Happened to see this tweet from Freedom magazine on my Twitter feed this weekend. I thought it was a new campaign they were starting. Turns out, it's just a rehash of the last Freedom mag of any note -- released in 2019. They are still playing that same old song "we are good citizens of your fair city and we just want to get along." It's a big lie. Ws then, remains so today. I wrote about it at that time: Scientology BS Grows Deeper Scientology wants only one thing for Clearwater. What is good for scientology. They have made their intentions clear -- Clearwater is … [Read more...]
Premature Ejaculation in Clearwater
I included an item in last week's Thursday Funnies about a new "hang out" coming to Clearwater. I am not sure who had put this on Facebook as the posting was forwarded to me and I have no way of tracing it back... It certainly made it sound as if the Prelude Coffee and Tea bar was a happening thing. The excitement was barely contained in the posting. This is the thing everyone has been wiating for in downtown Cleqarwater, finally being made a reality... Not so fast. Here is what this property actually looks like -- photos taken Friday: Apparently the idea of … [Read more...]
Scientology Businesses in Clearwater
People often ask "Is this business in Clearwater is owned by a scientologist? I don't want to give them my money." Google is everyone's friend and there is a lot of information available with a simple search. But it's not always clear. So, to help make the information known, I am publishing this WISE "Job Openings" list. These will now show up on a Google search as being scientologist owned businesses. Perhaps there are others who live in this area that could add to this list, as certainly not all scientologist owned businesses are hiring... The listings are sometimes amusing. Even in … [Read more...]
Making Clearwater A Scientology “Ideal City”
If anyone in the Clearwater community does not believe scientology is determined to own their city, let this be another warning. This woman apparently doesn't have enough to do in Venezuela (everything is going along so well there) so she is in Clearwater delivering seminars (in Spanish ?) "in alignment with our purpose of making Clearwater an ideal city." For those who don't know, "ideal" in scientology means "fully in accordance with the dictates of L. Ron Hubbard." Scientologists are learning and "drilling" to infiltrate the community. They are proud of this effort and want every s … [Read more...]
Clearwater Election — Don’t Support Scientology
The Clearwater City Council election is coming up on March 15. Just over a month away. Every reader of this blog is aware that Aaron Smith-Levin is seeking election to the City Council. His opponent in the race is Lina Teixeira. Aaron has just done a video detailing specific reasons why she is not just soft on scientology, but actively works with them to influence matters in downtown Clearwater. This is something all voters in Clearwater need to know. Spread it on social media as you can. If you want to support Aaron's campaign, click here. … [Read more...]
What is the Political Affiliation of Scientologists?
Over the years, many people have asked about the political views and affiliations of scientologists. Every time I ask for questions for a listener Q and A episode of the Fair Game Podcast, this question comes up. Of course, while there can be no blanket generalization about the politics of a group composed of individuals, individualism is not encouraged in scientology. One is expected to toe the party line. So you tend to see a lot of people subscribing to the same views about everything. Thanks to Aaron Smith-Levin taking the time to count voters registered at scientology buildings in … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Not-so-secret Clearwater Political Campaign
Someone forwarded this recent scientology email blast to me. They're trying to keep it hidden. Note the "DO NOT POST ON FB" bold ALL CAPS at the end. It contains a bunch of coded language. Despite what it says, the recipients of this message know they are not supposed to actually do their own research -- they might see something they are not supposed to see. By labeling Aaron an "Anti-scientologist" nothing more need be said. Because he is an "anti-scientologist" he is automatically an "anti-social personality" (or SP). Every scientologist knows you must NOT support an S … [Read more...]
Miscavige Playing Footsie With Clearwater
Another recent story from Tracey McManus, Scientology's David Miscavige discusses 'partnership' with Clearwater recounts a recent meeting between Miscavige, the Mayor Frank Hibbard, the new City Attorney David Margolis and new City Manager Jon Jennings. It was typical Miscavige, all smiles, handshakes and positivity to try to persuade the new guys in town that he is a nice guy. Just wait until he doesn't get what he wants. Stefani Hutchinson covered the reporting on her excellent blog: Miscavige's Fresh Start: Not New, Not True For someone who has never been a scientologist, … [Read more...]
Clearwater’s Scientology Perception Problem
The latest article from Tracey McManus in the extensive reporting she had done on scientology's land grab in Clearwater. You can see some of her earlier reporting here: Scientology members fuel another land buying surge in Clearwater and Clear Takeover The recent activities prompted Mark Bunker to raise concerns at the city council meeting which is what the latest story covers. He didn't get much support. While some of the city council are willing to acknowledge scientology taking over Clearwater as a "problem" they simply throw up their hands and claim there is nothing that can be do … [Read more...]
Panic in the Bubble
They're panicking inside the scientology bubble over Aaron Smith-Levin running for City Council. See post from yesterday for other indications. This letter was sent to an OT 8 who attended the recent fundraiser in support of Aaron's campaign. It arrived in the mail a few days after they were spotted there. A couple of things in this letter of interest. Wonder why Flag has a PO Box in Tampa as their address? Cara Goloshefksy (the Mike Ellis of Flag) is now Cara Pendery? I didn't even know Rafferty Pendery had a brother…. Apparently he has been in the Sea Org f … [Read more...]