More evidence, as if it were needed, that scientology is failing. Flag is empty. If there was massive international expansion, the number of people moving up the bridge would be increasing. Flag is the pinnacle of the empire and its state is a clear reflection on all of scientology. This is the Oak Cove hotel at 7:30 pm the other night. As you can see, the place is virtually deserted. This is the nearby retirement home that is the companion building to this one (they used to be part of the same community, but scientology bought the block closest to the Ft … [Read more...]
An Ideal Scientology Family
A recent Facebook posting, coupled with the blog post about my daughter yesterday, prompted me to write this today. Mirit Hendrickson is a full-on scientologist known for her "VM videos" -- donning a yellow t-shirt and heading out to look for photo-ops during hurricanes that she then posts all over social media to prove the "effectiveness of the tech." Her life is immersed in all things scientology. So it is hardly a surprise that her children are being raised as part of an "ideal" scientology family (which includes joining the Sea Org as soon as possible). As you can … [Read more...]
“Auditing on The Level”
Another illustration of the crazy that is the scientology bubble. And it gets worse the higher one progresses on "the Bridge." I am not questioning that there is a problem with over-prescription of medication or too much diagnosis of depression or anxiety. I am questioning the bizarre conclusion: "I am auditing on the level, which ultimately will handle the disgusting goals and purposes of that criminal profession." How these deluded OT VII's can possibly believe that getting rid of their body thetans is going to handle psychiatry is something I would love one of them to explain … [Read more...]
The Impossible Dream
Done? Since Day 1 the target has been 10,000. Now suddenly they cave and declare victory when they reach 75%? Let's not forget this has been going on now for 30 years. Trying to get people "Onto" ("or through" which is absolutely meaningless) Solo NOTs. In 30 plus years 7500 people on planet earth have reached the top of the Bridge. That is a TINY number of people. A large number of the 7500 are no longer alive or scientologists. A large number started and never completed the endless level. The entirety of Europe has apparently achieved 800... And they are PROUD of … [Read more...]
Flag is Empty
They claim it is a 4 star hotel. This is the peak season in Florida. Yet while every other hotel is charging the highest prices of the year, they are trying to attract people with special discounts -- $113 for a 4 star hotel in Florida in January? Absurd. And breakfast thrown in and chocolate covered strawberries. At this time of year you would be lucky to get into a 2 star hotel for that price. The place is empty and they are doing anything they can to get some rooms occupied. If Flag was "booming" the Ft Harrison would be full and they would not have room for locals to … [Read more...]
The True Measure of Scientology “Expansion”
On 6 January 2014 I published a blog post entitled Straight Up and Vertical - Not which included information about the target of "10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs". At that time, almost exactly 10 years ago, they claimed to have 6410 people who had accomplished that feat. Ignore whether this number is true or not, we will take them at their word. Until 2014 they had managed to get 6410 people cumulative onto Solo NOTs. Many of them are no longer scientologists. Many of them have since died. What is important is how many are making it to the "top of the Bridge" each year. That is, … [Read more...]
Running in Circles Again
This just struck me as the ultimate in ridiculous, enforced "success stories." It is a perfect example of the "technology" proclaiming something and then the person who pays for it comes out the other side certain they have achieved what they were told they were going to achieve beforehand. Though there is no way this is real, it is shrouded in "subjective reality." This is confirmation bias exemplified. Confirmation bias occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea or concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true. They are … [Read more...]
Flag “OT” Committee Minutes Sept 2019
I accumulate these and only really include them here so there is a record somewhere of the fakery that embodies the "Top of the Bridge." I've had some of these sitting here for a while, and a few others that were sent to me that I didn't bother to download. Someone sends them to me each week, it's just a lot of reading and highlighting needed. Here is this week's edition, followed by some earlier ones. What is so obvious is their focus on money. Virtually everything they talk about is money, fundraising and commissions. It's also interesting how focused they are on "collecting" the … [Read more...]
More Stolen Valor
Here we go again. On Memorial Day I wrote a post about this subject -- Stolen Valor: Ron the War Hero And now they are at it once more. If you are planning to attend this event, or know someone who is, please be aware that this is ONLY a "PR opportunity" for "safepointing" scientology and that those who attend will be held up as examples of people who endorse scientology. Know too that that the founder of scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, told many tall tales (lies) about his military career, very well documented in Chris Owens' carefully researched book Ron The War Hero (available on … [Read more...]
Flag Stats Prove Massive Fail
They're boasting about their accomplishments again -- and their boasts are the best evidence of their complete failure. Super Power and Cause Resurgence A couple of notes at the outset. It seems they have adopted the IAS "successful action" -- to get people to show up for reg events these days you need to offer free meals. Flag, being the Mecca of Technical Perfection and the Friendliest Place on Earth is going one better. Flying in their own chefs "as seen on [sort of] TV" to whip up some pizza and gelato. Should generate massive crowds. I do note they never show any pictures … [Read more...]