Word just in: the handful of people who were planning to show up to the Greatest Event In History tonight in order to participate in the food and babysitting services have been told the event is cancelled. Instead, Graduation starts an hour earlier next week.... I would say Miscavige and His Minions are making the Keystone Kops look like a well-drilled machine. Cancel the Maiden Voyage after promoting it and selling people on attending and replace it with the "Summer OT/IAS" event that is "The Biggest Breakthrough Ever In The History Of Mankind" and then when not enough people confirm -- … [Read more...]
Voldemort Wows ‘Em Again
The report from last night's graduation (12 July) featuring You Know Who: - The special GAT II Objectives have been launched for Cornerstone members in the Fort Harrison Crystal Ballroom, 126 Scientologists are currently on that course. [Paying once again for the privilege of redoing the bottom of the Bridge....] - Speaking of which, Objectives is going to be renamed to something else. He can't tell it what as it would reveal too much. The service will still follow Purif RD on the Bridge and will contain more processes than the current Objectives. No more information will be given at this … [Read more...]
Miscavige Waving A Red Flag
The red flag is flying on Miscavige's eroding sandcastle. This email is a sure "tell" that he is concerned. Concerned about his own PR and concerned about how he has not had a June 6th event and doesn't have a date for the "GAT II" big top extravaganza which is obviously going beyond his announced target of "late July." The natives are getting restless so he figures a good dose of Dear Leader in all his glory will help placate the rumblings of discontent. Miscavige considers this 1993 "War Is Over" event his greatest performance and most significant accomplishment. He has directed it be s … [Read more...]
Truth In Advertising Update and Wedding News
One of our Special Correspondents sent in some additional information concerning Matt Feshbach's skill in applying financial policy to his life (see earlier post here). Gives a less than complimentary picture of his history. It is not that I have any personal vendetta about Matt Feshbach or anyone else. It's that he is still held up as a poster child of success, and it is a lie. Here is the update: - Matt closed down his Feshbach Brothers fund on the west coast years ago, having taken investors’ money. - Additionally, he started a company on investors’ money – called FatPipeU, a broad … [Read more...]
The World Famous Finance Seminar…. Truth In Advertising Check
Flag, AOLA and Pasadena present? Huh? Pasadena makes sense as that is where the seminar is. Matt Feshbach is Flag public, but that's still strange. AOLA is left field.... No longer any mention of Matt being the first public "Super Power Completion"? A seminar that includes a Life Improvement Course? Some stat manipulation happening here.... But the whopper in the middle of the room is this. "Learn from a master. Find out how Matt applied LRH Finance Tech to his own life..." Read the excerpt below from the declaration filed by Matt Feshbach in the United States Bankruptcy Court on 12/11/11 … [Read more...]
Mr. and Mrs. Smith — “Another Round Of Great Rumors”
Sure seems strange to me that someone so actively promotes that they circulate rumors as far and wide as possible! And seems like they have to correct their "rumors" after each round.... Here is the latest: From: Mike Smith <[email protected]> To: [email protected]: June 14 Latest Juicey Rumors (#3) - and clarification of earlierwrong data (on OT VII EP)-LRH Ref. Hi Everyone, Another round of great rumors, but first clarification of earlier error re:OT VII: OT VII:There are apparently edits in a new version of the Grade Chart, which I amtold is now posted in LA Org, in t … [Read more...]
Voldemort Slays Crowd At Flag Graduation
Voldemort was AMAZING at Graduation last night. Can you believe he actually duplicates the problems students are having with instant reads! But then again, how hard can it be to know what's wrong when you created it in the first place? And Taiwan is going to become the next Ideal Org!! Funny, if you were at the Maiden Voyage 7 (or was it 8?) years ago this would seem a bit like deja vu. But then again, with the urgency of clearing the planet, a 7 year delay is not really important. At least its not as long as Harlem... Or Battle Creek. Or New Haven. Or Capetown,. Or, or, or... Here is an … [Read more...]
Scientology Bowling For Dollars. Seriously.
This doesn't even deserve a comment (well, one, how about at least spell checking the 7 words on the first line). Valley Org surging back into the lead of the nutjob stakes.... … [Read more...]
The Sad State of Scientology in South Africa
How many people should two "St Hill" size Ideal Orgs (Jbg D & F), plus another Ideal Org (Pretoria) plus another org on the "launching pad" to become the "next" Ideal Org be able to round up to watch the One Time Only showing of the greatest speech since the Gettysburg address? A few thousand for sure... Right? After all, due to their massive expansion, these guys have their own "Advanced Org" already purchased and CGI'd for the world to see! It must be rocking and rolling in Joburg in this period of the greatest expansion in history. The floorboards must be caving in... Well, if they P … [Read more...]
Ideal Gone Wild! The Ideal Moose. The Ideal Grant Cardone
Really? But now we have the Ideal Duo!! … [Read more...]