A couple of desperate pleas indicate the Flag ship is taking on water despite the incredible (literally?) news being presented by Him at the Friday Nite Kumbaya Circle. Who ever heard of free food and babysitting being offered to try to entice people to come and see Him speak? Well, it is a rerun of a rerun of a rerun, BUT people should be falling all over themselves to attend, because it IS Him speaking.... Looks like things aren't shaping up too well if they are stooping to giveaways. I remember repeated requests for babysitting services to be provided for events and the public being told … [Read more...]
This is a collection of rumors, "news" and "pitches" emanating from Flag.... They are trying to sell GAG II HARD. Also throwing in some "Super Power" and even a mention of OT IX to persuade the high rollers to get busy redoing their Basics, Purif and Objectives. First off, a pitch to attend Graduation. We are starting a competition for how many euphemisms can be thought up to announce His presence at Graduation. This has a few new ones: "you know who" and "the top" and my personal favorite "our main speaker." From: [email protected]: [email protected]: 7/5/2013 3:52:44 P.M. East … [Read more...]
Mr. and Mrs. Smith — “Another Round Of Great Rumors”
Sure seems strange to me that someone so actively promotes that they circulate rumors as far and wide as possible! And seems like they have to correct their "rumors" after each round.... Here is the latest: From: Mike Smith <[email protected]> To: [email protected]: June 14 Latest Juicey Rumors (#3) - and clarification of earlierwrong data (on OT VII EP)-LRH Ref. Hi Everyone, Another round of great rumors, but first clarification of earlier error re:OT VII: OT VII:There are apparently edits in a new version of the Grade Chart, which I amtold is now posted in LA Org, in t … [Read more...]
Voldemort Hits Graduation Again!
OMG - will I be struck by lightning for speaking his name? The latest news from behind Miscavige's leaky dike. Usual typos and all. Note, you had better get there early (if the doors open at 8 why get there before 8???) Amazing the great man has such an aura that nothing more need be said than "He" -- idol worship much? In today's Corporate Scientology Miscavige = God. Even L. Ron Hubbard was never "he", usually LRH or Ron. Nothing so impertinently familiar is acceptable in the Brave New World of Sciendollary. Events Patter for Graduation Friday, 14 June Hello! A … [Read more...]
The Circular Bridge
Some interesting information escaping through the cracks in Miscavige's dike. Word is going around now that all OT8's have to re-do their Objectives. Most are stripped of cash from decades of 6 month checks and so the "OT Objectives Co-audit" was implemented. But there are some who will still pay Class IX rates to arrive once again in Present Time, or incredibly even go exterior. How the EPs of Objectives have not been achieved on the OT levels is the eighth wonder of the world. But of course, these are the "new" "GAT" Objectives. Meanwhile, the FSO is apparently desperate to get pe … [Read more...]
Scientology Summer Of Love
Here are a couple of recent emails sent out by what can only be classified as rumor-mongers extraordinaire. I am posting them as a matter of interest and to comment on a few things within the confusion bombs they dropped on their "selectees." My of my, with official rumor spreaders like this, who needs SPs to create confusion? Hi Everyone, Reliable rumors have it that Superpower, Cause Resurgence Rundown, Golden Age of Tech 2 and opening of the new delivery building will all happen "soon", with the best rumors being "in July". Some say early July, some late July. Some … [Read more...]
He Who Shall Not Be Named Speaking At Flag Graduation Again!
Hold onto your hats!!! Set aside your bingo plans and superhero night at the "Ideal Org" and go and see a REAL Superhero in person. And don't forget your checkbook, credit cards, wallet and any spare cash you may have lying around.... Send in your reports of the great news sure to be imparted this evening. It's going to be a lot of promises and few accomplishments other than things that have already been said numerous times before. But still, his promises can be revealing if you know how to interpret them. To: Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:55 PMSubject: Guess who is speaking aga … [Read more...]
The Captain FSO Explains His Priorities
Here is a new email laying out the priorities for the Flag OT Committee as directed by the clown in charge of the FSO. A couple of comments: The FIRST priority for the FSO is "Ideal Orgs"? Bizarre. More evidence that "Command Intention" (ie Miscavige orders) has taken the place of all other policy/programs/orders in the RCS. Believe me, this ONE thing alone would be enough for Miscavige to be declared by LRH. There are enough old timers around who can recall the wrath that rained down on anyone who cut across the FSO's main line business... The SECOND priority is the IAS. And the same old lies … [Read more...]
Hmmm… Maybe This Alliance Thing Isn't Working Out?
Remember the earlier post about the "Flag Alliance" to raise money for all the orgs in the "Southeast US" (all 4 of them) to "go Ideal"? An Ideal Org IQ Test Well, the most "powerful OT Committee in the world", with 253 members at last count (not much of a percentage out of the claimed 10,000 Scientologists in the Tampa Bay area or 2 1/2%) is having a tough time getting people to confirm attendance. With this "Command Intention" -- in fact the MOST IMPORTANT program according to "Chairman of the Bored", David Miscavige … [Read more...]
An Ideal Org IQ Test
Here is another document from our growing team of Special Correspondents keeping their ears to the ground and eyes on the prize. Tony Ortega included the promo piece in his weekly Sunday Funnies collection this morning and it is worthy of a good chuckle. But it came with an email that deserves its own comment. This is a wonderful example of the dimwittedness of these supposed "OT's" who have really learned to not even think dim thoughts for themselves. They are literally dumb as stump posts at this point. A=A=A is the order of the day. If Miscavige pisses on their heads and tells them its r … [Read more...]