Captain Miscavige made a rare public appearance to deliver the LRH Birthday Game celebration at Flag!
Here is a description of the momentous occasion provided by the FSC EUS Office. My commentary is in red.
On Sunday March 13th Flag held live LRH B Day celebration event! It is available at Flag to see it in full, but here is a flavor of it:
COB walked on to endless cheering, whistling and a LONG standing ovation that must have been heard for miles around!!
He has missed the adoring sheeple who believe he is “doing what Ron wants,” the poor deluded fools.
Great to be back! Actually. let me rephrase that – GREAT to SEE you! Was always nice to see your smiling eyes before, but … Good to SEE your SMILING FACES!! (NO masks in the auditorium, everyone has passed 2 PCR tests).
He joked about “same old. same old” in reference to the current scene out there, and brought up something NEW that will always be NEW – Dianetics and Scientolgy – there is nothing more relevant and that is why we are gathered here. Along the length and breadth of this country, there is nothing more important than Source.
He joked about the pandemic — same old suppression. But this big joke has resulted in the most draconian measures implemented to ensure his safety. It’s a joke, unless it concerns his well-being.
He then launched into LRH recognitions which you would have to see – he showed us visuals on these from around the world – including New York, Phoenix, St Hill, now and forever Rons home – it was all beautiful and incredible acknowledgements to LRH for improving the lives of everyone everywhere! And this is just a glimpse of tributes flooding in!
I used to announce these, after running programs for months to dig up every possible avenue to get “recognitions” — most of the people who provide these send out hundreds of them and have no idea who L. Ron Hubbard really is. But the sheeple are convinced that Ron is “widely accepted” as a “genius” and “humanitarian,” rather than the fact he is widely known as a cult leader and conman.
He covered the BRIEF BREATH IN ETERNITY events, joked about alpha, beta, delta, gamma and imicron etc, and despite all we kept our Orgs open and the show on the road, and kept delivering! Communiteis came flooding in to find out what we know that they didn’t! And we have had 32 X’d VIPS’s and opinion leaders come across our thresholds as a result!
More joking about pandemic. 32Xed the “VIP’s and opinion leaders” coming across our “thresholds” — yeah, right. The orgs have been CLOSED!
He then went into THINK BIG – DO BIG! (all with visuals) International “wake up call” – showed us feedback from twitter on the Superbowl Ad – RISE! Rave success’s from new Scns as a result, some funny too, such as “Anyone seen this new Scn Ad? Bro’ they can make you a Jedi!”
They can make you a Jedi? This WAS a joke. And it’s a “win.”
6X more new public walk in’s from this alone!
6X from nobody because the orgs were shut down. They STILL cannot deliver the Purif and Objectives.
DOUBLE the viewership of Scn TV!!
From 10 to 20 viewers?
We are driving people in and up the Bridge, – went into all the services that covers. The expansion of all the AO’s : AOSH UK has had public from over 40 Nations, 50K more WDAH than previous HE’s, EU 4X’d their training, AO ANZO made a Clear or OT every 4 hours! 5X Comps in the Acad. AFRIC AO the same! HE Auds made, WDAD’s, Solo hours, in fact HE’s accross the boards! Freewinds making a new OT VIII’s every week, and they have a ‘Monument of Hope” a sculpture representing the first 4 dynamics, in honour of LRH in the Caribeann! Flag: talk about 5.4X (the original Birthday game) move a decimal point – they have 54X’d their expansion!!
Flag has 54Xed their expansion? They literally just accept this insanity. Flag is EMPTY. You simply need to drive by the parking lots, there is nobody there.
A lot more was covered as event was 2,5 hrs long!
What a pain that must have been…
But of course to see it in full you have to arrive to Flag!
Countdown 2022!
924To Go!
With another 9 New OT V arrivals last week and 6 OT III Comps (see below) now handled to stay we are at 924 arrivals needed to complete the First 10,000 Target!
By the end of this month we will be down into the 800s left for the campaign! Those who want to be in the First 10,000 had better arrive soon!
Target Date For The First 10,000: Dec 31st 2022!
Next Target: 150 more by Maiden Voyage Anniversary June 6th 2022:
With those already confirmed, we need 84 more to be ADDED to make the 150 June 6th target. NOTE: These must be added to those already ticketed.
In the last 3 weeks we have completed 11 public on OT III! 2 weeks ago 6 public completed this level all in the same week and 3 of those came from Denver, Colorado, all moving up The Bridge together.
OK, some stats. 11 OT III’s in 3 weeks. Now that is making a major dent in the planetary population!!!! With the inevitable fall off, this means about 8 (according to their figures below) will eventually make it to OT VII… Not enough to meet their target for the year. 8 per month over 9 months….
Just in the past year we have completed 80 public on OT III with 83% of those getting onto Solo NOTs!
Yes, your Flag AO will get your people up to the top of the Bridge!
We get magnificent wins from stalled OT Vs returning to get through the NOTs Advance Program. Here is the latest one from last week:
Stalled OT V’s??? Stalled? Oh My.
“To be honest this was not an action that I was anxious to do. But after finishing my First Dynamic FPRD, and with the strong encouragement of staff who deal with people on NOTS every day, I decided to stay and get this done. That was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
“The FPRD had set me up perfectly for the OT Eligibility, which went very well. Then, after way, way too many years (I see this now in hindsight) we started to take a look at my NOTs case.
“The indoctrinations that go with the NOTs steps showed me that I had never really had a good grasp of what was audited on this level. Once I duplicated it and started working with my auditor to blow the case I couldn’t believe how much lighter my whole space became.
“There were extra bonuses in the physical universe from scar tissue disappearing to regaining the ability to walk, sleep and live without pain in my legs. Amazing, amazing, amazing!
“Each step that I did cleaned up and handled years of bypassed charge that was ruining my life. Hey, I just thought that was how life was. It is not. It is not!!!
“I also realized a huge mistake the first time on NOTS was looking at it as ‘just another action.’ It is not. Look at the Bridge to Total Freedom. It is a mistake to not factor in the whole of the NOTS area in planning. Now I have. Now I have a plan and can get going on what is next for me to finally arrive at Solo NOTS and continue with the Bridge and handle fully this area of case.
“I am so very appreciative of the whole HGC staff for helping me get through this program. My C/S and my auditor are simply the best of the best. My thanks go to RTC and COB for cleaning up this level so that I could finally get the gains that I should have had the first time out. Thank you.
“To LRH, Sir you are a TOTAL genius. I don’t know how you figured this level out in your research but I am very, very thankful that you did.” TE
“If we don’t do something about this now, we’ll have to come back at a less optimum time without adequately organized data and organizations and somehow muck through once more. Personally, I don’t believe we could in the next few hundred thousand years and I believe this is a rare opportunity to break the chain and start walking upward into the sunlight.” –L. Ron Hubbard, (Ability magazine issue, October 1958, NEW HUBBARD CERTIFIED AUDITOR COURSE YOU CAN BEGIN AT HOME)
Flag Service Consultant Office East US
Flag Service Organization
727-688-3479 (calls & texts)
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Just a final note. It appears Irina is telling a bit of a white lie about being able to see this event at Flag.
Turns out, they are sending it out to the all the orgs. And it has a bonus. The Mulleted-One has delivered another masterpiece of misinformation on the life of L. Ron Hubbard as only he can.
Shermanspeak is alive and well! Hip-hip-hooray!
I wish the money they have raked in over the years would truly be spent on the communities and families they have destroyed, yet claim to lift up. We have a major opioid and meth epidemic sweeping Florida right now. This compounds mental health issues, strains the community resources, breaks up families, destroys lives but at least these drugs are more honest than the people running Scientology. You know what you are getting when you smoke meth and the end results are pretty upfront. But Scientology is deception. The money and resources being sponged by Scientology could be used to better our communities, strengthen our resources, get people clean, and really reunite families separated by addiction, crime, mental health, etc. Recently I have noticed a few new private schools popping up in Miami Dade county. These schools do not use the stereotypical names associated with Scientology but they are using the “technology inspired by L. Ron Hubbard.” The teachers are uncertified and there is little oversight because they are private schools. I know for a fact Narconon was trying to get a contract with the county to provide rehab services in the jails and detention centers. I am not sure if they got it but they built a huge building in Coconut Grove. Right here are two of the most vulnerable populations being targeted (children and socially disadvantaged people). The point is that if they truly cared for Florida and wanted to best for Floridians, then they would not throw ostentatious parties that last for days, construct monstrous monuments of empty office buildings, or poison the minds of youth. Our state and local budgets are being slashed like a horny teen in a horror film but this guy is probably swimming in cash like Scrooge McDuck.
Just imagine how much planetary clearing would be expanded, perhaps 1 trillion x, if Scientology’s charismatic leader would bring Ron’s message to the woggy masses. Why isn’t he on the TV every night spreading the good news of thetans and engrams. Call Chris Cuomo .. er .. I mean, Don Lemon, and book your appearance!
Sheesh. The world’s most skittish religious leader. Dave, you’re no Pat Robertson.
Thanks for the comment . Likening David Miscavige to Pat Robertson would be a gross insult to Pat.
How can the live audience sit in the middle of a huge empty Scamology complex that is the focal point of the scam and NOT notice there are basically no customers??????????????
I saw a picture of dm standing behind a podium the other day. I looked up his height online and that podium can only be about 3.5 feet high. I’m short too but I don’t have the “little man syndrome” I wonder how a normal height person looks behind that podium?
Or does he use a stool to stand on?
I forsee he’s going to vanish and get a lot of plastic work done (and a new hair transplant) because he looked more like a ventriloquist dummy than a living being. He ain’t aging well at all.
And I thought that scotch was supposed to be an preservative.
Not when you spend every day living in a barrel of the stuff.
I read recently that LRH was into witchcraft and Satanic ritual’s. I’ve never heard this before. Do you know if this is true? And is David Miscaviage into anything like that as well?
Keep up the brave work you and Leah are doing. Love the podcast.
Before LRH invented Scientology he, along with real Rocket Scientist Jack Parsons, were adherents of Aleister Crowley. Crowley made his own version of the occult called OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis). In fact Hubbard stole Parsons girlfriend (and a chunk of change) and ended up making her Wife Number 2 (the one Hubs said didn’t exist…his exact quote “I have no second wife”. He didn’t realize that made him sound like an idiot considering if he were to deny #2 (Sara) existed then that would technically make Mary Sue #2 instead of #3. Why the interviewer didn’t point that out I don’t know.)
Read up on Hubs involvement in the occult at Wikipedia it has a good section about it with all the links to Crowley and what he believed.
But let’s be honest here it’s all BS…all of it. Just humans trying to make themselves feel more important than they are in the great scheme of things.
There are actually those who “religiously” identify as “Jedis.” Claiming that scn can make one a Jedi is like saying “I went to a Catholic church and the experience made me become a Hindu.” Not what one may call a “win!”
“From 10 to 20 viewers?”
Still laughing from this absolutely SAVAGE joke. Keep it up Mike!
It sounds like an Amway convention, but without the ‘winners’ who recruited more underlings. Who needs to run around a pole when you can do ‘catholic calisthenics; from a cushy seat. Thankfully, only your hands got smacked at this mega church rally. Does $cientology count as a ‘mega church’? I don’t think the Clampire could fill up the Crystal Cathedral. And maybe not the Ruth Eckard Hall either.
To sum up , this is called Utopia.
This phenomenon observed before fall of any organization, cults are no exception.
I’ll never forget the hundreds of hours put in in addition to a full time executive post for big milestones like the new Class 8 Checksheet and packs. Only OT 3s could work on it and of course each org had to give up manpower for it.
Now there isn’t even a Class 8 course room!
There was always a Hill 10 or a Release of something new – New Era Dianetics I was crying for and I wasn’t even an auditor. In fact I couldn’t ever get through the book 😞
So glad I’m out here listening to roosters in the morning instead of roll call.
The later part starting with ARC is positioned off to the right and can not be read on my smart phone view.
Same for me Cece. Like a tab was placed in front of that section.
Your welcome Mike. The truth is always in RED.
God bless those damn delusional fools living in the tiny CULT bubble. Still spreading and believing the propaganda and lies of LRH.
I want to be a JEDI,,,
“May the farce be with you Capt. Dave”.
… darn delusional fools …
I was one not so long ago. I probably still am somewhat but a follower? Nope never again.
It’s really pitiful how they all think that they are the only ones on the planet truly exercising freedom of self.
Somewhere the bubble picture will shatter and hopefully we will hear from them 😀
He’s a Legend in his OWN MIND……As far as DM is concerned, his “inner being says”:
I’m the Boss & YOU can’t do anything about it”……
Bend to his well or else, he will make sure he tosses you out, separates you from family & friends….
An extremely cruel man that delights in his power to destroy and to get others to destroy loving relationships.
IF I had magical powers I would reunite everyone with their loved ones…and send DM to the HELL he deserves to be in.
He must have to drink himself to sleep at night. After all, Just who can he trust? Is he looking over his shoulder, does he bolt his bedroom door, does he have a “food taster”….he seems trapped in a prison of his OWN creation.
Nice dream. One that would do the world good.
My hope is to one day see your son wrapped in your loving arms & back in the family fold.
I pray one day everyone’s family is reunited & all is forgiven. Nothing would make my day then to hear & see THAT happen. So many lost souls ache for that hug, kiss, sweet words… heartbreaking & unnecessary to divide a family.
I am keeping you Mary & everyone else in my daily prayers….that what was STOLEN from you is returned in spades.
Is that AOSH EU courtyard in the picture? Looks like Clearwater to me. I wouldn’t want to miss the seance with LRH by being on the wrong continent!
For those never-in, the Solo NOTS level is the one where you take on the many demons that are infesting your body. Each one is “freed”, allowing recovered, somewhat damaged, spirits or “thetans” to begin new productive lives. This is supposed to reduce the level of basic evil in the world and bring peace and sanity to it. Less demons, more joy.
“10,000 onto or through Solo NOTS”, the idea being that all those super-powered OTs would be able to bring down the Berlin Wall just by emanating gloriously and so on. Wouldn’t have to actually do anything, just free up all that theta goodness…
I heard some public people at an event in the 90s actually taking credit for the fall of the Soviet Union.
But the number Dave is quoting certainly does not account for all the Solo NOTs auditors that have stopped emanating. Suicide, cancer, realizing that it’s all hooey, heart attacks…. Will there ever be a real 10,000 strong body thetan zapping army? Probably not. It will be celebrated when the 10,000th person agrees to start the process, not when there are actually 10,000 enlisted and fighting the spiritual good fight.
Yes, I’m sure He still counts people like me, an SP, as part of the 10,000.
I was going to say that exact thing and you beat me to it. Yes, he counts the ones who have fled the church, the ones who have died, and there are those, and the ones who are off the Solo Nots level for various reasons. Those are all counted in the stats. And I wonder if even after counting dead ones and SP ones, if they still pad the stats on top of that?
I’d love to put the persons on a spreadsheet with detor columns:
Financial problems
Medical leave
Mid legal
Outside connections
I would bet 80% are incomplete and never will.
They can all just goggle the OT 8 EP now and go *** Dang *** and wake up 😀
It was mind-boggling to me when I was IN and the stats were better (bad but better) that ANYONE in the audience bought this BS, outright lies and balderdash, which is probably why I am OUT today. There truly is a breaking point, a critical mass, an event horizon for just about everyone except the dead in the head.
A LONG standing ovation! – 2.5 hours! – incredible stats during a pandemic! I guarantee you that even SOME of the remaining steeped-in-arsenic-laced koolaid call bullshit and will drift away into the never never never-again land of the EX scientologist.
I agree with you Mary and have been thinking the same.
Perhaps it’s time to see how my friend is doing on OT levels at FSO. Last time we spoke in Feb she told me Solo auditing was ‘hard’.
Odd, I found it easy.
She is determined to stay till done OT7 to avoid the 2 week isolation.
Oh well …..
Hi both – interesting to learn you both were in it. If you don’t mind me asking (feel free to not answer) but how long was you in for? I’m really glad you are both out and I hope you didn’t spend mass amounts of money and are doing ok! Good to hear from ex-Scientologists and their opinions on it all. X
Only the most driven bubble dwellers could accept this kind of drivel But those are exactly the peeps that Dave wants to keep around