Everyone with an interest in this is probably already aware of the fact of the court order issued yesterday in the Baxter/Paris human trafficking lawsuit in Tampa. You can read the full order from Magistrate Judge Julie S. Sneed here: Order declaring Miscavige served I wanted to have this document recorded here at my blog even though this is not new news and Aaron Smith-Levin put it on his YouTube channel and Tony Ortega put it up on his substack yesterday. I have a few comments about this and some excerpts from the ruling that I feel are worthy of note. First, this was a fairly … [Read more...]
The David Miscavige Film Festival
Oh, what could be more fun than a David Miscavige Film Festival? Sitting for hours (punctuated by the obligatory standing ovations to prevent dozing off) watching Mr. Mickiewicz spout Shermanspeak proclaiming the great accomplishments of scientology taking over the world. I can imagine those who show up (perhaps because they are doing lower conditions?) feel this vibe: Back in the "good old days" of scientology this would have been "L. Ron Hubbard tape plays" or perhaps showings of the Hitchman Interview and Clearing Congress Films. These are the only visual presentations … [Read more...]
The Scientology Celebrity Centre “Network” is Rapidly Disappearing
Aaron Smith-Levin did a video about the recent closure of the "Celebrity Centre Munich" and the abandoned St. Pete "Life Improvement Center" opened by the Tampa "Ideal Org." As every good scientologist knows, it is a High Crime in scientology to close or combine orgs. Since David Miscavige has taken over scientology, there have been many other closures and "combinings" -- including St Hill Foundation, specifically started by Ron himself with a lot of policy written by him about why "Foundation" (night and weekend) orgs were needed. Because Aaron … [Read more...]
Mr. Mickiewicz
I asked on our Three Amigos livestream last Monday for a shoop of Mr. M with a Mickey Mouse ears hat. If you haven't tuned in yet, Aaron Smith-Levin, Marc Headley and I do a live show on Monday's at 7pm starting on Aaron's "Growing Up in Scientology" YouTube channel and then moving over to Marc's "Blown For Good" channel where we riff on whatever topic has our interest and also answer viewer questions they send in live. Unfortunately, we will not be doing one this Monday as we are celebrating Christie's birthday, might do it on Tuesday... stay tuned for announ Here are some of the … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday Shelly Miscavige
Today is Shelly Miscavige's 62nd birthday. She has been disappeared for the last 15 years -- one confirmed sighting at her father's funeral (with a handler) in 2007 and nothing certain since. Once a fixture of the scientology world, at her husband's side virtually everywhere he went, she suddenly vanished in 2005. I write about her and her vanishing from the Int Base in my book A Billion Years. Shelly is not the only person at the senior echelons of scientology who has been erased from public view (so too the President of scientology Heber Jentzsch, Executive Director International … [Read more...]
David Miscavige Is Doing Business in Florida
A new article by Tracey McManus reports on the contacts between David Miscavige (Mr. Mickiewicz to his friends) and the former and the interim City Manager of Clearwater. Remember, on 27 December, William J. Schifino (former head of the Florida Bar) and 2 Washington DC lawyers from powerhouse lawfirm Williams and Connolly (Joseph Terry and Krystal Durham) made "special appearances" (cost is no object when it comes to defending the COB, why use one lawyer when you can hire 3?) filed a motion claiming that Miscavige has not been properly served in the Baxter/Paris lawsuit. They claim he was … [Read more...]
https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1613000395605020673?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1613000395605020673%7Ctwgr%5Eed5d4f99b49f9e0ad25e6c811877cd4922266193%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Ftom-cruise-joke-golden-globes_n_63be312be4b0b2e1506c1ae3 Jerrod Carmichael's stunning bit at the Golden Globes last night set social media on fire. And subsequently is all over the media, bringing global attention to this issue. As readers of this blog know, Leah Remini famously filed a missing persons report concerning Shelly in 2013, detailed in … [Read more...]
Hype It Like There’s No Tomorrow
The hype for the replaying of Mr. Mickiewicz's New Years Patron Awards/briefing was over the top, but none more so than from Vicki Shantz, the "Continental Commander" of the Western United States. Vicki has been a long-term, loyal, ass-kissing subject of the COB. But even by her standards, this pleading to attend the event is sickening. She goes on about "Staggering accomplishments," "awe-inspiring new Patrons," "EPIC preview," "monumental," "spectacular," "revitalizing," "one of the most incredible briefings to-date," and "to move us into the future as the most vital force for the … [Read more...]
Where Is David Miscavige?
Of course, he is at Flag. Right where the plaintiff's lawyers said he is in their filing in the Baxter/Guider damages case. Yet Miscavige's attorneys filed papers filled with the usual bluster and feigned incredulity that anyone could be so stupid as to believe David Miscavige is in Florida. This after they used the same line in California when he was trying to avoid service there -- then proclaiming he is in Florida. See the recent blog post at Tony Ortega's site: David Miscavige lives in Florida when he's sued in LA, and in LA when he's sued in Tampa. In their latest rant … [Read more...]
David Miscavige — Moment of Reckoning
It would appear a moment of reckoning is upon the COB. For years he has managed to avoid being served in any suit that has named him. Last night, the plaintiff's lawyers in the Baxter/Paris case filed a motion to have the court find that Miscavige has been avoiding service and should be held in default. He has been able to get away with his shenanigans for years, but I suspect the time for playing games with the court system is over (at least in this case). At the hearing last month, Judge Barber was not impressed with even the concept of this circus. When he reads the lengths … [Read more...]