This is sad. And all too common. Committing financial suicide to hand over money to be spent on some extravagant building that will sit empty for years, and even if it does eventually get renovated into a marble floored palace with custom furniture and carpets it will remain as empty as it was when it was a shell. The last thing Columbus "org" needs is a $10 million dollar building. It is like buying the Taj Mahal for a lemonade stand. And he is so deluded he encourages others to jump off the same cliff he did. Scientology is not teaching anyone to "think for themselves" but only … [Read more...]
Clearing The Planet
There are SO many things wrong with this latest email -- though the huge elephant in the room is that in order to "clear the planet" she is proud of the fact that they "[re]make a Clear every 3 hours." That is 8 per day. Or about 50 per week... For 150 orgs that is about 1 per MONTH on average. But worse, she is apparently oblivious to the fact that the population of this planet increases by 8561 people per hour. If you were asserting you were creating a room full of white sand by adding 3 grains every hour, but failed to mention 8561 black grains were being poured into that same room … [Read more...]
Planetary Dissemination Hype
Wowee, 1300 square feet of paving stones! Every inch meticulously restored... When Scientology Media Productions opens its doors and the cameras start to roll, the world will know Scientology is here -- but riddle me this. Golden Era Productions, which is FAR larger and has more facilities than this, has been around since 1980. They can produce anything that this facility can produce already? Oh, it's just an excuse to try and get more money. In scientology, that is the ONLY answer that EVER makes sense. DISSEMINATING ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERESCIENTOLOGY … [Read more...]
Valley In Vain
The Valley Vultures are back at it, with another BIG PUSH for more money. Come and be regged, and we will give you "treats, snacks and music!" Let's "have fun and finish this" by you giving us more money. This is now like watching a slow motion train wreck. No longer moving forward, the casualties are piling up and onlookers are wondering whether anyone will survive. Hi Team Valley, We have BIG news and you may have already heard! At our meeting you'll get all the data on the game that is next for Valley. We have a huge production target at the meeting to g … [Read more...]
Equipped For Eternity
This really requires no commentary. The depravity within the bubble is expanding at an unprecedented rate. Highest ever!!! 47X!!! The concept of being "equipped for eternity" is so bizarre it defies comparison. Though an ad for Cadillac comes to mind: "Drive through the Pearly Gates in comfort and style in the new Cadillac STS." But I must say that a nice looking polo shirt might really come in handy "in eternity," I guess. Nothing is beneath a fundraising pitch. Dear Scientologist, Having the necessary materials to make it all the way up the Bridge is a crucial c … [Read more...]
Scientology And The Internet
The biggest problem confronting scientology is the statistic they are using to make their latest pitch for money. 8 new people on the internet every second. Who knows if this is true or not, but the number is really irrelevant. It could be one per second or 800 per second. Not a single one of those 1 or 8 or 800 people will ever find the PR about scientology they attempt to spread on the internet without ALSO finding the truth about scientology, which is far more prevalent. It's the ultimate Catch 22. Scientology is like a bunch of starving villagers in an isolated village. They k … [Read more...]
The IAS Superheroes
It is getting to be an incredible joke what the IAS is willing to claim responsibility for. They are taking on comic book superhero status in the scientology bubble, though they are bloated as a result of not DOING anything meaningful. Though they really do virtually NOTHING other than buy buildings as directed by Miscavige, and invest a bit of money to shoot videos they can use for fundraising, they work overtime to create the impression that they are "responsible" for everything. If there is something done by CCHR -- that is the IAS. Same with Way To Happiness. Drug Education. Youth … [Read more...]
It’s New Year’s Eve — So Give Us Your Money
Of course, it's time to reflect on the year that was and look forward to the new year. And this that follows is the message from the church of scientology. Does anyone actually read the drivel they send out? It literally says: "Only until midnight December 31st. Secure your Eternity." It doesn't strike them as just the slightest bit odd that one can "secure your eternity" by buying it at any time? But even more bizarre that the sale on your eternity only lasts until midnight on 31 December? Buy Now. Eternity Expires at midnight. And what is even funnier -- the first thing … [Read more...]
Status Fixation Reaches New Lows
A message to the Flag OTC from their ex-SO "Dissem Sec." She is obviously well acquainted with the tried and true methods of "raising stats" through manipulating numbers, coming up with new means of "padding" and in this day and age, offering the prize every fundamentalist scientologists covets above all else: STATUS (bought). This is quite an amazing message. Hi to all OTC members, This is Maria Robb, Dissemination Sec, Flag OTC and I wanted to tell you about what we are doing in Division 2 here and ask for your help. One of my responsibilities includes the creation … [Read more...]
Fundraising Part 4
Next in the series -- the infamous "Pass The Pen" drill hat write up. Another proven "successful technique" of how to shame your marks into forking over more money. Scientology -- the religion that coverts other people's money. See the earlier parts of this series here, here, and here. … [Read more...]