The great ribbon yanking ceremony was held at the Ventura industrial facility yesterday, and they came from all over the United States to witness the wonder of Dear Leader spouting Shermanspeak.
A special correspondent was there to get some shots — though of course, scientology had done their best to keep the prying eyes of wogs and malcontents from getting anywhere close to the “festivities”.
Our correspondent reports they had blocked off the road where the Org is. Security was across the freeway and all along the road attempting to prevent those damned public from seeing what was going on. They estimated the crowd size was about 2000, but consisted mostly of SO members from LA and Gold. The number of Ventura Mission and Santa Barbara Org people there was maybe 20 – 30…
Before the festivities began and the crowd arriving:

That’s why I love drones Glenn. Only the FAA can create airspace restrictions. As long as a drone pilot you obey those you can fly wherever you want to. And SC cases rule that ANYTHING can be photographed if the photographer is in a PUBLIC SPACE.
Wynski, it’s not as simple as you make out:
“Q:Can state or other municipalities ban UAS flights legally, if not why are some placings allowing this?
A:Please refer to the State and Local Fact Sheet (PDF). Generally, outright prohibitions on UAS operations in the National Airspace System create preemption issues.
Q:Can local law enforcement enforce FAA regulations? Example someone recklessly flying 10 feet above a crowd of people.
A:Law enforcement personnel are not able to enforce FAA regulations; however, most State and local jurisdictions have some sort of “reckless endangerment” statutes they can enforce when appropriate.
Q:What is the FAA’s current take on how we should approach local municipalities, states, parks, etc. instituting laws or rules restricting drone use? Where do things stand legally?
A:Please see the State and Local Fact Sheet (PDF).”
“States and local jurisdictions are increasingly exploring regulation of UAS or proceeding to enact legislation relating to UAS operations. In 2015, approximately 45 states have considered restrictions on UAS….
State and local restrictions affecting UAS operations should be consistent with the extensive federal statutory and regulatory framework pertaining to control of the airspace, flight management and efficiency, air traffic control, aviation safety, navigational facilities, and the regulation of aircraft noise at its source. ”
As I pointed out previously, all 50 states now have laws or regulations regarding drone use, and they are enforced regardless:
Why people get arrested for flying drones
“Smuggling, spying and crashing are just a few reasons.”
And finally, while the Supreme Court has yet to rule on a case involving drones that sets a definitive relevant precedent, in the past they have indicated concern about the advance of technology and that they might rule in favor of restrictions:
Persistent Aerial Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment
‘In Dow Chemical Co. v. United States, 476 U.S. 227 (1986), a case involving aerial surveillance of an industrial plant, the Supreme Court suggested that extremely powerful imaging from the air might give rise to Fourth Amendment concerns, stating: “It may well be, as the Government concedes, that surveillance of private property by using highly sophisticated surveillance equipment not generally available to the public, such as satellite technology, might be constitutionally proscribed absent a warrant.’
And as I also previously posted a link regarding, many constitutional scholars agree that Fourth Amendment privacy concerns have primacy, and that state laws based on them are valid.
This is taken from their official site:
FEBRUARY 22, 2020
Seaside Grand Opening of stunning new Church on Highway 101 marks a milestone for Scientology’s spectacular growth across the Golden State.
Riding a never-ending swell of expansion for the religion, the Church of Scientology cut the ribbon on a new Ideal Organization (Org), Saturday, February 22, along this slice of surfing paradise. The first Ideal Org devoted to Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties opened before an exuberant audience of some 4,000 Scientologists and federal, state and local dignitaries. The dedication crests an ambitious period of growth through the past decade, only accelerating into 2020.”
Wow. One of the few abilities one can really gain in scn: how to pump up everything and make it look bigger than it really is.
Tell me how can you go to bed and feel OK? Pathetic.
“4000 people” ? Where??? Maybe they included the cars running on the highway and any person within 5 miles,
“… before an exuberant audience…” with a gun on their back.
There is no mention but I’m sure that DM arrived, did a fast inspection and got disappointed for something (this is a standard modus operandi) and somebody is now waiting for comm ev and then rpf.
I’ve always figured that they count staff and sea org watching remotely at upper level orgs in LA – or “postulate” the people in local orgs who are going to “attend” showings of the event video in coming weeks. They say “opened before an exuberant audience” so they could even be referring to those future audiences with weasel-wording.
Or, of course, they could just lie. But from what I’ve seen they seem to like to find some such tenuous justification for their numbers, so that they don’t imagine themselves being actual liars.
You have a smart view. Yes it’s possible that they get this shown in streaming to other orgs and sea orgs. They use it as a kind of event. It serve especially to keep the poor staff riding the wave. Behind the carrot.
“Riding A NEVER-ENDING SWELL OF EXPANSION for the religion…” Caps mine.
These Still In Idiots believe ANYTHING, apparently.
After being out of the cult for 9 years this should come as no surprise, but the truth is it never ceases to amaze me.
OK, here’s the deal on the speakers (although I could be mistaken).
Interfaith liaison (she has a 3rd cousin who dated a boy who became a choir director AND is fairly certain she once saw a yarmulke at a thrift store).
Human rights advocate (after seeing a news report about some women who were sex trafficked she turned to her husband and very clearly said “that’s awful”.)
Local dignitary (once spoke before the city council on a zoning issue and lives just down the street from one of the town’s Fire Chiefs).
Philanthropist (for Christmas gives co-workers a card that says “A donation has been made in your name to the Human Fund”).
I wonder how David Miscaviage feels when he is in bed alone at night? How can he possibly ever feel happy and content? All very weird.
You are assuming he is alone?
He’s not alone in bed with his misery. He has his Communicator With Benefits to share it with, or, more likely, unload it on. His CWB Laurisse, aka Lou, a die hard SO KA-drinker with a black belt in karate with a butch haircut and an adam’s apple like Clint Eastwood’s. Perv that he is I wouldn’t be surprised if she …oh, never mind.
Duties of the security team are keeping “unwanted elements” OUT. I think valid ID is required in order to be let in. Meaning, ID the cult considers “valid”. Some sort of cult registration card, I think. Not sure if the card includes a photo. Maybe someone here knows.
Fluff and Froth
Did they have Miscavige’s special box for him to stand on?
500? Maybe 600 max. Surprising they didn’t do it closer to sundown to provide a little ‘atmosphere.’ Ventura? Why?
Someone over at The Bunker counted chairs – it was closer to 2,000. But given that it’s in their LA area stronghold, and they apparently pulled in a lot of Sea Org, it’s not surprising that they could pull it off. If only 20-30 came from the old Santa Barbara org that’s being moved into the Ventura building that’s really telling of the state of things.
From what I’ve picked up Santa Barbara may once have been a fairly big org, but they apparently long struggled to pay the mortgage on the nice building they’re now abandoning, and were probably hit hard by fallout from the locally-based Reed Slatkin Ponzi scheme when the tech bubble burst. It’s also the area where David Mayo had his “squirrel” offshoot ACC, and attracted up to 500 people at gatherings for that.
I counted chairs on the largest section and it held 400. There were 4 that size and several other smaller sections, so I’m Ok with 2000. No more than that though.
I used a photo that showed chairs before the event started.
Mostly older folks from what I can see in the pics. Scientology is on the downhill slide. There are younger folks but, not enough to keep it going too much longer
No new blood. Miscavige made a big mistake back in the 80s (90’s?) when he ruled against Sea Ogres being able to have children. They could marry, have sex, but uh uh, no babies, that’s BAAAD, that’ll get you kicked OUT. So totally, totally nuts. And then there were the Class V org staff who were pressured to not have kids because they were so needed on staff. Big mistakes.
At least the Catholic Church, back in the day, while strictly mandating celibacy for its clergy at the same time encouraged their parishioners to marry ONCE and have LOTS of kids. Divorce? Sorry. Too bad if you don’t love each other and never did. Have an affair but stay married and keep those kids coming! The RCs were no fools. They made it Godly to reproduce. “Be fruitful and multiply, all of you, and make sure you give at least one son to us for the priesthood and while you’re at it give us one of your plainer-Jane daughters who have no marital prospects because we can always use nuns”. No fools in that regard, those early RCs. Get married and have a lot of kids OR don’t get married and be a celibate priest and we own you. Kind of suppressive but it sure made a lot of Catholics!
That podium is too short for the women lol
The Horses’sASS Royal Carriage, I believe!!!!
It constantly amazes me that they claim to want to “clear” the world. But they don’t want the world at their events to hear/see what Scientology is about.
With organized religion in general losing its grip all over the world. I honestly can’t fathom how a Cult like this maintains a strangle hold on people. ‘T’is a Puzzlement!’
Now, California will be “cleared” in no time (again).
They have a camera setup as if there would be a movie in production. It’s all show for Dear Leader’s propaganda about his farce about massive expansion.
Thank you to the correspondent who provided all the pics and took the time to get them. Wouldn’t it be fun if a drone went right up to Miscavige as he gave his speech and dropped papers on the podium and then had a recording play saying, “You’ve been served!”
One thing I”m unclear on: how can they have security on a freeway or divert freeway traffic?
That hydraulic boom that is towering over the crowd is known as a “cherry picker”. On a construction site, where they are mostly used, it is a safety requirement that all persons underneath it are required to have hard hats. A construction worker would be fired by the job supervisor if the safety law was violated.
Come on. This is scientology. They are positive thinking and positive postulating and Ot powers etc. It won’t go wrong anything.
When you are saving this planet and the section 9 of this galaxy what the hell can go wrong?
Mike can you please help us understand if we can petition our city to get this out of our town? Should we be worried? I am fully versed in the atrocities of Scientology and am actually worried for my community. I have posted in our community pages how dangerous Scientology is. But how do I get this information to the masses in my community so people aren’t tricked into giving their lives away? Any information you can give me would be so appreciative, I am very passionate about keeping this poison out of Ventura.
Don’t worry. People of Ventura will want nothing to do with this place. And although you can see it from the freeway it’s actually placed on a dead end road with zero foot traffic. The only people that would accidentally wonder in there would be homeless folks. Hey might be a good place to set up a homeless encampment!
Good point but I hate even seeing that garish sign in my town 🙁
And even Ventura Org had plenty of foot traffic it wouldn’t matter. New York Org is half a block from Time Square (“Crossroads of the World”, with half a million people in the immediate area for one reason or another every single day) and from what Mike has reported this org is one dead M’Org. Per their own Facebook page this “Ideal” Org produces about 1 Clear per year if even that. The word is out; the Scientology brand IS toxic.
Nice turnout, did everyone get ethics protection for attending? And about those umbrellas, does the person with the oldest one that was a prize for attending some other $ceno opening get a free selfie with DM? There must be some prize involved to get that number of Clams together.
Speaking of Clams:
Any remote chance that dear leader was served a court summons?
It is only a matter of time (and maybe a little creative planning).
Looks mind-numbingly boring. But then I guess if your Sea Org and required to be there, it would be far better than what you would otherwise be doing.
So, did Der Fürher get served?
Sad that there are even 2,000 SO members left to be forced to attend this…event?
Just what are the duties of the security team? Give out a Way to Happiness flyer then escort the intruders back out to the sidewalk and call some body router to see if they can get them to sign up for classes?
A Classic:
In the air… In the air…
Beautiful song. Ventura highway.
Just wondering since they CLOSED OFF some automobile access, if this song was blaring,lol!
A Flock of LRon Losers.
A Flock of LRon Losers!!! Are you kidding!!! That’s the hottest band in town!!!
Oh DM was personally there. In some occasion I’ve seen that he just sends a video (like bin laden) or maybe does it in steamin (but I think a video).
Now if hundreds of people weren’t be ordered to move there in mass from all US how many people would have actually showed up? So unnatural.
Staff in SoCal now outnumber ACTUAL non-staff scamologists in SoCal zone. THAT is incredible news!
That IS incredible. And incredibly good news too. Stickler for facts that you are, Wynski, I trust you have this data on good authority because you’re making my day and I very much want to believe this!
Very simple formula Aqua. “real scamologists” would mostly show up for this as DM ordered it as it is the most important type event for him. In the crowd are more staff than public. Logic thus dictates more staff than public.
“Elementary, my dear Aqua” 🙂
Logical indeed and highly encouraging news for everyone here!
Maybe I should wear tweed Aqua. 😉
You mean you don’t? Rather out-PR, what? Hmm…wouldn’t want this generally known. Emergency shopping trip needed. Inverness cape, deerstalker hat, pipe… violin lessons but not too many…we’ll get you up sartorial snuff, Sherlock-wise.
Looks like good drone work. Just wish the pilot could have dropped a summons off to Miscarriage.
Members in other parts of CA were pleaded with to travel to Ventura for this event. Emails from various FSMs flooded member’s inboxes with such. The thirst for bodies in attendance was over the top.