Today's delusion. Writ large and shouted from the rooftops. A Wonderful Life? Seriously? This lady is not just drinking the KoolAid she has one of those ambulatory IV's mainlining it 24/7. What would the world be like if there was no IAS? Hi, Quite a few of the staff have been fortunate enough to watch at least some of our upcoming IAS event video. One-for-one everyone who has seen the event has been blown away by the truly unbelievable impact we are having in the fight against psychiatry, drugs, crime not to mention general well-being with the Way to Happiness. What has been … [Read more...]
Beggar’s Banquet At Flag
It's the MV Beggar's Banquet showing at Flag. And apparently everyone is in on the act to try to get the suckers to show and GIVE MONEY (and let us know you did so we can get the credit for it). Kevin True was a former RTC staff at Int who was busted and then sawed off some fingers on a table saw in the Gold garage when he was in the sleep-deprived zombie state of SO "deckies." Surprisingly, he has now made his way to being Solo Tech Services at Flag. More surprisingly, he is regging for the IAS? WTF? Solo Tech Services? It once again demonstrates that the ONLY pervasive activity of … [Read more...]
Some Church Fundraising Accounting
I assume this is a report about the fundraising event held at CC Int to raise money for Mario Fenninger. Ugh -- CC Int actually CHARGED the organizers for the use of their space -- for a "fundraiser." How typical of everything corporate scientology. Also goes to show -- they apparently failed to make up some statuses to "award" for giving money to this benefit, so they really didn't do too well. They also forgot to invite the Queen OT Empress Mayor Superstar Royal Highness of the Valley... Should have had her there guys. How silly of you. Also love the final gratuitous comment about … [Read more...]
They’re Blowing Smoke Up Valley
This is like witnessing a massive, LA wide circle jerk. Not only are the Valleygirls and boys engaging in their usual self-pleasuring, they are getting it from all sides. Jon Lundeen stroked them with this: "Valley is the most important Org in all of Scientology. It is the solution for the youth in Los Angeles. As an Ideal Org, it will deliver GAT2." And he called them "Magical Beings" ? (I guess one's magical ability as a being is in direct proportion to the size of the check you write to the church). Baseball fan and Captain AOLA, Cal Cole bestowed on them the coveted "All Star … [Read more...]
This Is An “Ideal Org”?
Mountain View is apparently doing the same thing as Valley and publishing a lit of names of hoped-for attendees at their Maiden Voyage events. It's a rather bizarre thing to do, but it affords an interesting insight into the state of the "ideal orhg" (or at least it would be if they had the money to renovate the building they bought at the end of the culd-de-sac in the industrial park behind the 15 wall adjacent to the 101 Freeway). Really, 150 people. This is not even the size of a decent mission. Why invest $20 million in getting a building for this tiny group of people? Because … [Read more...]
Howard Becker Finally Realizes He Has Been Dead
Well, it seems there is one good thing to come out of Super Power. Howard Becker has finally realized what everyone who has ever dealt with him already knew. He has been a dead thetan for 45 years. A zombie in an animated body (even though he completed all those OT levels and L Rundowns and Objectives a few times and Purif and read all the "Basics" and and and....) Unfortunately, I am quite certain that this "realization" will not result in any change in his persona. You get a clue to what this is all about as immediately after this "cognition" he vows to keep on gouging money for the IAS … [Read more...]
Nancy Cartwright Hit Up For Another $350,000
She who shall not be named coughs up another $350,000 for the Valley Ideal Org. You gotta admit, this is a pretty good thing they have going. Bart Simpson doesn't realize he is the biggest sucker in Springfield.... HE is turning over bucketloads of cash so someone else can invest it in THEIR real estate scheme based on the false promise that this "ideal org" is somehow going to do something that the current non-ideal org is not capable of doing because it is located in an expensive building. Apparently the approbation of titles like VALLEY SUPER ROCKSTAR OT GODDESS, is worth a chunk of … [Read more...]
Step Right Up!
They're pitching fiction books at Maiden Voyage. What is the theory behind this? The "church" celebrating the "25th Anniversary" of the Freewinds is pitching merchandise that has NOTHING to do with scientology. It makes three things clear: 1. They will ask for money for ANYTHING. Next year one of the MV 30th anniversary events (close enough) is going to be Dan Sherman doing a presentation on LRH gold panning days and there will be an "authentic replica" gold-diggers kit that everyone will be expected to buy to show how on source they are. 2. There is NO distinction made between … [Read more...]
A Selection Of Idiocy From The Bubble
With the hype machine now churning out emails by the minute promoting the wonders of the "MV Events" there are some interesting notes in a random selection of emails that arrived over the last few days. CC kicks things off with Dave Petit pretty much running a standard "party line" though I wonder if he feels especially stupid repeating the lie that this is the 25th Anniversary of the Maiden Voyage that occurred in 1988? So typical of scientology these days -- Dear Leader canceled MV last year as he wasn't ready with GAG II and when he cancels something it is canceled with authority. June … [Read more...]
First Ideal City
The rah-rah is reaching nutball levels in PAC -- promoting completing Valley org will make them the first "Ideal City"? How do they figure these things out? There are lot of cities that only have one org and it is "ideal" so arent they "ideal cities"? Or do they require more than one org (of course they do -- even 5 orgs in LA is not even scratching the surface). But you will hear the sheeple in London talking about how their ideal org is "going to Clear London" and the same in Melbourne and Joburg and everywhere else. They have long since considered themselves an "ideal city." Ah well, … [Read more...]