We all knew that despite his protestations to the court that he really isn’t a Florida man, Captain Miscavige has been hanging out in Clearwater for some time.
He did the New Year’s Event at Flag and now we have confirmation he also conducted the “March 13th” event in celebration of “Ron’s 112 birthday”…
Chicago is basically the only thing happening in the scientology world right now, so there are 3 different renditions of what the great man imparted to his faithful flock of mesmerized sheeple.
First, from our old friend Dave Parker — the first ED of the Chicago org back in the day. A relic of days gone by who has fallen under the Miscavige spell.
He says that it was unbelievable how much is actually being done in scientology… if he hadn’t seen it for himself. The thing is, it should NOT be believed. He DIDN’T “see it for himself” — he listened to what he was told and perhaps watched some slick videos that made it appear things were being done. None of it is real. Old Dave has been struggling for ever, along with the rest of the scientology organizational hierarchy, to get one org in Chicago opened. That doesn’t tell him anything about the actual state of scientology?
an indicator of how LITTLE there was in the way of actual news, they padded the event with presenting awards to the last 4 years worth of birthday game winners! Does anyone really care who won the Birthday Game in 2019? Of course not, but you can bet they were on their feet cheering and screaming as if each winner had just prevailed in the Super Bowl…
The next hype comes from the Chicago OT Committee chairman.
He announces that this is not going to be just “any event” but one where Captain Miscavige fills us in on what is going on. OMG! The COB himself. Like that has never happened before?
They also played some statement from Hubbard from the 1960’s, probably from the FEBC tapes (they are confidential)… and they’re going to hear about the “dissemination of scientology at the proper orders of magnitude to actually clear our city, our nation and the planet!” Now where have we heard this before? That has been the promise since Hubbard initiated the “Special Zone Plan” back in the days of the HASI.
And they keep buying it!
And finally the perspective of “Meenu” who claims the Captain “goes over what happened and as-ises the last three years”… Seriously?
And they got a gift at the end!
All sounds pretty underwhelming. But I am sure we will see many glowing accounts of the amazingness of this event in the coming weeks.
Miscavige could take the stage and tell knock-knock jokes for an hour, and the clubbed seals in the audience would still jump up and offer standing ovations and feel duty-bound after the event to tell everyone else what an amazing, uplifting event it was and that “COB had raised the tone level” and that “you have never seen anything like it” and “everyone has to experience this for themselves.”
The cult of personality is truly alive and well inside the scientology bubble….
We all had to say that events were amazing, back in the day. I dreaded them and avoided them whenever possible but when I had to attend I lied afterwards. I put on a pretty good act. I piled on, as was expected, about how awe-inspiring it all had been, and how enlightening I was because of what had been shown us, and blah, blah blah. Sometimes while spouting this bullshit to the survey takers I’d wonder if I were the only one who loathed Scientology events and was lying thru the teeth to the survey takers. I’d wonder my fellow Scientologists’ enthusiasm was actually real. I would feel guilty for being such a liar and a phony and I would feel guilty because I believed I SHOULD like events – indeed, I believed I should LOVE them. And I didn’t, I dreaded and disliked them. Today it amuses me to contemplate the likely possibility that I was far from the only one pretending enthusiasm, appreciation and enlightenment from Int Events, and that I was far from the only convincing liar at these things. This amuses me.
Ron’s 112th birthday? Shouldn’t he be turning 73 this year? After all, the arrival of dianutics was such a momentous event as to reset the calendar. At least to those who gobbled enough pinks and grays.
The ‘fast paced and packed with data’ quote really hit me in the gut. It brought back memories of what was probably my very first disagreement with scn. I couldn’t stand those events, and frankly slouched in my chair and cat napped. Sometimes I didn’t even stand up every two minutes for the compulsory standing ovation. Fortunately I had small kids at that time and a wife on staff, so I had a good excuse to go ‘look after’ them. The last few years I never really watched more than a quarter of any event – and left early (“Had to get the kids to bed”). I was upbraided badly for leaving early once by some executive prick from LA and I think that was my last event.
Hey Mike… Wondering if you’ve ever contemplated doing this: What would happen if you and some of your former CoS exec colleagues showed up at one of these events wearing your old Sea Org uniforms? Just walk in like you belong there and interact with folks like nothing is out of the ordinary. Applaud exuberantly – all smiles… High-five each other, woop and yell like you’re so happy to be there. Stay in character until someone throws you out. That would be f*cking awesome and I bet DM would bust a vein in his head. Jokery and degradery at the highest level. Like Bono said, “Mock the devil and he will flee from thee.”
Keep up the good work. Love your blog, the podcast you and Leah did, and of course Aftermath.
Oh, that would be classic…but he’d probably have the local police arrest them for trespassing and wearing stolen uniforms. They’re all bribed to obey him.
LOL! Some orgs are holding the event on April Fools Day. How appropriate.
It must be exhausting keeping the scam running, as opposed to actually delivering the benefits you promise.
You’ve got to convince the little guy that $ci. is good for him/everyone.
(stabilize the base)
You’ve got to schmooze the fat cats.
(keep the $$$ rolling in)
You’ve got to play the “reward and punishment” game with a handful of people so they’ll spread the message you want spread.
(ever changing inner circle – but not too close)
The order changes from day to day and you can’t trust anyone.
That’s why when an idea or phrase clicks (clearing the planet, ideal orgs, orders of magnitude, etc) it gets beaten to death because for a period of time it takes off the pressure.
It must be exhausting.
I’ve seen that Austin has a mid-April “opening” scheduled with the city. Chicago’s building (bought a decade and a half ago) has been done I think at least a year longer, and though it’s possible they might even have an opening first, it’s unbelievably bad project management any way you look at it.
And that shows how little is actually going on in Scientology. They also have no other projects known to be under construction in the US, so they must be at least a year or two from possibly having any more openings, a schedule much shrunken from what it had been.
Sure, disseminating Scientology at proper orders and ‘clearing’ of cities or planets can be imagined. Just as the zealots of other beliefs imagine things like a Christian or Muslim locality or nation. Given the CoS’ inability to get things done like other organizations would, obvious shrinkage and losses of their core of longtime members, it’s clearly not happening in this lifetime.
They must be shuttling the few people who they have left from empty org after empty org to do what there are no locals to do…will he just start flat-out hiring actors to fill the roles soon? He’s done it to fill out crowds.
Does anyone know who this is? We would like to add him to the big list if possible (or add to current entry).
It really looks like the name is Jim Williams, but hard to be sure.
It’s what we thought too! Thanks!
Hey, binging your podcast sad to see it stopped, any plans to bring it back?
The cult personality is alive and well but it’s blinders are made from lead plates these days. Its lies are EVERYWHERE and HUGE.
Dissemination of Scientology at the proper orders of magnitude to CLEAR our city … ??????? When I hear stuff like this and how absolutely delusional these people are, I actually get kind of embarrassed … Are they just COMPLETELY nuts after a certain amount of time in?.(I was in for 35 years and didn’t FEEL nuts, but …). I guess Flag gets customers, but can’t these people even SEE that virtually nobody’s getting into Scientology anymore? EXPANSION???? If they even just don’t shrink down to 12,000 public worldwide in the next couple of years, they’ll have performed a miracle. The only way there will even BE a church of scientology 25 years from now, after the current oldsters have died, is if the small amount of the younger generation in now start having lots and lots of babies, and chances are even then, they won’t be Scientologists.
*Clear a city???? Can they even clear an ORG? (other than making it empty of public that is).
** The FEBC training (which just misdirects staff’s attention so they don’t focus on what is right in front of them) will turn out to have no positive effect whatsoever, except maybe that some of the returnees might spot the huge out points and eventually blow.
*** Captain, Commodore … How come they never promoted themselves to General and Admiral?
I am sure the flock is now bathed in “theta.” These events are crucial to keep the flock captured in the spell. Sounds like they really poured it on, as usual.
I know from first hand experience that info passed along in these events will be inflated, as we saw first-hand with the first event in May/June 2016 after the grand opening of the Atlanta org. For anyone in the flock bothering to notice, the falseness can be seen in person on any day of the week at the Atl org, as people are staying away in droves.
Instead of theatrics, we can call that “theta-tricks.”
“the clubbed seals in the audience” 🤣🤣 😭
One of these days, DM will learn what it means to be a man.
No, he won’t. He will always be a child.
A psychopath cannot learn to feel, only mimic emotions as necessary.
In the same way, Mister Miscavige cannot learn what he cannot become, no matter the circumstances or events that would force any other empathic person to grow up.