We have all seen some crazy "Letter Reg" letters emanating from the bowels of scientology over the years, but I think this one has to take the cake. The foolish letters are based on Hubbard's brilliant administrative "technology" which is laid out in stone. Every executive in scientology knows this quote -- published in ALL CAPS: GROSS INCOME SENIOR DATUM THE SIZE NOT THE QUALITY OF AN ORG'S MAILING LIST AND THE NUMBER OF MAILINGS AND LETTERS TO IT DETERMINES THE GROSS INCOME OF AN ORG. IF THIS IS NOT KNOWN AS A SENIOR DATUM TO EXEC SECS AND KEPT IN BY THEM THEIR CONDITION IS … [Read more...]
Scientology and COVID-19
You may have seen this pitch and others on Tony's site and social media. Flaunting government guidelines recommending no gatherings of more than 10 people, scientology instead uses the pandemic as a reason to encourage people to COME IN TO THE ORG. It's batshit crazy. Take a read and I will then try to explain the madness from a scientology perspective. Admittedly, that one was before the stricter requirements for social distancing were in force in California, but then, after the Governor ordered that everyone stay in their homes, this one came in: A combination of … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
On the road again... Mystery ailments and a mystery cure. Who said scientology doesn't cure physical conditions? She can drive again! This quote is not about joining staff... Typical, they can't even get their quotes from Ron right Talking Half-Heads? What happened here? Another young life wasted... But she was an employee of Grant Cardone, so it's not a whole lot different. She just won't have as much free time or money. This is all they could muster? A CLO, an AOSH and an Ideal Org and the best shots they … [Read more...]
The L. Ron Hubbard Hall Money Making Machine
Scientology is still hard at it, raising money for the completely superfluous auditorium they say they are going to construct next to the Super Power building. And they are sending out new promotional pieces about it at an increasing rate. This is a very recent fundraising letter and there is also a whole magazine devoted to the subject: This is the cover of the mag... It is a strain for them to come up with reasons why anyone should be giving money to such a boondoggle. That this is going to be an event hall "large enough to hold every international … [Read more...]
Your Goals and Purposes in Scientology
One of our faithful readers sent me this promo piece with a bit of background that illustrates the inherent dishonesty that is part and parcel of being involved in trying to sell scientology... Hi Mike, Every New Year's our org would promote that they were having a New Year's Admin scale workshop. I dodged it for years and one year I found myself really in need of a new look at my business to just inspire me to start the new year. So I called the person planning and I said if I go to this thing I want to do a admin scale for my business not for the ideal org or whatever. She said oh … [Read more...]
What Those IAS Billions Buy
Back in October Tony Ortega's article about Nancy Cartwright highlighted how much money people give to the IAS. More recently Tracey McManus got Bob Duggan on the phone and he informed her that the Forbes information stating he had given $360 million to scientology was in fact considerably on the low side, that is was "much more" (half a billion maybe?) Scientology constantly claims that this money is used for all their social betterment programs around the world -- it is their standard plea for more money "we need to do more good." But how much good does this money actually do? Simply … [Read more...]
California Not Done Sir
After enormous hype and hoopla, the big "Put a Bow On It" "California Done Sir" event is over. And in typical scientology style, there are a lot of claims of "we ARE doing it" but the fact is, they are NOT DONE still. All of California has "united" to get the "final" org in California to "ideal" and the demands for money are apparently never-ending. This is the announcement they sent out to let everyone know that it was a "huge success" -- even though it was NOT what was promised. They still didn't complete it and still haven't been able to say "Done Sir" though this was … [Read more...]
Where is the IAS? Part 4,764
OK, where is the IAS for the 4,764th time? They always claim that the "CCHR campaigns" are "what your donations buy." Really? How come CCHR is always fundraising? And can't even put up a billboard? Not even 10% of their goal raised in 6 months. Don't you clubbed seals see what is happening? Are you really this blind? By the way, CCHR, the "Billboard Babes" managed to get a billboard UP in a matter of weeks.... … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Don't worry, you will... Many times Seriously? Next. Ideal Survivor -- where the last person to resist the regges wins. I bet this will be a lot of fun for the family. Get the kids up there pledging their piggy banks. How about an ideal uniform Or at least a clean one. The Chan Man is back Along with Raffy the Rascal. A pair of grifters of the first order. Yeah, scientology will do that to you... Delude you into thinking you have the solutions. Funny how nothing was actually resolved. Just that she thinks they're "not … [Read more...]
Meet Your IAS Fundraiser
There is really nothing else to say about this other than “Shame on you scientology.” We often mention the concept of big thetans in small bodies, but this is a despicable low. A modern day Oliver Twist with the IAS Reg at Kyalami Castle adopting the role of Fagin. And it seems to be business as usual.... … [Read more...]