One of our Special Correspondents took the time to take the Mintzmeat announcements over the last year and turn the stats into graphs. While these stats do not reflect every week, they are a representative cross section of the stats over time. The numbers across the bottom simply represent the number of weeks worth of stats that have been collected -- they are not sequential. It is 22 weeks over the last year. The weeks shown on the graphs as 0 are in fact "No Reports" and you can conclude from that the stats were not good for that week. Remember also, Mr. Mintzt tended to put out the … [Read more...]
Andy Porter Speaks
I have known Andy Porter for many, many years. He was somewhat of a legend due to his work opening Russia and many of its former satellites to scientology. Andy spent many years defining the term "pioneer." He was an unsung hero who did a lot of the REAL work behind the scenes that ended up being glorified in IAS Freedom Medal winner videos and other event presentations. Andy now hails from the northwestern corner of Washington State where he lives with his wife and 10 year old son. He is an accomplished landscape photographer focused on capturing the beauty and majesty of the North C … [Read more...]
What IS “Cause Resurgence”?
Now, remember, out in the real world, we KNOW what this "rundown" consists of. But in the scientology bubble, it is "confidential" and is not mentioned unless you have paid your entrance fee and are ushered into the special floor of the SP building, where you are then told that this "OT Rundown" consists of.... Running in circles. Literally. For a few weeks. There is nothing else. You are told to run around a fixed object. And to keep running. Now read this latest Mintzmeat hype and realize they are charging people $5,000 to do this (not including what they charge … [Read more...]
Flag Is Limp
Jeff Mintz is not as regular as he once was, and for a while I thought he had been given the permanent heave-ho. It's a terrible thing when "good news" turns up on this blog as proof of stagnation. Then, after a month of silence, the FSC San Jose stole his thunder and put out the Mintzmeat(tm) report from herself. She even stole his format, but changed it from blue to red (Mintz had changed "Good News" to "Late Breaking News" probably because of how much fun we had with his "good news" but Ms. Dodwell seems oblivious for now). As always, I have added the latest figures to the end of the … [Read more...]
Flag: Cathedral Of The Circular Bridge
Flag, which may no longer be referred to as the "Mecca" of technical perfection and "friendliest place on earth" must, according to the Pope's decree, be referred to as the "Cathedral of Scientology." More fitting for a pope to have a cathedral I guess, and the implications of Mecca are apparently not politically correct in today's world. Though I would suspect Muslims are happier not to be associated with scientology than vice versa. Now matter what it is called -- Mecca, Cathedral, SP Building or Empty Morgue, the fact remains that the "top of the Bridge" of scientology has become a … [Read more...]
They Are Completing 10,000 On Solo NOTs in 2015
Yes, you heard it here first. Planetary Clearing is happening for realz. Edy Lundeen says so. Massive, monumental, universe shattering news. The theta/entheta ratio is being tipped. They made "Highest Ever Ever!!!!!!" Solo NOTs completions in 2015. 436, or more than one a day. OMG! And with that they cracked the 6700 barrier. And so, of course it follows that in 2015 they ARE going to make 3300 more. 8 times as many as last year. No reason is given for this optimism. It just is going to happen this time. It's taken 30 years to get to 6700 and now it will be 1 year to do … [Read more...]
Shhh…. Mr. Rabey’s “Surprise Party”
It gets cornier and cornier. A "surprise party" for "Mr. Rabey"... This "caper" is going to be filmed for Maiden Voyage. Woopee. Who in their right mind would miss this opportunity to feed themselves to the reg lions at ASHO so they could be on video for MV and surprise Mr. Rabey? And not only that, this is "from the desk" of Anne Mintz. Such gravitas. Funny how they are promoting this with a "free" meal and a seminar. When a WISE member does one of these money-making seminars they always charge money for it and they don't give a "free" meal. Must be desperate when they are … [Read more...]
How To Fake Stats
A Special Correspondent sent this in. I've recently started getting texts from Judy Fagerman, who seems to still be the VM I/C Tampa. Here are a few texts she sent me in the last few weeks. I copied all text exactly. Typos included: Dec 15: "Active VM now this week? 141 assists, 34 books at Winter Wonderland. Miracle wins! ML, Judy :)" Dec 22: "Active VM now this week? Did 220 assists, sold 48 books & got out 1,300 promo at Winter Wonderland! Woo hoo! ML, Judy" An earlier one I found interesting since it allows sign "waiving" to be counted as a VM activity: Oct 27: "Active VM now th … [Read more...]
More GAG II Hype
Another report on the glorious wonderment of flag and its incredibly impressive statistics (unless you actually think about them rather than just read the exclamation points and assume it's "amazing"). The clubbed seals are applauding loudly. This dose of donkey droppings presented as plum pudding comes from Sabine Peschken, once the CO WISE International. She fell from grace many years ago, but I had not heard of her until she reappeared as a Flag money-grubber in Australia. Here is her gibberish, followed by some comments: THIS IS THE 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE FLAG BUILDING … [Read more...]
Conversations With Scientologists
A couple of people have recently sent me copies of email correspondence they have had with people in the church. They were not working together, but both hit upon the same concept: responding to church efforts to get new people in or collect money from existing public and using this as an opportunity to present some facts to people they might not otherwise be able to reach. It is also interesting to see the reactions, responses and "pitches" that are employed. This first is with a Mission who had advertised a Big League Sales Seminar. The responses from the mission person are in … [Read more...]