This is what the mighty ideal org in Melbourne is reduced to. Holding a farmer’s market to try to get anyone to show up at their building so the regges have some prey to circle.
One of our commenters quoted Hubbard concerning yesterday’s post and it’s entirely applicable here:
[Excerpt from HCO Policy Letter of 24 February 1964 Urgent-Org Programming)
If the Org slumps: Don’t engage in “fund raising” or “selling postcards” or borrowing money.
Just make more income with Scientology.
It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed.
For Orgs as for pcs “Solve It With Scientology”.
Every time I myself have sought to solve finance or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that Org solvency lies in More Scientology, not patented combs or fund raising Barbecues.
For the Melbourne Ideal Org it seems their motto is solve it with carrots. The good news is that carrots are actually good for you…
Melbourne org is virtually dead & has been for many years. Kate Ceberano is the only celebrity they have ever had. She was born into the cult & still is a devotee but not noticeably active. She is a wonderful singer & is still popular but is smart enough not to ruin her career as most Aussies know what a joke the cult is.
“…solve it with carrots.” Still laughing!
Let me see if I understand: Melbourne staff are inviting farmers to bring their produce to Melbourne Org, and then inviting their public Scientologists to come and buy potatoes and carrots and onions and so forth…would this be correct?
If this is true, and this is what staff are actually doing, and if Hubbard’s body had not been cremated but instead buried in a regular grave somewhere, well, all I can say is he’d defintitely be turning in it.
Those of you who were once in…can you IMAGINE the HCOPL Hubbard if alive would write about this?
Hilarious and simply unbelievable. Still laughing!
I believe that Hubb’s ashes were dumped overboard from a boat, not long after he ‘causatively discarded the encumbrance of his meat body’.
Yeah, “causitively” my ass. What BS THAT was! And I believed it! What an idiot I was!
Yes, I read that too, somewhere.
Actually, it was from a plane. Someone was in a REAL hurry to get it taken care of.
How are they going prevent the starving sheepbots from the Melbourne morgue from swiping good (maybe) food on the day? Give them a giant extra helping of beans and rice the night before so they’ll be too busy runnning to the dunny for the whole day?
I wouldn’t be surprised but eeewww 😉
Deviate from Policy.
But this is what the cult does.
I have seen countless incidents of it. Especially when it comes to following the law. Hubbard policy requires obedience to the law but the cult won’t adhere and justifies that as “for the greater good of the greater number”. Utter Hogwash!
But it is what scamtology is after all, isn’t it.
Maybe with the high price of groceries these days, the cult is offering cheaper Farmers’ Market producer to help the flock out. OR, knowing the cult, maybe they are raising prices on the produce so they can make a buck on the impoverished cult members whose bones have already been picked by the registrars and the Ideal Org donations.
Speaking of Melbourne I received this text message 2 days ago- not that I even get much communication from the cult these days. I just love how “unprecedented plans” get used in the text. Which means Grandiose plans which will never ever happen…… “You’re invited to the most epic event this Saturday (24 Feb) at 5:30pm in Melbourne Org, to welcome home the new FEBC Team who just arrived back from Flag training!
Hear the amazing stories, the incredible news and unprecedented plans for the future. Be there for this historic moment!
Best, Matt”
Click to Edit – 4 minutes and 1 second
Damn. I missed it. Maybe next time.
I dare say the older, traditional Scientologists know that reference – and alienates them just a bit more every time they see it being violated.
Scientology’s attrition rate is so high that there are more declared “suppressives” running around than all their staff members combined.
For any Scientologist reading this:
Go to the website of the Aftermath Foundation. It was set up especially for you.
Worked for Bugs Bunny…
That’s a good idea, Yawn. Maybe the Org’s Registrars should dress up as Bugs.
“…like, what’s up, Doc? Cash, check or credit card?”
Or they could be Porky Pigs!
Clean out the wallets of anyone dumb enough to show up there and then say, “Uh thuh uh thuh uh thuh uh thuh that’s all folks!”
It’s truly astonishing how they continuously manage, at any level, to deviate from this policy that simply asks them to do scn. But no, it’s easier to do something else. They know they are now being exposed everywhere and they have to appease the wogs.
What was that point on the tone scale…? Wait….Ah yes, propitiation!
That’s exactly the tone level but they’d call it something else – something high toned like “establishing strong reality with the communiity”.
I’d love to show up and buy all kinds of fresh homegrown produce, and then, just before leaving, just before hopping into my car, getting hold of some big mushy, overly ripe tomatoes and…lol!
Yeah, they propitiating tone 40. In Italy we say “essere arrivati alla frutta”. That literally means “to be at the fruit”. That means in english “being at the end of their tetger”. It fits.
Interesting, but what is “tetger”? Or is that a typo for “tether”?
Aqua, yes it’s a typo. It’s Tetger.
For the future, when you see in my comments words doesn’t belong to any known dictionary, then certainly is a typo. The same goes for any senctence written in some acrobatical English grammar
OK 🙂
Love it, Aqua. It’s your Rotten Tomato rating of the cult.
Since Miscavige has removed all the red tech vols from the course rooms, there is no way the sheeple can even look up that reference to see what he is violating. And that particular reference is not in any course packs. Unless it is in the green on white admin volumes. But that also has been changed by DM, so I doubt the reference on Solve It With Scientology would even be in the admin vols.
So if DM just quietly deletes the references that he doesn’t want to adhere to, no one is the wiser. Oh and by the way he altered PDC Tape 20 big time to take out whole paragraphs of how to spot if there is an SP in the org. I guess he didn’t want anyone spotting him.
I hear you, and its outrageous! Its outrageous and its every synonym for outrageous, and why am I so upset about this, I wonder. It isn’t my problem. I shouldn’t be triggered.
I would say outrage is an appropriate response to an overt of this magnitude. In Scn though, they would call it “misemotion” because they call anything that is not sweetness and light fake uptonedness “misemotion.”
Thank you, I think so too. A huge overt, perpetrated. But, yeah…”misemotion”…because somehow all these trained people, these highly trained staff who knew policy so well and who trained ME on policy, at some point learned to Not Know policy; I mean, they are just so far off the reservation, and mealy-mouthed…well, OK, you get it, and I’m winding down, rant wise, finally. Thanks again 🙂
I don’t understand.
Are they expecting people to take a carrot and then stick it up some sensitive part of their anatomy?
I’d rather do that than give anything to this criminal cult.
Rumor has it that Scamologists don’t have any sensitive parts to their anatomy. You can stick whatever you want wherever you want and it all comes up the same …… gimmy moar money!!