For the record, and to fill the gap while I finalize another far more important post.... As usual, the OTC's never fail to impress with their dedication to the Vampire Empire, doing their utmost to suck the last dime out of anything that moves. Funny about the reference Quinn the Eskimo uses to justify "fund raising" -- HCOPL 10 Sept 1982 "Exchange, Org Income and Staff Pay." I feel compelled to note this as it is such a startling example of the KoolAid Goggles these people wear. The Eskimo apparently cited this PL for the proposition that it is "group internal pressure" … [Read more...]
Lies, Lies, Lies
This is for posterity's sake. A bit of relative calm before the storm on the horizon. This is a list of the unfortunates who have handed over cash for the Valley "ideal building" (there is no "org"). I notice the Silver Humanitarian Taufer-Gregorian Family -- I assume they are in some way connected to Quinn The Eskimo... ? And Bart Simpson (Nancy Cartwright) is now identified as "Nancy" rather than the Royal Governess OT Rockstar Princess Queen etc etc etc. Apparently it is still embarrassing to include her full name, though I cannot fathom why this is? And I had no idea my … [Read more...]
Valley OTC Minutes
For posterity's sake. MINUTES VALLEY ORG OT COMMITTEE MEETING Sept 23, 2014 Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason. ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Avi Lonstein, Dean Glosup, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, Bob Brooks, Vered Ziv, Heelah Cohen, Linda Massey, Vera Seidler, Lauren Perreau, Chuck Jacobs, Kathy DiGalbo, Bobbi Kassowitz, Marty Kassowitz, Bob Welch, Ben Ghiora, Sue Kattoo, Jill Kirsch, … [Read more...]
Sheer Idiocy
This missed the deadline for Thursday Funnies, but it is just too insane to be let go. It tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about scientology today. The ONLY thing that is important is status. The ONLY thing that is offered is status. The ONLY thing they want is money. And even their phony made-up statuses, they will "discount" to try and get people to give more money now. You can ALSO be a Humanitarian With Knobs On -- but now you don't need to pay as much as the other people because we are more desperate. "For three days only, you can buy an authentic certificate to ha … [Read more...]
Valley Begging
Pleaaaaaasssseeeee.... We have to get "Under $8 million"... This has to be the single most intensely focused and persistent fundraising campaign in scientology history. In the home of the largest population of scientologists on earth. Supported by Bart Simpson's cash matching everything they can scrape together, and STILL they cannot make a dent -- they have MORE THAN $8 MILLION to raise before they even start "renovating" their white elephant. It is a sorry indictment of: a. The continuously and relentlessly flogged dead horses that are the LA scientology field b. The … [Read more...]
Seeking Information
I am seeking some information. Anyone who has experienced first-hand, or has personal knowledge of anything like this happening to another, please make yourself known in the comments section and I will email you at the address you provide as part of posting your comment. This exact scenario happened to one person, but I do not believe it is limited to this single instance. I believe that as the pressure to collect money (especially for ideal orgs) has grown, those held responsible for meeting the targets have become increasingly desperate. Here is the scenario: Person A "donates" … [Read more...]
SMP News
OK, here are some tidbits of interest from the Valley OTC meeting, focusing on the KCET Studios, combined with some information that has come in from several Special Correspondents. This facility has now assumed a new acronym -- SMP (Scientology Media Productions). It has fairly recently been integrated into the Int Liaison Office (a strange move when there has been NO CO ILO on post for some years, it is reported to be "held" by the CO CMO IXU). Part of SMP is Mad Hatter Studios -- Chick Corea's former recording studio that was purchased by Dear Leader as his handling for "getting … [Read more...]
Exclamation Overload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They only need another $148,000 and they can make it below 8 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 breathless emails sent out within a 24 hour period. Where do they find these incredibly unreal hyper-enthusiastic people? Unreal enthusiasm in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They put the Energizer bunny to shame for unrelenting energy -- but it's pretty much a dead heat in the IQ department. Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:05:51 -0700From: LA UNITED! … [Read more...]
Bryan Seymour did a piece on the nightly 7 news in Australia about the church misappropriating the term ANZAC. Some alert readers had picked up on my comments about it yesterday and made it known that there is a law in Australia that forbids the use of this term. Bryan contacted the Australian Government, who have now apparently launched an inquiry, and the head of the Retired Serviceman's League (RSL) who was outraged, as well as interviewing some people on the street. It confirmed what I had felt when I saw the promo piece originally, even though I haven't lived in Australia for 40 … [Read more...]
Library Campaign Still Being Flogged
Of course, there are ALWAYS one or more "campaigns" to get books into libraries. There have been plenty of reports of people subsequently checking the libraries and finding no or few books, return of books from numerous libraries and copies of still wrapped books on the "10 cent table" at library "get rid of the junk we don't want" sales. So, it is hardly a surprise to see a new campaign (this one has been sent out again recently even though it says they are shooting to have it "done for Maiden Voyage") for an old book that supposedly was ALREADY in all libraries around the world when it … [Read more...]