People inside the scientology bubble really believe this stuff. How many absurdities do there have to be before they notice? First, if the IAS is truly "every moment of every day" keeping the "light burning bright" -- "everywhere" with their massive Volunteer Minister force -- you would expect they might have something to brag about that happened this year.... The tornadoes in Texas were in 2015. Second, as ALWAYS there are NO SPECIFICS on what was done, how much money was spent on the "relief efforts" or how many people were even involved. From the picture it looks like they … [Read more...]
IAS – The Gift That Keeps On Taking
Really -- "give yourself the gift of giving us your money"? They can twist ANYTHING into a reason to give them your money. And once again, they are "discounting" their "statuses" to try to convince people to hand over cash now. Is a 3/4 patron still a patron? It is so absurd that you want people to give you $50,000 and you tell them if they do, you will tell them they are a "patron" and put their name on a list so they can have status with their fellow dupes. Then, when you want more money and things are drying up, you tell them "give us your money now" and we will reward you the same … [Read more...]
Starting SuMP Operations?
The never ending promise of "how we are going to Clear the Planet." "Find out exactly what needs to happen to start operations at SuMP" Seriously? Dear Leader yanked a ribbon on a facility that was not ready to start operations? But he told everyone this was now rolling? That was not true? How could that be? The most ethical man in the universe is not being ethical? Just when IS this SuMP going to start broadcasting? And what is holding them up? Hell, they have a $100 million (at least) studio decked out with more state-of-the-art equipment than Diseny Studios. And they have the … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Lies
This latest piece from Porn Valley ideal building reminded me what a horrendous self-serving scam this is. You will note the "ideal Valley" is missing a few things -- like about 100 staff (in order to have one for each room) and of course their filing is decades out of date. So, why is there so much effort (extracting of funds) put into these ideal nothings? The answer is simple: Miscavige is frantically trying to keep the veneer of expansion from peeling off the moldy walls of his shrinking kingdom. He uses these "ideal orgs" to convince his sheeple (and tries to persuade the outside … [Read more...]
The Colombian Miracle
Scientology has produced a miracle in Colombia! The nation has been overcome by the golden glow and concentric circles of the S and Double Triangle and it's now spreading throughout the world. So much for the hype. Truly one of the most insidious things about scientology is the outrageously false claims they make about their accomplishments in far off lands. Funny how the miracles never seem to happen in Los Angeles or New York or Clearwater... When the peace treaty was recently announced with FARC a few people emailed me wondering how long it would be before scientology claimed … [Read more...]
Scientology Fundraising Shames the Terminator
You thought the Terminator was relentless. Hah. Complete wimp when viewed alongside scientology fundraising automatons. This example says it all. They raised $20 million or so for Valley "ideal" Org. And then, as with every other "ideal" org, they go into a panic to get their "CF filing backlog done in order to be ideal." And now Valley - the biggest, baddest, most important ideal org on earth, in the midst of the largest concentration of scientologists on earth, with the biggest whales on earth is begging for donated Widows [sic] computers (not too old...) to be able to connect up … [Read more...]
Fleecing The Sheeple
This article is written by Lois (Jory) Reisdorf. She was one of the original Commodore's Messengers aboard the Apollo, and I have known her and her husband Gary since being shipmates together back in the 70's. They left the Sea Org in the 80's, raised 3 boys and were off anyone's radar screen. Scientology managed, as it so often does, to poke the sleeping lioness and steal one of her cubs. More on that story will be forthcoming, along with some fascinating insights into the early days of the Sea Org and L. Ron Hubbard and on up through the rise of David Miscavige. For now, this will serve as … [Read more...]
The Merchants of Chaos
Who are the Merchants of Chaos? Scientology teaches that Suppressive Persons are Merchants of Chaos - relaying only "entheta" and generally upsetting people around them with bad news. Seems quite sensible you would not want to associate with this sort of person. And of course, L. Ron Hubbard declared the media are ALL Merchants of Chaos. A Special Correspondent sent this letter to me, pointing out just how much "bad news" the ED of St Louis is spreading around to one and all. This is of course an art mastered by the IAS through the likes of Michael Roberts and Jeff Pomerantz and the … [Read more...]
The Reg
Another in the ever-growing series of essays by Terra Cognita. See earlier posts here: The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don't FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown - The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology... Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization. The Reg Love em or hate em, the registrar—reg for short—is an icon in every Scientology organization. In most missions and orgs, they’re the most important person on staff. As everyone well knows, the reg is res … [Read more...]
Buy Your Super Power NOW – in 1978
Here is a blast from the past. This appeared in The Auditor issue 155. Published in 1978. Sign up for your Super Power at ASHO! This is when L. Ron Hubbard announced that Super Power would be available at Saint Hills "within 6 weeks." Of course, Ron said it, so it must be true. And ASHO got the jump on making a few extra bucks and started selling it. Can you imagine if you paid ASHO in 1978 for Super Power and then had to wait for it to be delivered in 2013? If you were 40 when you paid for it, you more than likely died before it was delivered. This is typical of … [Read more...]