Once again, Voldemort was a no-show at Graduation last night. Of course, the blind being led by the blindest explain this away with "He is so busy working to get everything right. You know how important this is and it has to be right because this is critical to the agonized future of every man, woman and child in this sector of the universe..." Perfection is the hallmark of "COB" -- so is never completing anything because it's not yet "perfect." But while the hypnotized and marching in lockstep, there are rumblings from an increasing number who are seeing this for what it really is -- an … [Read more...]
Jennifer Charm-Jacobsen Lacks Charm
Another one of those "unauthorized" emails. I guess the message didn't get out internally. This woman is misnamed. She is about as charming as a scorpion with 6 broken legs. Wouldn't want to run into her in a dark alley on a rainy night. There is some serious make-wrong happening here, and she is not in the least bit apologetic about it either. It gives you some idea of the heat these people are under. And the contempt they have for "the field." And the ingrained attitude of "you OWE us your support." And finally, all the way down the org board, it once again reinforces the main line … [Read more...]
Monitored By Miscavige
I have a bit of a backlog of material that has been sent in by our Special Correspondents. Thanks to everyone who sends in reports and information, if I don't always get to it, please don't stop sending it. I believe it is valuable for the internal activities of the RCS to be made public, and to some extent their fear of people knowing what they are doing is causing them to withdraw even further. ID cards for events. Clampdowns on emails. Worry about who sees what on Facebook. Hardly the program that is going to get new people interested. So, some are being saved from the bankruptcy and abuse … [Read more...]
Genius: Handle US Govt. Shutdown by Mailing Congressmen LRH Encyclopedia
Those genius beggars are at it again. This time the bright idea is to cash in on the government shutdown in the US. Literally ANY excuse will do. I am sure US Congressmen are waiting with bated breath for an "encyclopedia" about L. Ron Hubbard to help them resolve the funding of the government. I doubt there is a single word in any of these volumes that addresses anything at all relevant. They are hagiographies of the life of L. Ron Hubbard. Arguably Patrick should be promoting to send them OEC Vol 3 -- but that's no longer available because the OEC by Miscavige decree is "flawed" and … [Read more...]
FSM Wacky Maximus Title Fight: Wilson v. Smith
A little humor to start the week. Battle has been joined. Another crazy email clearly signals David Wilson is determined to wrest the crown of FSM Wacky Maximus from Mike Smith. While Smith has had no challengers to his undisputed title for over a year, Wilson is quickly making a name for himself in the status stakes. This is a battle for the ages and the prize has never been higher -- the entire future of mankind and this planet hangs in the balance. And these two titans of titillation are not taking that lightly. Wilson is a strong challenger. Logic doesn't reside in his corner, but he m … [Read more...]
Tortured Quotes
The torturing of LRH quotes has reached its nadir. Is this guy really using this quote about "contributors in terms of thought and effort" to justify asking for money and getting it for "Ideal Orgs"? Yes, he is. Taufer Torture.... Add to George Orwell's famous 1984 quotes this one: "Thought is MEST" From: United for an Ideal LA! [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 1:32 AMTo: [email protected]: A comm from Quinn Dear Valley Supporters, LRH states in HCO PL 27 May 1971, SERVICE: "Any existing organization or civilization is t … [Read more...]
More Scientology Fail
After more than THIRTY YEARS, they STILL aren't close to their target of 10,000 onto (or through) OT VII. And believe me, this "6300" INCLUDES anyone on or through OT VII that is READING THIS BLOG. Also everyone who has dropped their body. Or who is a "Black Tag" (ie "off the level"). This 6300 also includes all Sea Org members who have made it through OT VI by some miracle (though in 30 years, if anyone cared, every SO member on earth could have been gotten up to OT VII and according to the PR statements of the church there are more than 5000 Sea Org members). Of course, nobody in the … [Read more...]
Scientology Disaster Capitalism
Scientology Kool Aid drinkers prove once again they have absolutely no shame. Any disaster is a good enough reason to insist on taking your money. The church of Scientology LOVES a good shooting or natural cataclysm. Great photo opportunities to send some ringers and a camera crew out, but even better for fundraising "you have to give us money now so we can help the _____ people of ______" (all that money buys is the camera crew, the rest goes to commissions and "reserves"). But Scientology Disaster Capitalism has a new twist. It's not just a good sell for handing over money to the IAS, now … [Read more...]
More On The Vulture Culture Revisited
My apologies for being somewhat out of touch on the blog over the last little while. I have been attending to some business. I was looking for something tonight for another reason and came across this post I did on Marty Rathbun's blog in November 2011. I thought it very relevant to much that has been said of late and so I am republishing it here for any who may not have read it back at that time. The use of the term "POB" in here was understood by the blog readers at the time to be "Pope on a Box" a reference to the fact that Miscavige uses an "apple box" to make him appear taller (an apple … [Read more...]
DK Ideal Org “Indispensable”
This begging from Denmark is a little bit old now due to intervening events. Apart from the nuttiness of ABLE and WISE EU both doing Ideal Pimping (and it further demonstrates that if Miscavige decides that something is important, every single person in the RCS will follow along like he is the Pied Piper of Hamlin no matter where they are being led) there is the reappearance of Carol Nolan. The former D/CO Internal OSA International was last seen rah-rahing the worn out Torontonians promised them that their Ideal Org was right around the corner. What happened to Toronto? Of course, they h … [Read more...]