OK, so what are they doing down under? Things seem to have become a fundraising free for all. We have been seeing the "big push" on Auckland in New Zeland as the "next ideal org" and how everyone is in a big, happy, clusterfuck alliance to make it happen: Then Sydney gets in on the act because they haven't even been able to unload 500 "limited edition leatherbound Dianetics books" to get them "out of Non Existence." This does not make much sense when they have been an ideal org now for months and "everyone knows" that things go straight up and vertical the minute Dear … [Read more...]
Two More IAS Shills
Didn't L. Ron Hubbard say that auditors are the most valuable beings on the planet? So, why would an "on Source" scientologist who spent years training through CLASS VIII, be a full time reg for the IAS rather than a full time auditor? Does Kathy Feshbach have disagreements with LRH? These are the final two pages of the latest Impact magazine: And Kaye Champagne has clearly found a more lucrative job than selling rugs. Fundraising for "Ideal Orgs" and IAS. Doesn't anyone notice her pitch is about "planetary clearing" and that has absolutely nothing to do with the IA … [Read more...]
WTH Won The World Cup
Wonder what happened to this scheme? Funny how there is so much promotion to collect the money for the "what will happen" and then NO REPORT whatsoever after the fact. Of course, that is because there is NO RESULT. But it won't stop them for the next campaign to lighten people's wallets.... If they REALLY believed the WTH was going to be beneficial, why not at least just arrange to print them in Brazil for 5 cents a piece rather than trying to collect $1.50 per booklet from people in the US? Let alone the fact that the IAS could have printed a MILLION COPIES from the proceeds of … [Read more...]
More Ideal Org Fails
Following up on the recent post about Orlando some Special Correspondents sent in some information about other "ideal orgs" which I thought I would share. Boston The Boston Org has now had to move out of the building they have occupied for decades and into rented facilities because in typical "ideal org style" they completely screwed up their planning. A lot of money was spent to renovate the "old" org building and it was one of the nicest scientology orgs on earth location and building wise (not counting the marble palaces of late). Then the "ideal org" madness set in. To make a l … [Read more...]
Scientology: The Money Religion
Here we have the latest evidence of the state of the "church" of scientology and its descent into the worship of money. Of course, the ONLY thing anyone talks about in scientology these days is "donations" and "donator statuses" -- primarily to the IAS and Ideal Orgs, but also to numerous other lesser vampire entities that hang out in the dark cave that is the scientology world. It is what determines your status and your ability to negotiate the increasingly arbitrary "church ethics." But still, who would have ever contemplated a decade ago, let alone when the Freewinds was first … [Read more...]
There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute (most seem to end up as Scientology marks)
Hear ye, hear ye. Step right up. We need your money for a new scheme to clear the planet. Note well: this adds to but does not take away from the IAS, Ideal Orgs, LRH Hall, New Advanced Orgs, Books Into Libraries, CCHR, WTH Campaigns or the David Miscavige Birthday Fund -- each of which is THE solution to planetary clearing. It's the Campaign for a Scientology Global Media Center. Here is how it works: Miscavige buys a wacky building, tells everyone it's the "global media center" and then proceeds to demand money to "make it happen".... Never "dreamed of before"? Seriously? … [Read more...]
Blowing Smoke Up Valley’s Ass
Oh, the "impacting force" of it all... This document, though Quinn the Eskimo apparently doesn't realize it, is a scathing indictment of the scam that is the "ideal org" program. The building was purchased in April 2009. That is more than 5 years ago. Yet this is the highest priority, most urgent thing in the world of scientology. This is, according to Quinn, one of the most important "ideal" orgs on earth, just a couple of miles down the freeway from CSI, ASI, CC, PAC Bridge and Bridge Publications. This urgent, highest priority program that is so important to clearing earth, just … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Please, please, please come in. Pretty please. They will resort to anything to try and get people to come into their idle morgues.... Really? The Wobble. Cupid Shuffle. Teaching poker "moves"? Just like Ron says. Scientology v. Dudeism A Special Correspondent sent this in to me, she thought it was amusing, and so do I. Anyone who has ever seen The Big Lebowski will get the joke, but whether you have or haven't, the comparison to the scientology facebook page is pretty funny. Let's not forget church of scientology is on the "cutting edge of internet dissemination" … [Read more...]
If you have not seen the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, it is well worth watching. It's a look into the cold-hearted world of high-pressure sales. Could well be based on the IAS or any of the numerous other "regging" activities in the world of scientology. That there is even a "workshop" in a "church" that teaches "effective closing" is a pretty sad indictment of just how far afield this "church" has strayed. That they promote it to the general public and offer a free meal in order to entice people to attend is even sadder. … [Read more...]
The Most Deluded Valley Competition
The two "Valley" orgs seem to be competing for the title of "Most Deluded Valley": Silicon opens the bidding with an announcement that on 2 August, THEY will be announcing the beginning of world clearing. Wonder what all those other orgs that are telling people that they ARE Clearing the Planet think about this? Isn't every "ideal org" already clearing the planet for real? And so is Flag with Sooper Power.... These guys are a day (decade?) late and a lot of dollars short. But running neck and neck with them in the crazy stakes is the "valley girls" Valley: These guys have a … [Read more...]