With Voldemort still playing hide the ball on the "Grand Opening"/GAG II/Super Power/IAS events, the damage control scrambling is full force. This email is an attempt to make everything seem "normal" (or at least as normal as it can be inside a bubble of babble). Two weeks in a row the promise of "we are announcing the date at the next graduation" has passed with no announcement. But continued dead silence only aggravates the problem. So yesterday Lauri Webster sends out an email trying to take everyone's attention off the elephant in the room and get them thinking instead about what … [Read more...]
Voldemort No Show
You may recall from my post last week "Voldemort News" that the ironclad promise was that the date of "The Events" would absolutely be announced at this week's graduation -- "make sure not to miss it." I guess everyone took heed except Voldemort himself. He was a no show at graduation. And thus there were no dates announced for "The Events" -- what a shock and massive disappointment for those being held captive at Flag! But, you will of course be pleased to know that there was a lot of fabulous, amazing, incredible news -- the GAG II and Class XII trainees are "progressing nicely," "f … [Read more...]
Spokespuppet Tries to Handle Clearwater “Activitists” by Saying Nothing
See the article in the Tampa Bay Times from this afternoon. It contains some interesting statements and non-statements, Sockpuppet Pat Harney was despatched by Miscavige to try and calm the rumblings of the natives. Of course, she is sent with strict orders to say ONLY what Miscavige has told her she can disclose. So, she said the building will be open before the end of the year. What a revelation. But, it seems that if they want a ribbon cutting on the street, they have to do it on a Sunday. And there are only 3 available Sundays between now and the end of the year. News alert: Miscavige, … [Read more...]
Voldemort “News”
There has been enormous effort expended to prevent "leaks" from Graduation so the morning after dose of bs has been curtailed at all costs. But the Scientology "grapevine" cannot control itself when there is such amazing, astonishing good news coming straight from the horse's mouth. It is however, sort of ironic that the massively, incredibly good news about how the planet is being saved at light speed isn't suitable for anyone outside of Flag to know. Maybe this is just another "marketing gimmick" to make people come to Flag -- you cannot know about anything anywhere else in the world? Or … [Read more...]
Flag Recruitment Promo — Prescient?
Big Brother Invites You to Attend
There has been considerable discussion about the email circulated yesterday requiring information be sent in to Wig Adams at Flag for photo ID cards to be issued. Here is the email being sent out from Flag in response to that with a much shorter list of information being asked for. What made the email yesterday so believable is that they ARE in fact planning to issue ID cards to keep the unemployed, bitter defrocked apostates on the fringes of the internet out of Dave's Palace and Nuremberg Rally Events. See earlier post on this here. Notice the non-committal tone of this email "you re … [Read more...]
Not The Friendliest Place In The World
A commentary sent in by a Special Correspondent that I felt worthy of broader coverage. It might be more appropriately titled with the astute observation MONEY IS THE ONE THING NOT TAINTED BY ASSOCATION WITH AN SP. A few posts back you commented that Flag's systematic and systemic practice of purging "undesirable" staff and public deserved a post of its own. Indeed it does. Having been a "purgee" I am personally familiar with this corporate policy. Furthermore I have witnessed numerous instances of others being purged. Interestingly enough, the purge flows both ways, as many people have … [Read more...]
Voldemort Tent Update August 30
Well, you will be happy to hear, that like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, He's back. (Had to make a trip to Los Angeles to meet with lawyers to try and figure out how to wriggle out of the Monique Rathbun lawsuit). But in His absence there was lots of excitement in downtown Clearwater over His tent. Actually, over the illegal destruction of two live oak trees to make way for the tent. He no doubt issued the order to chop down the trees when He was not in town so he couldnt receive any embarrassing phone calls from the city. Interestingly, none of the reports, even Tony Ortega himself, r … [Read more...]
Prices Are Going Up While We Are Going Down!
The Smiths are at it again -- throwing out more confusion and hidden data to try to drum up some business. Not only is Miscavige planning the super extravaganzapalooza of amazingness to blow the minds of the sheeple with Super Power, Cause Resurgence, GAG II, the meter, dictionary and a whole new building in a circus tent with fireworks, dancing elephants and clowns, he also plans to make a shitload more money with price "changes" (increases) as it just wouldn't be fair to let people "rocket up the Bridge faster than ever, ever, ever" without making them pay more for the privilege of getting … [Read more...]
Super Power — It’s Official “Sometime in September”
In typical Keystone Kops fashion, the world is informed of the planned dates for the "Grand Opening" of "The Mecca Building" and release of Super Power and GAG II and the Mark VIII meter and, and, and... in early October. BUT, the Chief Super Power Reg sent an email 3 days ago TO GET PEOPLE TO COME TO THE EVENT and she is STILL NOT GIVING A DATE! In fact, she is telling people to come in September and that the Grand Opening and IAS event will be in September and October. And this is an email telling people to get visas and make their travel and accommodations reservations. Are things really … [Read more...]