This personal story from another of the growing list of Special Correspondents is so applicable to so many that I though it important to post it. It aligns with the recent post I did entitled Divide and Rule. Mike Rinder As an ex-Class V org staff member, here's something I've found interesting. Throughout my staff tenure of 12 1/2 years, I never visited any other Class V org than my own. Who could afford it? I was on staff. And never had time off anyway. The point is, the only idea I had of what it was like at other orgs is what I saw played at events. When you see … [Read more...]
Dispatch from Berlin "Ideal" Org
Chris, Berlin Special Correspondent just chimed in with two VERY relevant and important comments concerning the state of the Berlin “Ideal Org” and how Gold goes about shooting videos based on his personal experience in Berlin. The information seemed too important not to be made more broadly know with its own Posting. Thanks Chris -- we look forward to more excellent, factual information from you. Mike Rinder Berlin Ideal Org I´ve been a staff in Berlin at the time of the opening of the “Ideal” (idealized) Org in 2007 and left the Church last year, in the meantime SP-declared. The numbers of Jo … [Read more...]
More on David Miscavige Style Planetary "Clearing"
by Mike Rinder Having tortured myself Clockwork-Orange-style into watching a few hours of Shermanspeak® at the 2012 Maiden Voyage, I have a few observations. David Miscavige’s “Ideal Org strategy” is (no surprise) a complete bust. He has banked everything on “Ideal Orgs” and the IAS. So, in the age tested manner of a really good ser fac, he will go on proving the “rightness” of this insane strategy until he is dead right. Thus, his manic efforts to make it appear that “Ideal Orgs” are “straight up and vertical” by showing tortured, misleading “stats” (more on that later). But, through the smok … [Read more...]
The Circus Comes to Town
By Mike Rinder Having just seen the latest annual IAS circus featuring Chairman of the Board IAS (and nobody else, including L. Ron Hubbard), a few thoughts sprang to mind (apart from the fact that I felt I needed to take a shower after being slimed). Firstly, for an association that promotes itself as “open to anyone” and with such pressure brought to bear to get people to attend the event, they are awfully shy about letting the world see all their “good works”. Earlier efforts to maintain the “security” of the DVD’s that go to the orgs are now completely over the top. Less precautions are … [Read more...]