Here is yet ANOTHER "seminar" on making money pushed by the "church" of scientology. It's thrust upon the world by the "Senior Administrative Consultant" (whatever that is?) of the "new" LA Org. Obviously a Sea Org member, as everyone in LA Org is now SO, which makes this guy an expert on money -- he rakes in and manages an annual income of $2500 in a good year. Of course, what would a scientology promotional piece be without a glaring typo -- commonly in the headline as here (also check out the copyright notice). For good measure, and just to reinforce the point, though in point … [Read more...]
Conversations With Scientologists
A couple of people have recently sent me copies of email correspondence they have had with people in the church. They were not working together, but both hit upon the same concept: responding to church efforts to get new people in or collect money from existing public and using this as an opportunity to present some facts to people they might not otherwise be able to reach. It is also interesting to see the reactions, responses and "pitches" that are employed. This first is with a Mission who had advertised a Big League Sales Seminar. The responses from the mission person are in … [Read more...]
A Price Rise Is Coming
Buy now! There is no reason on earth to further increase the price of these already absurdly over-priced books and CD's other than to try and increase immediate sales. Miscavige has been promoting for years how all books are printed "in house" in "state of the art printing facilities" and the same with the CD's. And they are all produced with Sea Org lower than third world wage workers. And yet what costs 20 cents to produce (a CD) is sold for $40. And the only real cost of the books is the paper (which they of course buy in bulk) and shipping (in containers) so a book that costs $4 to … [Read more...]
Bridge Will “Finance” You
The full transformation into a bank is well underway. Why have people take out loans with a bank or run their credit cards to the limit when they can extend credit with "in house financing". Of course, this is EASY to do when you are selling from already manufactured inventory with massive markups. There is little risk of any loss. After all, these people are under the thumb of the church. And if they ever did have anyone default on their loan they would just divert a bit of the "library donation money" to cover the "loss" and carry on as if nothing had happened. "Hi Peter, If you ha … [Read more...]
The Fundraising Steamroller
The evening of the "grand opening" of the "ideal" CLO EU they held a fundraiser. The crush for cash NEVER takes a break. It flattens all other factors in its path. Nothing is more important than squeezing some more cash out of the sheeple. Cannot have a day to "celebrate" -- nope, it becomes another excuse to round everyone up to hand over more. And a Sea Org "honor guard" for the whales? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The Sea Org now forms "honor guards" for people based on their "donations". In the pantheon when of weird scientology insults to Sea Org members, this is on a par with … [Read more...]
Scientology Fundraising Techniques Part 3
More of the church documents that describe how they go about parting the pocketbooks from their parishioners. (Part 1 here, Part 2 here) This one is from Craig Jensen and it describes in detail the lengths to which these events go to squeeze every last dollar they can out of the attendees.... Nothing really new here, but Jensen manipulating the crowd by doling out his $100,000 ("strategically") at various times to goad others into giving money is a "shame game" that is pretty repulsive. Reading this is like reading a write up produced by Reed Slatkin or some scam artist that sells … [Read more...]
Scientology Fundraising Techniques Part 2
One of our Special Correspondents just sent me a package of scientology "fundraising issues." I am going to publish them as a public service as a series of articles. The original Part 1 of this series is in an earlier posting from a Special Correspondent in Seattle ("Scientology Fundraising Techniques - The Use Of Shills"). They should be broadly known and available as they show the true nature of the Vulture Culture that is scientology today. Much of it is repetitive, but it is good to have it recorded for posterity. This is the first in the series and contains two documents. The … [Read more...]
IAS Fraud
Here is a fabulous sounding quote the IAS is using to convince the sheeple "LRH wanted them to give their money to the IAS." These people will stop at nothing to vacuum money from the gullible. LRH knew NOTHING about the IAS. It was an accounting creation in 1984 to keep money away from the IRS. By the time of his death in 1986 it still wasn't really public. And he certainly didn't write anything about it. So what IS this quote about and where does it come from? You probably would not be surprised to learn that it is taken from something LRH wrote about fees for ORG SERVICES … [Read more...]
Planetary Dissem Scam
More from the scam files. The latest "meter con." I wonder what people are doing with all those "special edition" Mark VI and VII's they bought? Not only are they not "collector's items" you cannot even use them as meters.... "...the vibrant magnificence of this[sic] limited edition meters makes a prestigious statement in three breathtaking colors." "...this very limited edition meter is an iconic awe inspiring beauty like no other." "Still others have built themselves into the very fabric of Scientology history by acquiring the full set." The bullshit is literally nose deep in … [Read more...]
Scientology Whale Horror Story
Yesterday, Tony Ortega had a remarkable story on his blog about Bob Duggan, the biggest whale in scientology. Now more of the details have come to light with a new story on the South African blog which exposes some of the sordid underbelly of this bizarre story. This whole affair is further proof (as if any were needed) that scientology has truly become the religion that worships money. If you have enough of it, and give it to them, you are not only lauded with phony titles and big sparkly trophies, there is apparently NOTHING that cannot be provided by the "church". Their model is … [Read more...]