The real question here is how “GC” applies his philosophy to himself.
Does he fear the church? Is this why he and his beautiful bride hand over so much cash to keep the church happy?
In that case, does he classify himself as the weak that listen to them?
This guy is a caricature of everything that is bad about scientologists. Money and status obsessed. Arrogant. No empathy. And absolutely certain he has the answers to everything.
Except perhaps how he can be such a dupe…
Wikipedia on Going Clear
Someone has done an excellent job with the new Wikipedia entry for Going Clear.
It was mentioned on the South African blog yesterday and I tweeted and commented on it on Facebook, but I thought it was worth repeating here. It really summarizes a lot of information in a concise fashion and captures the whole flavor of the documentary and the response from the church.
I reprint the majority of the text below, to see the full entry, click on the link above.
This is scientology footbullets preserved for eternity — like insects in amber. Their toothpaste of bile and insanity is not going to be sucked back into the tube.
Thanks to whoever it is that did the work to put together this entry.
Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief (film)
Gibney began working on the film in 2013 after becoming intrigued by Wright’s book. He collaborated with Wright, who came on board as a producer, to explore the book’s underlying theme of “how people become prisoners of faith in various ways”.[2] He saw Scientology as one of the toughest subjects he has had to tackle in his career as a documentarian, alongside government complicity in torture, corporate financial malfeasance and clerical sexual abuse.[2] Due to fear of Scientology’s litigiousness, no American network was willing to license any material to the film makers, which Gibney found “astounding”.[3]
He told Reuters: “I chose to make this film because I think it’s an important topic. Not only about this church of Scientology, which everybody’s fascinated with partially because of the celebrities, but partially because of the way that the church seems to turn people to do things that I think they would normally never do if had they not entered the church.”[4]Gibney, Wright and the former Scientologists who appeared in the film told a post-screening question-and-answer session that they hoped that it would raise public awareness about the alleged abuses committed by the Church of Scientology and would prompt the media and law enforcement agencies to investigate further.[5]
The television première of Going Clear will take place on HBO on March 16, 2015.[4]
Going Clear is based closely on Lawrence Wright’s book, covering much of the same ground with the aid of archive footage, dramatic reconstructions and interviews with eight former Scientologists:[5][2] Paul Haggis, the Oscar-winning director; Mark Rathbun, the church’s former second-in-command; Mike Rinder, the former head of the church’s Office of Special Affairs; the actor Jason Beghe; Sylvia ‘Spanky’ Taylor, former liaison to John Travolta; and former Scientologists Tom DeVocht, Sara Goldberg and Hana Eltringham Whitfield.[6] It recounts the history of Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard and airs allegations of the abuse of church members and misconduct by its leadership, particularly David Miscavige, who is accused of intimidating, beating, imprisoning and exploiting subordinates. It highlights the role played by celebrity members such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise through the use of video clips contrasting their statements on Scientology with the experiences of former Scientologists.[7]
The film shows footage of ex-Scientologists being harassed and surveilled, as per Hubbard’s dictum that the church’s critics were all criminals whose crimes needed to be exposed,[8] and documents the imprisonment of senior Scientology executives in a facility known as “The Hole”.[9] One Scientologist was said to have been forced to clean a bathroom with his tongue.[10] According to the film, the actress Nicole Kidman was targeted for wiretapping by Scientology in an effort to break up her marriage with Tom Cruise after she was labeled a “potential trouble source” by the church.[11] It also asserts that John Travolta has been forced to stay in the church out of fear that his personal life will be exposed.[12]
Variety’s chief film critic, Scott Foundas, praised the level of detail in Going Clear and called it a “powder-keg” documentary that illustrates “the dangers of blind faith”.[9] Lesley Felperin of The Hollywood Reporter characterized it as an “impeccably assembled and argued film” that “represents a brave, timely intervention into debates around the organization that have been simmering for some time.”[14] Slate called the film “a stunning exposé of an organization and religion too long shrouded in mystery.”[15] Screen Daily’s Anthony Kaufman felt that some of the re-enactments in the film were “heavy-handed or sensationalistic”, but commended it overall as “a serious, strange and unsettling account of brainwashing, greed and gross misuses of power.”[16]
Writing in The Guardian, Brian Moylan described Going Clear as “entertaining and dismaying viewing” in which “the story of Scientology, with all its strange players, emerges as comedy, rather than horror”, but criticised its reliance on a small group of defectors and the lack of any involvement by the church. He felt that this made the film “a bit one-sided” and that it was “easy to be sceptical about some of the more outlandish claims made by former members”.[7] Sasha Bronner of the Huffington Post called the film a “shocking and eye-opening” work that would leave those who did not know much about Scientology “spellbound.”[17]
Scientology reaction[edit]
Ten days before the film’s première, the Church of Scientology took out full-page advertisements in The New York Times and Los Angeles Times to denounce Going Clear,[2] comparing it to a discredited story about campus rape published by Rolling Stonemagazine.[18] Gibney subsequently said that he was grateful for the church’s advertising, as it had attracted much publicity for the film; he only wished “they’d put in showtimes”.[8] The church also published a “special report” attacking the film on one of its websites, started a new Twitter account which claimed to be “taking a resolute stand against the broadcasting and publishing of false information”[18] and bought numerous Google search results relating to the film in order to direct searchers to its anti-Going Clear pages.[19]
The church complained that Gibney had declined to interview 25 of its members whom it had put forward to him.[10] According to Gibney, Miscavige, Travolta and Cruise all declined interviews and the church instead offered “a delegation of 25 unidentified individuals, presumably to smear the people in our film”, which did not interest him.[20] The church also denounced the film’s interviewees as “the usual collection of obsessive, disgruntled former Church members kicked out as long as 30 years ago for malfeasance, who have a documented history of making up lies about the Church for money”.[5] Two of those interviewed in the film, journalist Tony Ortega, and former Scientologist Marc Headley, reported that investigators from the church had surveiled them at Salt Lake City airport as they made their way to the festival.[8] The film-makers reported receiving “lots of cards and letters” from the church, though in their case it had limited its response to “loads of legal paperwork”.[8] HBO had earlier said that it had put “probably 160 lawyers” onto the task of reviewing the film in anticipation of challenges from the notoriously litigious church.[1]
Following the widespread publication of reviews of Going Clear, it emerged that the church had contacted film critics complaining that the reviews were “filled with bald faced lies” and demanding that they should publish a statement by the church. Jason Bailey of Flavorwire wrote that “pretty much every critic who wrote about Going Clear” received an email from Scientology spokesperson Karin Pouw. He commented that the church did not seem to realise that critics do not usually try to interview people for reviews, and noted how neatly it “comports with the film’s portrayal of the Church as a hive of shady, paranoid control freaks.”[19] In an email to Flavorwire, Gibney observed that “anytime someone writes something — film criticism or social criticism — about Scientology, the Church of Scientology counter-attacks by smearing critics.”[21] Indiewire’s Max O’Connell criticised the church’s approach as counter-productive, predicting that “their campaign against the film is going to be the best publicity that Alex Gibney and company could ever hope for, if also a hassle for critics and filmmakers and (this is no small thing) a nightmare for the ex-CoS members who dared to speak out against the Church’s practices. But then, they don’t seem terribly aware that attacking everyone who criticizes you doesn’t do a lot of good for your image.”[19]
And as a special bonus to put a smile on your face, this was on Twitter yesterday. It just seemed so perfect.
If I’d been his elderly mother and he treated me like that, I’d have knocked him upside the head good with my cane.
But seriously, that’s one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard – treating his elderly mother like that and then bragging about it as if it was a deed of shinning goodness.
I guess Grant Cardone doesn't subscribe to LRH's "Two Rules for Happy Living": create only those effects that others can easily have and be able to have anything. And the corollary: don't create effects that others can't easily have. If I'd known about this at the time I would have turned him in for Elder Abuse..
Cardone is really a star in this flea circus.
Cardone is possibly the scummiest person on planet earth. A while ago on the SP’s r Us facebook page we had a riot skewering Cardone for this youtube video he posted of him abusing his own mother, making fun of her and acting like a racist pig. It got so hot that within hours he took the video off of youtube but luckily a tech savvy SP over there mirrored it before Cardone pulled it. It is actually very hard to watch as he is seriously abusive toward her. To those whose mothers have passed away, be warned, this video is very disturbing.
In case there is any doubt about Cardone’s sadism toward his mother and his warped mind read this excerpt from a tribute he wrote about his mother in the Huffington Post – “My twin brother, Gary Cardone and I spent the last 20 years selling, persuading, convincing and even pressuring my aging mother to say ‘Yes’ to the experiences of life. We pushed her, even against her will, to do things she did not want to ensure she lived life. During her senior years we forced her to do things that she was resistant to and uncomfortable with. We often made her stay out later than she thought herself capable. I remember a trip to Vegas where I kept my mother up all night to the point of her being exhausted just so we could watch the sun come up together. I once made her walk the hilly streets of San Francisco until she thought her lungs would explode. I planted flowers with her long after she complained about her body aching and then insisted she make me dinner. I made her dance with me at my wedding to rap music even though it embarrassed her. I would wait until she got in bed at night and call her just to get her up, and then call her early in the morning just to piss her off.
Many expressed concerns that we pushed my mother too hard, but we thought it better that she die, living life rather than die never experiencing it. It rarely cost any money to create these moments but just some of my time, energy and in many cases a great deal of persistence. Whether it was taking a simple walk through the neighborhood that her exhausted her or going for a drive to look at houses for no reason except to get out the house, we pushed her to say ‘Yes’ even when her inclination was to say ‘No!’ I would make her go to Starbucks with me before she even got out of her robe in the morning, promising her that she could just sit in the car, and then once we got there I made her go in with me. We made her go to movies she had no interest in and play games with us until the wee hours of the morning that she didn’t even like. I made her try foods that she thought she wouldn’t like and took her places she felt uncomfortable.”
When I first read this I thought it was a satirical article written to make fun of Cardone but it’s 100% real, no joke. Here is a link to the full article. This guy is one sick puppy and I pray he gets EVERYTHING he deserves sooner rather than later.
I guess Grant Cardone doesn’t subscribe to LRH’s “Two Rules for Happy Living”: create only those effects that others can easily have and be able to have anything. And the corollary: don’t create effects that others can’t easily have. If I’d known about this at the time I would have turned him in for Elder Abuse.
With that cigar pose Cardone conveys a Don Corleone image.
There once were a number of sheeple
Who tried hard to climb a high steeple
Till Gibney’s exposure
Caused more to cross over
And graduate into real people
Definition of Super Power:
“Described in the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary as “a super fantastic, but confidential series of rundowns that can be done on anybody whether un Clear or not that puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing Super Power of a thetan. This means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create a new world.”[14] The Super Power Building in Clearwater, Florida was built for the specific purpose of administering this rundown.”
So treating the weak like dirt is Grant’s idea of the creation of a new world after finishing Super Power?
Grant’s ideas are filtered through Dave, who himself is channeling vague misconceptions of Hubbard with doses of Torquemada and Miachavelli thrown in for good measure.
“Compassion is for weak beings.”
The World According to Grant
“Experience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn Into other.”
Should read: “Experience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn in no other.”
“Looks like I picked a bad week to be a scientologist” – Robert Stack from the movie ‘Airplane’
Love it.
Totally unrelated…
On the last episode of Backstrom, they investigate a murder at The Church of Edification (which Backstrom throughout the show refers to as a cult). The church believes you are the center of the universe. They have numbered levels of awareness (e.g. Level 8 has perfect recall). Each level costs around $10,000. They also mention group confessions. They imply the murdered woman was subjected to forced disconnection and was disaffected; and that disaffection would spread through the group like a cancer.
I think these screenwriters have been reading your blog
Yes. If you need a cult to emulate, who ya gonna call.
In 2003 they did an episode of L&O:CI called Con-text:
The term clear isn’t used as it is in Dianetics and CoS here. And Karen Black plays the murdered man’s wife.
Grant’s idol.
Grant Cordone is the Tom Cruise of used car salesmen. YOU don’t know only GRANT KNOWS.
Can’t remember if I shared this Cardone story here. I was in car sales some time ago, and all the managers wanted us to listen to Grant’s audiobooks. In one of them, Grsnt says making money for the sake of having money is a pointless goal. One should make money for a reason.
Grant’s reason for making money was because he wanted to give more money to his church than anyone else. He never tells us it’s the Cherch of $cientology.
I did want to say his audiobooks were actually pretty good if you had to sell cars for a living, although he’s pretty into himself and thinks anyone who says they can’t do his program is a whiner. His term for whiner is “little bitch,” as in “don’t be a little bitch.” Yeah, it’s as obnoxious as it sounds. He did a lot of hating on Occupy Wall Street folks, yet they succeeded in changing the terms of the whole conversation. I didn’t know Grant was a $cino when we listened to his books. If I had, I would have recognized the victim-blaming immediately.
I’m planning a viewing part on March 16 for some ex culties and some who were never in -and never will be. Anyone know what time it airs -p.s.t. ? Great blogs Mike. I read it every day. Also the title of it makes me feel better about getting my adilt children out.
Alternate pronunciation Limerick:
There once was a jerk named Cardone
Whose speeches were all very phoney
He pontifacted
To people sedated
But his words were a bunch of baloney
LOL! So clever!
There once was a crook named Cardone
Whose heart was a petrified stone
He ranted and raved
Trying to be just like Dave
Till he fell off his plasticine throne
thegman77, while I like the original version, I think the word Cindy intended was emulate–“to try, often by imitating or copying, to equal or surpass; to imitate (a person or thing admired); to rival successfully…”
I am a hater.
A hater is one who hates, and I hate the abuses perpetrated by the Church of Scientology.
One of the main reasons I follow this blog is to work myself up from hating these abuses.
Now, in my own defense, only a sociopath could approve of these abuses and love that they were being done.
But I hate them, which makes me a hater. And sometimes I really hate the people who are responsible for them.
Attention Koolaid Drinkers and Theetie Weeties who refuse to look, you who successfully twist and turn your eyes away from the existing scene; all of you fearful, obedient parishioners who tow Miscavige’s line yet know in your hearts that something is very, very wrong, yes, YOU who continually violate your own knowingness and integrity to yourselves, LISTEN UP:
One day, unless you are a sociopath or a 2 1/2 percenter or whatever you want to call it – one day, YOU will hate these abuses, as I do, as we here and elsewhere do. One day, you too will become that dreadful, thought-stopping thing to be – a hater! One day, you will hate the abuses too, as we do.
But, that being said, you have a long, uphill road to being haters.
You will need to come UP to being haters.
In order to hate something, you have to observe it, and below that, you need to be ABLE to observe, which means you have to be willing to confront.
All of your problems stem from an unwillingness and inability to confront. That’s why you “believe” the lies your church tells you. That’s why you delude yourselves with an ideal scene that is so completely not there. That’s why, even though you don’t see it, you convince yourselves that its there, because COB says it is, and he would never lie to you, right? You’ve convinced yourselves of this in spite of what’s in front of your very eyes. Your dynamics are extremely complex because of this, but it all starts with your unwillingness to confront.
But inevitably, one day, someone or something will force you to confront what’s actually there, and then you will see what we see, and you will hate it.
One day, every one of you will be haters too. And you will be a whole lot better off, mentally, emotionally and physically than you are now.
And you’ll find your way onto this blog and other blogs and we will welcome you and understand what you are going thru, and together we will work ourselves UP from the tone level of hating the Church of Scientology’s human rights abuses, in 3 ways: by each of us doing what we can to help, by supporting the major players, and by sharing our truths with one another.
Well said Aquamarine!
Bravo Aquamarine!
Cindy, you made me laugh with the Freudian slip of the day, I think in your reference to Charlene, you meant immitate. I much prefer immolate though. LOL.
This Cardone guy reminds me of a German saying “Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall”. It is one of the sayings that are hard to translate. Probably the closest one would be something like “Haughtiness precedes the fall”. Once somebody perceives he is impervious and makes arrogance his method of dealing with life he has lost touch with reality and the concrete re-enforced brick wall is straight ahead. The impact will be hard and unforgiving with plenty of Schadenfreude by some observers. :-)
@Journalist, let me guess: You are working for Freedumb? In that case you should not use “Journalist” as your pseudonym. In the interest of truth give “Muckraker” a try next time. So much more fitting.
Gerhard, it’s usually expressed in English as “Pride goeth before the fall,” which is a shortening of the King James Bible Proverbs 16 verse, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
When you deconstruct the cigar-sucking slogan-wisdom proferred by Grant Cardone, what he is saying is that you should fear a lot more people than just the vocal critics.
This line of thinking (“haters” and “the weak”) is so much of the DM/Tom Cruise “we’re the big beings” drivel. It’s like Cardone is trying to be number 4: “LRH, then COB, then TC, and me, Grant Cardone!!”
The Facebook commenters on GC remind me of the kids on the playground who say approving things, lest the bully next targets them. (“Knew I loved Grant Cardone for a reason!!!!!”)
Love that loser, GC! He and his wife are almost too fake, to take seriously! Come on, who doesn’t want to witness him, and her find out that “the suckers were suckered out of their money and time and dignity,” I WANT TO SEE THEM SNIVEL!
I read Mike’s blog today, oh boy
About a shifty man who looked depraved
And though the blog was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph.
He smoked a phallic like cigar
He didn’t notice that the tech had changed
A crowd of bloggers all declared
Bad karma was in store
Everyone was pretty sure
That he was from the House of Whores
I’d love to turn him in…
I couldn’t resist.
OMG!! This is YouTube video is really GC trying to be Donald Trump. Trying to create his own “Apprentice.”
His quote above about Haters is exactly about Co$. Don’t fear the Haters (DM), fear the weak (Clams, Sea Org, etc) who listen to him. And who do his bidding… and read the ancient instruction manuals and carry them out to the letter on living, breathing human beings. Kind of like Sharia Law. The punishment gets worse and worse as the minions follow the despotic and insane leader.
I could barely believe the way he treated his wife in front of others, belittling her grossly. And she stupidly took it without walking out. Not that that would have made a dent in his self image.
Well, thegman77, it’s tough being a Big Being – so few people really duplicate you, know what I’m sayin’?
What a hateful, denigrating, sexist ASSHOLE!
Dramatizing the “winning” valence, are we Grant? LRH OR DM?
Both, right…
Keep up the good work!
There are many GC videos.
A few weeks ago, over at The Bunker, there was a vid of Grant and his twin brother humiliating their mother.
it was disgusting to watch
Dude might grant a heap of cardone but not a lot of beingness.
Thanks for not resisting.
….push these F*..ING people…..says it all….
Are you a Scientologist, Mr. Rinder? I found no clear statement acknowledging or denying it. A posting clarifying if you are a Scientologist or not is appreciated.
Why do you need to know?
I’d say that if the “Journalist” can’t find that answer himself in 5 minutes on the internet, then he is “muy estupido”!
Journalist, are you a Fundamentalist?
Who do you report for? FREEdumb mag ?
Are you a douchebag, Mr. Journalist? I found no clear statement acknowledging or denying it. Actually, that’s a lie. The statement you made clarifies that, yes, you are indeed a douchebag.
How appropriate that you appeared in a thread about Grant Cardone, a man who, when you believe has run out of ways to demonstrate what a douchebag he is, finds new ones. He and his overtanned wife are the lulzcows that will never run out of milk.
To memorize this very special occasion, JennyAtLAX has created a Grant Cardone and Wifey Douchebag Meme at:
The Underground Bunker (Tony Ortega on Scientology), “Scientology vs. the mayor: The full Gabe Cazares interview from 1997’s Secret Lives,” February 6, 2015.
Oopsie, “memorize” should be “commemorate”!
Journalist, he lets people express different points of view, so I think you know the answer to that question.
Interesting that you chose that NAME but you certainly are NOT a journalist = someone who does his due
diligence before piping up.
Claaaaaass (nasally whinny teacher voice), it’s time for our daily Spanish lesson. I will make a comment and then you may respond.
Teacher: Wow! Excellente Wiki! Miscavige es muy estúpido, no?
Students: Sí, Miscavige es estúpido!
Teacher: Very good!
Wiki is updated now as to current residence.
Thanks. Are you able to update other things if I send them to you?
Link to you blog added as well. Any updates required just email
Certainly. It looks like you have at least a couple of us who can help update Wiki.
‘Hater’ has become a frighteningly popular word, it seems. Is it the real-world political tool equivalent to ‘SP’? A word you use to shoot the messenger so others will no to ignore the message and treat it as taboo?
Grant playing himself at the Hollywood fundraising actor’s workshop:
“You don’t understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it.”
The Devil Himself has a special place in his own rank, filthy asshole reserved for Cardone. What you are witnessing in present time is Cardone running his ¨Devil´s Asshole Drills¨ , with a bonus phallus-sucking dramatization called ¨cigar-smoking¨ .
May there be a tsunami of IRS audits. Cardone thy name is Ponzi.
Isn’t Grant Cardone still a New Jersey resident? I think I saw him once pass me in his car. I actually believe I scare people like him. But if that were really true then I never could have trained or audited at an org now could I have? So something went wrong. I should say WAS WRONG ALREADY unbeknownst to me. But now the world knows and is about to find out even more through the HBO upcoming documentary.
This is what the world needs and wants, more data available to them, because that is what was missing in my life when the church helped steer me in the wrong direction I never would have agreed to have pointed anyone in.
The church has in its own mind discredited every source of data for the upcoming HBO documentary. I have seen the video on YouTube where the Church of Scientology is now saying that Karen De La Carriere (Class XII C/S, OT VII) did not spend her life as an auditor, she spent it as a prostitute and that she was thrown out of the church for continued prostitution. Now can I ask you and honest question if you want to hear one? Is that a god damned lie about Karen De La Carriere or is it that a god damned like about Karen De La Carriere.
She was never kicked out of the church for prostitution.
So today, even with the truth known about them, the Church of Scientology defends itself from the truth with lies about the people to who tell it.
My apology for a typo I meant: Now can I ask you an honest question if you want to hear one? Is that a god damned lie about Karen De La Carriere or is it that a god damned lie about Karen De La Carriere?
The Google summary is very good, to the point. And its last sentence says it all (re the mad house church):
“But then, they don’t seem terribly aware that attacking everyone who criticizes you doesn’t do a lot of good for your image.”[19]
Re: the loyal followers and admirers of Cardone (I went to his facebook pages). It is so ironic that LRH coined the phrase “pts to the middle class” because I know of no group on Earth as obsessed with all the worst of what is considered negative middle class values as Scientologists. “MEST Side Story” indeed (thanks Michael M. For that apt phrase)
When still in the church, I went to an event at CC where Grant Cardone was speaking. My first and lasting impression of him was of a rough, semi-literate self-made man who was obsessed with money and mest and wanted to be adored by the unwashed masses. The ego on him is huge. He is a narcissist for sure and very arrogant. No wonder he and DM get along well. I also read his book at the urging of a friend. It was all about how to get sales. In it he quote Charlene, the IAS reg as if she is a God and we should all immolate her. That is the point where I stopped reading and threw the book in the trash.
According to my dictionary, Cindy, perhaps we *should* all “immolate” her as the word means to “kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by burning”. I suspect you meant “imitate”.
I suspect the errant word is “emulate.”
Sorry for the typo, I meant “emulate”, but I like thegman’s version better : where the IAS Reg, Charlene gets killed off as a sacrifice. Maybe if they start sacrificing people, the stats will go up because the Gods will be appeased from the letting of blood. Oh, sorry, that’s already been done already, in the hole, with the beatings. My bad.
That is an excellent point Joe. I was trying to flush out a thought on the last post, about how phony and fake communications/promo are, that the rcs puts out. The pts to the middle class concept really fits, they are trying to chase some vapid status or externally prescribed havingness rather that just BEING THEMSELVES. It’s the “wanna be” crowd that comes across pathetic, disingenuous and phony. It’s hard to believe that the group we started with, has descended to this.
Miscavige, Cardone, et al. are PTS to themselves by reason of assuming a pseudo identity in the form of big beings out to save the universe from imagined evils which must be fought Tone 47x.
BTW — If there are any readers out there that know how to update a Wiki page, mine could use some updating! Still says I live in Denver, probably because there is no media stating I live in Florida — been here 5 years now… There are other things too. Just like to have it accurate, generally it’s not too bad, but I looked at it as it’s linked to the Going Clear entry and realized it needs some update.
Now that he’s a big movie star….lol
I’m j/k Mike, I’m sure some wiki-savvy person will take care of it for you.
If you go to your page, you’ll see edit tabs – there’s one by your Personal Life. Here’s a link:
“Wikipedia:Tutorial/Editing” on @Wikipedia:
It’s not so easy to correct Wiki yourself as a notable Scientologist. and I am pretty sure Mike cannot do this himself. This is because the Church has screwed with Wiki so much. See quote below. So, anyone that can help Mike, would be much appreciated.
from a news report:
“Wikipedia has banned contributions from the Church of Scientology to end a long-running dispute over the editing of Scientology-related articles on the site.
The online encyclopaedia, which is edited by users, has ruled that all IP addresses owned and operated by the Church of Scientology and its associates are to be blocked as if they were open proxies.
A long list of individual editors are prohibited from contributing to articles on Scientology and face having their accounts suspended if they breach the ban.”
Mike is probably not using a CoS IP anymore though. Anyone can go there and click that edit tab without logging in. I think it’s considered bad form to edit your own page though :).
Mike, would love to help you. Wikipedia says that you can’t just enter facts in there unless they link to a reliable source. Point us to a good article about you with the correct information and the. We can cite that article.
There have been known issues with Wiki biographies rejecting information, no matter how accurate, from the people they’re about. I am thinking of Philip Roth here.
Can you link to the bio on his own blog?
Cardone was at Flag at the same time as me and I really don’t recall him being anything special at all, other than somewhat self-obsessed. How did he morph into this scn celebrity? The only other person I know to have had such a metamorphosis on OT7 is Ciaran Ryan here in South Africa – and his ‘crash and burn’ was something to behold. Many people thought him the best example of what being OT was about until he went bankrupt and it transpired his business was just a ponzi scheme for fund-raising fuelled by Joburg Org. Now many people regard him as the very worst example of what an OT should be. Amazing what a bit of PR can do.
To be filed in all kool aide drinkers ethics folder:
Never fear The Hater.
Fear the minions that listen to Him, for they will do his bidding.
Yo Kool Aide-ers,
This is you. Wake up and find a life before you start to smell. Time is short, the job is huge, you can do it………………START!
Great article Mike….and I have to say about this guy ‘GC’ reminds me of my kool aid drinker and former friend Richie Acunto who was obsessed with image and PR w the church. Richie was at times a good guy but lost himself completely in that image status endeavor; then add another loss of $10M-plus to the IAS donation image and status building pgm while living in Beverly Hills.
He had the syndrome called “being interesting versus being interested” in others; and ended up LOSING IT ALL and I mean ALL prob like $30-40M; most of this was from investor monies in his business; then a divorce to a loyal wife and then the final humiliation of bankruptcy with his IAS status trophies being sold on E-Bay for like $299.00 cause he couldn’t pay the storage bill. WOW!!!!!
He wouldn’t listen to me and it just goes to show you how out of valence in that current ‘ship of fools’ makes one become with an ever increasing arrogance and levels of being hubris with others (word means ‘excessive arrogance that leads to ruin’). Applies right??….and now no-one gives a shit about him not even the IAS scammers or ‘his cult Church’ who benefited from the money received because as you know they typically distance themselves like flies when there is “PR trouble”. Its funny how midget boy and LRH had both the same traits.
Back to the ‘GC’ character; as he is from the same cloth. Maybe I should give this arrogant-hubris pretentious and insecure POS the Aussie handshake??? – and for those unfamiliar with this technique both parties right-hands never touch and never actually shake.
Btw I had a non Scn friend of mine who knew Ritchie and the Scn machine in action before; watch the Alex Gibney’s film in Park City Utah when you were there; and he came away and told me that it was the best presentation and fact filled description of the cult he has ever seen. Great work Mike.
Right on, Joey!
Give him a Glasgow kiss while you’re at it.
I’m surprised Miscavige doesn’t perceive Grant Cardone as a threat. They look like two of a kind.
Scn failed to understand the nature of film festivals completely. They LOVE controversy and all the “smear tactics” played right into their hands.
Maybe he is the guy Miscavige watches the tom Cruise auditing tapes with.
Last night and this morning, I watched a fascinating 2013 interview in Austin, TX, of Lawrence Wright on youtube []. Just over an hour long, Wright described how he’d gotten involved with the subject via an article he did for The New Yorker magazine and the czerch’s overblown response in which they presented Wright and the New Yorker with their response, 7 huge volumes of information. There is nothing more one could possibly give to a reporter/writer that would incite even more interest. Perhaps a book? LOL In their usual clubfooted way, the czerch actually was the catalyst behind the award winning book and this so highly received HBO film. To say “they pulled it in themselves” hardly begins to state the case!
Wright, in particular, is fascinating in that he remains so calm about the story. He gives an excellent explanation of why anyone might be interested in the first place. Well worth the time to view this superb presentation.
This over the top response from the Co$ is actually a PR tool to overwhelm the opposition/enemy by giving out way, way more data than is appropriate. Content of this data is quite irrelevant. It is the MASS of it.
I remember seeing this being applied when Munich org in the 70s was taken over by cops when we came to work.
What is David Miscavige going to do, put out an order to all scientologists, “Don’t watch the Alex Gibney documentary, Going Clear!” I know! David Miscavige could release some never-released LRH HCOB that states, “Don’t watch any documentaries that come out after my death; they’re all bald-faced lies.”
Yea, that’ll work.
I don’t think many hard core bubble dwellers will watch the HBO documentary, but their parents, friends, fencing sitting Scientologists, UTRs and associates WILL watch it and Miscavige can do nothing about that. In fact, he will dramatically increase the public viewing of this film by attacking HBO and Gibney over the next 6 weeks. (Good use of that $1 billion, by the way.)
If he does NOT attack HBO and Gibney with these paid ads, then more bubble dwellers will go see the film… So, he’s between a rock and a hard place. He’s increasing the public audience with ads intended to keep card carrying Scientologists away from the film. A total PR catch 22 disaster…. a melt down of Co$ because their $1 billion cannot get them out of the trap that Miscavige has led them into..
Tick Tock Tick Tock is right…
Caught between the scylla and charibdis.
It is very hard for humans to avoid eating the forbidden fruit. It is just human nature. Even those church members who are saying they won’t watch the film, will try to find a secret way to watch it. The only people that I genuinely think will not be able to watch the film are the Sea Org members who will be too busy working.
“It is very hard for humans to avoid eating the forbidden fruit.” Also, Davids, it’s very hard to avert your eyes from a train wreck. The church of scientology is a train wreck.
Geezuz, Michael Mallen, now I have to look up words. And I threw away all my dictionaries. I’ll use that ole rascally thing called the internet. I’ve heard Wikipedia has good definitions.
Well McCarran, you know I like to educate while I entertain.
“Ignore that man behind the curtain!”