The big sheeple rodeo is on. Yeeha. THIS is the most exciting game we have ever played! That is, until next week when we announce the mostest most exciting game ever, ever. But the real kicker here is THE PLAYERS. The most upstat beingings in this Universe. And here is where the problem lies with the fundamentalist scientologists. Apart from their hype and spelling, grammar and punctuation problems, the arrogance is amazing. Kaye Champagne may well be a nice (if deluded) person, but to assert that she and her buddies on the Flag OT Committee (who cannot even get the local scientologists … [Read more...]
Looking For A New Body For My Mother On Facebook. Seriously.
Tasia I have a couple of logistical questions. Oh, never mind. Let me just point out a couple of things, putting aside that this is lunatic fringe activity -- and certainly not something to put on Facebook! I am going to be charitable and address this from the most benign Scientological perspective: IF you find some mother willing to go along with this scheme, have you thought through the consequences? Some poor child is going to be raised with an endless stream of evaluation and invalidation because both you and its mother "know" who this baby was in its last life? So every gu … [Read more...]
Running Scared
Here is the latest (hushmail) message to the Flag OT Committee from Jessica Selva "Flag Service Organization" (don't know what her post is). HOW TO HANDLE BLACK PROPAGANDA 23 March 2014 On Sunday, we will be hosting this important seminar. It will be held in the Fort Harrison Ballroom on the 10th Floor. A thorough drilling will take place at 1:30 to 3:30 PM, led by persons from the Office of Special Affairs There is only one message this sends. We are being bombarded with "entheta" and are trying desperately to "handle." No doubt the first step of this "seminar" by u … [Read more...]
The Bubble Is Still Leaking
These are all sent by hushmail, I promise. The first one, from Flag, contains this classic quote: This is still "LRH Birthday Week" through Thursday March 20, so we are still raising funds for the IAS and for Ideal Orgs. Of course, the thing to celebrate LRH's birthday is to give money for the IAS and Ideal Orgs, neither of which LRH ever heard of or contemplated or wrote about anywhere (of course there IS a policy about Ideal Orgs that we have seen plenty of times and the name has been stolen from it, not the concept). Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014From: Flag OT Committee &l … [Read more...]
10,000 Solo NOTs Auditors Not Happening
The increasingly nutball Edy Lundeen asks at the end of this email "so tell me what you think." Edy, I think you need to sit and stare at a rock for a few months until you come back down to earth and stop acting like some sort of crazy bag lady. Do you even vaguely comprehend that when Dear Leader releases one of his "new" services and requires all those who are already on it to now do the "new" one, you don't really have "highest ever." It would be like having 1000 people enter a 1000 seat arena through turnstiles and then telling them all they have to go out and come back in. You then … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes
I assure you, these WERE sent via hushmail. In the spirit of giving on this big birthday weekend celebration, another gift to brighten Mr. Miscavige's day. More leaks from his bubble. There is some pretty remarkable stuff here. Remember this is the FLAG OT Committee. Flag, according to the PR is "bursting at the seams" getting momentous numbers of people through Super Power, the Running Program, Grades, L's and ten thousand on Solo NOTs etc etc etc. Sorry, but that just does not add up with a "successful" event last Saturday with "about 10 people" in attendance. I wonder what they … [Read more...]
The Security Noose Is Tightening
The efforts to stem the leaks of what is actually happening inside the bubble (as opposed to what is presented at Miscavige Rallies) are ramping up. No doubt this is due to embarrassing (but true) things leaking out onto the fringes of the internet. So funny the level of paranoia about FACTS being made known. One thing that drives Miscavige batshit crazy is the thought (or worse yet, fact) of some information about Scientology that he cannot control. He believes he owns it all. And only what he wants known shall be known. And so the lengths to which they will go to in order to try and s … [Read more...]
Golden Age Of Math –10,000 On Solo NOTs
This is a very strange promo piece. They must be using "Golden Age of Math" to come up with the figures they are using. Places reported at 10X and 5X have no figures that even resemble these multipliers. And the targets are even weirder. They give them an arbitrary "starting figure" plucked out of the sky, as the column alongside gives the number currently auditing/completed. So, if your imaginary starting figure is "5" but you have 16 already on, you need 4 more to "4X" (to 20 total). Sheer idiocy. There are no doubt many false reports in here, I always love to hear from commenters in … [Read more...]
10,000 on Solo NOTs “Update”
Another inadvertant disclosure of the real scene inside the bubble -- this time from Clive Rabey D/CO of the FSO. They have been trying to reach the target of "10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs" for 30 years or so and are still not even close. And this is a CUMULATIVE stat. It's not 10,000 this year. Or even 10,000 this decade. It's 10,000 from the beginning of Solo NOTs. And still they cannot make any headway. I have written about this before. 10,000 of the world population in 1985 (4.5 billion) would be equivalent to 15,770 of today's population (7.1 billion). (I am ignoring the … [Read more...]
Goings On In Clearwater
I was out for a drive last night and passed through downtown Clearwater. Three things of interest. 1. I happened to be there at 7:45 and there were a few people in front of the Ft Harrison and a couple of cars, but not many. And a few walking from the Parking Structure down by where the tent used to be (it was packed up for the 74,319 yard journey back to the UK in 612.3 shipping boxes weighing it at the equivalent of 73.8 fully grown Indian elephants). But certainly not the big influx of people for "Flag Graduation" one would expect at the Mecca of GAG. Perhaps Voldemort has given up on … [Read more...]