For some reason the links were broken to the Fair Game podcast episodes, so I have reloaded them so all episodes are available here … [Read more...]
Fair Game Podcast
Leah and I are taking a break from our Fair Game podcast for a very brief time. Until then, there are 80 episodes we recorded so far ( and all episodes of Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath are available on Netflix if you are yet to see it. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to getting back to you in a few weeks. … [Read more...]
Episode 77: Jefferson Hawkins
We are joined by Jeff Hawkins, an extremely talented, thoughtful and articulate former Sea Org member to recount his experiences with David Miscavige, his role in making Dianetics a bestseller again the 80's and his journey into and out of scientology. He is the author of 3 books on the subject. Jeff's brilliant book Counterfeit Dreams Leaving Scientology Closing Minds The Sociopath Next Door One of the famous Dianetics "Question" ads from 1980's that Jeff created, returning … [Read more...]
Episode 76: Professor Aharon Friedman
Aharon Friedman is a professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, a former scientologist and today serves on the Board of the Israeli Center for Cults’ Victims. Unlike L. Ron Hubbard, he really IS a nuclear physicist, his official title is Head - Schlesinger Knowledge Center for Accelerators and Radiation Sources. We talk about his experiences in scientology, what drove him to escape and his work helping victims of cults today. The brilliant book Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl about his time in Nazi concentration camps and what he learned from his ex … [Read more...]
Episode 75: Marc Headley on Scientology and the Internet
We welcome back our old friend Marc Headley to talk about Scientology and the internet, including covering the bonkers domain names scientology has registered, and how they have unsuccessfully attempted to control access to information on the World Wide Web. Marc's wonderful book: Blown For Good The Audiobook version The Scientology Money Project blog article listing many of the scientology owned domains: A YouTube video listing some of the troll domains registered by scientology: The Jokers & Degraders PL/HCOB: … [Read more...]
Episode 72: Stefani Hutchison Exposing the Lies
We bring back one of our favorites this week, the wonderful Stefani Hutchison. Stefani was never a scientologist, but has taken up the cudgel of exposing the lies of scientology on her excellent blog: Confront and Shatter In this episode, we cover some of the sleuth work Stefani has done, investigating the claims made by scientology and their front groups. You can find the stories on her blog, and I am also listing them here. It is pretty conclusive evidence that when scientology claims they are "working with the Red Cross" or had a "partnership with..." or "they handed … [Read more...]
Episode 71: Listener Questions #10
We start 2022 with one of our favorites -- a Listener Question episode. As always, we cover a wide scope of topics, from Fair Game campaign tactics to preserving Hubbard's "legacy" on stainless steel plates in titanium capsules in nuclear-bomb-proof vaults and the embarrassing "We Stand Tall" song... It's a lot of fun and hopefully includes new information for our listeners. Here are some of the things we mentioned: The activities of Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) to preserve the tech. Scientology is so proud of this, and treat it with such earnestness they have a fully … [Read more...]
No New Podcast This Week
There is no new podcast today, we and the production team are taking the holidays off. We will be back in the New Year, starting with another episode of our favorite: Listener Questions. If you are missing your Tuesday podcast fix, re-listen to one of the early ones or any you may have missed. You can access all 70 epoisodes at iHeart, at the Fair Game Podcast website or right here by clicking on the Fair Game icon on the Home Page. … [Read more...]
Fair Game Podcast
There is no new podcast this week as we take a break for Thanksgiving, but there will be one next week and it's going to be a goodie. Take the opportunity to go back and listen to any that you may have missed. I am also interested in hearing: What your favorite episode(s) have been and why Who you would like us to invite on Any topics you would like us to focus on If you have questions for future listener question episodes. … [Read more...]
Episode 67: Listener Questions #9
This week we have another of our favorite Listener Questions episodes... We have a lot of great questions, including what the organization does with all the money it makes? Are the PI's scientologists? What would happen if we tried to rejoin scientology? What is the most bizarre Hubbard policy? What's the story with Mimi Rogers? Does David Miscavige tune in? And a lot more. Some of the documents we mention: What are the A-E steps that a person declared Suppressive must do in order to get back into good standing with scientology? My earlier post about scientology … [Read more...]