I have made plenty of jokes about Kaye Champagne over the years as the Chairman of the Flag OT Committee. Sadly, she passed away yesterday. This is a rather unusual post -- not the snark I usually dish out for those who are the biggest cheerleaders of the clubbed seals. But the loss of any life -- a wife, a mother, a friend — is never something to be celebrated or poked fun at. I am truly sad for her family and friends. But perhaps more than any similar passing of late, it offers insight into the mindset of scientologists and one of the strongest layers of glue that keeps people st … [Read more...]
What If You Threw a Party and Nobody Came?
Scientology tries to be "part of the community" by holding "block parties" in downtown Clearwater each quarter. They held their latest one yesterday. Here are some shots -- and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words: This is a pretty accurate reflection of how much the community supports scientology in Clearwater. There were more people for an impromptu gathering at the Lucky Anchor pub with a few alumni from the Aftermath. And where are the 12,000 scientologists in the Tampa Bay area they claim to have? 11,965 of them were too busy to show … [Read more...]
Scientology and the Clearwater Police Department
Clearwater Police Chief Slaughter took the unusual step of making a YouTube video in response to The Aftermath episode which recounted the "Park Incident" with Mark Bunker. This was then published on the OpEd page of the Tampa Bay Times. Below is the full message from Chief Slaughter so everyone has complete context. Then some of my thoughts following this: For years the Clearwater Police Department has been thrust into the middle of a debate between a controversial religion and its critics, without a voice in the matter. We feel it important to publish some facts of our own to … [Read more...]
Clearwater Officials: “Nothing To See Here”
The article above appeared in the Tampa Bay Times after the "airing" of The Aftermath this week, an episode focused on scientology's take-over of Clearwater. I said "airing" because for subscribers to the local cable outlet, Spectrum, the show was unwatchable. The sound was scrambled and some images pixillated. The problems magically fixed themselves 2 minutes after the show aired. And the problem ONLY manifested itself on The Aftermath episode, no other channels. Subsequently, all the "On Demand" Aftermath episodes also disappeared from Spectrum. Of course, there is nothing suspicious … [Read more...]
Winter Wonderland: Yay For Us
Scientology are off and running with their "25 year unbroken record" of Winter Wonderland self-promotion. Can you imagine putting out a press release in advance of "beginning construction" for few plywood elf-house facades? Only a scientology-mind could conceive of this. "Construction"? Makes it sound like they are building the Great Wall of China. The desperation to get themselves in the news for something other than defrauding people of their life savings and destroying families is palpable. The citizens of Clearwater should be aware that the park in which they construct "Winter … [Read more...]
Scientology: No Longer Curious?
Apparently the idea that people are curious about scientology is no longer operative? I wonder if it has anything to do with the promotion for Scientology The Aftermath that recently began that plays on their "Curious?" concept? These two billboards have now replaced the "Curious?" ones in Clearwater: Surprises? Well, I guess you could say that. Surprises you with how lame it is. The same infomercials over and over and over and over.... Amazes? Yes, that too. It is amazing that in this day and age anyone joins or gives them any more money. Love the fact that they … [Read more...]
Tampa Bay Charity Coalition
Another front group trying to gain acceptance, the “Tampa Bay Charity Coalition" -- somehow they leave out the word scientology from their title. Their Facebook page features one of their events in the Ft Harrison ballroom -- though it looks like they photoshopped the "Flag" logo on the backdrop so it's not readable. This "Film Festival" is a thinly disguised excuse to show their "human rights" infomercials. You can see there is massive interest in this event... You have to wonder what an "Official Selection" means? No doubt they “selected” the infomercials produc … [Read more...]
Ebony Awakening
This should be fun. Alfraudie is being brought in from his IAS world Regging Tour -- hanging with his NOI buddies and only $500 a head? How exciting could a weekend be. Hard to top this. But don't forget to bring ALL your checkbooks and credit cards. There are a LOT of regges at Flag in addition to Alfraudie. Here is the full line up. The only scientologists they could get were 3 white businessmen. Two NOI people -- one doing Group Processing (that's NOT Dianetics...) and then a non-scientology Minister from LA who is involved in CCHR. I guess scientology … [Read more...]
Clearwater Follies
Leah and I were speaking with our old friend Mark Bunker, who was telling us about the injunction scientology obtained against him and other members of the Lisa McPherson Trust back in 1998. Amazingly, scientology still seeks to enforce this injunction against him to this day – its language prevents him from protesting in front of some specified scientology buildings and from coming within 10 feet of any scientologist (it’s a mystery how he is supposed to know who is or isn’t a scientologist…) but they tried to get him thrown out of his condo because a scientologist lived next door, and pull … [Read more...]
Journey with Ron
This promotional item was distributed some time ago, I am just getting around to publishing it. Scientology continues to try to raise money for the "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" -- another white elephant that will eventually be paid for by "Sea Org Reserves" as a means of using excess accumulation of funds. But it will be milked for everything possible until then. It is interesting that scientology has continued to use the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, a venue that seats 2300, for nearly 3 decades. No graduating to larger venues to handle the massive growth and increases in scientologists in … [Read more...]