Here is the latest "shout it from the rooftops" announcement from Jeff Mintz with "good news" from Flag. Still, week after week, "Flag" produces more Objectives completions that Super Power Comps! Though they seems to have increased the Running Program completions to vie with the Objectives. The "no auditor" rundowns seem to get priority at Flag. Interestingly, after 8 months of GAG II and constantly announcing how they have more than 200 people on auditor training line-ups, they still don't seem to register any COMPLETIONS. And yet everyone completes every course in checksheet … [Read more...]
Flag Is Empty
This tells you everything you need to know about the state of the GAG II "boom" at Flag. It's a massive bust. Not only are they desperate to get people onto Solo NOTs, they don't even have public on Super Power or the Running Program. If they did, they would not be able to afford to send out their tech staff to try and convince people to arrive for services -- they would be too busy delivering. I have NEVER seen an entire tech division sent out on tour before.... It must be grim at Flag. All nighters. Scrubbing dumpsters. Rice and beans. And every "handling" based on the "fact" … [Read more...]
Flag “OT” News
Here is the latest from the Flag OTC -- pre-prepared to launch once MV was over... This is one well-oiled machine -- or perhaps a well-oiliness machine? May the Force be with you. And blessings from the Galactic Samurai. Wow, nothing like some absolute BS to get things off to a roaring start. Can you imagine how many people they send this newsletter out to that are NOT on service and it just confirms for them that the "OTC" is a sham. Woww -- they are listing the BUSINESSES that have "all their staff" on service. Wonder if this is going to … [Read more...]
More Bust Exposed Plus Bonus
Here are some new "stats" from Flag proving once again, the great boom is a big bust. Flag, like the rest of the scientology orgs, is on a kamikaze death dive. The big push at Flag is now on Purif and "Survival Rundown" completions. 4 times as many of them as Clears. Double the number of Super Power completions. The volume is pitiful for a $150 million dollar building and 1500 claimed SO staff... They claimed to have 200 Super Power Auditors. If they are completing 20 per week, this means the vast majority of these auditors are sitting idle -- which is confirmed by the latest Flag OTC … [Read more...]
Flag “Boom” At The Top Of The Bridge
I have just received my copy of the latest Source magazine, along with the most expensive and wasteful "promo piece" I have ever seen -- but more on that in another post. The Source mag is fodder for a series of posts highlighting some of the most outrageous statements, contradictions and lies. Let's begin with the amazing statistics at the Sandcastle (the Flag AO) where the only boom would appear to be the sound of the waves of truth inexorably consuming it. I realize this is difficult to read, scanning small black print on gold doesn't work out too well. What this says … [Read more...]
Speaking Of Delusion — Flag Graduation
This speaks for itself -- albeit in broken english. A Facebook post following Graduation Friday from an over enthusiastic attendee. This is more signs of the fundamentalism that is the norm within the church of scientology. There is a medical term for it -- euphoria, "a feeling of well-being or elation; especially : one that is groundless, disproportionate to its cause, or inappropriate to one's life situation" though fundamentalist christians would probably equate this to rapture. Frankly, it is a little scary. The image is cut off, but the full text is belo … [Read more...]
More Of What Is Happening Inside The Bubble
More revealing details from inside the hushmail bubble.... Great to see the IAS coming along to the Flag OTC to quote from "COB's speech" and tell everyone they should be increasing their status as they move up the Bridge. Of course, if they were to be asked about this by the IRS they would claim there is NO relationship with moving up the Bridge and IAS statuses. But you know, that's just "wog" law. Not important to anyone important (like us in the IAS). These guys lie about their own stats to themselves. It is remarkable to see how the culture of peddling bs and then buying what you are … [Read more...]
Golden Age Of Fundraising
Now that the Garcia's have forced the opening of the SP Building, they are moving on to new false promises of what will accomplish planetary clearing. This time, it is the "LRH Hall." But note the admission about the "success" of the SP Building and the people "pouring in" from "all over the world" for GAG II ...comparatively, this is still a trickle that will soon reach epic flood proportions. You just have to wonder WHEN any of these future epic floods and planetary clearing juggernauts ever come to pass? Don't these people notice? And now The Next Big Thing is that you have to give us … [Read more...]
Flag’s Unimpressive Stats
Seriously Jeff, you are getting excited about this? 21 Super Power Completions (and remember, this is the "surge" of people who paid for this over the past 20 years in order to be first in line). At 20 per week (providing it stays at this artificially inflated level) it will take a year to complete 1000 people. 12 years to complete everyone in the Tampa Bay area and 10,000 years to complete all the Scientologists on earth. Oh, wait a minute, these are just your phony numbers because if they were real you could not be excited about that as its like being excited about having invested in a … [Read more...]
Turnout Unacceptable For Mr. Clive Rabey
Dear me. Things are not looking well in the home of the largest concentration of Scientologists on earth, the land of the Ideal Pacifica Bridge, the Ideal LA Org, Ideal Orange County, Ideal Inglewood, Ideal Pasadena and rocking and rolling Valley All Stars. And in this age of the "Golden Age of Tech II" when everyone is just FLYING up the Bridge. And in this era of amazing expansion under the brilliant leadership of Dear Leader. Unparalleled growth and unbelievable enthusiasm. Well, apparently the enthusiasm IS unbelievable. 50 people "confirmed" for the "OT Convention" out of 700 means … [Read more...]