These people are absolutely shameless. They can no longer be categorized as the Little Rascals. They are no more than vultures. Apparently they have decided to "fundraise" directly to public from the "ILO" and they will ask for money for anything and everything. This is either a way to make a little extra income from commissions or it it part of one of the infamous "you out-exchange criminals in the ILO are going to at least pay for your room and board by earning some income selling Basicss/congresses/Ideal Org statuses/IAS statuses/anything at all you can persuade someone to … [Read more...]
Internet Schminternet
The Little Rascals are at it again... Amazing how the internet is so AMAZING we need your money to be able to fully exploit it. Even though not a single one of the people who signed this emailed is allowed on the internet and has no access to it. (They can access an email account that is monitored and controlled on, but no access to the internet). And yet they seem to believe that the internet is a great way to reach "wogs" -- just as long as the wogs don't look at anything other than what is on the "scientology internet." In the closed off minds of Zee, Margy, Robyn, Colin … [Read more...]
The Sad State Of Scientology
You can glean a lot from a single promotional item as the bubble world of scientology continues to shrink and they increasingly lose track of what they are actually saying. Let's take a look at the latest Moneywinds seminar promotion piece and the blurb they sent out with it: First, isn't it just a little odd that the two "other" speakers apart from the International KeyNote Speaker and Officer from the Freewinds have their case level listed? It's never been an outpoint to anyone that the majority of people who are "running the church" at "top levels" are not even clear, let alone … [Read more...]
Hair Raising Fundraising
This is becoming positively absurd. Check out the latest begging letter. The person sending this, Roy Sarkovitch, has been around forever. He was the Flag Flag Rep for many years, and an org "programs chief" in the Flag Bureau. He was a senior international scientology executive. Now reduced to sending out cornball, illiterate emails asking random people to just "give money" for "ideal orgs" -- nothing specific. Just send in some cash The signs of desperation inside the bubble are unmistakable. Date: June 27, 2015 at 7:12:40 AM PDT To: [email protected] Subject: Fwd: … [Read more...]
The Real Status in Scientology
Special seating reserved in any church of scientology for the most important people in scientology today. Those who give the most money to the IAS. Not to auditors, who according to L. Ron Hubbard are "the most valuable beings on earth," not to the Volunteer Ministers who supposedly are working 24/7 to help the unfortunate, not to the staff who work 7 days a week for virtually no money under the impression they are helping, and not to the longest term members who have supported the church for years. No, a special place is reserved for the money. Like an Amway convention or Herbalife … [Read more...]
Begging From Afar
The begging never stops, and apparently has no limit. This little gang are children of Australian SO Members (at least two of them are, I presume the others are too) located in Los Angeles. They are sending this begging letter out to people all over the world to solicit money for New Zealand's one and only small and failing org. You would think that New Zealand, which had one of the first orgs on earth way back in the 1950's would have another one by this time. Or even a single mission. More than 60 years and there has been NOTHING new in all that time. I suppose the massive … [Read more...]
The IAS Is Lying Again
Hardly a surprise to learn that the IAS might not be completely accurate and honest in their "fundraping" efforts. Here is their promotional item to extract funds from the suckers. Now, according to the Snr CS WUS in his recent briefing, there are 700 new people a DAY coming into the LA model double SH size ideal org. Since January 2015 that is 120,000+ for LA Org alone. And if you can believe their 11.4 million visits to their hundreds of websites (in the face of the massive media attention engendered by Going Clear and David Miscavige having his father followed by PI's and then … [Read more...]
Scientology Online
They are really pumping this one up. It would normally be in with the rest of the Thursday Funnies, but it is remarkable for a few reasons. First, Tom Burton rates top billing over D/COB for Lookalikes, Gavin Potter. Yet GP is an "International Keynote Speaker" and "Sea Org Officer." Those titles just aren't what they used to be. Second, why isn't Tom Burton imparting his brilliance ("vital LRH tech"?) to help all these struggling orgs that are going nowhere (starting with the Moneywinds)? If this guy is so brilliant why isn't he single handedly changing the course of … [Read more...]
Valley OTC BS
I have been collecting these for some time as they are sent to me. Not worth much really, other than as a record of events, but when you accumulate a selection of them and just scan through you see some interesting patterns. As they came in I highlighted certain recurring statements. This top one is an email sent out a couple of months ago that just seemed to perfectly set the stage. Hello there! According to our records you have been a member of the Valley OT Committee. Whether you were part of the push recently or quite a while ago, you may not have heard the latest news — we’re o … [Read more...]
Best Wise Convention Ever
Try to ignore the typos, spellos and grammatical hash in this email if you can. The milestone news is that they are going to hold the biggest and "most impacting" [sic] WISE convention ever (of course). They are going to have 1000 people there (not an ice cream's chance in hell of that happening). But here is the REALLY big news. Because demand is so high, they are "reducing the prices". Now that makes sense. So much demand we are reducing prices. Really, they are using "scientology math" or "scientology speak" where reducing the prices actually means, as explained in the next … [Read more...]