Some Sunday morning Rah-rah to brighten up your day. I sometimes wonder how these people keep going. "Enthusing" the same old weary "donators" and trying to paint a good face on everything. And of course, in typical Vulture Culture style. after YEARS of fundraising and false promises about "gettin' 'er done" and endless planning as to how they are going to turn this building at the end of a cul de sac in an industrial park, they have now discovered they need MORE MONEY. The millions they have already raised (just look at the endless stream of promo from "iDeal SiliCon Valley" and their … [Read more...]
GAG II Is Built Right Into The Brick And Steel
Things are really rocking in the WUS! At least they are if you buy into their self-congratulatory hype.... Some of this stuff is just priceless. The Austin Org has been located right across the street from the University of Texas for DECADES. Can these people really think that if they put nice furniture and install a bunch of FART Div 6 displays it is somehow going to magically take off? This is "Ideal Think" (a new sort of debilitating mental illness that CCHR is doing NOTHING about) to the last stop of the crazy train. Usually the hype is about how they are going to open a "new ideal org" … [Read more...]
Way To Happiness Is Saving A Small Town In Ukraine… Sort Of… Not Really… Not
OK, so the truth is outing now. New Era had a surplus of DVDs, so they are shipping them instead of booklets. That's a bit strange, as every request for money has been to ship "booklets" and to buy "bundles" at no discount.... Now, the "success" is coming from "DVD's" -- but really there is NOTHING to show for this except a couple of anecdotes from the always unnamed "officials" and "teachers" who "like it" and "want to use it"... And isnt it strange that the majority of distribution has been "primarily in the Crimea region" (factually, no longer a "region" of Ukraine) and yet they could … [Read more...]
Golden Age Of Fundraising
Now that the Garcia's have forced the opening of the SP Building, they are moving on to new false promises of what will accomplish planetary clearing. This time, it is the "LRH Hall." But note the admission about the "success" of the SP Building and the people "pouring in" from "all over the world" for GAG II ...comparatively, this is still a trickle that will soon reach epic flood proportions. You just have to wonder WHEN any of these future epic floods and planetary clearing juggernauts ever come to pass? Don't these people notice? And now The Next Big Thing is that you have to give us … [Read more...]
Random OT Committee Stork Mail
These random hushmails arrive down the chimney and I dont always have time to even read them. But eventually I publish them as a matter of record as they contain a useful history of the shrinking of the bubble. The panic has really set in at Flag -- he is at the OTC meeting handing out lists of local BUSINESSES and the OTC members are responsible for getting them to get their staff in and onto courses or auditing. This email needs to be preserved if only for this reason -- as evidence in the next lawsuit filed by an employee of a business that is forced to do Scientology as a condition of … [Read more...]
Solve It With Scientology
A lesson from the rewritten history of the Church of Scientology. Truly a blast from the past and a sort of time capsule into how things were 25 years ago before the Vulture Culture became the order of the day. People talk about the "good old days." Others sometimes comment that there were no "good old days" because everything was always bad because everything sprang from the evil mind of L. Ron Hubbard. Well, this makes for interesting reading, as it is evidence that at least one thing about the church really HAS changed dramatically, and it is not because of what LRH wrote. Back in the 7 … [Read more...]
The Golden Age of Fundraising
I think this guy may already have attended Laurie Websters special course on how to fundraise (as opposed to reg). His letter is chockablock with cookie-cutter "save the whales/children/environment/old people" fundraising promotion that appears to have been taken from some sort of fill-in-your-name-here text. If you cannot be bothered reading the whole thing, at least go to the last page. If you just want to see some of the highlights, look at the sections circled in red.... And just as a note, the furniture they are to purchase is dictated to them. They are not making "bulk purchases" -- … [Read more...]
Secret OTC Minutes
Well, the hushmail stork keeps dropping OTC reports down the chimney. I am having a hard time keeping up with them all. And I dont have a lot of time this morning to sift through and comment on each of them. But I am sure there are plenty of readers who will highlight the strangenesses from inside the bubble. I made a couple of brief notes from glancing at these. Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 From: Flag OT Committee <[email protected]>Subject: Message of the Week & 24 March 2014 Meeting Minutes Flag OT Committee Meeting Minutes24 March 2014 Kaye Champagne, Chairman w … [Read more...]
The Route Out or the Road to Nowhere?
A brief study and dissection of Miscavamatics and Shermanspeak on a public website. The "PR tech" employed for internal public is also being rolled out for external publics. by Special Correspondent Richard Lloyd Roberts I recently stumbled on the website via Facebook. Sounding familiar and somewhat Scientology slanted my curiosity was peaked and so I decided to see what The Route Out was. I noticed that some of the likes were of Scientologist's that have not unfriended me yet. Here's the basic premise of the site and some quotes from the site. (Quotes from w … [Read more...]
The Latest “Catalyst For Planetary Clearing”
Things in the world of perpetual money-grubbing move along at a rapid clip, with a new story every week (it's tough when you have to keep asking the same people over and over). As a result there is hyperinflation of the hype with each new story more over-the-top than the last one. For 20 years the cry was to give us your money because Super Power is going to make planetary clearing a reality. Never mind the same thing was said about GAT I, The Basics, the Golden Age of Knowledge, Ideal Orgs, The International Dissemination Center, BPI, the purchase of KCET, ads on the Super Bowl and the … [Read more...]