What happened to Clive Rabies? Clive was the worldwide cheerleader of the "10,000 onto and through Solo NOTs" campaign. A target that has been around for more than 20 years and has STILL not been attained. Last time they reported they had not even cracked 7,000 -- notwithstanding that of that number I would estimate HALF are no longer scientologists or are dead. We havent heard much from Clive for a while and now he has surfaced with a new gig: Oh, how the mighty have fallen. He is now pitching prosperity and dissemination?? THIS is now the route to planetary salvation? … [Read more...]
ASL Talks Clearwater Redevelopment
My good friend Aaron Smith-Levin presents a well-reasoned explanation of what is going on in Clearwater based on his considerable experience and knowledge. While specific to the situation in Clearwater he offers some interesting insight into the "think" that drives scientology through the actions and directives of David Miscavige. I have not had time to comment very extensively on this subject of late. I had started but have not completed my own blog post focused on the consummate salesmanship skills of Miscavige - selling what is good for Miscavige to many smarter, more savvy people than t … [Read more...]
Jeff Mintz – Back from the Dead?
Remember Jeff Mintz? He used to send around those "Good News" briefings giving the stats of Flag. I kept a running tally of them and graphed the weeks he reported (on weeks where the stats were not so good - in his view - there was no "good News Briefing" which was about 60% of the time). We haven't seen any "Good News" now since June. I guess one of two things happened. Or maybe both. The stats have been atrocious for 4 months -- they ran out of suckers to redo the Purif and Objectives, they got all the high rollers to do Super Power and nobody else can afford it or has any … [Read more...]
Facilities Available
Here is a new paid press release from scientology in Clearwater. They are trying to make people think everyone is welcome to come on down to the Ft Harrison and hold their event under the grandeur of the Bohemian crystal chandelier. Anyone, unless it is someone that espouses an idea the church disagrees with -- despite its repeated claims to champion free speech. And any group that chooses to do an event there had better realize they will be used as PR fodder -- scientology promoting their presence as if it means a full endorsement of the church. But perhaps the most remarkable … [Read more...]
The Flag OT Farce
Been busy, so just a bit of a throw-away today. Was just sent the latest edition of the Flag "OT Committee" newsletter (though it contains little "news," mostly rah-rah imploring people to do something). Clearly their delusions of grandeur are reinforced each year by the "Maiden" Voyage events. Bubbles Champagne and her team returned fully replenished with hype. This mightiest of mighty forces has yet to see a done on Miami, Orlando or Puerto Rico ideal org -- let alone Tampa org's CF.... This after a dozen or more "Maiden" voyage celebrations and returning with newfound enthusiasm to … [Read more...]
New From The Bubble
He Who Shall Not Be Named made a stealth appearance at Flag Graduation. He took the stage basking in the glory of his "victory tour" of the City of Clearwater to con them into handing over yet more of downtown Clearwater to the first scientology city (at least by square feet of tax exempted property). What is most interesting about the Graduation pitches is that there is no record of them. So, he cannot be held to his promises as they disappear into the ether as soon as the clapping and cheering has died down. But we are fortunate to have a first hand report from one of our Special … [Read more...]
The OT Farce
This is the latest bulletin from the largest, most powerful and most effective OT Committee on earth (at least that is what they claim, and it is probably true, they really don't have much competition). They single-handedly purchased a building for Orlando and Puerto Rico and opened the Atlanta ideal org all in 3 weeks. They need to be put on Miami as that has been dragging on for years now - oh wait, they are already.... These people are delusionary cause. And on top of that, one of their members completed the student hat! OMG! How OT is that? And of course, some final rah-rah from … [Read more...]
Cause Over Life Demonstration
Here is a perfect example of scientologist cause and confront from a posterchild for OTishness, our old friend Barbara Dews. A Special Correspondent sent me this email exchange and if you read down the thread (earliest at the top) you will see BD going from a shark smelling fresh blood, to a somewhat concerned deer caught in the headlights to a rabbit that scurried down her hole in abject terror. This is cause over life. This is how to confront and shatter suppression. This is how to be OT so you can go OT. Barbara epitomizes fundamentalist scientology. So dead certain that she knows … [Read more...]
Good News from Flag
I usually publish these after I have accumulated a few and add some points to the long term graph. But it has been more than a month now, and no word from either Jeff Mintz or Sandy Dodwell about ANY "good news" at Flag. It's a pretty good indicator that things are not going too well at the top of the Bridge. They ONLY put out these things when they have something THEY think is "good news." Remember back when they first put these out they included all of the following completions? Purif, Objectives, Running Pgm, Super Power, Clears, L's, OT's, OT VII's. They long since dropped me … [Read more...]
Running Program BS
They are going all out to hype the Running Program in the latest edition of Source mag. It begins with the full page shot of the "Indoctrination" pack - conspicuously labeled "CONFIDENTIAL." First, if they converted the "LRH advice" into an "HCOB" then this huge binder contains 3 pages. There is only one document that describes the Running Program. It was handed out in a file folder to those of us who were assigning to "running around the pole" full time back in the days when there was still a running track at the Gold base. This "pack" is a single issue. I am sure it has ballooned with … [Read more...]