Our old friend Terra Cognita has returned with another thought-provoking commentary. Scientology Celeb Tag Team – Friendship in Scientology Our good friends the Johnson’s (not their real names) show me an example I’ll never forget of more bright ideas in the church. Many years ago Lallie Johnson went to Flag. She said to me before she went, she was afraid that her tiny inheritance from her mom would vaporize. She was worried and looking to me to buck her up. I wondered how to help her and not get written up. I told her, “you’re not required to tell them that you got an inherit … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Distinguished Speakers... Who cannot be named. You can bet this turnout is going to be YUGE. It's Monumental And it's from 10 years ago! And you know what the "next strategy" is that is going to be revealed? We need more of your money. Should be even YUGER... Flag public are going to be being harassed to attend this mercilessly. Some will show up to help keep Ethics and Regges at bay. Still, if they have 200 people it would be a miracle. Your Ideal Scene Well, I can imagine a few them would be thinking "how about … [Read more...]
IAS Lies Exposed, Again
Here is the hype from the IAS: So, you see, the IAS takes credit for this program "reaching over 200 million people per year." They make a big show of "sponsoring the distribution of 500,000 booklets at the Super Bowl". But this is a lie. The number of people distributing the booklets, according to their photo, was about 25 (that is all they could muster in a city with an "ideal" org??) - including children. That is 20,000 booklets per person. Even someone with Super Powers or who was complete cause over life from running around a pole couldn't manage that. This is also how they come … [Read more...]
Scientology Financial Crimes, New Zealand Edition
Can you imagine the level of unethical loan activities that must be going on in this "ideal" org to elicit a Facebook posting like this? And can you imagine the trouble Jessica F S Brown has landed herself in by daring to quote L. Ron Hubbard to prove someone(s) in the "ideal org" in Auckland are acting improperly? And there are people responding on FB -- they had better be prepared to hand over some more cash in order to keep the Ethics Officer at bay... Well Well, it didnt take long. Since I wrote this post (but before it was published) this FB message … [Read more...]
Credit Card to Spiritual Freedom
Though perhaps not financial freedom... Unfortunately, things like this are all too common in scientology. People become desperate to achieve what they have been promised they will get when they reach the "next level." They are convinced to believe there is some magical result achievable right around the next corner. Why would anyone in their right mind offer 10 -12% interest for a 3 month loan? Of course, nobody in their right mind would do so. This is a self-proving truth about scientology. Could anyone have any confidence in getting their money back from someone who apparently … [Read more...]
Money, Money, Money
THIS is what scientology is all about. Getting your money. And the photo above shows just how brazen they are. They don't even pretend these days to be about "helping you" or "moving you up the Bridge". It is ALL about getting your money. And then to try to attract new people, they offer courses on "how to make money." These are available for scientologists too. If anyone does learn anything from these courses and does make more money, scientology figures it's a win, win, as they can then get that money. Scientology has proclaimed to the Supreme Court of the US and the IRS that they … [Read more...]
It’s Only the Money
Well, this is as blatant as it gets. The "OT Committee", according to Hubbard policy is to help orgs expand and get people onto and up the bridge. That is apparently "old" "tech". Nowadays their role is to exclusively collect money. And that about sums up the state of scientology today. After sending out the above, the next notification is this: Well, let me take one guess as to what this "new" program consists of... Nothing to do with getting money of course. … [Read more...]
Make More Money (So We Can Take It)
Scientology, neatly summarized in poster form. The world of scientology revolves around money. Scientology organizations rape and pillage to get their hands on every dollar possible. Individual scientologists constantly struggle to hang onto enough that is not sucked into the religious vacuum cleaner to be able to live. Then a few of the money-worshippers actually make THEIR money by convincing other scientologists to pay them for telling them how to make enough money to survive. It's like the old illustration of the little fish being eaten by the bigger fish … [Read more...]
More Ideal Org Idiocy
Some of the claims made about Ideal Orgs defy belief. Even for a cynical bitter defrocked apostate on the fringes of the internet. This is the latest fundraising pitch for the Detroit ideal org. Detroit org has been there for half a century (perhaps more?) and it has created absolutely NO impact. They admit nobody in Detroit even knows what scientology is. They probably know the word and the information from the internet and The Aftermath and Going Clear -- but in the minds of scientologists that means they don't know what scientology REALLY is. They are only aware of the … [Read more...]
Journey with Ron
This promotional item was distributed some time ago, I am just getting around to publishing it. Scientology continues to try to raise money for the "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" -- another white elephant that will eventually be paid for by "Sea Org Reserves" as a means of using excess accumulation of funds. But it will be milked for everything possible until then. It is interesting that scientology has continued to use the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, a venue that seats 2300, for nearly 3 decades. No graduating to larger venues to handle the massive growth and increases in scientologists in … [Read more...]