The "friendliest place in the world" is losing its lustre. In fact, it is becoming downright creepy. This is from the latest "OT" Committee Meeting Minutes -- my highlighting in red: "Emmett Osborn, OTC Dir IAS Field Dissemination, come up to brief us about the winners of the recent IAS Game with the prize of a special pin for getting 2 status upgrades, 2 Lifetime Memberships or a donation on $10,000. He presented gifts of special lapel pins, engraved pens and one-of-a-kind shoulder bags to the winners, Kaye Champagne and Tom Cummins. Emmett re-briefed us on the new IAS Game t … [Read more...]
Voldemort’s Tent Update 16 August
This morning I received 3 separate reports on “Graduation” from last night. The stats are going up! I have combined them into one summarized report here. Thanks to those who continue to keep the world updated on the latest news from inside the bubble. As usual my comments are in italics enclosed in square brackets. Also as usual, He talks about MEST logistics almost exclusively. It’s almost bizarre to contemplate the leader of the "most important and fastest growing religious movement on earth" gives a weekly running commentary on the adventures of a tent making its way from England to the US … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 9 August
Update from last night's graduation. While the adoring crowds no doubt were screaming and jumping to their feet like a room full of jack-in-the-boxes on steroids, this is becoming pretty boringly mundane. The false "exuberance" is no doubt now being enforced on all present. "You will be impressed, or else...." Even our Special On The Ground Correspondent seems to have become bored with it all. You know how it goes, when Voldemort was a far off, unseen figure he was pretty scary. When you see him for the first time he is pretty scary. But after a while, he sort of becomes old hat. So, he … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 2 August
Here is the report from last night's "graduation".... He is turning these into mini "Int events" where He covers every possible piece of information that will keep the local sheeple convinced that all is well inside the sandcastle. He knows that this public, through the PR and goodwill of "Flag" and the "OT Committee" spreads the word far and wide about how spectacular everything is in the world of Scientology under His leadership "following in the footsteps of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard." So, its a hodge-podge of random stuff that makes it sound like everything is hunky dory. Ideal … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes — “News” From Inside The Bubble
Here is the latest self-hyping propaganda from the "OT Ambassadors" inside the bubble. It is the minutes from their last meeting. Mathilde, Public Sec FSO spoke about the importance of "getting ready." She said that she knows we've been hearing about it at graduations, but wanted us to realize just how close it is, announcing that the New Flag Building will be opened sometime in September, followed by the IAS Event here at Flag in October. She said that as soon as precise dates are known, she will let us know. Mathilde said that now is the time to get everyone on board here in Clear … [Read more...]
Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen
The GI at Flag must suck. The pressure must really be cranked up at Flag for Sonya Jacques to be delivering $10/head "seminars" at the local Mission. Sonya used to routinely make more than $200Gs a week. There is no way she would spend 2 hours on Wednesday evening at Bellaire Mission if things were even close to normal. This is desperation.... From: belleair [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 10:32 AMTo: Subject: CW: How to Eliminate the Barriers to Prosperity Seminar! How to Eliminate the Barriers to Prosperity Seminar! Presented by The Mission of Be … [Read more...]
Voldemort 19 July Updated
Here is the update from Graduation last nite. Absolutely without question the most spectacular event in the history of Scientology..... (until the next time Dear Leader takes the stage). He saved the showing of the 1993 IAS event so He could introduce it and He could make a pitch for the IAS. He is, after all, Founder of the IAS, a title that cannot be disputed as L. Ron Hubbard had nothing to do with the IAS. Stealing a phrase from Mel Brooks History of the World Part I "It's good to be the Founder".... He started the evening off with some really impressive stats: - 23 Cornerstone … [Read more...]
Keystone Kops Cancel Most Important Event Ever
Word just in: the handful of people who were planning to show up to the Greatest Event In History tonight in order to participate in the food and babysitting services have been told the event is cancelled. Instead, Graduation starts an hour earlier next week.... I would say Miscavige and His Minions are making the Keystone Kops look like a well-drilled machine. Cancel the Maiden Voyage after promoting it and selling people on attending and replace it with the "Summer OT/IAS" event that is "The Biggest Breakthrough Ever In The History Of Mankind" and then when not enough people confirm -- … [Read more...]
Voldemort Wows ‘Em Again
The report from last night's graduation (12 July) featuring You Know Who: - The special GAT II Objectives have been launched for Cornerstone members in the Fort Harrison Crystal Ballroom, 126 Scientologists are currently on that course. [Paying once again for the privilege of redoing the bottom of the Bridge....] - Speaking of which, Objectives is going to be renamed to something else. He can't tell it what as it would reveal too much. The service will still follow Purif RD on the Bridge and will contain more processes than the current Objectives. No more information will be given at this … [Read more...]
Mystery Solved — It’s the T Shirts Stupid
The latest briefing to the Flag OT Committee has revealed the "Something Very Special At The End" of the Super Special "Turning Point" replay of the 20 year old video event -- T-shirts!!! But not just ANY old t-shirts. They are "designed by Giorgio Armani." I posted yesterday about the desperation. This is a whole new level. I don't think anything further need be said: Public Officer FSO, Mathilde briefed us about the event this weekend on Saturday night. She said that this will be the Summer IAS Event like that which is usually held on the Freewinds at Maiden Voyage Anni … [Read more...]