The news from Flag has not been good. You may recall I did a post (Things At Flag Are Bleak) in January mentioning they had stopped circulating the "Good News" briefings. And that only happens when there is nothing even the eternally unreal FSC office can present as good news. But I guess they must read the blog, because 3 days later, after nothing since November 2015, suddenly in my in box appeared a new (shortened) edition of "Flag Good News." Since then there have been a few more of these "Good News" briefing. There are a LOT of missing weeks of really stinking stats. The … [Read more...]
The OT Hype
A lot of this promotional item is pretty familiar territory. They tend to recirculate the "wins" because once you start saying "this handles everything in the universe forever" it is really hard to follow it with anything "less." So, every success begins to sound familiarly absurd. Just a few comments on this one in particular: if it were true that you handle "anything" with Solo NOTs "for eternity" what else IS THERE? Why would anyone then need to do OT VIII? Or more to the point -- why would anyone need to do Super Power or the Running Program? Much less Student Hat, Purification and … [Read more...]
Running Program Re-Redo
3 times through in less than 2 years. This one is a real money-spinner. You can keep sending people back to do it over and over. You don't need anything to deliver it -- just someone who tells them to keep running and a "C/S" who just tells them to "keep running." It's a bottomless goldmine. It's like an LA Fitness Club. I do not doubt that people enjoy running. Or that it results in good feelings. There are millions of people who do it every day. Convincing people that running around in a circle is an "Whole Track OT objective process" that is worth paying thousands of dollars for (a … [Read more...]
The Real State of Flag and LA Orgs
People send me information routinely on their visits to orgs, and I happened to get several recently from people who were in LA and also at Flag. I accumulate these because individually each one is not worth a whole post, but when there are a few they tell a story. In this case, apparently the rudderless ship is all but abandoned. And it is interesting how the stories from different people in different orgs are all pretty much the same. And align so well with the information being imparted on the "Oh No Ross and Carrie" podcasts about their investigation of scientology at Los Angeles org … [Read more...]
How Big Is Scientology Really?
Every now and then scientology accidentally exposes the truth about their actual size in their own words. Super Power was released in November 2013. This is after it had been promoted for 30 years. There was an enormous backlog of people who had been regged for the service over that time that were all now able to partake in the miracle. And it is a service that EVERY scientologist can do no matter where they are on the Bridge. It is something everyone is EXPECTED to do. And it can ONLY be done in one place. Flag. So the count of how many people complete it is a pretty good … [Read more...]
Things Are Bleak At Flag
The evidence is all around. Direct observation: drive past the place any time of the day or night and it is like a ghost-town. A lone security guard and PI at the front door of the Ft Harrison hotel. Otherwise no sign of life. The Potemkin Village up Ft. Harrison is even sadder -- 6 storefront with their doors open and a lonely receptionist waiting for the visitor that never comes. Otherwise, one after the other, they are always completely empty but their lights are on and the windows are not covered (like every other building). Sandcastle parking lot half full at best. Parking lot behind … [Read more...]
Flag BS
More bs from Flag. Do people really buy this garbage? Can you imagine promoting the fact that the course you have been delivering for years as "the perfect, standard Golden Age of Tech Solo Course" used to take 5 WEEKS and now takes 8 days? Without ANY explanation, other than "it's better and more golden than it was before." Wonder how those people who paid for 5 weeks of rip off hotel and meals at Flag feel about that? Or those who spent 27 extra days slogging through ARBITRARIES when they had been promised a few times previously that "all arbitraries had been removed." But more … [Read more...]
Flag Stats – Epic and Monumental
The latest collection of reports from Flag. Remember, these reports ONLY come out when they have "good news" -- the weeks there is no report the stats are no doubt bad. They used to report the number of Clears Made per week, but stopped mentioning this for the last 4 "Good News" briefings. I guess the "Clears" have dried up. Months ago they stopped reporting on Purif and Objectives (once they have skimmed the cream of the redo's by locals). Also be aware that these graphs go from the RELEASE of Super Power (Green line) and Running Pgm (blue line). So, naturally there … [Read more...]
Super Hyper Power
These emails get stranger and stranger. Don't these people ever notice the contradictions in their statements? Call on me, so that I can help you convert that money into something really valuable and long-lasting... Well, if money is invaluable, then why is it that you are grubbing for it always? And why won't you accept anything OTHER than money before a service is delivered? But that isn't the real point. It is the "success story" that is included that is REALLY bizarre. Talk about unicorns and rainbows. “I had become almost instantly extremely sane and I dare s … [Read more...]
GAT II for Solo NOTs Is Coming!
What could be more exciting than hearing you have to start Solo NOTs all over again because you didn't have "all the tech, just like LRH wanted you to have..."???? This invitation arrived first... Come one, come all on Saturday the 17th in the FH Ballroom (must be REALLY important -- in the Ballroom? With the "Senior CS" not even the "RTC Rep" let alone Dear Leader...) Then this one arrived. Now it's on Monday in the "Boardroom"? Must be expecting a huge crowd... A fleecing we will go, a fleecing we will go, hi ho the derry-o a fleecing we will go. How … [Read more...]