This really requires no comment. The radical church of scientology has reached its final goal. People who think that giving money to buy buildings is as good as auditing. And of course, thanks to Mr. Miscavige for making this possible and keeping us Scientologists working for him. Amazing the things the RCS puts out. Their own statements are so damning. They have completely lost touch with the reality of the outside world. It seems they are oblivious to how utterly absurd and laughable they are. … [Read more...]
Flag OTC And IAS Take Credit For Narconon Nepal
Interesting how the stories change depending on circumstances. Of course, any Narconon that is in trouble (Georgia, Arrowhead, Nevada etc) goes to enormous lengths to assert that the church has NO involvement. But when it comes time to ask for money, it's just one big happy family. It is also a little strange that opening a Narconon last September is all that she Mrs. Feshbach (IAS cheerleader du jour) can cite as tangible results of their hard earned money? Why no report on the hurricane? Or the "massive" relief effort in Italy? Or ANYTHING other than a building opened 6 months ago that … [Read more...]
The Good, The Bad, The Really Ugly
What an odd catchphrase, substituting "Ideal" for "Ugly".... They must think this is something brilliant as they have a whole campaign based on this slogan.... But the third one here is jaw-dropping. Taking money from a 10 year old? And promoting it? Tells you how warped one's view becomes inside the bubble. That left me almost wordless. That SHOULD be titled, The Good, The Bad, The Really Ugly. Oh, how sad. … [Read more...]
Johnny Spag Hypes It Up
Here is the text of an email sent out by John Spagnola to as many people as he could. Of course, though he claims this is all "Fully funded" by the "US Army" he is asking for "donations" for "additional expenses." What a shock... Dear Friends, The Purification Detoxification Program just got a full okay from the US Army to move ahead and do an official medical pilot by applying this technology to Veterans! And it is funded by the US Army!!! I'm working on the Veterans purification detox project below and wanted to know if you were aware of any veterans who still had adverse effects that … [Read more...]
The Scam Rolls On — The LRH Hall and Museum
Captain Miscavige's Mecca is open. And now the next chapter begins. Obviously He can't let the demand for money slow down. Time for a new gimmick. So after collecting an estimated $300 million for a building that was supposed to cost $40 million (though now they are claiming it cost $260 million which is a staggering $800+sq/ft if it is really 300,000 sq ft), of course there is no money to build the "LRH Hall". The figure of $260 million now being floated is probably some attempt to counter the Garcia lawsuit -- "proving" they did need all that money, though the records of the expenditures … [Read more...]
Scientology Fundraising Techniques- Use of “Shills”
(Article By Special Correspondent) Recently I received a copy of the Scientology Seattle Ideal Org Building Fundraising Hat Write-Up By Mark Arnold, the Executive Director for Seattle Day. You can see the full write up here. Most of it is a detailed and complex structure for milking every possible penny from Scientologists in the local area. He confirms that 10% commissions are paid on funds raised and also makes it clear that materials written by L Ron Hubbard are not the important references - the core reference for the fundraising is a book called ASKING by Jerold Panas which he refers to … [Read more...]
You Can Now Buy A “Friend Of Ronship”
Lauri Webster is back hunting the dwindling number of whales they have not yet harpooned and slaughtered for their blubber. Tony Ortega mentioned the launch of the new Lauri Webster fundraising this morning on his blog with a copy of a letter (several people also sent copies of the same letter to me). But I also received another communication containing some further specifics on what the "Super Power" people are now up to. Here is what Lauri had to say: Your help has most definitely accelerated Scientology's speed of expansion!!! And now we have officially launched the next phase to … [Read more...]
Buy Yourself a Heroship
Things are degenerating quickly inside the bubble. How many more "statuses" can they come up with to use to beg for money? I wonder if these people are going to be presented with red tights and cape? They could then really show off their new found hero status.... Scientology is positioning itself as the comic book religion. Though in the UK at least, there are more people that identify their religion as "Jedi" than there are "Scientologist" so they need to get moving with their straight up and vertical expansion. Hello! We have a special, New Years Event Only, st … [Read more...]
Begging For Staff Christmas Bonuses
This is really quite sad. Apart from exclamation compulsive disorder, this is an IDEAL ORG. One of the big, prominent ones (as opposed to say Cambridge or Malmo or Nashville or LV or Dallas or Padova or Brussels etc etc). It is worth 3 exclamation points that they have 12 scheduled to start GAG II. OMG. Twelve SCHEDULED. I guess they are going to pack out those courserooms built to hold 500 students.... And there are "several people" playing the game to get "5 starts." That is iumpressive. But the really sad part is the begging to please give us money so we can get paid because "he (LRH … [Read more...]
Sell Sell Sell Those Warehouse VIIIs
Predictably, the heavy sales demand is rolling out now on the Warehouse VIII. The middle of the night calls... The regges banging on your door.... The endless emails... Every staff member in every org "selling"... Wonder how long it will be before someone comes up with a "donations" campaign so they can sell more than 2 to the whales? But there is good news -- if your org sells 100 meters (15,000 divided by 150 orgs -- 5,000 for initial sales at FSO and SO Orgs) before the end of the year, you get a box of goodies to SHARE amongst all the staff AND it is wrapped in silver paper! B … [Read more...]