’ (plural possessive)
Heroes’ (alternate plural possessive)
Heros (plural)
Heroes (alternative plural)
Actually, it can be a word, as in, ” The Hero’s cape cost him $5,000.00″
Yes… that’s what I’m thinking too. If you can’t pay for your light bill one month because you gave all your money to the IAS… will the IAS come help you? I just don’t think so. They will come wanting more. They will come and say that the solution to not paying your light bill will be to sign up for the Sea Org.
When I hear the word “hero” the last thing that comes to mind is money. I stopped a murder once — using communication skills alone, just as it says in the EP of the Pro TRs course. Was I hero? For all my fellow passengers on that bus, and for just that day — yes. But paying $5000 to keep a house of cards standing? No way.
@Quiet Guy I hope you got at least a well deserved ‘ack’ for your handling!
I wonder if today’s robo-TRs have a drill for handling a threatened murder scenario? “Let’s see, that one was on page… no,uh, page… no, uh, … no… wait!… Got it!… HCO! HCO!… help!”
Dear Clergyman, in fact I got the best acks you can imagine. (1) A young lady figured out how I had engaged the violent fellow into talking about himself and how he ended up in San Francisco and how he just wanted to go home to Mississippi, and softly put her warm hands on my shoulders. (2) And because I saw that my fellow passengers were still going to get off the bus and have a “bad day” about the incident, I thought up something all on my own — a round of handshakes, having the passengers say “Welcome to San Francisco!” to my man. (3) The biggest ack of all was looking out the bus window the next morning and seeing him walking down Market Street with steam in his stride. He was still a bum — don’t get me wrong — but a bum with a PURPOSE.
I think there are a lot more statuses they should be giving out:
Ideal Org Fool (anyone who donates anything)
Ideal Org Sucker (anyone who donates $1000 or more)
Ideal Org ATM (anyone who donates on multiple occasions – at least 10)
Ideal Org Idiot (anyone who donates $10,000 or more)
Ideal Org Victim (anyone who donates $25,000 or more).
Typical “what have you done for me lately” thinking that drove me crazy when I had to help run programs like this on OT Committee. So the guy who went deeply into debt to complete his $100K Humanitarian in November is not a “hero” come Dec. 31. Yes, it is status happy and, yes, it is a f…ked game to begin with. Still, it reminds me how much I disliked getting an order to run this sort of thing. Oh, yeah, forget about the time you intended to spend with your family, now you have a quota to get 100 hero donors or the staff don’t get off Christmas day. Lay a little guilt on top of it all.
What you said!
So…they traded in their Boots in the Sky for tights and a cape in the sky?
Really, no one else needs to mock them anymore. They are doing a superb job themselves.
A little tidbit from basic auditing series 2:
“Now if you’re not in communication with this person he doesn’t cognite. He takes it as an accusative action. He tries to justify thinking that way. He tries to make himself look good to you and tries to put on a public front of some kind or another. He tries to hold up his status.
Anytime I see a bunch of pcs around who want to jump happily to something else because sane people run on that and crazy people run on something else, and they never have to be run on the crazy one, I right away know their auditors are not in communication with them and that auditing discipline itself has broken down because the pc is trying to justify himself and trying to uphold his own status. So he must be
defending himself against the auditor”
They really have become a parody of themselves lately haven’t they? Some of the stuff they come up with rivals OTVIIIisGrrr8’s awesome satire! And they’re being “deadly serious!”
I thought of trying to diagram that quote sentence, but the thought just made me tired.
Gawd!!!! who thinks this shit up? oh wait I remember!! LOL!
It all reeks with the odors and feelings of the final days, it reminds me of this:
Do you believe that this kid is Christian Bale the actor from Batman and other movies? It is, and he was already a great actor at an early age in this fine movie.
I forgot. I realized today who he was when I was watching it. Awesome performance.
Wow – I just happen to have 5000 burning a hole in my pocket and I always did want to be a hero. I wonder if I would have to do A-E first.
Me thinks if you just wave a bunch of money in their faces, the SP Declare would disappear. It degenerated into buy your way out of ethics a long time ago.
Shel — Have I got a deal for you!
Until midnite on XMas Eve, for a 50% discount (ie only $2500) I will give you ALL of the following:
1. A signed (by me) certificate declaring you to be a SUPER hero (as in “SP Hero”)
2. A full Superman costume — including not just a cape and underwear, but boots AND a pair of Clark Kent glasses so you can go incognito too.
3. An alternate outfit for when the other one is in the wash. A complete Batman outfit, including mask, cape AND a BATBELT.
The first 100 people that donate $2500 to me before XMas will be eligible for the amazing status. And the satisfaction of knowing that you contributed to my happy christmas.
Remember, this is a limited offer. ONLY until XMas Eve midnite and ONLY for the FIRST 100 donators.
LMAO on that one. I get all that AND don’t have to do A-E. Such a deal…
Only here to help you out Shel…
Can I have an Easter Bunny costume? I’m a girl. Not big on Superman.
Will you throw in the new GAT 2 Student Hat??? 🙂
I’m glad Sheldon will have more than just the cape and underwear.
There are two ways to spell the plural form of hero, and “hero’s” ain’t one of them. Word clear on Aisle 2!
The poor grammar and spelling is becoming more and more pronounced as the days go by, a sure sign of Pope Dunce’s panic spreading throughout the organisation.
Back in the 70’s the only status that a person had in Scn was their Certs or achievements. There were a few public PC’s that used their Grade level as some kind of status (I’m an OT III) but even then they were judged by what they did not by what they are.
I just can’t get my head around on this status mentality that is now in the COS. How some of my older friends can still remain in this type of aberration is truly puzzling. I guess it’s like someone who at first has a small spot on their face. As the years go by the spot gets larger and turns into a bump. More years go by and the bump turns into a large mole. Someone comes along and says “Hey you should have that large mole removed from your face.” and they look back at you in disbelieve and say “What mole?”
That is so lame that it is almost hard to read. Truly pitiful.
All those stupid gold pins I got for contributing… I threw them away. Now I’m wondering if they can be melted down for the gold. Or did they just spray paint them gold?
It depends which ones Jane. I think the Patron pin was made out of 14k gold. A lot of the others were just cheap phonies. I think later they started making the patron pins out of cheap material also. The cult is mostly smoke and mirrors.
Yes, it is smoke and mirrors, fake staged photo ops, and gold spray paint. David Miscavage belongs in a Barnum and Bailey circus doing his sleight of hand tricks. With any luck he’ll do a disappearing act.
I was wondering what the status junkies do with all those fancy pieces of paper. There just can’t be enough walls to hang them on.
Those pins, if they’re like most awards, are thinly plated or painted. Gold would cut into the bottom line.
Mike, I can’t stop laughing at this “Superman” picture. That’s about the most appropriate picture you could have chosen for the occasion. Those floppy boots……..etc, and the weird smile. I grew up in the 50’s when Superman really meant something. Always worth the 10 cents for the comic book. All about good conquering evil. Now the church is giving the word “hero” a bad name. Things are degenerating quickly inside the bubble.
Be a hero – run out of that cult as fast as you can – won’t cost a penny.
I can remember (I remember)
Standing, by the wall (by the wall)
And the guns shot above our heads
(over our heads)
And we kissed,
as though nothing could fall
(nothing could fall)
And the shame was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be Heroes,
Yeah sure. I was already a hero – many times over. Then I became a sooper-dooper hero for real and got the hell out.
The desperation is becoming more obvious by the day.
I drove past my local org today (Joburg) and there were 4 cars in the parking lot. Considering the ED, OES, and HES all own cars, that means there was one public in the org. I believe it might belong to the poor sucker currently confronting the tribunal. Whoever it is, THAT person is my hero for the day. Wonder if they’ll count him/her as BIS?
WOW! Can’t wait.
Yo Dave, Did you dream up that horrifically stupid game or did you delegate it?
Decisions, decisions…do I want to be a Humanitarian or a Hero?
I’d rather be an SP.
Agree with you Izzy
Oh my G-d
No matter if you purchase all the status in the World it does not make you Clear or OT.
Nor can you feed starving children or cure cancer
Demand to see the financial records of the Church
Audit David Miscaviges finances
Write a letter to the Justice Department
Phone your Congressman
Purchase a book on Narcissism
( short list of what to do)
Well you know what’s happening here, of course, with these crazy “statuses” is that they are a substitute havingness for Grade Chart completion status. There are some very status-conscious people in RCS and the only acknowledgement you can get these days is for giving boatloads of money, not for achieving actual Grade Chart states. The Church doesn’t allow you to keep any processing or training state you’ve achieved for longer than a year or two before yanking it away from you and telling you that you didn’t really make it in the first place. So in order to feel like you are achieving something, you have to buy your way up a different status ladder which has no end in sight at all – the IAS and Ideal Org donation gravy train.
I’ve been thinking about this and I can’t seem to find any real parallel to it in the rest of society. The reason being that people who give to other humanitarian and charitable causes also receive honorary titles and statuses, but in their case they are actually donating money towards a cause with a provable and tangible result of some kind. With RCS, the money just disappears forever with no accountability.
There are no dissemination campaigns, no big Volunteer Minister crusades, no effective anti-drug or anti-crime programs being operated anywhere in the world, no word of Study Tech being gotten into school systems and reversing the dwindling spiral of education in any country, etc etc. All inflow, no outflow. There are those great big beautiful empty buildings in “strategic locations” across the world which were supposedly funded by these contributions. Perhaps someone thinks those are a good return on investment. I think they should look again.
Quite so, GP. Imagine anywhere else being commended for giving money to an organisation which provides no accountability, not even to the tax man. The nearest parallel I can think of is giving money to beggars in the street.
Actually I think money given to a beggar will go to buy food or drugs. At least it is predictable.
I think a better analogy is like giving money to a mafia “protection” racket. As long as you keep giving money to the church, you’re “protected” from being considered disaffected and coming under MAA scrutiny.
I see Scientology as an Italian restaurant owned by the Mafia. Yes, the food (tech) is good; the people are nice (hey, in Italy, you’re family); and eating well sometimes helps people…but what do they do with the money they make there?
That’s what I was thinking when it said “New Years Event QUOTA!” Seriously? You’re assigned a quota? The cracks have got to be opening very soon…
Yes, a better analogy. Thanks, JD.
You are right! It is astonishing. There is no other thing like it. In every other charity donation you see accountability. Heifer International is giving away goats and ducks and chickens to 3rd world families. We can see it. The Red Cross shows up everywhere. But how in the world can people be so bedazzled by hype that they literally buy a “status” for $5,000 that means nothing. No exchange. Nada. A pretty pin or a framed certificate to put on the wall.
Its a very frustrating place to suddenly find yourself, having to buy titles because suddenly ‘good standing’ is a relative term and the supply of gain is getting less so that all of a sudden your peers might be in better standing. Theologically, if Scientology is the Savior of your being, suddenly the Savior is playing favorites or there’s not enough salvation to go around so you’re buying it from a market where all the fish are rotten. The critical mistake that was made was to be so emphatic that LRH was the start and finish of this technological revelation. Had this not been done, it would be way easier and much more logical to reg for research money than for mystical titles.