This is a report from the Flag local door-knocking campaign to "recover" all the people who have faded from view. Recognize that even these paltry figures are padded. Nobody reports "stats" in scientology without inflating them to make it seem like things are better. Probably the vast majority of the numbers represented here came from knocking on the door of members of the OT Committee and asking them what service they put their children on over the summer holidays. But even with that in mind -- this is very revealing. Since January 2018 they have managed to get 569 people onto a … [Read more...]
Flag OT Committee
The always entertaining Flag OT Committee just sent out their latest minutes. Lots of interesting information in here, I have highlighted some of the lowlights. But the big news here is that the ONLY ideal org ever to have its stats up week after week... The ONLY one EVER. Isn't that amazing? they seem to think this is great news! All those other ideal orgs are not expanding. Just like we have been saying. Poor old Columbus couldn't even get a single person to the Maiden Voyage to represent them. And now they're striving for 1000 onto Solo NOTs. Forget about 10,000. Don't forget … [Read more...]
News from Within The Bubble
Oh no, they've done it again. In their proud tradition of crowing about their amazing accomplishments, they have once again shown to the world how small they really are. Super Power was released in November 2013. Four and a half years ago. Super Power had been being hyped since 1978 when L. Ron Hubbard hisself said that it would be "available in 6 weeks"... at all St Hill organizations. Super Power was touted as THE thing that would make "planetary clearing a reality" (like everything before it, from New Era Dianetics to OT III to NOTs to KTL etc etc). But this was really GRAND … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes
Some epic news hot off the press from the mighty Flag OT Committee... Fundraising, fundraising and more fundraising. Orlando NOW has 35 staff. Wow! And they are "doing very well on recruiting." Once again, scientology discloses the fact they are spending tens of millions of dollars for a building for people that do not exist. 35 staff (and you can bet this figure is bs as EVERY figure ever presented by scientology is ALWAYS bs) is supposed to be the size of a Mission. They have another 165 staff to go to be SH size and a real "ideal org." They're not even 20% of the way … [Read more...]
Flag’s New Fake Photo
Things are looking pretty dim in the world of scientology, even at Flag, the last bastion of "look how big and cool we are." They actually have to round up anyone who has been given a certificate ANY TIME in 2017 to come for their photo shoot at FLAG??? The photo below shows no more than 150 people (can't be bothered counting them, so giving them the benefit of the doubt). With their ongoing 47X expansion, greatest year of greatness in the history of histories, GAT II and faster Bridge progress than ever, the amazing Super Power and Cause Resurgence making planetary clearing a reality … [Read more...]
Flag OTC
Bubbles Champagne and her gang of merry fools are still bubbling along... As always, they reveal more than they think with their hype-minutes. If you were looking for theetie-weetie... Jim Wavell (can't even spell his name right...) was the cook on the Apollo. In a "galley" that was right out of a Dickens novel. His interactions with Hubbard were minimal or zero -- he might have spotted him once when Hubbard ventured onto the dock, but that was about all. Don't get me wrong, he is a nice guy, but it's like having someone do a briefing on what the Beatles were like because they … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes & LRH Aftermath
The latest and greatest from the biggest and best OT Committee on earth. Some interesting tidbits in here. As announced by the ex-WDC member Anna Paddock (one of the morons who showed up at the Rathbun's to check on their "squirreling") -- the "Clear event" was a "big success" with 30 attendees. Remember, scientology claims 12,000+ members in the Tampa Bay area. Doesn't appear to be a "big success" even if there is only 10% of that number of scientologists. David Pomeranz's wife is the "OT IX and X Get Ready Pjt Officer"... Must be good to have a lifetime and beyond appointment. She … [Read more...]
Flag OTC News
Some interesting information here. Plenty of evidence things are not all peachy at Flag. Just a few comments: They are trying to double the number of IAS members by reducing the annual membership fee and sending a mailing to everyone who has ever bought a book! Ha. Good luck with that. Although they disclose the REAL intent -- to get people to higher statuses and that is ONLY about money. THE most successful Clear event yet had 30 attendees. Yes, 30. And they then go on to say there are more Clears than any other case level... There are less than 50,000 people on earth who … [Read more...]
Super Powering
More interesting factoids from the mouths of babes. Today we are blessed with the magnificent news on Super Power. The Super Power building opened, and delivery of Super Power began in Nov 2013. Nearly 4 years to rack up some significant accomplishments. Remember the HEAVY demand that all scientologists had to do Super Power -- the number who have actually completed in this time is a pretty good measure of how many truly dedicated paying scientologists there are on earth. 4,000 total. They have scraped up 1,000 per year or 20 per week in the last 4 years. Recall too, this building … [Read more...]
Scientology Block(head) Party
They will never learn. After enduring some of the worst PR in recent memory for declaring war on beloved Winter the Dolphin and Clearwater Marine Aquarium, turning their wrath on the Clearwater City Commission and then on Pinellas County -- scientology pays for a press release to announce how they are bringing the Clearwater Community together. Oi vey. Can they be serious? This is their paid release: Church of Scientology-Sponsored Block Party Brings Greater Clearwater Community together Tuesday, May 9, 2017 3:28 AM UTC CLEARWATER, Fla., May 08, 2017 -- On Saturday, May 6th, 2017, … [Read more...]