Remember Shake and Bake Flash's recent post about how the IAS is pulling off massive international dissemination, driving millions onto the Bridge. I guess it is happening everywhere but Houston. This candid email tells the truth about what life is like out there on the fringes of the bubble where they actually contact the public. While she dutifully offers the required worship of GAGII and the MV event with a tired sockpuppet "sock blowing" it gets real from there. Believe me, Houston is a microcosm of org and missions everywhere. Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014From: Mary Ann DurhamSubject: … [Read more...]
“It’s Just Being In That Intimate Space With COB”
The hype is rolling out for Maiden Voyage... Our Whole New Universe is the one that only we can perceive I guess. The one where scientology is saving the world and clearing the planet and flourishing and prospering like never before with the real LRH tech available for the first time ever... And now, some reports from on the scene, with a liberal sprinkling of "awesomes," "incredibles," and exclamation points and a very large YUK factor. Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014From: I HELP UK <[email protected]>Subject: Maiden Voyage events. More feedback from those who are there.MORE … [Read more...]
A Parody Invitation
Seriously? The "Flag WUS Team 10,000" are SOOO incompetent at getting anyone to show up for Clive Rabey's shake down seminar they are sending out a pitch from Pat Parodi "to use" to "close people" to come to the event? Here you will discover that GAG II has "blown the doors to OT off their hinges" and other incredible statements followed by the clincher "-fact!" so it must be true. Wowzer!!!!! (This deserves some exclams) Don't forget -- "Report your confirms!!!!!" Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 From: "Flag WUS - Team 10,000" <[email protected]>Subject: Parodi ammunition … [Read more...]
The March 13 Event Was A Total Bust
The "March 13" edition of the International Scientology Nonsense (ISN) has just arrived in mailboxes everywhere. A bit tardy, but one could understand: 146 glossy, 4 color pages of Shermanspeak stream of consciousness is a bit of a task to put together. Though all it does is repeat the contents of the March 13 Event held at the Ruth Eckerd Hall (after 20 years, one would assume that the straight up and vertical expansion would have outgrown Ruth Eckerd Hall that only holds 2300 people...) Of course, reduced to the written page this stuff sounds even stupider than when it is accompanied by … [Read more...]
May 9 Event Downgraded To Street Fair
For the first time in at least 20 years, probably longer, the May 9th event is not going to be at the Shrine Auditorium. In fact, it's not even going to be an "event." It's going to be a "weekend" of "igniting the fire" in Los Angeles on L. Ron Hubbard Way. With "Dianetics cars and motorcycles" and a Dianetics "volcano climbing wall." Wonder if they will have carnival rides and sideshow attractions (a "Dunk The COB" attraction would generate a lot of interest I am sure and I bet they could make some serious money). There must be NO news worthy of an event. The walls are caving in. This is a … [Read more...]
Turnout Unacceptable For Mr. Clive Rabey
Dear me. Things are not looking well in the home of the largest concentration of Scientologists on earth, the land of the Ideal Pacifica Bridge, the Ideal LA Org, Ideal Orange County, Ideal Inglewood, Ideal Pasadena and rocking and rolling Valley All Stars. And in this age of the "Golden Age of Tech II" when everyone is just FLYING up the Bridge. And in this era of amazing expansion under the brilliant leadership of Dear Leader. Unparalleled growth and unbelievable enthusiasm. Well, apparently the enthusiasm IS unbelievable. 50 people "confirmed" for the "OT Convention" out of 700 means … [Read more...]
Tony Muhammad Does Ideal Graduation
LET US KNOW IF YOU CAN MAKE IT. YOU MAY ATTEND EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT CURRENTLY ON COURSE, OR ARE ON COURSE AT ANOTHER ORG. If I had seen this 10 years ago I would have taken it for a joke. This is not an "interfaith meeting". This is GRADUATION where people are supposed to "give wins from all levels of the Bridge". The "western leader" of the Nation of Islam is the "guest speaker" and this is supposed to be good news? If there was a "guest speaker" at "graduation" one would imagine perhaps a Senior C/S or a Senior Course Supervisor or maybe even the President of the … [Read more...]
Where Did Their Brains Go?
This is truly one of the most bizarre emails anyone has ever forwarded me. Perfect evidence for an entry in an encyclopedia under "mindless robots." Ignore the fact it is from WISE, pitching a church event. If anyone ever sues WISE and claims they are part of the church the denials will come thick and fast... Focus on the fact they found people to write "wins" (maybe they are RPFers trying to earn brownie points for graduation?) who rave on about the amazing expansion and how magnificent COB is? Can these people REALLY be this stupid? ...we are actually going to clear this planet for sure … [Read more...]
The Birthday Bash
So, the next event is upon us. Scheduled for Friday the 14th at Ruth Eckerd Hall. The routine attendance emails are flooding inboxes everywhere. Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014From: Meagan Tucker <[email protected]> Hello again!!!! We are 4 days away until our Commodore's birthday! The event is LIVE and we want you and everyone else to arrive at five! Realize that this is the first time ever that we have done an event at Ruth Eckerd Hall including entry with your event passcards. We have only done this drill at the base so... it's VERY important that you are thinking with this Friday a … [Read more...]
Ice Cream For Everyone
Another inadvertant admission from inside the bubble. They are totally enthusiastic about the fact they got "Highest Ever" for a WUS ribbon cutting. Really? All SO members in LA and all staff and public that could be rounded up in the LA area (and no doubt from San Diego and Santa Barbara and some were even shipped in from the Bay Area and Phoenix and anywhere else)? After all, they did not want to disappoint the Pope. Is there anywhere else in WUS that would expect to have higher turnout than LA? Certainly not Las Vegas. Or Phoenix. Or the Bay Area. Or Portland. Or Denver. Or Seattle. Or … [Read more...]