Just some random thoughts. Super Bowl ads: What a colossal waste of money. IF scientology really had an interest in "humanitarian works" they would not spend a dime buying airtime to pat themselves on the back -- because the money would be needed for their humanitarian works. In fact, these ads serve absolutely no purpose than trying to convince the INTERNAL public that scientology is still alive. The reaction from the general public is revulsion and ridicule. The tone of the ads was pretty strange, and could be summed up as "See, we are not as bad as you think we are." There was not … [Read more...]
It’s Super Bowl Sunday — What A Perfect Fundraising Opportunity!!
"Fixed donations," "mandatory donations," "required donations" are scientology oxymorons. Once the exclusive provence of church services, the "bright idea" spread to IAS donations (you must be a Patron to be on OT VII) and ideal orgs (you must qualify for OT VIII by contributing to your ideal org) and now have reached out into the "social betterment" programs and even the scientology public. And everyone is so conditioned to this that they don't even notice any more. And BTW, an "open bar" at a scientology event? I guess there are a LOT of people that are NOT "on lines" despite what the … [Read more...]
Freewinds “Religious Retreat”
The Freewinds is supposed to be the "top of the Bridge" where OT VIII is delivered to the teeming masses faithfully following the only path to spiritual freedom. It is the "advanced religious retreat" off the crossroads of the world. But the reality is that this ship, like the "ideal orgs" is an overkill of magnificent proportions. To accommodate the OT VIII population (scientology boasts "one completion every other day" in 2015) would not even fill the SS Minnow on Gilligan's Island. And this ship is manned with a full crew of "ship" Sea Org members who run the actual vessel, a full … [Read more...]
Santa Barbara: The Results Are In
Remember the special seminar that was put on by Kevin Wilson in Santa Barbara to help them learn how to make and save money? Well, the results are in. And they are not pretty. About 20 people showed up... No idea how many of them are staff. Or from other areas than Santa Barbara. Some commenters here may know some of these people. This happy bunch ended up paying over $4500 to "ideality" for the pleasure of attending a seminar on fiscal prudence. But they also broke the big news. Over the next two days they managed to collect a total of $10,000 which means they are "more than … [Read more...]
Super Bowl Hype Deflated
The Super Bowl - a wondrous opportunity to soak some more money out of the sheeple. Not only will they be hit up to pay for ads to appear "the greatest dissemination effort in history" - it will be epic, milestone and watershed - they are also hitting everyone up to donate for drug booklets. Those things cost about 20 cents (being VERY generous). If they gave one to EVERY person who attended (68,500 seats) they could accomplish that with $13,700. That isn't even a tiny fraction of the weekly income of the IAS. Not even 10% of the daily income of the IAS. But they are not going to PAY for it … [Read more...]
Irony Alert
This is not a shoop, a spoof or a joke (though SNL or John Oliver would be hard pressed to come up with satire to beat it). If you read this poster and took it to heart -- it would prevent most of the "donations" made by people to scientology. That is OBVIOUSLY not the intention. It's a fundraiser for Santa Barbara "ideal" org. But then again, if you read and follow L. Ron Hubbard policy on finance it would prevent most donations made to scientology. In scientology words do not mean what they say. They mean whatever you are told they mean. So "don't go further into debt" means "don't … [Read more...]
The Latest Con
The cons just keep rolling in. Though they also have an element of armed robbery. You are presented with a unilateral dictate "here is how things are now, and that means you have to turn over more money to us." This one is a new angle I hadn't seen before. In "celebration" of the "golden" age of tech, they have issued NEW Clear and OT bracelets -- "in accordance with LRH's precise instructions." Of course, they cost an arm and a leg. But tough. It's all justified when it is making "planetary clearing a reality." The old ones are no good any more. And Colin Davie, the robot … [Read more...]
The Latest Big Lie (to Get Your Money Of Course)
This one is a monster. Give your money to the US IAS Member Trust and you are "supporting the most effective humanitarian campaigns in the world that are truly saving lives every day." Every part of this is a lie. The "US IAS Members Trust" is not "the IAS" according to scientology when they are trying to defend themselves in lawsuits. It is a "trust" that serves no function other than as a repository of funds. But, I must admit, that is a nitpick. Especially when compared to the rest. The most effective humanitarian campaigns in the world. Seriously? Not even sure what they put in … [Read more...]
Scientology Fundraising — The Reality
The below mailing is sent out by scientology as a big success: Take out loans. Stretch your finances beyond what any sensible person would do. Go deeply into debt. And then somehow it all works out due to a windfall that was completely unexpected. What a way to handle your money? Doing exactly what L. Ron Hubbard said NOT to do, so you can be really "on Source" and hand over everything you own, and more, to the great scientology cause (of course "ideal orgs" are totally "squirrel" according to Hubbard, but that is not what the sheeple are told). Insanity. What about the 100 or 100 … [Read more...]
It’s The Biggest Planetary Clearing Thing Ever
Not only that -- it's "eminent" in 2016. More scientology money grubbing. It is absolutely relentless. But of all the schemes that have absolutely no purpose this and the L. Ron Hubbard Hall take the cake. Scientology's "latest tour-de-force" was "originally established in 1912." This is like some sort of pattern that has crept into the scientology world as a trickle-down from Shermanspeak Miscavige ribbon-yankings -- you always explain the "history"as if it has some bearing on anything.... Here is a comparison of information that is used to make this sound so vitally important -- … [Read more...]