This was posted on someone's Facebook page just now. Apparently there is no bottom of the begging barrel when it comes to the "Friendliest Place In The World(tm)" Dear .......... I want to send to you my CSW, please read it and give me answer as soon as possible ,thank you very much CSW 1. Situation: I am at Flag and I working to get back my Super Power right now. 2. Data: I just completed Cause Resurgence rundown and I got incredible success. I got the full picture, Sciantology is the first and only help to understand and to win in this universe … [Read more...]
Bob Duggan’s SP Success And Other Grandiose Claims
Here are some more outrageous claims about Super Power, including from the mega whale himself. The most outrageous statement is in the third paragraph. And the scientologists wonder why people think they are "anti-doctors" and the church loudly proclaims this to be a lie. Meanwhile they promote this sort of nuttiness Scientologists generally ARE "anti-doctor" (unless they are a wealthy doctor who can donate to the cause...) SUPER POWER® PERCEPTIC DRILLS SUCCESSES Level of Consciousness This was an awesome experience! Through the process of communication via my sense c … [Read more...]
Flag Is Flatlining
Flag is not putting out stat reports every week any more. That alone tells you things are really not going well. According to L. Ron Hubbard this is the WORST indicator (no report) and indicative of a looming collapse.... The last report before this was 23 April. That is 6 weeks ago. And you can see from this latest report: even though they were willing to finally put it out, the number of Super Power and Running Pgm completions combined are lowest since they were first released (the running tally of reports is below -- the latest week added to the end in bold). No … [Read more...]
Those Flag OTs Are Really Something
Here is a bit of the most recent Flag OT Committee newsletter, inaptly named "The OT Force." This is some seriously unimpressive stuff. Their report on the "2015 International OT Convention" is a good measure of the apathy that has set into the shrinking world of scientology. At BEST they claim 287 of the world's "top OT's" arrived at Flag for LRH's Birthday and the Convention. But judging by the photos there were really only about 100 people at the "convention" -- the rest I supposed just happened to be around. Even if 287 were true, it is really a VERY poor show. Remember, they … [Read more...]
What Have Those People On OT VII Been Doing?
Here is a new piece of insanity from the increasingly desperate regges at Flag boasting about "speed of auditing"... Among the numerous claims is that it NOW takes one year and six months to two and a half years to complete Solo NOTs. This begs the question that I am sure is blocked from the minds of the sheeple. What have those people who have been on "OT VII" for five, ten or more years, going in session 6 times per day, been doing? What is it that is SO MUCH FASTER now? Are they locating BTs and Clusters faster? Blowing them faster? The people that were doing hundreds of 10 m … [Read more...]
Flag “Arrivals”
Some more drivel from the OT Committee Chairman Flag. But it gives some interesting insight into what it means when Miscavige or Freedom mag claims there are "2000 people on lines at Flag at any given time." You can see what the Flag OT Committee counts as "starts" -- anyone, anywhere OR AN EXTENSION COURSE! This is desperation. Really, with the Golden Age of Tech II flooding people up the Bridge, with more ideal orgs than ever, the release of Super Power and the Running Program, more IAS Dissemination Campaigns than ever in history, a massive internet presence and interest in … [Read more...]
Flag World Tour Is Coming
And they are coming in force, because Flag is empty. I guess they don't have anyone to keep them busy AT Flag, so they are sending TWENTY TWO people to LA to be the "Flag World Tour." Twenty two people in addition to the 20 or so that are in the FSC WUS Office. Here is a recent message that was sent out. Hello! With the release of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, there has never been a better time to come in and get moving on your route to Clear and OT. As it is my intention to see that you make it all the way, and to help you get there, the Model Ideal … [Read more...]
Flag “Expansion” — More Lies
The wheels have come off the Miscavige Bandwagon. Here are the latest "Good News" reports from Flag, courtesy of Jeff Mintz and his Silicon Valley alter ego Sandy Dodwell. As always, at the bottom I have added these stats to the earlier reports that have been tracked since fairly soon after GAG II was released in November 2013. This forms perhaps the most accurate and complete record of the ACTUAL production of Flag over the last year and a half. One can easily see there is NO expansion. They deliver Super Power and the Running Program now, but those volumes have stayed level … [Read more...]
Flag Is Desperate
Don't look now, your desperation is showing... 6 people including 2 NOT's auditors, a Super Power Auditor, an AO D of P and AO Sup.... Apparently they don't have public to deliver to in the Flag AO so they are sending them out to try and press gang some suckers to show up at Flag. The massive international expansion, 47X, straight up and vertical is all happening "somewhere else." Problem is, only David Miscavige knows where "somewhere" is because it only exists inside his head when he sits down with Dan Sherman to collaborate on a speech. Which reminds this is one of the all … [Read more...]
Flag “Bridge Flow”
This is the "Bridge Flow News" from the OT Committee in Clearwater. They got an "OT VIII" through the Purif and are shouting about it from the rooftops. These people have truly lost touch with reality. I am sure that if David Miscavige tells the "OT Committee" next week that their highest priority as part of the "Golden Age of Tech II" is to have everyone in the "clearwater field" buy a hula hoop and do 2 hours of hula-hooping on the Clearwater Causeway while handing out copies of History of Man in Russian, there will be some sheeple out there and we will shortly thereafter read … [Read more...]