Some more crazy fun from the clapping clubbed seals at the Flag OT Committee. These people are so delusional it is hard to fathom, but this is what happens when you are in an echo chamber bubble of the similarly deluded. They are laughable, but they actually have convinced themselves they are masters of the universe, a new breed of homo novis and far superior in every respect to the poor "wogs" who are not as enlightened as they are. My comments in blue. … [Read more...]
The “Top” of the Bridge is Collapsing
The "Mecca of Technical Perfection" (they don't seem to use that name any more, even though it was bestowed by L. Ron Hubbard himself) is becoming more and more desperate. Yesterday I included information about the shrinking world of scientology evidenced by the curtailed Maiden Voyage celebrations. Today we have more evidence from the "top of the Bridge" where they are now delivering the "Personal Efficiency Course"... This is described at the What is Scientology website as follows (emphasis mine): For many people, happiness is an elusive quality. Surveys show that “being happy” is w … [Read more...]
L12 Scientology Hype
Here is some extra special hype about the "Flag Only L Rundowns." Hubbard made a LOT of money selling these things, promising "stable exteriorization" -- though not a single person EVER has accomplished this "end phenomena." Not one. Not ever. And what is amazing -- everyone KNOWS this and carries on with the charade. The next person who finishes L12 will come up produce a "glowing" success story about how astonishing this “tech” is and pretend stable exteriorization is something that HAS been accomplished! Their future promotional pieces will continue to make the same false clai … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes
The latest news from the almighty Flag OTC. I highlighted some particularly interesting or bizarre passages. These people exemplify the most deluded bubble-dwellers, I am almost embarrassed for these people reading this stuff. Saving lives by donating to the IAS? Perhaps saving the life of a reg who will not be punished for having downstats. You can get your name on the wall -- but do NOT do anything that gets you in trouble between now and whenever this place opens because your name will not only NOT be on the wall, you will not even be allowed inside the building. What is a … [Read more...]
Running in Circles
Is running in circles around a pole so much better and more therapeutic than running in a straight line? Or around a 400 meter track? The "Running Program" is supposedly based on some Hubbard "Whole Track Research" -- though it was first used as a punishment on David Mayo... It was subsequently used by Miscavige as a punishment on many people at the international base. So much so that after stories about it appeared in the media, the infamous "running track" at Golden Era was bulldozed out of existence. This piece of "amazing tech" is no longer available to the people at the top of the … [Read more...]
Flag OT Committee — Aligning OT Forces
Once again, as if by magic, the Flag OT Committee Minutes appeared. A new status above humanitarian! Nothing more important to scientologists than status. A poem! Oh a poem. And about collecting money! What could more in keeping with the scientology "christmas spirit." There will be "good conversation (LRH references)"? Of course no real scientologist can engage in a conversation without citing an LRH reference. You would not want to be accused of thinking for yourself and being off Source. Interesting that 30 "confirmeds" for one of these events seems to be acceptable. Out … [Read more...]
An Important Survey
Now, this is a deadly serious activity. It is also another of those inadvertently revealing things from inside the bubble that appears out of the ether with more regularity than one would expect. "Sean and Frank" clearly mean business. And this is VERY important. We need to find out what scientologists "think" about a "few things." Well, being a sucker, I took the bait. Here is the first question: Now, what good scientologist would not answer that they have at at least "wanted" to do this at some point? It's like asking "have you ever wanted to have money". It's … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes
One of our regular, if irregular, features: the often odd, sometimes silly, but always informative and entertaining "minutes" from the Flag OTC. Super Powered Bubbles Champagne and her crew -- supposedly the top tier of the scientology public world -- are poster children for the bubble-think that is endemic in scientology. They literally see what they are told to see. Period. I have highlighted just a few of the most notable points in their latest edition of "pat ourselves on the back" news. 80 public "recently" routed onto Solo NOTs. Wonder how recently? No specifics is always … [Read more...]
Flag Failing – 10,000 on Solo NOTs Hopeless
Oh dear. Things not looking for the 10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs target. They've been working on this target for nearly 30 years and are still not close. Apparently, even the chief cheerleader for achieving this target has given up. For years the D/Captain for Delivery Flag AO Mr. Clive Rabies has been doing "mandatory briefings" for "OT's only" to try to drum up enthusiasm for people getting onto OT VII. Now he has been reduced to doing personal org board "workshops" at the FH for $25 a head. I suspect the truth is that the number of people auditing on OT VII continues to … [Read more...]
Ebony Awakening
This should be fun. Alfraudie is being brought in from his IAS world Regging Tour -- hanging with his NOI buddies and only $500 a head? How exciting could a weekend be. Hard to top this. But don't forget to bring ALL your checkbooks and credit cards. There are a LOT of regges at Flag in addition to Alfraudie. Here is the full line up. The only scientologists they could get were 3 white businessmen. Two NOI people -- one doing Group Processing (that's NOT Dianetics...) and then a non-scientology Minister from LA who is involved in CCHR. I guess scientology … [Read more...]