Remember when the prerequisite for OT IX and X was that you had to be a Class VI auditor and all specialist auditor training courses? And thus the OT VIII's were all being hammered to get on auditor training.... Could not do that these days, as there is no Briefing Course. Of course, like most of what happens in the church of scientology today -- this is a moving goalpost. The prereqs are whatever thing Miscavige is pushing as his latest fad. After Class VI the "prerequisites" became that they had to do the Basics to be allowed onto OT IX and X. And then the Congresses and ACCs were a … [Read more...]
More Lies From Flag
Here are the latest batch of lies put forth by "Flag." Not just the "Mecca of Technical Perfection" and the "Friendliest Place on Earth" but "Global Vulture HQ." Interestingly, they being with a likely true statement. In all of 2014 they managed to make 393 OT VII's. Highest Ever! And at that rate, even making it to the 30 year old target of 10,000 is 7 years away. But wait, things are going MUCH better this year, averaging 10 completions "every single week." Unfortunately, I keep track of the drivel that Barbara Dews and Jeff Mintz send out and the average of OT VII Comps per week is … [Read more...]
Cause Over Matter, Energy, Space, Time, Force, Form, Location and Life
Nothing over the top here. And yet people will tell you that L. Ron Hubbard DIDN'T make absolute claims about OT and scientology doesnt make promises to achieve unrealistic things and that scientology doesn't falsely represent itself... Of course, there is always wiggle room - this statement means some "future" OT level is where it's going to be achieved -- even though those future OT levels don't exist. It was all supposed to be "OT VIII" and the release was delayed from 1970 because it was so powerful... But, nevertheless, this IS the pitch the church uses. It's why it is the quote … [Read more...]
Fred Harris Back From The Grave
A point of minor interest. Fred Harris was the original "Flag World Tour" team with Barry Watson in 1975/6. He then made his way to ASI and to Int where he was LRH PPRO Int for a while and GI Exec Int and various other posts. He also blew the Sea Org at least 3 times, only to be recovered. If you read Peter Bonyai's excellent book Money, Power, Servitude you will see he was also the person sent to stat-push Budapest Org so it could be falsely announced "St Hill Size." Total insanity. I guess they thought he did well, so he has been sent back to Hungary to try and scrape together … [Read more...]
One of the craziest things about scientology is the use of "success stories." These things are a strange mixture of self-affirmation, peer pressure and fear. People write them to accomplish one or all of the following at the completion of a scientology service: a. To ensure they are allowed to complete and be presented with a certificate, they write what they think they are supposed to say b. To affirm for themselves that they have in fact gotten something for the time and money they have invested c. To gain recognition from others for their "wins." In truth, nobody should need … [Read more...]
LRH Monument To Fundraising
Laurie Webster, vampire extraordinaire has continued to haunt those she previously bled dry for the SP Building in the hopes they have a bit more to give. The pitch isn't as dramatic as it was for the SP Building. She can no longer promise that by giving money you would make planetary clearing a reality with the release of Super Power (how is that planetary clearing working out Laurie?). So she has a new pitch to try and get her message heard among the demands for money for the IAS, Ideal Orgs, Planetary Dissemination, Narconon, CCHR, Criminon, book … [Read more...]
“Good News” From Flag
The good news? Things are falling to pieces at the Mecca of Technical Perfection and Vulture Capital of The World. In the face of GAG II, the brilliant ideal org strategy, the most massive international dissemination campaigns in history and the period of greatest expansion ever, the stats are crashing and the crowds are dwindling. Even with He Who Shall Not Be Named present. Check out these numbers and compare them to the previous reports below. Perhaps the worst week we have a record of (since the release of GAT II in the circus tent)... And now they are trying to cover it up with … [Read more...]
Flag Stats Stink
Things are not looking any better.... It's surprising Harvey Jacques is still around. In earlier times he would have been long since gone. Probably he has the Golden Age of Brown-nosing Tech down to a finely honed skill. As he certainly isn't there based on his stats. And these are the ones they announce as "Good News", not a single one of them is on an uptrend. They simply think that because 5 Clears a week blows every other org away, it is "good." There is no relativity to the outside world inside the bubble. I wonder if anyone EVER stops to think that less than 10 OT VIIs per week … [Read more...]
It’s Epic, It’s Monumental
This one sure got some hype. Look at those poor excluded souls, peering through the gaps in the door. An "EPIC COB BRIEFING" It's a "monumental achievement" and it is mind-numbing. And it is the biggest thing ever ever. Since the last email was sent out, at least. But though you have probably heard, we are NOT going to tell you. You have to come in so we can "brief you" personally (and hold you hostage til you turn over your credit cards) So, I will save you the trouble. Apparently there is a "new" CCRD.... Wowee zowee. Of course, everyone … [Read more...]
How Flag Applies Scientology Policy
This is a brand new letter from the infamous Cara Golashesky, the so-called FLB "Justice Chief." It is a letter to a person who has NEVER BEEN TO FLAG. He never signed any waivers or agreements. He did nothing other than hand over his money, and when he politely asked for it back as he had never made the trip to the US to partake in the "Flag Welcome Package" he was told to go pound sand. Here is his statement: Now that was some "welcome" from the "friendliest place in the world." This is Flag think: We come to Italy and make you all sorts of false promises … [Read more...]