Someone recently sent me an audio recording of the New Year’s event which I am making my way through. Some of it is a bit hard to hear, but there is enough in there to make for some interesting posts which will be forthcoming when I have the time to put them together.
But in the meantime, I came across an issue of the “High Winds” magazine celebrating the first 25 years of the Sea Org in 1992.
You can see Captain Miscavige here addressing the audience at the International Base (this is before the advent of the Hole):
But what is most interesting is to take stock of some of His hype from back then.
Now with 21.5 years having passed we can see the progress towards his lofty projections. And believe me, the New Year’s event, even in the first 30 minutes has the same level of ridiculous hype: speaking of GAG II he announces it to be “our [read “My”] single most important accomplishment on the whole track,” and claims “15,000 Scientologists crossed the threshhold to behold the majesty of Scientology at the top of the bridge.” His words are now Shermanspeak (1992 was BS — Before Sherman was on the scene writing every word that Miscavige utters) and there are a lot more generalities, but the leopard has not changed his spots when it comes to the art of the hype.
These were his projections for the Sea Org on its 50th anniversary — just 3.5 years away now.
What is interesting about this in addition to the sheer chutzpah of the hype is that this IS about what would NEED to be happening for Scientology to be making any real impact on the world and experiencing “straight up and vertical” growth. (Some may also find it interesting that it is me sitting immediately to his right, along with Norman Starkey and Marc Yager — all of us would ultimately reunite as denizens of the Hole).
Instead, He keeps rehashing the same old same old with grander and grander adjectives and assertions, ignoring everything He said at the last event — let alone 20 years ago, convincing his gullible listeners that everything is going along swimmingly. So much so that they themselves put out the most idiotic numbers as if they are really something to be excited about (“we got 80 people through NOTs in a YEAR” “6 new starts of old people on new old courses”).
This is bubble mentality. Someone should show them THESE projections and wake them up to the fact that their “movement” is no longer moving, in fact it is terminally constipated.
Cece says
Gato Rogo, I did get the shoe shine kit!
Val was CLO staff. I was AOLA. I don’t recall any of my staff ever having to pay and order their own parts. I was very good at that and worked out exchanges with the uniform warehouse for equal value parts I needed for crew.
When the RPF one a day mission came to PAC Bill Omera went first because he could not keep his shirt tucked in. When I was sent a few days later – Bill asked me why I was there. I told him it was because I hadn’t gotten him the right size shirt and we had a good laugh.
Despite all this I for the most part loved the challenge of doing my job. It did get a bit old and yes, so nice to mind my own policy now.
Odd Thomas says
Jane — It says enough!
“We’ve had enough phone calls, enough threats, enough invalidation about our lives, our careers, our personal choices. Enough financial pressure that leaves us penniless, enough lies (to ourselves) that all we’re seeing and hearing makes sense. We’ve just had enough.”
Jane Doe says
And if only 50 out of 600 OT VII and VIII in LA confirmed, what does that say? Many under the radar? Many just not participating? Many waiting it out to see what happens to the church? And many just plain tired of the bullshit?
Jane Doe says
And of those 50 confirms I bet only 30 show up. Many will confirm just to get them off the phone and then will not attend and say, “oops something important came up… a crisis, family emergency, etc..”They admit in this email that there are only 600 OT VIIs and VIIIs in LA. LA has the largest concentration of Scns in the world, even more than Flag. So if LA has 600, Flag must have 300 on VII and VIII. that comes to 800 and maybe another 200 in Europe and other countries combined. So when they lie to us like Edy Lundeen did in her email saying that we have 6,450 or whatever the number is on Solo Nots, she is lying through her teeth with a straight face. She is good at it. The real number is maybe 1,000 on SN IF you’re lucky. So the question is, does Edy really believe her 6,000 number on SN? Or did Davie order her to say that and she complied knowing full well it was a lie? What do you think?
Cognited and Out says
Wanted to share some straight up and vertical – not! – from LA. Seems Clive Raney is no longer flavor of the month, and the top of the bridge is staying away in droves. No, I am not Claire Taylor
Claire Taylor
[email protected]
Subject: Important: Read!
Priority: Normal Date: Thursday, January 9, 2014 1:30 AM Size: 7 KB
We have 50 confirms out of 600 OT VII and VIIIs confirmed for Mr. Rabey’s Briefing to ALL OT VIIs VIIIs this Friday at 6:30 PM. It has been a year since he has visited us. Everyone one of us has been touched by this man in our route up to or through OT VII.
Please click reply or call the Flag office to confirm and flow power back to Mr. Rabey for the incredible accomplishments Flag has made in the realm of OT this year.
Make it go right and be at LA Org Chapel at 6:30 PM.
Claire Taylor
Sid says
To any “still-in” who might be wondering whether the shocking stories about David Miscavige could possibly be true, you may be interested in the following quote from Ricardo Cedillo.
He was one of the 20 lawyers on Scientology’s side yesterday, in the Comal County Courthouse, in New Braunfels, Texas.
Cedillo is an attorney for CSI who is trying to keep CoB out of the harassment lawsuit being brought by Monique Rathbun against the church and David Miscavige.
He said this yesterday to Judge Dib Waldrip:-
“It doesn’t matter if my client has a black heart, what matters is that it’s a case of religion.”
Remember that the next time you are asked to make a donation to the IAS, or disconnect from a loved one.
Mary Rathernotsay says
Richardo Cedillo’s client is supposedly the Church of Scientology International. So when Richardo Cedillo said that it did not matter if his client had a black heart, he was supposedly talking about the Church Of Scientology having a black heart.
But most of us know that he probably meant David Miscavige personally as having a black heart, since it is David who he is actually taking all orders from.
Either way, members take notice. Do you really wish to remain a member of a “church”
that has a black heart according to its own legal representative? Is that your true purpose?
Ricardo, congrats. The best you can do is leave the case. Your own heart knows better than to continue to represent the dark side. You will feel better once you come into the light. It’s really not worth what you are putting yourself through!
Call it a day.
Espiritu says
Lies, lies, lies. I don’t even know how to comment on this stuff. It is just so much evil shit. As fast as one lie is exposed, Mi$cavige’s and his minions come out with another one. It is overwhelming and perhaps it is meant to be. Perhaps overwhelm is the basic “club” being wielded upon the clapping seals. The idea seems to make it just too much to confront. Thanks to Mike, Karen,Ray Jefferies, Tony Ortega, Marty, and all who I have been carefully and thoughtfully exposing the lies being put forth by Mi$cavige and his shrinking minions. It is just such a lot of evil shit that it can boggle the mind. But fewer and fewer minds will get “boggled” as time goes by. Fewer and fewer people are listening to Mi$cavige and taking him seriously as they confront what he had actually been doing.
While still “keeping my eye on the ball”, here is how seriously I take this evil minded person these days:
dmslappyface says
“terminally constipated!” LOL
Sejanus says
What is it with Cosplay for these guys.
The uniforms are just tacky.
The Oracle says
Hey, in the old photo of DM, do you notice all of the medals on his coat? He had like, triple that by the late 80’s.
WHO awarded him those medals? What do they mean? Does anybody know? Did he award them to himself? Did he have all of those medals at age 21 when he took over? Has anyone else seen all the medals he had by the late 80’s early 90’s?
Has he been awarding himself medals and honors?
Does anyone know?
The Oracle says
Are these Chirstmas stocking stuffers from the I.A.S. and other propitiative staff?
Hallie Jane says
Mike Rinder says
The medals (except for the red one at the top that was given to him and Lyman Spurlock and Marty Rathbun by L. Ron Hubbard personally) are all “service awards” that signify either completion of a course (auditor training, SO courses, OEC, KTL etc etc) or participation in certain events (“Apollo Vents Cleaning” or “IRS recognition” or “Opening AO ANZO” or “Shooting Tech Films With LRH”).
He assumes his rank, title, position, perks etc etc. He is the top of the heap. There is nobody to bestow ANYTHING on him. He simply says it is so and it is so. He appointed himself Captain too.
The Oracle says
Wow! No wonder his jacket was covered with them by the early 90’s.
Hallie Jane says
Targets and targeting are another subject in Scn, that has be turned into an entheta joke. Who hasn’t set a hard goal for themselves and then felt pride, when they achieved it? It’s so important in everyday life, especially with large or complex projects, to set targets for completion time schedules. I remember so many times when I did my best, above and beyond and got told it wasn’t good enough. My best wasn’t good enough. Somewhere along the line committing unreal targets became standard operating prodcedure, and if you didn’t make one, you got the stink eye that you were a counter-intending asshole, probably an sp. I grew to hate the subject. My non Scn bosses have thought I was a goddess because of how much I got done. I had to work through the fear and stress that I had acquired and try to enjoy work again. I now try to take a win on all “dones” large and small, on all dynamics.
Carcha says
Hallie Jane – Thanks, that indicates to me. I disliked targets and didn’t want to read the targeting series for precisely the reasons you mention. I bet that has happened to a lot of people in many areas of Scientology.
I always enjoy reading your sane and pertinent comments. Keep up the good work! – Carcha.
Hallie Jane says
Odd Thomas says
I can understand why you didn’t want to read the Target Series. Within a few short years after appearing, it became the Wrong Target Series, perpetuated by small-minded people, who used it, like they used all tech, to control and invalidate others.
By the time I left staff in 1982, I was thoroughly disheartened with the misuse of not just the Target Series, but every admin series. Every admin tool.
I didn’t understand why they just didn’t use it correctly. Listen in on any business meeting or military conference in the field and what you’re hearing are targets – real steps implemented to achieve a result. It’s simple, like a recipe — how can you fuck it up?!
It’s not the Tech that’s the problem, it’s the Intention behind its use. To harm or destroy, manipulate or help.
Look at a complete set of knives and sharpening implements and what do you have?
The working tools of a chef or a butcher or a Serial Killer. It’s all about the intended use of those tools.
Carcha says
Right you are, very clearly stated, and thanks. There are probably many instances of misuse of good tech, and a lot of people who have a lot of charge on that.
gato rojo says
I hear ya loud and clear. My “favorites” were when there were targets all over the place and NO REASON for those particular timeframes to be assigned. No show to get ready for, Thurday was 5 days away, no one else needing what you had to get done….just get it done before you go home or else. I bet there is a ton of collective BPC on this misuse of targetting and the horrible badgering you got (not per the policy at all) because you didn’t make a target someone forced on you. Then when you even made it there was rarely even a thank you. Just a snub and “Now get this done, and hurry the eff up.”
Granted, jobs need things done, employers depend on their staff to get things done efficiently and all that. But they don’t attempt to kill off their staff in the process. Once you realize how you agreed to be trapped there, working for this regime, it’s easy to finally say No More. Good on ya for getting the heck out! 🙂
Odd Thomas says
+1 Right with you
Jane Doe says
A quote from Tony Ortega’s reporter who spent the day in court reporting on the Mosey vs. Scn case. Great stuff below where the judge says to get David Miscavage ready for deposition next week:
“Anyway, Lamont Jefferson began objecting to the request for photographs, but then Waldrip interrupted him.
Waldrip: What I don’t understand is why RTC is making objections in a court that they say has no jurisdiction over them.
Nick says Lamont fumbled out an answer, saying something about his client having a vested interest in the photos.
“So Waldrip said it looks like the jurisdictional and First Amendment issues seem to be overlapping, so you better get your client ready to be deposed next week then.”
Then Lamont backed off. “No, I’m just talking about the photos,” Jefferson said, perhaps understanding that once again he’d walked into a trap of his own making.”
Old Surfer Dude says
Wow! Thanks, Jane, for the update!
greenonwhite says
Wow. I will try my math. Take 20 years times 10, then take this 200 and divide it into the predicted 250,000 active auditors. This gives is 1250. Hmmmm. This is a rate of contraction formula.
Give him his 250,000 auditors making 5 clears a year each. This is 1,250,000 per year. Divide this into 6.5 billion and we get 5200 years to clear the planet.
See little pop, I can also do made up math.
axiom38 says
It was about 89 when I noticed that the effective actions taken to reach new public were being altered uplines,such as the effective DMSMH campaign. In the ensuing decade the focus moved from creating new Scientologists and training auditors to regging the public for donations at every conceivable opportunity.That has only escalated since to the point where 90% of the people you encounter in any Org are old timers and their offspring…broke and miserable.
The Church is already dead but like a cadaver whose fingernails and hair continue to grow for a short while the appearance of life remains to the unobservant. Miscavige is simply regularily changing the clothes and perfuming the corpse which he created.
Richard Royce says
While in the bubble stats are ACTUALLY going down, outside Indi real stats are going up of Auditors auditing! I am throwing in my hat as one more Field auditor available at truly affordable prices.
[email protected]
Formost says
Cheers 🙂
Carcha says
Richard – Wishing many VWD auditing hours with genuine LRH tech! If you haven’t already, hook up with someone for a Qual function.
Pepper says
Overblown stats and predictions in 1992 and outright lies now. The CoS is evolving!
Cece says
Gato Rogo, I didn’t get a scarf – dang probably would have been the one part I liked. I remember Lebanon Hall the day my crew (AOLA) were to go select theirs. No scarfs 🙁
Ohhh and the big bill from FB that came a few weeks later billing AOLA for their uniform. Now you would have thought this would have had AO’s Finance approval prior to purchase …… no – that policy did not pertain in this case. Good ‘Ol Val. I do believe she is still in charge of the PAC Uniforms (now PAC Image). So nice to not be there 🙂
gato rojo says
No kidding! You must’ve gotten the shoe shine kit though, huh…? LOL….
I don’t think I know who Val is. Poor gal, still there. Yuck.
Then when you run out of uniform parts that look decent you had to buy them yourself. I remember perusing catalogs from Treasury to find new black pants or shoes or socks that I could orderby mail. I used to save birthday and Christmas money from family to spend on this stuff. Pathetic. You couldn’t buy it with your non-existent “pay,” that’s for sure! What a racket.
Yeah–policy didn’t pertain anywhere anymore. It is good to be out here now adhering to my own policy! 🙂
Cece says
Yup – CD. That’s why I try to address to a commenter. It’s something about Mikes Blog set-up or… mine 🙂
Carcha says
Cece – Happened to me too. Try refreshing the site (the F5 key) after each reply you type. I think multiple replies without a refresh somehow end up as disjointed posts.
Cece says
Thank-u Carcha – good catch
gato rojo says
Mike, was this the time he broke his foot? I remember going to a similar briefing where he stood behind an unusually big fat podium rather than his usual slimmer podium used at base briefings. Later I found out he was hiding a cast on his foot. A messenger who saw him in his office with a cast spilled the beans to us peons at the time. Just wondering if this was that time slot.
Mike Rinder says
Seems like it was around this time, though I dont know for sure. That was the foot he broke in the celebrity basketball he went to with Cruise and Dustin Hoffman so I guess it was Rain Man time… Whenever that was.
Steve Cook says
I remember that event. I thought he had fallen off his motorcycle.
remoteviewed says
Man I’ve never read such a load of total BS since I read “The Sea Org; The Future” on the staff bulletin board at AOLA.
I mean this was after the coup had crashed AO, ASHO and CCI (which never originally was an SO Org) by arbitrarily mandating that only SO personal could work there.
Then they got rid of the CMU the only dissem line that was effectively bringing new people in, trashed INCOM by using their network to monitor ARS instead of having it do what it was established to do which was keep track of international stats and wiped out NWC to handle the lack of technically trained staff in the Pac Based Orgs
I don’t know what was going on at Flag at that time but when I was there in ’89 on the VI internship the tech there *sucked* in my opinion.
One wonders what alternative universe Miscavige and Int Management were existing in when he made this incredibly delusional screed.
Was he or whoever made these so called “mathematical” (based on what? since INCOM was pretty much non op at the time) calculations on drugs?
Anybody with any sense at the level below the Magic Kingdom AKA Int Base knew Scientology was not I repeat was not expanding and intel assiduously acquired by Kristi Wachter by reviewing Source and Advance Mags at the time pretty much proved this years later.
One thing Miscavige has been successful at I must say is expanding the bubble that Int Base existed in to include the whole Scientology network or actually what’s left of it.
Old School says
I was at AO. No “coup” crashed it. It ran out of people wanting to pay for OT levels. The cannibalization of its (and AOSH’s) CF stated YEARS before that. By ’85 old records, going back to the 60’s were being scoured for public as the flow had dried up from the boom of the late 60’s VERY early 70’s (the hippy generation). It was one of the factors that lead M. Silverman to get creative with OT packages and Preps Intensives. It was an “unusual solution” to lack of demand for an overt product called, … The OT levels by LRH.
Sorry to give ya the hard cold facts.
remoteviewed says
Oh please OS.
I was there too and was non SO staff Div 4 HGC.
What Division were you in?
Old School says
remoteviewed says
Obviously we have two different viewpoints on the scene.
Old Surfer Dude says
OS, please keep giving us the hard cold facts! BM reads this blog!
remoteviewed says
OSD didn’t you mean to say DM reads this blog?
Personally I doubt if he does.
What is left of OSA probably does it for him.
As far as the “hard cold facts” submitted by OS.
They can be disputed.
I knew Mike Silverman personally and he spent most of his time doing card tricks while on tour for AO and calling people from his Rolodex if he was desperate which he rarely was since when he was there we gave him more then enough resigns to handle
The guy hardly touched a CF folder since the Regs left that grunt work to the ASR.
At least that was the scene when Ivan was the CO.
True back then there were a lot of “cutatives” but from what I know there always were.
You think just because the Ol’man issued a policy against it the practice stopped?
One of the few points were the “Service” was applied to the max. Especially Thursday before 2.
The only practice that actually stopped was postulate checks since they used to piss of the Tres Sec to no end and he or she would have to go back and correct the “Corrected GI”.
Besides with easy credit available who needed them?
Regarding CF:
CFs in most orgs were a mess and virtually unusable with the exception of “Hot Prospect Files” in most orgs until the mid ’70’s when the Ol’man personally ordered a CF project bypassing all Div IIs internationally.
I worked on it and I personally with a few others assigned to the project in the org I was at couldn’t believe what we found filed in CF.
I mean actually filed as opposed to the “to be filed” stack which reached the frickin’ ceiling.
Things like Div VI files, Treasury Files, even Ethics folders and worse actual PC Folders!
HCO didn’t help much because to get their LO stat up they’d have staff write to people on the addresso lists instead of having them read the actual CF folder which is why Class VIIIs and other highly trained auditors in our CF would continually complain about some jerk in the org writing them a letter asking them if they finished their Dianetics book yet.
Aside from the fact that addresso was a total mess which became another project was the fact that the folders weren’t color tabbed to distinguish Trained and Processed from Book Buyers.
I could go on and on about what a disgusting disorganized mess the “mind” of most orgs were.
I mean if the orgs were personified back then you’d think they were suffering from Alzheimer’s or were on drugs.
‘Nuff said about that.
What OS said about the OT Levels being an “overt product” is of course his *opinion* and not a “hard cold fact”.
If he wants to invalidate them. That’s his prerogative.
Having done them myself I can say that I got more than I expected from them and most importantly they were a lot of fun to do and I didn’t have to spend a mint doing them since I was trained before doing them I didn’t rack up the review hours.
As I wrote in an earlier post since I co-audited pretty much all my Grade Chart which ended up costing me less then all the money I’ve spent on cigarettes and Caffè Americanos at Starbucks in this lifetime.
Not only that but I made any money I spent on the Grade Chart back and more by auditing and FESing at ASHO and AOLA for several years.
So the “cold hard (economic) fact” is that I got back more than an equal return from my investment.
In other words I’m right up there with William S Burroughs as one of the few people who made more money from Scientology then they put into it.
But really it has nothing to do with money. I’ve given away a lot a free auditing. Helped a lot of people without asking a dime for doing it.
It’s more about doing something you like doing.
I mean back in the early ’90’s I coulda gone into programming computers after all us non SO were unceremoniously handed our pink slips at AO but I hated staring at a terminal and entering code.
Ended up in corporate hell for a few years stuck in some cubicle and decided that just living for a paycheck was not something I wanted to do.
So call me crazy. I’m doing something I’ve always wanted to do ever since I read the chapter on “Become an Auditor” in “Dianetics Today” when I was a punk teenager.
One thing that makes me sad is people not living the life they want to live.
They decide to be a Rock Star and end up being an accountant or end up getting a “real job”.
So in closing I’d like to play an inspiring song by George Thorogood and the Destroyers:
Old School says
What ARE you going on about with Silverman and CF files? I am afraid that you have ZERO clue. Silverman used Dept. 7 ACCOUNTS folders to manipulate the Pre-paid services I was talking about. Alan Chang (Cashier). would bring him the files to be “doctored”. This also has nothing to do with being on tour.
As an NSO auditor you had ZERO access to the relevant data in order to evaluate the situation. Sorry to have sucked you into a discussion that you are not equipped to have.
(p.s. Ivan was fully informed of this)
Old Surfer Dude says
To Remoteviewed: No, BM for bowel movement.
Jane Doe says
As public during the time you two are talking about at AOLA, I know Michael Silverman got creative and started holding seminars to tell people to go to their grandparnts and get them to get a 2nd mtg on their home and give them the money for the Bridge and that you’d pay them back (or not).
Jane Doe says
Robin, I like your message of spend your life working at what you like doing. I’m so glad you like to audit and made that your life’s work. I also want to audit in the Indie field. We have to prepare to deliver as massive exodus from the church is happening and will continue to happen big time as GAT II falls more on its face than ever before and as people start waking up and leaving.
Old School says
As of this time (1992) the Int stats had been downtrending for about 4 years. The end was already apparent for those who actually looked (talking about those who had access to the stats). I left as soon as he started issuing F.O.’s under Guillaume’s name (~1987) and it was apparent that there were no levels above 7 to be sold.
Hallie Jane says
Smart move.
Moonshot says
Ha ha ha…Mike, it must be rather strange for you to look at that picture (the 50 year look one) and see yourself pictured on an 80’s era Star Ship Enterprise set….good ‘ol’ times? perhaps not…….anyway, that pic really looks like one of EnthralledObservers’s shoops on Tony Ortega’s blog, only, its an actual pic……
War Horse says
To Richard Grant:
But do you know the square of the hypotenuse?
richardgrant says
Those cheerful facts we leave to our land-based brethren. I’m from the Naval side — though from your handle, I guess you’ve seen some Cavalry action!
Leonore says
War Horse,
Would that be A Modern Major General? (Couldn’t resist).
Madora Pennington says
Somebody still under the statue of limitations needs to come forward and get Cap’n Davey arrested for assault and battery, kidnapping, imprisonment. Be as brave as Debbie Cook.
knatherthomas says
After seeing parts of the IAS event it seems plausible that the delays in the event schedule toward the end of 2013 may be due to DM being seriously ill. He looks downright unhealthy in the IAS video clips, is quite pale and is about 2 sizes thinner than before. He has less hair and his face and neck are gaunt, even his voice is less robust. Considering how under siege he must feel, this isn’t surprising. The question in my mind is “How much longer will he be around?” And if he is literally on the way out, what kind of upheaval will there be for the the dwindling CofS? Maybe the bubble will finally burst and friends and family can freely reunite.
That would be a good day.
DollarMorgue says
I think if he passed away before he could be brought to justice for at least some of his crimes it would severely complicate matters. Remember, the “suppressive media and justice system” conspiracy is alive and well in the bubble. You still need to get through that wall of fire, and his death without confirmation would just reinforce the thought-stopping fanaticism. I will pray for his health.
gato rojo says
I would imagine he is drinking his food these days. He’s at the point where you stop eating very much and just use the alcohol to get through the day. His self-medication of this type has been going on for a long time.
Also, he’s started doing this tell of a tiny “heh…” under his breath. I couldn’t stand to watch all those droning clips but he did it very early on at the beginning and a couple other times in the clips that I saw. It’s the kind of little smirk under your breath where you are letting out resentment regarding what you’re saying. It’s condescending. It did not used to be there.
He really has to mock up that kind, humanitarian religious leader facade now. Probably hates it to no end and there’s the resentment.
These blogs and all this “entheta” are really getting to him, and he doesn’t wear it well.
gato rojo says
Just realized something else–if he really does get deposed a man in this condition WILL screw up. He will trip up all over his lies and it will be delightful.
Aquamarine says
As regards David Miscavige’s health, here’s some data, no conclusions, mind you – just data.:
LRH states somewhere – I think I read it in SOS – that if a being is not permitted to dramatize his case he’ll get sick.
For months to date Monique Rathbun’s restraining order has prevented Him from tailing the Rathbuns. .
Jane Doe says
excellent point Aquamarine. You’re right. LRH did say that if you are prevented from dramatizing your case, you’ll get sick, and Davie can’t break the restraining order. I wonder if he is able to beat staff at Int now when he gets mad? Let’s hope he doesn’t die before he takes the stand.
Deniece says
It maybe that DM is sick. It may be true that negative emotions such as anger, left in the physical body’, crystalize into disease.
Jane Doe says
Yes Deniece, And if you subscribe to the Overt-Motivator Sequence, DM’s has racked up such a huge amount of Overts, that he will be pulling in huge straight up and vertical motivators, aka Karma.
Bill Lumberg says
Looking at your guys in your cute little Sea Org uniforms gave me a good laugh! It’s all make-believe . . . down to playing dress-up in a crisp Naval uniform. Thanks for the giggle, Mike!
gato rojo says
Those clothes were unbearable. Ugly, uncomfortable, too much to do to take decent care of them and no time to do it, never fit right, and they were supposedly tailored. And waaaaaay out of the realm of reality “out in the world” as you say….Navy dress-up. For me personally I only had to wear it when we had some fancy event like this–not every day. We had summer whites and navy blue winter sets–the jacket with lanyard and the doo-dads depending on your rank and accomplishments, long pants black shined shoes (and shoe polish kit) and sox or a mid-knee length secretary-type skirt, those old lady semi-high heel style pumps, stockings, white long sleeved shirt with the epaulettes and military pockets and black tie. And the cap. We also got long dk blue trenchcoats for the winter and dk blue pea coats, scarves and gloves. At one point we all got the full wardrobe in a big steamtrunk for storage. But the steamtrunks opened at the top so even though you had only a tiny space for your own personal storage you couldn’t even stack these things to save space. Heaven forbid you needed something out of the one at the bottom. As usual, great planning. In case anybody was the slightset bit interested, which they probably aren’t…LOL….
It was one of the things I was happiest to leave behind when I escaped.
Joe Pendleton aka Max Corkle says
Dig this ….. what if Shelly has been going through a bunch of operations the past few years and has physically been made into a double for Davey? (his sexual orientation is “Miscavo-sexual”, which means as Miscavige, he is attracted only TO Miscavige, thus the creation of a duplicate body for him to be with ….. and because he couldn’t get Cruise or Tommy Davis to do it, he felt most comfortable turning to Shelly …. though he did get a dedicated young SO member to donate his penis for the transplant). But here’s the thing …. Shelly/COB can also substitute for Davey/COB at any time. And so sometimes you do notice a bit of a change in appearance from event to event. And speaking of events, in the event of Davey/COB unexpectedly kicking the bucket someday? As the Irish say … not to worry …. Shelly/COB will be right there to command the 700,000 SO members in 2017. Not to worry.
DollarMorgue says
The only statement made with any certainty is “there WILL be 81 continental management bodies”. Everything else is just conjecture, based on “IF the Sea Org continues the same yearly rate of expansion” (would this, would that).
Well, it didn’t work out by a long shot, but this was a Sea Org Day publication designed to bolster morale. It would be fantastic to have this in hard copy. Sadly, I threw away all the promo I’d filed over the years so can’t use it to wake anyone up without declaring myself on the spot.
Cece says
fuck off and die
Cat daddy says
Seems out of place here 😉
Old Surfer Dude says
Re: Cece’s “fuck off and die.” Who are you saying that about?
KFrancis says
“FOAD?”……I am sure it just an answer to this question posed above.
Old Surfer Dude says
Thanks, KFrancis! I’m not the sharpest nife, er, ah, um, I mean knife in the chandallier. Wasn’t sure if that was meant for one of the posters.
Tony DePhillips says
The cob is hereby demoted to swamper for not making his target. He is to report to the PAC RPF immediately.
Jane Doe says
PAC RPF is too good for Davie. Send him to the Hole at Int.
KFrancis says
“I put some figures together…….”. DM
Boy…., you sure did Dave.
KFrancis says
Is there anything is the world that could get DM to put that uniform back on and actually wear it in the spirit of its original intent?
Jose Chung says
To: KFrancis,
An Orange jumpsuit.
Old Surfer Dude says
With a big guy named Bubba saying to him, “You my little puppy now!” And BM replying, “Arf.”
Meg R says
What a great find.
Thanks for making it available for all to see the BS, and the failure of David’s reign of Terror.
Carcha says
From the deposition of Tammy Davis, available on Ortega’s blog, page 46, lines 22-25
“A:[Tommy Davis]: What I said to you was I don’t know him as Captain David Miscavige. I’ve never heard that being used.”
It’s an interesting little section. Mr. Jefferson (attorney for the church) protested that the name “Captain Miscavige” was insulting. A document signed “Captain David Miscavige” was produced.
The Oracle says
Eeeeeeeeeew Carcha! So TRUE! You are good! EVIDENCE of perjury! Poor Tommy! His mouth is leading him right into another rabbit hole!
Richard Grant (@richardgrant) says
Talk about prophecy … Gilbert & Sullivan saw this coming a LONG time ago:
Now, landsmen all, whoever you may be,
If you want to rise to the top of the tree,
If your soul isn’t fettered to an office stool
Be careful to be guided by this golden rule:
Stick close to your desks and never go to sea,
And you all may be Rulers of the Queen’s Navy!
Birgit says
Unfortunalely DM was surrounded by so many degraded beings and counter intentioned cock sucking mother fuckers, who were continually sucking cock on Hollywood Boulevard, screwing up everything for him, so that his otherwise realistic plans never came to fruition. – What a shame!
Now that most of these DB´s and SP´s are either in The Hole or declared and thrown out, I think we´re in for some major expansion.
Cooper Kessel says
Probably will see a lot more out sucking cock on Hollywood Boulevard.
Yo Dave, After your deposition by Ray Jefferies I expect to see you down on the boulevard next to your star doing you know what. You’ll be famous then!
Jane Doe says
He’s ready for his close up, Mr. De Mille.
Old Surfer Dude says
Jose Chung says
I predict 2014 will be Davd Miscavige”s “year of living dangerously”
There are way too many things all coming to a head at once.
statpush says
“Today the Sea Org is taking much more responsibility for planet earth than at time before.”
This has always perplexed me – exactly what does this MEAN? Like “Getting Ethics in on the planet” – exactly what is it you DO? Would love some real factual evidence of any of this.
“A target says ‘GET 20 AUDITORS.’ Someone might think, ‘That’s tough.’ But that’s not the reality of a Sea Org member; his viewpoint is ‘This target will get done'” – even if I have to false report.
Zana says
Let’s put everyone on the planet in the RPF. And if they don’t do what they are told we will put them in the RPF’s RPF.
Hallie Jane says
Getting ethics in should mean creating a safe environment where people can get case gain in peace, without enturbulation or stops. This can only be done by in ethics people, which means someone with honor and integrity, who speaks the truth and stands by what they do and say. What we have today is an epic fail.
statpush says
Wow! What a refreshing concept.
What you describe shouldn’t be hard. I’ve worked for many wog companies that tick all those boxes. Funny, the sanest, most ethical group on the planet can’t.
sets guy says
Constipated. Hahahahaha. I love it. BS. Hahaha Now its ABS. BTW the numbers were the very thing that woke me up and I realized it was all Before Sherman. 🙂
statpush says
This is what you get when a bunch of high school dropouts get together and play Navy.
“I had some calculations done based on our past 25 years…”
Would love to see those notes. What on Earth could this be based on to result in 2,788 orgs and 4 billion books sold? They would have to open up 10 brand new orgs every month for the next 25 years! That’s one every 3 days! This goes waaaay beyond delusional, this is hyper-delusional – Tone 40 Delusion.
The only thing the Sea Org gets DONE is overblown, self-aggrandizement. Now, THAT is one area they are without peer.
FOTF2012 says
LOL — Tone 40 delusion. Fits. Like Slim Pickens riding the bomb down in Dr. Strangelove.
statpush says
At least Slim knew he was fucked 🙂
Martin Padfield says
Prediction: 697,000 Sea Org members. Reality: less than 6,970. Less than 1% of target, and shrinking all the while. What condition are you going to apply to that Dave? When you’re several notches below Confusion, keep digging and you may just find one that applies – something like the condition of “Deposed”.
Markthehungarian says
Fantastic post.
It’s wonderful to see how accurate David Miscavige’s predictions have turned out to be. However, I don’t know whether he actually believed his “data” then or not. If he did, perhaps he gets a pass because he accepted the tech.
But 21.5 years later the propaganda he spews are proven lies and nothing more. His worldview must be catastrophic because he has actual proof that the world-model he was taught was the best is a tragic failure – a bust. He must be able to see that. After all, isn’t he one of the few people in the Church of Scientology that has access to the true data they use to track their success, or in this case, “crash and burn” implosion?
Old Surfer Dude says
MTH, the tiny dwarf has not picked up the cans in what, 17 years now? He knows it’s all going to hell in a hand basket, but, he’s making a fortune! He’s currently worth 50 million dollars. So much for bad Sea Org pay! And, he’s lives like a King! But, within a few years, they’ll have very few members left.
Deniece says
Are seriuos when you say “worth 50 million?”
How do you know he lives like a king?
ka says
“How do you know he lives like a king?”
From reports from persons who lived around him or were his serfs. Some of it is here:
Martin Padfield says for example. There are many more eye witness accounts.
enccas says
A great piece to look at and I laughed out loud for a couple of minutes because HE is way way way way way behind on his predictions. Go COB Go!!! Snap and pop!!
WhiteStar says
mike do you remember what you were thinking in those moments while you were sitting there?
Peter says
That photo of him in the “captain’s” uniform with the braid and “decorations” is an insult to every legitimate navy in the world and every man and woman serving therein.
sets guy says
Damned right!
Hallie Jane says
Absolutely, what a joke.
threefeetback says
Hey Dave, When are you going to bypass all of these schmucks and get something DONE?
Cooper Kessel says
He’s been there & done that. Check his shorts….er I mean Stats!
Sammy says
Why does his hat look larger than anyone else’s? Is it because he’s so much smaller? It makes him look like he’s from North Korea!
Jens TINGLEFF says
Oliver Brooke says
At the time when you were sitting next to him, listening to him make these forecasts whilst wearing a pretend Naval uniform, did they sound plausible and achievable? Or did you have an inkling at the time that it might be hyperbole? Genuine question.
Skydog says
You’ve inspired me. I am going to make several copies of this and send them to the local org.
Old timer says
David Miscavige : now that your ideal mest orgs are Upstat , you need to promote your services heavely to wogs; But once they come in to take services these same people will run away in flocks. WHY ? Because they dont want to go broke, they wont allow their bank accounts to be CLEARED. If you really care about people having and applying the TECH, donations need to be at least 1/3 lower. Scientology and Dianetics fees in missions and class V orgs need to be accessable to mankind. Right now they are not. I saw many people and many friends run away when they heard how much money each step of the bridge would cost to them. Right now, very few people can afford your services and are willing to pay to get up the bridge. However with low prices, people would not be scared to get up the bridge. This simple fact is quite easy to grasp and understand, however was it ever applied ? YEs it was applied by LRH in the 60s and early 70s when orgs where really booming all over planet Earth. But that was then and now is now, and now we have a sad and empty desolation.
sets guy says
Hey man, Scientology is for the able! The rest of the 7 billion can FOAD. 🙂
Old Surfer Dude says
Sorry. FOAD???
Cat daddy says
F Off And Die
Old Surfer Dude says
Thanks! Fits perfectly!
Tony DePhillips says
Laugh out loud.
Freebie says
I have always wondered what Scientology was planning for the billions of UNable, bumbling idiots or just plain old poor. FOAD it is!!
Old Surfer Dude says
Plus 1
Formost says
The toxic at-your-throat vulture reging environment could give me any service whatsoever absolutely free and I wouldn’t cross their door threshold again.
Ron says
X 1000
Peter says
Under DM, there IS NO BRIDGE to get up.
Hallie Jane says
Cooper Kessel says
It’s been replaced with a hole to go down!
James Crouch says
I left the CO$ three years ago for that reason, It was like going on course at a car dealership. It got to the point where I would just do my coursework at home and bring it in every Sunday morning and right after the group processing, I would act like I was going to the bathroom and make a break for the back door. If I didn’t do that, the staff would reg me one after the other. One morning right after services, I thought I’d made a clean getaway when there was the registrar running down the street after me. Foolishly, I stopped and heard his plea for donations for library books. When I told him I was strapped for funds, he asked me if I had anything I could sell. I never returned. I still love Scientology, but I am done with the church. I wouldn’t bring my enemies in that place much less any curious friends or family members. You can’t clear the planet much less blow some charge off of it if you carry yourself around like a Kool-Aid drinking, used car salesman!!!! The church’s beloved fuhrer didn’t just squirrel the tech, he put an overpriced, convoluted MEST barrier across the bridge. It’s time to build a bridge that anyone can comfortably walk upon.
Sophia13 says
mreppen says
Actually reading this in a “new (old) unit of time” Dave sounds quite accurate. In 1992 I was one of the sheep in the Sea Org.and I can see myself approving what he said to the tee. Now? Are you kidding? He us far worse and so are all of them.
SJ says
David Miscavige is the failed king of “The Best Offer Ever.”