Our old buddy Colin Davie is at it again. This guy might well be one of the most unreal people on planet earth. He is also the perfect example of the money-grubber who is unembarrassed to say literally anything to try and get you to hand over your cash. In an environment when ridiculous hype showers down from the top, the world of scientology is a culture of lies - but even in that context this guy is breathtaking. He is like watching one of those "professional eaters" who stuffs 75 hot dogs down their throats in one minute. Mesmerizing, disgusting and weird all at once. Someone actually l … [Read more...]
Endless Fundraising
Fundraising in scientology drives everything. Colin Davie has sent out some doozies before. In this one he flatly states that at the MV Event EVERY SEA ORG AND CLASS V STAFF is doing Ideal Org fundraising. Yes, you read that right. EVERY staff member is fundraising. That has become the OVERRIDING activity of scientology. The "event" is merely an excuse to get people together in one place so they can get their money. Amazing how brazen they are -- he sent this message out to public like it is a perfectly normal thing. Unfortunately, it is. Usual, not normal. … [Read more...]
Another Big Question on Planetary Clearing
Last week I posed a question -- why doesn't scientology use some of its billions to incentivize becoming an auditor in pursuit of clearing the planet . One of our eagle-eyed readers was prompted to pose the question -- how about making the books and lectures cheaper and more accessible? Hubbard tells his followers that for every 35 books in the hands of the public it will make one scientologist. In today's world -- ALL his books and all the lectures could be put on digital media for a few dollars. They are willing to do it with Hubbards fiction as you can see below. The technology … [Read more...]
And this is their write-up. Just sad on so many levels. Not the least of which is that the IAS is so proud of this they turned it into a promo piece so everyone could share this amazing success. OMG we just did Patron with Honours. Back story: applied for a loan, loan disapproved, banker says after a couple of impossible solutions, by the way there is a credit card on file here from a long time ago that's never been activated for the exact amount you are asking for. I had no idea I even had this card. If I get a card like this I usually bin it. We don't use CCs. To make the cycle happen … [Read more...]
Fundraising, scientology-style
There is supposedly an old saying "if it isn't fun, it isn't scientology." Today, it's "If it isn't fundraising, it isn't scientology." Here is a frank, somewhat incredible email sent out to try and shame people into giving money for the Ventura ideal org. This effort is denominated a "war" and you are thus expected to sacrifice for the cause. The problem is that there is not a shred of evidence that the sacrifices people make for these "ideal orgs" changes a damned thing. Just for fun, yesterday evening I drove past the new Valley ideal org. It was 6:50pm. This is the … [Read more...]
More Disaster Capitalism
Well, even ignoring the typical spelling error in the headline, this is sick. There is an "extremely bright side" to this tragedy? And that is this: We have yet another opportunity to collect money from you for you to buy more copies of WTH. Of course, everyone knows the WTH will stop terrorism -- especially when you give it to the VICTIMS of terrorism. … [Read more...]
London Is Calling (for your money)
The disaster capitalists are at it again... They are helping the victims of terror by giving them (not the terrorists) copies of the WTH. I am sure they will find the precept about not murdering someone really helpful. Once again, the insanity of this is that THIS IS WHAT THE IAS CLAIMS IT IS FOR. You give us your money and we use it to help at every disaster all over the world. Yet, here they are, asking for money to get WTH booklets -- that they are charging .66p (85 cents US) for EACH! They COST them no more than 20 cents. Not only is this NOT a serious enough disaster for the … [Read more...]
The “LRH Hall”
The L. Ron Hubbard Hall will be "opening soon" as announced by David Miscavige in December 2014. It is absolutely amazing how they can keep coming up with new ways to bamboozle the sheeple into handing over money. Predictably, this "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" is going to be one of the harder pitches to make. Apart from its name, it has NOTHING to do with L. Ron Hubbard. It is simply a forum for David Miscavige to hold his events instead of Ruth Eckerd Hall (the same 2300 seat venue they have been using for 20 years or more despite their "unprecedented growth"). This is even less appealing than … [Read more...]
“Fastest-Growing Religion in the 21st Century” UK Edition
More evidence that the "fastest-growing religion" is a sad lie. This time from the "home of L. Ron Hubbard" - the scientology headquarters in England at St. Hill. This was a "national" event for the most important activity in the scientology world -- fundraising for "ideal orgs." Here is where the UK stands on the "ideal org strategy" after 13 years. One ideal org in London -- bought by IAS. For ALL of London. CC London closed down. Buildings in Plymouth, Manchester, Birmingham and Sunderland that have stood empty for years as they do not have any funds to renovate them. Nothing … [Read more...]
Human Rights?
In isolation this is certainly a worthwhile cause. In the context of it being another scientology front group, raising yet more money to restore human rights, it is horrible. If you read this it talks about villages in India being "enslaved" through "fabricated debt, intimidation, isolation and denied education." Anne, Donna and Vanessa, here's a clue: you don't need to look on the other side of the world. Anne, you especially HAVE been to the Gold Base in unincorporated Riverside County (not Hemet). If you care to LOOK, you will find: Fabricated debt -- your own … [Read more...]