Scientology, according to Hubbard is pan-denominational and is thus harmonious and accepting of all other religions, in fact it embraces them all. In Hubbard's view, scientology is the culmination and is senior to all other religions as it provides the answers that all other religions have sought. He expressed this concept in the photo shoot he did with history's "thinking men" and "religious leaders" all coming to see scientology as the answer -- a composition he included in the What Is Scientology tome (he took the photos of all these characters and then had them converted into artistic … [Read more...]
The LRH Hall/New Flag AO Are Coming… For Sure. Promise.
They have been fundraising for the "LRH Hall" for decades -- it's a white elephant project that is simply a sinkhole for money to show they are "spending on charitable activities." It is a completely unnecessary project, they can't even fill Ruth Eckerd Hall for their events these days. Of course, they haven't even STARTED the building. No surprise, once they actually begin, their income will go down. Remember how long they dragged out the SP (Super Power) Building -- Miscavige held the "groundbreaking" ceremony in 1998. Then dragged out the start of the building project for years and … [Read more...]
Tampa Bay Magazine: Scientology Edition
This month's edition of Tampa Bay is evidence of how hard scientology is still working to "safepoint" the Clearwater community. There is a concurrently published YouTube video on this subject: Tampa Bay magazine is typical of this sort of publication you find in many major cities -- it's glossy pages feature full page ads for the restaurants they review, ads from realtors for the homes they highlight, ads from lawyers who write columns in the magazine and a bunch of "social" shots of the local luminaries attending events in the area. There is no real reporting, it's all puff … [Read more...]
March 13th — Save the Dates (sic)
Word on the street is that there is going to be an "amazing" event for March 13th... Supposedly the "first international event" since Covid. But this amazing event doesn't have a date yet -- which seems a bit odd. No doubt, Miscavige is going to do deliver a Shermanspeak hype-fest in the Flag Auditorium like he did at New Years and this will then be sent out to scientology orgs around the world to replay. The March 13th event used to be held at Ruth Eckerd Hall every year. But it's not going to be this year. Why not? Two reasons: First, Miscavige, as I predicted, … [Read more...]
Scientology International Events Are No More
David Miscavige used to conduct 5 or 6 "International Events" each year where all scientologists were "briefed" on the version of scientology in the world he wanted everyone to hear. These events were required attendance for scientologists, and staff spent weeks calling public repeatedly to "confirm" their attendance. Traditionally, the annual "New Year's" event was held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles in the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve and was then sent out to all orgs to be played as their "New Year's Celebration." These events were vitally important to keep … [Read more...]
Give Us Your Money for Christmas
Scientology, in the "spirit of Christmas" wants you to give them money for a building in Puerto Rico. "This is our chance to give an incredible Christmas gift..." So typically scientology that "our gift" is for you to hand over your money... Two public people are "hosting" what they call the "Ideal Miracle Event" in Flag's restaurant. The Old Man is spinning in his grave thinking about "FCCI's" doing events in Sea Org buildings. The best bit about this is LRH quote. Such incredible arrogance: "We are the protectors of the real tradition of Christmas..." -- that "real … [Read more...]
Running in Circles Again
The insanity of this is hard to comprehend. Here is an "OT VIII" proudly announcing the miracles of running in circles. For the SECOND time! If the theory of the grade chart is true, one advances step by step from the bottom to the top, each successive step building on the one before. You are NOT allowed to even see the OT materials until you have attained the steps below, and the same goes for each successive OT level after that. OT VIII is confidential until after you have completed OT VII, been declared eligible and paid for OT VIII. The so-called "Cause Resurgence … [Read more...]
The Con Man Cometh
The great Grant Cardone is coming to do an event at Flag. Not for free of course, they’re going to use this as a chance to make money. They don't say what the price is, but you can scan the QR code (you might have more luck than I did "the server cannot be found") but if that's not good enough for you, you can "ask your Registrar about VIP options." They're trying to make this like a big celebrity “event,” pay $500 you can stand next to the great man, for $1000 get a photo op, for $10,000 you can shake hands and hang out in the green room sort of thing. For this guy? What is really going … [Read more...]
How is it that a "New OT VIII," Super Power, 2 time Cause Resurgence Rundown and all 3 L's completions needs an Asthma/Allergy Rundown? Wasn't that cured on Dianetics? Or at least on New Era Dianetics for OT's??? How about a "Havingness Rundown"? (If they keep soaking her for everything anyone can possibly pay for, her "havingness" is going to shot). Or a "Dynamic Sort-Out Assessment"? Or "Vital Information Rundown?" WTF??? She even says "I thought things were pretty much handled" and so they should have been. She spent in excess of half a million … [Read more...]
10,000 Onto Anything
For 20 years, they have been pushing the Sisyphean task of getting "10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs." It's all based on the LRH quote cited at the top of the issue below first published in April 2002 (see post giving the full content of the issue that established this goal): Based on this sliver of dubious information supported by not a single fact, the big "10,000 game" began. Way back in 2002 Solo NOTs had been around for 15 years or so, and they had not cracked the halfway mark. By 2014 they had plodded along to 6433: 10,000 on Solo NOTs "Update" To this day, they have … [Read more...]