This stuff rolls in the door daily from Special Correspondents and there is just too much of it to publish. Much of it is same old, same old. These three came in just now and each has something a little special about it, particularly the last one. So I figured I would spread the word from Loony Tunes land. The Biggest Global Impact Ever Event Date: Sat, 17 May 2014From: Joel Morris <[email protected]>To: [email protected]: [OTC-Mail] FW: from Sara- Save the DateDear OTCers,Join us on Friday, May 30th for "The Biggest Global Impact Ever Event"!Now that we have … [Read more...]
Quinn The Eskimo
Oh boy, where to begin? No comment on this guy's literacy level. But it still amazes me when I see it. 9 YEARS they have been doing "the fundraise" OMG that is a LOOOOONG time. No wonder the poor Valley are all wore out... You gotta love the LRH quote this guys pulls out of his butt and somehow twists into "so let's all hold hands and agree to turn over our money in one big orgasmic leap of faith." But it only gets better. Because now you know that standard tech delivered in a non-ideal org is just NOT KSW and thus the rate of expansion is hindered. Quinn, did you ever ask … [Read more...]
It’s “Damagingly Commercial” – LRH
A Special Correspondent sent this to me and it is an interesting study for a couple of reasons. First -- you can see the contempt LRH had for The Auditor being "damagingly commercial" and "putting emphasis on speed through courses." How do you think he would view the current scene in scientology? The statements made in this Auditor are positively pathetic compared to what is said today about the "speed up the Bridge" and with GAT II ESPECIALLY focused on the "speed of training." But even worse, commercialism pervades EVERYTHING in scientology these days -- it is ALL about the m … [Read more...]
The Pitch Goes On
Here is something truly gag-worthy. As with virtually everything else that emanates from the Vulture Culture of Scientology, it is a pitch for money. And as with everything else, it contains many flat out lies as well as complete unreality on the state of scientology and the world in which it exists. These people don't just have tin ears, they also have hallucinogenic vision and speak in tongues. Kind of messed up for those who supposedly can hone all 57 perceptics to razor sharpness. This promo piece would be like the Catholic Church asking for donations for their international … [Read more...]
Peace In The Middle East Is Impossible Unless You Give Us Money. Now.
How very timely. After posting yesterday about the church and IAS not supporting Criminon in any way, this drops down the chimney from one of our Special Correspondents. Apparently, the IAS has gone missing in this endeavor too -- until it comes time for the IAS event and scraping together some videos and maybe even a medal winner, in which case handing out WTH booklets in Israel and on the West Bank will become another "monumental IAS accomplishment." To fund their activities, the WTHappinessers have formed their OWN "membership organization," because you just cannot have too many of them … [Read more...]
The IAS “Benefits All 8 Dynamics”
The cliches just keep rolling out. And apparently the meaningless drivel is accepted by the sheeple as somehow coherent and believable. These sort of emails and promotional pitches offer an interesting insight into the warped world inside the bubble. If you read Shaked's latest missive just as it is written, you will see there is not a single specific about anything, just sweeping generalities about final rewards and walking free. Can the intelligence quotient of fundamentalist scientologists really have descended to levels where this sort of babble is acceptable? It seems hard to … [Read more...]
“Iconic” Events
They are not going to have any real news for the Maiden Voyage -- just a lone ribbon yanking from Sydney. So, the call has gone out for EVERY ORG to do an "iconic" or ironic"? event.... Even the ALREADY "ideal orgs"-- because these are virtually all the "big" orgs so there would not be much left to show if they are not included, but I wonder what sort of "iconic" event they are going to do in Pretoria or Portland or Nashville where they have tapped out everyone and are left with completely empty "ideal" orgs? Maybe they should hold an event that is "iconic" to the RCS. They can all dress … [Read more...]
Ideal Vulturing
A Special Correspondent sent this in as a comment on the latest blog post, but I thought it deserved a bit more attention. I received this from Jeremy Arezzini, Portland Ideal org fundraiser and long time Registrar at Portland CC then Portland Org, also the guy who donated 1 million to Valley (?) ideal org, in their promo of a few months ago. I don’t know how a staff member came up with a million bucks to donate, besides his commissions from ideal org fundraising (?) Subject: Important Personal Comm From Jeremy Arezzini! Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:52:05 - … [Read more...]
Vulture Culture Trickle Down
The Vulture Culture is spreading its wings and trickling down to the lowest levels of the hierarchy. "Give us your money and we will bestow a corny status on you" is the flavor of the month. Even getting a grant is ground for begging for money.... Boris Levitsky? Returned from the grave? Dear Scientologist: CCHR OC recently received a grant from Google in the amount of $10,000 per month worth of Pay Per Click Advertising to be used in our Orange County anti-psych campaigns. This Grant will go a long way in helping Orange County residents … [Read more...]
Ideal Golf — The New Route To Spiritual Satisfaction
Really? What next, ideal teeth brushing? Ideal garbage collection? Ideal ideals? Or maybe this is a pilot for a new rundown -- a round of Texas Scramble apparently generates "spiritual satisfaction!!" Could this be the new "Cause Re-resurgence Rundown"? OT IX? Duffers unite -- you can now attain spiritual salvation for the small cost of a round of golf. And every par hole moves you a step closer to the top of the bridge (henceforth to be called the Spiritual Leaderboard). Oi vey. … [Read more...]