The latest "good news" shouted from the rooftops by our friendly WUS FSC. Somehow, it's not just the name that evokes the image of minced meat. Prepackaged ground up mystery meat seems to be a fairly accurate description of these offerings from Mr. Mintz. I am surprised he put this one out as stats are not looking good.... Super Power, Running Program completions and Clears are down. You can see the comparative to the earlier reports below. Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, these latest reports added to the … [Read more...]
The “Ideal” Scientologist
This is a bit old now, but still relevant. The "ideal" fad is really rolling inside the bubble. -- now they have Rev. Alfreddie preaching to the converted about what an "ideal scientologist" is. My concept of what embodies today's "ideal scientologist" is seen in the illustration above. I wonder what Reverend Johnson came up with? Maybe he explained that the ideal scientologist would promote themselves as a "Baptist Minister"? The "reverend Alfreddie" is no scientology "reverend"... He plays his minister card to gain "acceptance" in "the community" because being a s … [Read more...]
More Flag “Good” News
Some more stats from our good friend Jeff Mintz. And as always he announces these as "Good News" but frankly, they tell a sad tale. 2700 Cornerstone members (see Bruce Roger email at end of post) and after nearly a year, only a third of those that ante'd up tens or hundreds of thousands for the privilege of being "first in line" have actually showed up to take the service... If you break down these Super Power stats, it is clear this is a financial disaster. If 75% of the Super Power delivery is to previously paid Cornerstone members (which is probably a conservative estimate), at … [Read more...]
The Flag World Tour Is Cominng(sic)
This probably should have been saved for the Thursday Funnies as it is so ridiculous. But then again, most promotional items that emanate from corporate scientology qualify for the "funny pages." The latest gimmick in their desperation to even get people to tell them they are coming: confirm your attendance, you will receive a free bookmark! Hurry, get in before the RUSH, while supplies last. And the "pitch" is really convincing "to make email confirmation more popular and convenient for you" -- ha. Anyone that believes this is for the benefit of the target sheeple deserves to go to t … [Read more...]
Hear Ye Hear Ye, “Good News” From Flag
This week's "good news." (Well, it's a bit old, preempted by other more important news). Thing are not getting any better at Flag. Their completions are in the same range for months on end. By now one would have expected to see some evidence of the masses "pouring up the Bridge" -- it has been 9 months since the release of GAG II and opening of Miscavige's Folly. But they pump out the "good news," telling the world they are going nowhere. I guess these days, anything that isn't another expose in the media or lawsuit being filed is fantastic news. And if it is shouted from the … [Read more...]
It’s Not How You Feel Darling, It’s How You Look
No comment. This is NOT a shoop. It's from Facebook.... … [Read more...]
Flag Needs The Running Program
If this super dooper OT cause resurgence rundown really produces what they are promoting, then maybe Flag should just take a month off and put themselves through it so they can get at cause over their sinking stats.... Here is their newest begging to "get people to Flag." You get some idea of the state of affairs in the "fastest growing religion on earth" when they are proudly announcing their FIRST completion from Sweden. Remember, Sweden has an IDEAL ORG in Malmo and another Class V org in Stockholm. And in 8 months there has been ONE person complete.... And what is it with the … [Read more...]
The Flag Cannibals Have Eaten Themselves Out Of Business
More indicators of how poorly thing are going at Flag. The recent post about the "goodwill mission" in DC is now followed by this -- the "Flag World Tour" going to Phoenix... Ignoring the horrendous grammar and typos, this email contains some interesting insight into what is happening at Flag. The FWT is going to outnumber the people that come to their event in Phoenix -- this is how desperate they are. They are not sending just a reg and a single Tech terminal -- no, it's a Super Power Auditor AND a Qual Consultant, along with Kaye Champagne and 3 regges. They will be lucky to … [Read more...]
Flag Stats Are Going Down
Some more "good news" from our old friend Jeff Mintz. Here are some earlier weeks of the same stats sent out by Jeff Mintz all under the same heading "Good News From Flag!": W/E 3 July 14 * 21 Survival Rundown Completions!!* 10 Super Power Completions!!* 21 Cause Resurgence Completions!!* 17 Ls Completions!!* 9 Clears!!* 6 OT VII Completions!! (From the WUS: Rob Tardi, Elke Jaeger, Barbara Rubio and Murray Marvin!!!) W/E 12 June 14 * 15 Purif Completions!!* 20 Survival Rundown Completions!!* 20 Full Super Power Completions!!* 18 Cause Resurgence … [Read more...]
Beggar’s Banquet At Flag
It's the MV Beggar's Banquet showing at Flag. And apparently everyone is in on the act to try to get the suckers to show and GIVE MONEY (and let us know you did so we can get the credit for it). Kevin True was a former RTC staff at Int who was busted and then sawed off some fingers on a table saw in the Gold garage when he was in the sleep-deprived zombie state of SO "deckies." Surprisingly, he has now made his way to being Solo Tech Services at Flag. More surprisingly, he is regging for the IAS? WTF? Solo Tech Services? It once again demonstrates that the ONLY pervasive activity of … [Read more...]