After months of publishing his "Good News" briefings in inverted commas, Jeff Mintz has now changed the title to "Late Breaking" news. Whatever he wants to call it -- it's a really poor show. He might as well take the same figures every week and just change the date. This is LOOOONG term flat (Emergency condition). Month after month. And if there was any international expansion happening in scientology, it would have shown up at Flag by now. After all, it's nearly twenty years since the "Golden Age Of Tech" and more than a decade since the "Ideal Orgs Strategy" and more than a year since … [Read more...]
Flag Graduation “Briefing Sheet”
Another leak from inside the bubble. Here is the "briefing" for those who are going to be at Graduation -- and might possibly be allowed to "give their win" if "it aligns with the overall message" of this "promotional event" and as long as they DON'T use any "LRH quotes." It appears there is nothing that is beneath the "OMG, we couldn't do that, it would be horrendously crass and completely opposed to the fundamental concepts of scientology" threshhold. There is NOTHING they won't do. Thanks to COB and RTC for the incredible job of keeping the bs pure. … [Read more...]
More Flag Good News
An appropriate follow-up to yesterday's amazing good news from AOLA. I haven't had the time or space to include this for a while, so it's a bit out of date, but it's always nice to keep the good news flowing. It also sets the stage for an important post coming tomorrow -- a definitive analysis of scientology expansions since the 1950's. Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end). Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23 25 31 11 12 16 19 Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 … [Read more...]
Scientology Responds
Last week I put up a post entitled Scientology Takes Clearwater For Suckers. A bit earlier tonight, scientology finally got their response approved through command channels, and it appeared in the form of the comment reprinted below. Of course, a comment such as this to an old post would be buried and most people would not see it. I wanted it to receive the fullest airing possible in the interest of fairness. Here is the response, posted under the name "Walter Lippmann" Oh, dear, Mike, you know very little — about many things but most to the point here a … [Read more...]
10,000 Onto Solo NOTs. NOT
Crazy Lady Lundeen has just announced there are now 6615 "on or through" Solo NOTs. An earlier post containing an email from Clive Rabies dated 1 February 2014 listed the figure at 6433. That is an increase of 182. This means they have added 182 people "on or through Solo NOTs" to the grand total in 9 months, or 20 per month. Which means they only have 385 more to reach their "next target" of 7000. And at this rate, that monumental milestone will be rolling around in another 19 months. On 1 July 2016. And they will reach their goal of 10,000 at the end of 2029. (Of course, with … [Read more...]
Scientology Takes Clearwater For Suckers
There has been considerable media attention to the church opposition to the Clearwater Aquarium development on the site right behind the Fort Harrison. Fox News weighed in. Then the Tampa Bay Times and then the TBT wrote an editorial. The church cites a Florida State University (FSU) study showing the economic impact they have in the local community and somehow "reason" that the Aquarium would be a bad idea. They also cite to an Urban Land Institute (ULI) study commissioned by the city to puff up their importance (as they said the city and the church should "work together") though it is a l … [Read more...]
Flag “Good News” Is Getting Ugly
Been a bit busy and backlogged some of these reports. If you read the first Mintzmeat report, you will observe the Super Power/Running Program completions have settled down to between 10 and 20 per week, in a long term Emergency trend. And OT VII completions are almost always under 10 per week. The first two stats don't come close to justifying the massive SP building. This is lame as hell. Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the end). Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 1 … [Read more...]
Clearwater Belongs To Us, Wogs Not Welcome
A local Special Correspondent sent this in this morning and I thought it worth reprinting. Pity the media don't REALLY analyze what is going on. The article is on MyFox Tampa Bay, headlined: “Church of Scientology expresses opposition to proposed aquarium.” Aside from the main message that the Church is opposed to plans to move the Clearwater Marine Aquarium downtown, there is this quote, “The objections to the project were coupled with a recent economic impact study conducted by Florida State University. It says the Church directly provides 4,300 jobs in the Clearwater area, with a direc … [Read more...]
Planetary Dissem Scam
More from the scam files. The latest "meter con." I wonder what people are doing with all those "special edition" Mark VI and VII's they bought? Not only are they not "collector's items" you cannot even use them as meters.... "...the vibrant magnificence of this[sic] limited edition meters makes a prestigious statement in three breathtaking colors." "...this very limited edition meter is an iconic awe inspiring beauty like no other." "Still others have built themselves into the very fabric of Scientology history by acquiring the full set." The bullshit is literally nose deep in … [Read more...]
Flag’s Latest Good News
An appropriate question for Mr. Mintz. Flag is just limping along, with every stat he reports either downtrending or level long-term. No doubt he doesn't notice. He just thinks 8 Clears and 8 OT VII's a week is "good news" so keeps sending it out. And as long as it has a heading saying it's good news, everyone apparently buys it. Explains why so many people were sent from Flag to try to boost the ideal Pacifica Bridge. Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the … [Read more...]