The selection of short, out-of-context LRH quotes is endemic in Radical Scientology promo materials. They need to somehow give the impression that what they are doing is based on LRH Policy. This is a struggle since any kind of fundraising other than selling services and books and meters was severely forbidden. This is a great example. Looking at this you would think that LRH is telling people to spend millions of dollars on new buildings. Read the promo and then read a next few sentences of the same policy. The actual policy states: By showing a good org mock-up, we … [Read more...]
Valley Of The Dulls
I guess Quinn Taufer's brilliant "Affluence Analysis" didn't really pan out. They went from a million dollars to $8,500. I would call that straight down and vertical. But never fear, because Kathy Heard reported that COB remarked "just get Valley done." So, of course, this is the command they will all follow. They remind me of the robot from Lost In Space but without his ability to say "that does not compute." Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 From: Valley Org <[email protected]>Subject: Valley OTC Minutes, Tuesday, June 24, 2014MINUTESVALLEY ORG OT COMMITTEE MEETINGJune 24, 2 … [Read more...]
Leis, Glowsticks, A Moose And A Gift From COB…
Just couldn't resist this. As the Special Correspondent who sent this to me commented "I think the Flag OTC have jumped the shark" The "execs" seated at the front wearing leis (someone went to Hawaii? or is this just MV=ship=islands=hula girls=leis level of stupidity) and glowsticks (planning a rave?) A "Special guest" to the Flag OT Committee meeting -- the "Ideal Org Moose Mascot." Moose? Because it's big and dumb and has an enormous appetite for anything green? But, most important of all: please show up on Sunday as all attendees will receive a "special gift from C … [Read more...]
“Elite Disseminator” Status
A Special Cortrespondent sent this in with the following comment: I read it because I was intrigued that there was someone out there working hard on dissemination. "Jim Seagrave achieves Elite Disseminator" got my attention. Having once brought in more than 50 totally new people one by one in a period of no more than six months I was impressed at this new title I hadn't heard of before. It soon went way downhill from there. I think this should be spread. It is truly sickening.Like everything else in the world of fundamentalist scientology, "disseminating" has morphed into a purchasable " … [Read more...]
“There Is To Be Highest Ever Fundraising”
Perhaps the boldest admission yet that "events" are merely chum in the water for the circling sharks. And the tone of this, commanding whoever it is addressed to, that "there IS to be highest ever fundraising" is pretty remarkable. I expect this is someone's (Quinn is that you?) idea of "Tone 40". Sort of reminds me of the Vikings or perhaps Genghis Khan "There is to be complete destruction and maximum rape, pillage and plunder. Nobody shall be spared." Those sharks just love to dine on clubbed seals. … [Read more...]
Valley Ideal Org — Only $11.1 Million Still Needed To Get Started
Quinn the Eskimo is baffling them with bullshit out there in the Valley. If you actually read what he says it is complete mumbo-jumbo "you have to be an Ideal Org to become one" Huh? He is really one mixed up dude. If he really wants to repeat his "successful actions" he should dispense with all the bs and simply come out and say it. To keep the affluence going, Nancy Cartwright and David Wilson BOTH need to cough up $550,000 a piece this week. They're not going to get it from anyone else. And if they just keep that up for a few more months (a million or so a week), the current … [Read more...]
Nancy Cartwright Gives Another $500,000 To Valley Ideal Org
How to raise a million dollars for another failed ideal org. Get $382,220 (odd number?) from crazy David Wilson (credit where credit is due; he DOES put his money where his mouth is -- just further proof how crazy he is) and $500,000 from "OUR ROYAL GUV, PRINCESS WARRIOR AND OFFICIAL VALLEY ROCKSTAR GODDESS." Just why is it that Nancy Cartwright is always referred to euphemistically? "The Honorary Mayor Of The Valley" etc etc etc? She is afraid to have her name associated with this nuttiness? Apparently so, in which case, why not just take her money and don't mention her at all? It's a … [Read more...]
Austin — IS Anyone Interested?
Seems the wheels have come off in Austin (not only....). You may recall I happened to be in Austin for the last big event they held. That one was the "Victory Grand Slam Event." And now this. I wonder if they even knew the XGames were in Austin over the past weekend -- 150,000 showed up to watch and the opening event was a mile away in front of the Texas State Capitol. Almost begging to ask if anyone is interested? But here is the real story. Their last massive fundraiser and "milestone announcement" (funny these milestones seem to happen at every event) was in fact a bomb. And here is the … [Read more...]
What Would Ron Do?
I assume Tampa considers itself "on Source." I would be quite certain, that like all good scientologists are supposed to do, they often think to themselves: "What Would Ron Do?" After reading this, I am pretty sure I know what he would do: declare the "executives" of this org Fair Game and instruct Sea Org members to use R2-45 and reverse processes on them. He ranted for YEARS about "businesses on the backs of orgs" and "scientologists getting rich off org public" and these were not "criminals" (his word) charging $170 to do a seminar in the org giving their version of LRH tech -- pr … [Read more...]
A Nice Change For A Change
A Special Correspondent just sent this to me. I found it interesting and somewhat heartening. If you read the message you will see that it does not come from the IAS Vultures but is asking for money to go directly to the OTL Central Europe to buy water, canned food, diapers and rubber boots. No pitch about distributing soggy copies of WTH or "we are going to train everyone on how to do nerve assists". If someone gives money for this, it might actually be spent on something useful. About time someone at least made an effort to appear to be doing the right thing. Good for OTL CEE. … [Read more...]