It was clear to everyone this was coming. The SuMP launch is done. Funny, haven't seen any shows broadcast yet on the airwaves - not TV or radio or even anything on the internet?? You can be sure that if someone else "opened" a "broadcast center" it would begin broadcasting. Ideal orgs will continue, but there are too many areas where they already HAVE an empty ideal org or there is absolutely NOTHING happening even when they have a "new" building (Hello Philly? Detroit, New Haven, Chicago etc etc etc). The dead ideal org horse has been beaten to dust in all but a few cities. So what's … [Read more...]
It Didn’t Take Long: Seismic Fundraising
Of course, it didn't take long for the pitches for money for the earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador to appear. I have received a few of them, each pretty much repeating what is said below. Scientology (particularly the IAS) is the poster child for disaster capitalism ( defined as: the practice of generating profits based on the occurrence of a disaster). Note: it is PROFITS, not just revenue or income. If the money was SPENT on what it was collected for, it would not be profit. The IAS has accumulated billions over the years. They NEVER spend more than they collect -- that is basic … [Read more...]
ANZO Pitching Hard
There are so many odd things in this promotion. How strange that one of the oldest scientology organizations on earth is incapable of achieving Ideal Org status without getting orgs in another country to help them do it? Tells you everything you need to know about the state of scientology in New Zealand. Dead. For decades. Why aren't the "ideal orgs" in Sydney and Melbourne getting Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Canberra to ideal? They're at least in the same country and a lot closer. And woohoo -- Stev Green is going to join the long line of "upstat public" who will join staff and … [Read more...]
Disaster Fundraising: Brussels Edition
It's as inevitable as day following night. A pitch for money from scientology following a disaster. Hand one of these WTH booklets to the next terrorist you meet and calm will prevail. And of course, we don't have any money to do this most vital action -- we need it from you. NOW. This "common-sense" booklet is going to "lift spirits" by telling the people to "Flourish and Prosper." It's just what they need. What planet are these people on? They would make Mel Brooks proud. And as an added thought, I guess they don't know Belgium has its own flag? Or that the Dutch flag … [Read more...]
Vulture of the Valley Resurrected
Quinn the Eskimo has been resurrected from the dead and is back in the Valley. Probably been doing some MEST work for a few months, but the stats got worse in his absence, so like a zombie that can never be permanently put to rest, heeee's baaaaack. Now certified as the largest ideal org on earth!! These people just don't understand the meaning of the things they promote. This is the largest org in the largest concentration of scientologists on earth. A dozen years after the "ideal org" program was announced as the most important strategy on earth, it is STILL NOT DONE. What does that … [Read more...]
Fire Sale
Don't think I got the full list, but this is enough to show what is happening. They have overstocked the orgs with bookstore materials to try to boost sales from Bridge and thus royalty payments to ASI/CST. The royalties are paid on "sale" of books from Pubs to the orgs and the orgs are FORCED to buy way more books and lectures than they will ever sell. Then they have to try to unload them to recoup something. It might also be an indicator that there is a planned "new release" -- perhaps Miscavige has discovered another SP typist who messed up all the books again... This is just another … [Read more...]
Blah blah blah blah
We are "about to grow very big." It's always the next thing. And the last thing is just conveniently forgotten. Not going to comment much on this goofiness. It speaks for itself. But the real reason is that I am taking a vacation for the next week so postings and blog admin will likely be sporadic. There are plenty of commentators here who articulate the insanity. … [Read more...]
Eradicating Psychiatry — “Less steps than baking a cake.”
Ken Kramer is at it again. As usual, he is begging for money, even though the IAS claim THEY are the ones "eradicating psychiatry." Just like they are the ones bringing "human rights" and "literacy campaigns" (see recent post on GoFundMe page for those campaigns). Here are a couple of recent emails from Mr. Kramer. From: PsychSearch <[email protected]> Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 3:35 AM To: Subject: You say you want a revolution You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world... (Beatles - Revolution Lyrics) Dear … [Read more...]
Hysteria of the SP’s and 60X Expansion
Tom Cruise's brother in law, nominal "head" of "Criminon International" and IAS fundraising shill has poured his heart into his latest letter beseeching people to come hear him speak on behalf of the IAS (so he can collect his FSM commissions). This letter is fascinating on many levels: He starts out in Chicken Little mode: look how bad things are, everyone is against us and it is terrible. But with it comes the scientology twist: all this PROVES we are winning. The "hysteria of the SP's" - ie the constant stream of bad news that pours in the door -- from media coverage to legal losses … [Read more...]
How Scientology Views Its Marks
A revealing look inside the mind of the scientology vultures comes by way of an email from the infamous Barbara Dews,. It's all about the "close" to extract money from the mark. These are the tricks to getting someone to give you their money -- removing their "brick overcoats" of objections to handing over their money. My favorite is the "Unattached Female Buyer" -- get her with flattery. Nothing like some good old 50's sexism brought forward into today's world. Why? Because in the 1970's L. Ron Hubbard recommended this book, so this horribly outdated drivel will endure for all time as … [Read more...]