I recently finished reading Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow.
It was an excellent, if horrifying read. Being familiar with the tactics scientology uses against victims of sexual abuse or “enemies” I didn’t learn any new techniques or methods used by the unscrupulous to protect their crimes. But I was struck again at the similarities between Harvey Weinsten and scientology. I wrote about this in an earlier post Harvey Weinstein & Scientology — Separated at Birth?
All the tactics are described in this book:
Hiring high powered lawyers to barrage the media with threats
Hiring armies of private investigators
Sending in plants to gather information
Overt following with PIs tailing victims and reporters
Setting up phony “allies”, pretending to be reporters
Setting up phony front groups offering opportunities/money to derail potential victims or witnesses
Secret recordings
Contacting friends and family to bring pressure on victims and witnesses not to talk
Threatening victims and witnesses with dire consequences for speaking due to Non Disclosure Agreements they had signed
Pinging phones for constant location updates on targets
Threats of retribution
Gathering blackmail information on people in positions of influence
Using friendly media outlets to approach victims to “tell their stories” and in fact burying them.
Farrow persisted. He did not cave in or give up. Weinstein managed to get the story squashed at NBC where Farrow had been putting together the story, but fortunately the New Yorker (also publisher of Larry Wright’s brilliant piece about Paul Haggis which ultimately led to Going Clear) picked up the cudgel and published the initial story (which is what prompted my earlier post above). Ronan Farrow then completed the fuller story in this book detailing how the campaign against him and the victims was carried out in much greater detail.
It was just announced that Weinstein has reached a tentative settlement with the more than 30 victims who had sued him civilly. This is far less than had been expected because the Weinstein Company was put into bankruptcy. A lawsuit by actress Ashley Judd, who has said she intends to take Weinstein to trial, would not be part of this deal.
But this is not the end of the problems for Weinstein. He is still scheduled to be tried in in early January on charges of sexual assault involving two women. He recently had his bail raised to $5 million after prosecutors accused him of mishandling his ankle monitor.
If you have seen pictures of Weinstein going to court, you will see he looks terrible. He now uses a walker.
It is always encouraging when someone who has abused his power for so long, and seemed to get away with murder, is finally getting what he so justly deserves.
The lesson is to never give up. He got away with this grotesque behavior for decades, similar to Bill Cosby. In the end, when people refuse to be silenced, justice comes to even the most powerful.
Do you think COB is getting sized up for a walker?
While it might gain sympathy from a judge, how would his flock of parishioners respond?
Their minds might implode like a Star Trek robot outwitted by Captain Kirk… “Does not compute! – – – Does not compute!
Wow. There is some justice with this pervert. But if he goes to court could be even more so. Years of sexual coercion of women who finally have some power. I pray this is a sign of good things to come with the lawsuits against you know who. Lol
Any organization that claims to be a church yet excludes God or fails to offer a scientific means that brings proof of Gods reality through personal experience should be avoided at all cost. Obvious to
most as a money motivated deception or set up by a sexual predator, these examples are everywhere and they must be stopped.
This brings to mind Danny Masterson as well. I have been wondering for awhile when we’ll see a headline shouting “Danny Masterson settles out of court” just to finally avoid a messy and uncomfortable trial.
Oh, he’ll settle, alright. But, taking a page from the cult’s legal playbook he’ll wait until the very last minute to do so.
Awesome blog post. Please continue “fighting the good fight”.
Yes. It does my heart good to see justice served – to see the bad guy NOT get away it. But I’m still very discouraged when it comes to david miscavige and the church of scientology. When the IRS has a moratorium on religions – well, there you go – if it’s a “religion” then it gets protection. If I were being held in a room and tortured, a SWAT team would swarm in but if a religion chooses to torture me with its “tech” then tough shit, Mary, you chose this fucking religion, now lie in it.
It’ll run out of money and then it will die, I can’t wait.
So you are suggesting there is sexual abuse rampant in SCN.
Mike, I never thought your ARC break would sink you so low mate.
I loath DM, and the current MO of Scn but if I was him I would SUE you for everything you have.
You sound like a democrat politician.
You never stop going on and on about all this nonsense and all the data or actual evidence is simply thing people have said.
If you have some real evidence that can be proved in a court of law the produce it and nail DM or anyone in the COS who is gulity.
I would send a donation to you (COS policy also please note) as soon as the case sent some creep to jail
If not
Shut the fuck up please.
How you came to the conclusion that I am saying there is sexual abuse rampant in SCN is hard to fathom.
What I am saying is that there is ABUSE rampant in scientology — abuse of children, mental and physical and abuse of adults. There IS also sexual abuse/rape that has been covered up.
The point is that the organization takes drastic, expensive and immoral steps to cover up ANYTHING that might cause “bad PR” or “legal liability”. Victims are silenced. Witnesses are intimidated. Law enforcement is bought off and backed off.
As for the evidence in a court of law — not sure what your definition of this is. I guess the Masterson case doesnt qualify? How about the jailing of Mary Sue Hubbard and 10 others? The evidence in the Lisa McPherson case? Debbie Cook case? Laura Dieckman case?
Methinks you protest too much.
I sound like a “democrat politician”? I don’t get the inside joke — perhaps you can enlighten me. It’s a new slur that has not been directed at me previously?
As for suing me — unlike DM, I am not hiding from process servers. If they want to sue me, they certainly know how to do so and have many, many lawyers.
Perhaps you should take a deep breath, calm yourself down a bit and try to offer something that is a bit more coherent.
Scientology has lost, or had to settle, numerous lawsuits. The most egregious one that comes to mind is this:
“In DeCrescenzo v. Church of Scientology International, Laura DeCrescenzo sued the organization for forcing her to illegally work 14 hour days at age 12 and coercing her to get an abortion at age 17. Scientology settled with DeCrescenzo three weeks before the case went to trial.”
That and others are at:
There are so many cases that lists are incomplete; the above misses Debbie Cook’s suit, which Scientology had to settle, reportedly include a large payment on the side that has let her and her husband go off to live a comfortable life:
“Cook gave a riveting account of how she and other religious workers were physically and mentally abused at Scientology’s desert compound near Los Angeles.”
see also:
I suspect that Scientology may now have more abuse cases filed against it, than any other nominally religious group except the Catholic Church – which has hundreds of millions of active members, and over a billion total.
You seem to have a bit of an anger issue there Mike Thicketts. Seriously I’d work on getting that handled.
Hopefully I won’t be on the freeway at the same time with you. Maybe switch to decaf or something.
No one is shitting the fuck up and why do you call those willing to speak out like the Dems?
You’re either a troll or really stooopid.
Mike Thickett,
Evidence sufficient to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt is difficult to obtain in the cult, as well you would know if you were ever a Scientologist.
When people BELIEVE that their ETERNITY hinges upon remaining in good standing with David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology, they can, and do, with good conscience, aid and abet crimes and fail to report crimes when they themselves are the victims.
THIS is why Lawrence Wright coined the phrase “Prison of Belief”.
Your point about the necessity for hard evidence and the lack thereof at present with regard to DM’s abuses and Scientology’s abuses is not being contested.
Our justice system requires hard evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt and sufficient evidence to even charge someone with a crime in the first place.
Mike’s point is to persevere, and the hard evidence WILL come.
He uses the Harvey Weinstein case to illustrate how perseverance can pay off in getting the necessary hard evidence.
In our American system, lack of evidence does NOT equate to innocence. “Not guilty” does NOT mean “innocent” necessarily.
Do you understand? I’m asking because very likely you’re not American but Australian (“mate”…”Happy Christmas”).
You said that Mike ” sounds like a democrat politician” Given the context this was obviously an insult 🙂
Mike Thickett, what YOU sound like is a poorly educated, grammatically challenged, analytically challenged, highly triggered, Breitbart-reading Deplorable incapable of making a point without ad homs and personal attacks against those with whom you disagree.
This is what you sound like to me.
Back in your Basket now.
Oh, and to you, Mike sounds like a “democrat politician”?
Well, to me, with your poor grammar and gratuitous you sound like a
Ah, go on, Aqua. Say it. Nobody here will mind. He sounds like a Trump supporter.
🙂 Alcoboy. He does sound like one but its unlikely that he (or she) is a literal Trump supporter For one thing, American men don’t call one another “mate”. That’s an Australian thing. And in the UK, Ireland and Australia, its “Happy Christmas”. Americans say “Merry Christmas”.
Yo Mike Thickett!
Next time you want to sound like a REALLY convincing follower of the Orange One, don’t say, “Democrat”. Instead, say “Demonrat” or, better yet, “Dimocrat” 🙂
You’re welcome.
Much love,
Yikes, dude. That was necessary why?
Yay! A new Foolproof! Please keep coming back Mike in the Thickets. The kitties need a new play thing.
The ease of vulgar language suggests a troll.
First establish credibility: hate on Dm and create the image of an Indie.
But the vulgarity with Merry Christmas suggests strongly someone who hates SPs for the greater good.
There were no questions for clarification. Only vulgar condensation. I’d put $20.00 down on troll.
Scheesh Brian, it’s a sure thing. Why so cheap. Go for Patron Merrymagnanimus and bank it!
Mikey is the new and improved Eff Pee. Dave was pissed after ole Effy botched his last round and sent him down for some attitude adjustment checking …… also know as sec checking. This is what we get back.
Yo Dave,
Thanks good buddy!
“Yay! A new Foolproof!”
Funny how FP wasn’t foolproof after all. He wasn’t able to withstand the effects of his own foolishness in playing provocateur. Mr. Thicketts does seem to share that liability. Maybe OSA needs to find an operative capable of civility — isn’t civility included in any of Scientology’s training routines and communications courses?
Thickett?? Is that you Pat Harney ?
As a never in, can someone explain the insult about an ARC break please?
ARC: affinity-reality-communication
It’s something Mr. Thick blamed MIke Rinder for not having and demonstrated his lack of it in Scientology projection blame style.
Affinity is the degree of affection or liking something
Reality is what you agree is real
And Communication is what it is: exchange of ideas, thoughts etc.
Mr Thick blaming Mike for not having ARC is like the man bragging about having the most superior humility than anyone.
It’s so fascinating this trait of human beings to war against and blame people for things they do and express.
It’s the essence of lacking self awareness.
Politicians are expert at this trait these days.
And Scientology has taken projection to an evil Science. It’s called the SP.
Catch a clue Mr.Thickett. Your logic is as specious as the OSA bots you are emulating. It is always refreshing to see a troll attempting be irate. Thanks Mike for leaving this guys comment in.
Thicketts please show where Mike said that, “sexual abuse IS rampant in SCN” or admit you are a lying sack o’shit then jump off a cliff. COWARD
Its not “loath”, its “loathe”, and its not “if I was him”, its “if I were he”.
What’s the problem, mate? Did you drop out of school at 16? Mom and Dad couldn’t be bothered with raising you anymore so they convinced you it was your Whole Track Purpose and then dumped you in the Sea Org?
Its possible that you too are a tragic victim of Scientology, and that Mike and all of us would have compassion for you if we knew your real story.
There’s a certain pathos to your coming onto this blog to insult Mike Rinder in your ignorant, schoolboy way, with your poor spelling and grammar. Of course, its annoying, but underlying that is a kind of sadness… Some instinct tells me that you are a sad person, leading a sad life.
Hey Thicketts, first off, do not tell Mike to “shut the fuck up” It is his blog! No one is forcing you to read here. Secondly, don’t be coming off all tuff guy against Mike. We all love him and will stand up for him,
we have his back.
“He now uses a walker.” Yeah. Right. [Pardon my cynicism]
The walker is a ruse!!! Old Surfer Dude
Whether it’s a ruse or not — he looks like shit shuffling down the hallways of the court house. For someone like him, the indignity of being seen and photographed in public looking like a decrepit old pervert is probably worse than the ankle bracelet he has to wear.
The reason Weinstein is using a walker is because he recently had spinal surgery. I think anyone, even an otherwise-healthy 21-year old man would need a walker after spinal surgery. However, the thinking is that Weinstein is milking the walker for all it is worth, as he’s trying to gain sympathy by trying to look older and more decrepit than he already is.
In my opinion, he is putting on an act. Not just the walker but looking disheveled and frail. His lawyers, I’m sure, coached him.
There was a report is some paper a couple of days ago of a Weinstein sighting walking normally and without a walker.
He may be putting on an act. But I can assure you that someone with an ego like his, having to appear in public like that is almost a worse fate than whatever the affliction could be.
With many states reforming their statutes of limitations for sex abuse, why isn’t $cientology getting sued? Ok, California doesn’t have anything like the NY Child Victims act, but such offenses must have occurred all over the US. I am still waiting for someone to sue the M K Ranch and other $cieno operations.
If no one dare to hit the hole,,,How will people go on?
They won’t. They’ll just slowly go away.
Al Capone speeding it up failed against IRS. Tom Cruise and John Travolta slowing it down made it.
Thanks for this one. I love Ronan Farrow and didn’t know about this book. May all the victims of the powerful receive the support and solace they need.
I like Ronan Farrow also. The best of Old Blue Eyes lives on in Ronan.
Im a huge fan Mike. Your fight and Leah’s has snowballed with great momentum and like me many are in gratitude to you both. I have understood for sometime now why Newtons law of Cause and Effect has been an omission from Western curriculum from the time Newton discovered its existence. Known in thr East for centuries as the law of Karma, “For every action there’s an equal opposite reaction” Keeping the Western people ignorant of this law the evil powers to be can conduct themselves as they please. How wrong have they been. Miscavige is in for some horrifying karma I can see. Not that one would wish ill on anyone, but the law of Cause and Effect is reliably effective.
Miscavige, sooner or later, will be on the same path: court, judges, settlements; in a nutshell, justice.
Awesome blog Mike!
Now hopefully the stories from the hundreds of thousands of mistreated and financially fleeced ex Scientologists will have a similar effect. 😁
The C of S needs to be shut down.
Absolutely NO Doubt in My mind: The CULT of $’s Days . . . Are . . . Numbered!
That being the case, How Soon before Miscreant Bolts and Runs?
I have this feeling the height-challenged Mismanage has long since put aside for himself a lot of money in a Swiss bank account or some such and has contingency plans for vanishing if things go south. Then living out his life in luxury incognito somewhere in the world.
All at the expense of foolish cult members, whales and an LRH fantasy pipe dream.
Of this there is no doubt. Separation of DM from his hidden off-shore funds would be supreme justice.